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Of Stained Lips and Shattered Minds (hal7283 x akiravadel) (18+)


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Vincent smiled as he watched Heero taking off his clothes. While he wasn't quite certain what OMEGA wanted to achieve ordering Heero to remain naked at all times, he found the idea of the man going on his daily life butt naked to be quite amusing, and arousing as well. But of course what was happening in front of him right at that moment was more appetizing, seeing the man preparing his ass rather handily with his fingers, clearly have gotten used to the act from the whole week, and his cock was already rock hard from the arousal. Vincent stared at his screen and didn't even blink as Heero inserted the lewd toy inside himself. Even though Heero wasn't the most expressive person, having seen the man in his most vulnerable state for a whole week Vincent became rather good at reading the subtle changes of the man's expressions, and he could tell that the feeling of the toy was alien to him.


With a chuckle Vincent said: "It's a little cold I assume? Don't worry your body will warm the little thing up in no time. You've learned how to pleasure yourself from behind already, and this dildo would make it much easier." He hesitated for a moment as he heard OMEGA's command, but quickly he continued: "Just in case you still feel uncomfortable about the toy, here's something to help you out."


Moments latter the the window showing Vincent's side's footage flicker to life, though it was only showing Vincent's groin. On the screen Heero would be able to see a close up of a hard erection throbbing and twitching and gripped by a strong looking hand. Vincent continued: "Imagine it's this inside of you instead of that toy. Imagine that you're pleasuring your master with your ass. Impress me slave. Put on a good show for your master."

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Looking to the screen Heero's eyes dilated as he took in everything he was allowed to see. Judging from this man's hand and legs alone here could see he was built. His hand looked rough like a working man or ex soldier. Rough hands like his. Lastly his cock was a bit larger than his own but the details were lost on the screen.


Moving the toy inside himself he imagined it moving inside him and that only made him shudder more. Would they really meet? Would he really bend him over and take him? His cock drooled at the idea, so his body seemed keen on the idea. Angling the toy up he started thrusting it against his prostate. He felt like he might be able to eventually cum without touching his cock and that thrilled him.

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Vincent enjoyed the show Heero was putting and pumped his cock to it. There was something about the former pilot he just couldn't get enough of, and he would like nothing more than actually meeting the man in person and ram his cock down that slut's ass. After a chuckle he said: "Since you only need one hand to hold that dildo, how about we find something else to do with your free hand? Take your nipple between your fingers and start playing with it. Rubbing, pinching, pressing, change it up from time to time. It will make the whole thing a lot more enjoyable. Remember, tell me how everything feels."

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It was so much easier to talk to a camera, with his Master actually talking to him it was really distracting. Moaning softly he shifted slightly and kept moving the toy inside himself. His other hand came to his chest to start gently pinching his nipple and at first it felt really strange to him. Did men just not have sensitive nipples? He played with it for a while, " it feels weird master... Like a dull ache... I'm not sure."


Tilting his head back he switched hands and decided that hand did it better, "this hand is... Better... It feels tingly and good..." Heero suddenly stopped moving the toy inside him and gasped good body tending for a moment but then finally relaxed. "I-I'm sorry master... I almost came... That was out of nowhere..."

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Vincent chuckled when he heard Heero describing how it felt when he was playing with his nipple and said: "Well... not all men find nipple play pleasurable, just like not all men find prostate stimulation pleasurable. But I am fully confident that you will. After all, you pretty much got pleasure from your ass the first time you play with it. It won't surprise me that you'll get to enjoy your nipples soon enough." He watched as Heero changed hands to better play with himself, and just as he expected, Heero began to enjoy the feeling, so much so that he almost came!


"As I thought! You're natural at this!" Vincent laughed joyfully and said: "You're born to obey, born to feel pleasure, born to be a the Perfect Slave as you claim to be! Follow my command and you'll be able to feel more, so much more! Now pick up the pace, fuck yourself faster. Harder! I want to see you cum and spill your filthy cum all over yourself!"

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Looking up at the screen he studied what little of the man he could see again. Was that a shadow or a freckle on the side of his penis? He'd have to check at some point. So far he liked this man's voice, his body looked to be in shape, he sounded within ten years around his age which was fine, and he praised him in such a nice way, "thank you Master."


Thrusting the toy inside himself his finger toyed with his nipple and he felt it build back up just as quick as before. Soon he let out a loud moan telling him he was coming and sprayed it all over his chest. Shivering afterwards waves of pleasure ran through him, "oh my God... Mnnn..."

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About the same time Heero came and spilled his cum all over himself so did Vincent. The lewd scene and that alluring voice was simply too much for Vincent to hold on even for a moment longer. He observed Heero who was clearly still relishing the lingering waves of pleasure in his body and chuckled: "Did it feel that good? But that was only a toy, and a really basic one. Imagine if it was a vibrating dildo or better yet, imagine if it's my cock. Just how much better would it feel then? Now I want you to to wipe those filth off your chest and lick you hand clean. Remember the taste, remember the smell, cause that's what pleasure taste and smell like."


Vincent waited for Heero to recollect himself and said: "You've done well so far, my PerfectSlave. Now it's time for you to receive new orders for the rest of the week. It's not that different from before, every night before going to bed, you must masturbate and edge yourself 5 times, then use that dildo to bring yourself to climax. But there's a catch."


Vincent dragged a file to the chat window and sent it to Heero. He explained: "This is a simple program which when you click on it will start a 30-minute timer. During that 30 minutes at a random point, it will play a audio file of my voice saying: 'You may cum in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, now!' I'm sure you know where this is going. Once you've done your 5 times of edging your self, start the program and you must cum when, and only when my voice give you permission to. If you fail to do so you must restart the whole process, edging five times before trying to cum with the dildo at the moment my voice give you permission. I believe my instructions are clear? Now goodnight, my Perfect Slave."


(I am thinking one more online session then we let them meet up. Sounds good?)

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(sounds good to me )


Heero did just that. He licked up his cum off his fingers and didn't know if he cared for the taste or not. Although it was his own flavor, maybe he'd like someone else's better.


Of course he liked good nightly routine but during the day it made it go by so slow just thinking about doing it. Gathering up the courage he looked to the screen, "Master? Is there anything you'd like me to accomplish during the day?"


He worried about the timer a little. This was going to be difficult to but it would also help further train him to his Master voice. Actually that didn't sound so bad either.

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Vincent was about to shut down the chat when he was asked by Heero what to do during the day. After a short laugh he asked: "So the nightly routine isn't enough for you? You're even more of a slut than I first realized..." Vincent paused for a moment and said in a stern voice: "But no. You shall not touch yourself outside of your missions. Listen carefully, you're my slave. MY SLAVE! And you'll only touch yourself when I allow you to. If you disobey my orders in any way then this relationships is over. Is that understood?! Same time next week."


Vincent closed the window and let out a deep sigh of relief. He looked up at the ceiling and asked: "Wasn't that a bit too harsh? What if he just stop talking to us?"


"No he won't." Omega replied: "He wasn't the kind to be fazed by a little stern attitude. Besides, he craves order to much to risk losing it all."


"Craving order huh? Sounds familiar." Vincent muttered as he took the earpiece off and got off his chair. He thought about what Omega said about Heero and wondered, if someone like him who had a normal life growing up then joined the army feel lost without war, what would someone like Heero, who given his was essentially a child solider, knew nothing but war growing up feel in this perpetually peaceful world? He must be far more lost and helpless than he ever would. For a moment Vincent was almost sympathetic of the former pilot, but he quickly shook the notion out of his head. He wanted revenge, and more importantly, he wanted Heero. He wanted to grab the young man and rape him, fill his hole with his cum and claim him as his own. Vincent had never thought that such a side existed in him, as he'd never felt this way towards other people before. Could this be the reason why OMEGA chose him?


And speaking of OMEGA, just what's his stake in this? Or could it be a she? Vincent couldn't tell from that monotone, mechanical voice. He seems to know quite a lot about Heero and himself, to a rather frightening degree. And there's also something strange whenever Vincent talk on OMEGA's behalf. It was like the owner of the mechanical voice could read his mind and would tell him to speak exactly what he wanted Heero to do, and there're times when he'd speak in unison, even before OMEGA and yet there was never any problem. Suddenly he felt a headache and decided to call it a day.

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Hearing that stern voice actually made Heero tremble. This was so like giving an addict drugs again. He lowered his head in apology as the camera cut out.


He was hooked. A week of taking orders from such a stern man had him trembling in a way he hadn't felt in years. This next week was going to be even more intense but he really looked forward to it.


That first day was fairly easy. He felt satisfied and less distracted than usual. Although that night opened to be harder. He made it through the five edges alright but when it came to trying to get over the edge when the recording said it proved harder than expected. He was recording himself as usual but after the first session and onto another set of edges he was having a hard time. Even the camera could see he was visibly shaking with the strain to not go over the edge. Then when he reached that point again in the recording he almost made it but he wasn't quite able to.


Third time's the charm right? The third time through his mind was absorbing this man's recorded commands. He didn't realize it but his own mind before was protecting him from conditioning but now that he was worn down by his own hands he was finally able to accept his words unconsciously.


On his knees in front of the camera his cock drooling on the bed he those the toy inside himself and listened to the voice speak to him. Finally when he was told to he nearly screamed as he came his whole body shaking.


Each one he sent to his Master got better and easier. The next day only took two rounds and by the end of the week it was like he was able to come in command even if he wasn't all that close. It just took his trained mind a moment to finally accept this. He couldn't wait to see his Master now. He felt like a pet left alone during the week and waiting to see his Master. If he had a tail he was sure he'd be washing it once he heard his voice over the computer.

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The week felt unbearably long for Vincent as he continued his security job, as boring as ever. The only excitement he got were the videos Heero sent him. He watched keenly the former pilot as expected, struggled to follow his command to cum at whenever his voice give him permission. The first day took Heero three tries and by the time he succeeded he was in a total mess, and Vincent couldn't help but find great joy in seeing Heero like this. But as the days went by and Heero got more practice, he seemed to be able to control the timing of his climax a lot better. While this meant that Vincent wasn't able to see Heero's struggle and frustration, it meant that the man had conditioned himself to follow Vincent's command whenever it may come.


Eventually the week passed, and the night of their session finally came. When Vincent logged on to the chatroom he was pleased to find the name PerfectSlave already online. Quickly he opened up the video chat and this time, OMEGA instructed him to finally show his face to Heero. Showing a gentle smile Vincent said: "Hello my slave. I've been enjoying the videos you sent me. Really excellent job by the end! But of course that's when you're alone. I want a demonstration from you showing that you can follow my direct order as well as you could follow the recording. Do your nightly routines now."

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Watching the screen he waited naked like he'd requested. Honestly he got used to being naked at home. He bought an apron for cooking to protect himself but besides that he stayed bare. At first it felt a little strange but now he was starting to feel strange with clothes on.


Finally seeing his Master's face, his eyes dilated and goosebumps rise on his skin. His Master was very handsome.


"Yes, Master," kicking into gear Heero leaned back so his master could see him properly and started stroking himself. It didn't take him long to get to the edge, his body was being conditioned to be ready and willing often and he was used to coming every night now after two weeks of this.


Panting his eyes kept to the screen to study his master. He really was a nice looking man which made Heero feel better that he could see him and didn't recognize him. He explained how good it felt and that his body was getting used to edging so much and that he was able to stop fairly close now to tipping over the edge. Finally on his 5th one he grabbed out the toy and lube and slipped it inside him. He had switched off playing with his nipple each time do both were becoming very sensitive, "the toy always feels cold... A real one will feel better..." Those cobalt blue eyes looked to the screen almost flirting or begging in a way. He'd never been good at flirting because he didn't understand himself sexually or emotions either so that had been difficult for him.

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Vincent smiled as he saw Heero standing naked in front of him, having clearly followed his command to not wear clothes while at home. Even though the man had kept his usual plain expression, somehow Vincent felt like he could see his excitement. Heero has clearly gotten better at this from the last two weeks, and in no time he'd finished edging himself. What was left was to use that dildo and drive himself to climax at the sound of his command.


Speaking of getting better, Vincent had also gotten a lot better at suppressing his excitement at the sight of Heero's lewd acts. Or it could be the fact that he'd seen Heero repeat the process for over a dozen times in videos already. Hearing Heero wanting a real cock instead of the toy was rather adorable though. In any case Vincent kept his calm and quiet, crossing his legs sitting back, and with a gentle smile he simply watched as Heero continued to pleasure himself.


Time slowly passed, five minutes, ten minutes, then fifteen, twenty, thirty, thirty five and on, Vincent just sat their with a smile, starring right into those beautiful cobalt blue eyes. Until eventually when it almost reached an hour he opened his mouth and said :"You may cum in five, four, three, two.... one........ now."

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How long was he going to make him go for? He wasn't used to going so long but he wanted to make him proud. Looking into those eyes he trembled as he trust the toy inside himself and switched between playing with his nipples. About thirty minutes in he was panting fairly harshly and having to angle the toy a little differently so it wasn't so intense. His cock was straining so hard at this point he was just constantly leaking.


Licking his lips he finally broke into a louder moan trying to beg for release. Those intense eyes watching him drove him on. Maybe it was all the conditioning during the week but his body was driving forward to make his Master proud. Then finally he spoke and it was like a tidal wave roaring over him. He felt his body quickly rushing to the edge unlike any time before.


"Ahhh!" Heero kept looking towards the screen but he swore he couldn't see for a moment as his orgasm rushed through him. He strained and arched in his chair as his cum splashed against his stomach and all the way up his chest. It took him a moment before he sunk into the chair panting hard.

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Vincent loved just how much effort Heero had to put in to keep himself from coming, his lustful moans and heavy panting all told him that the young man was at the brink of climax, yet he was too loyal, to obedient to allow himself release without his master's order. Eventually when he finally spoke the word, Heero instantly came, arching his body in his chair and spilling his filth all over himself. A moment latter Heero sunk into the chair and began to pant heavily, which was a testament of how intense that climax must have been.


"Very well done my slave. You've exceeded all my expectations. You're truly born to serve. Born to be a perfect slave! Now before I give you your next mission, there's something that I must ask." Vincent paused for a moment and continued: "As you know next Thursday is a national holiday. I've also taken Friday off to make it a extra long weekend. How about we finally meet in person? I could visit you or vice-versa, or maybe we can meet up at a third location? What do you say?"





(Oh I forgot to ask, mind if we decide on what time of year we're at in-game? Like going outside naked in summer would certainly be a different story from winter.)

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(Ummm.... lets say coming up on winter. It's cool outside but not freezing)


Sitting up slowly Heero took in what he was saying. He could also take off that Friday to have a nice long weekend depending on how close this man was to him. For moment he opened his mouth and almost spilled his location. Get it together Yuy...


"I'd prefer to meet at a third location. At least for now," he didn't know this man. He didn't even have a chance to try to figure out who he was yet but he wasn't sure he could find him simply off his face. "It would be nice to... actually meet you in person." It had been a long time since another person had touched him besides like a pat on the shoulder at work.


"Where would you like to meet Master?" he also wondered what kind of orders he'd have for the week. More edging? More toys? Maybe something to prepare them for their first meeting? He found he was getting very eager for anything he would give him.

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"Alright then, so third location it is. Let me think..." Vincent smiled as he pretty much expected the answer from Heero. Anyone would be cautious to meet someone they met online for the first time, and for a trained operative like Heero, would naturally be more suspicious. In addition, Vincent was simply pretending to be thinking since OMEGA had already arranged his itinerary. He said: "How about Shanghai? I've been there this time of year before and it's quite pleasant."


Vincent waited for Heero's respond. Once he agreed the man smiled and said: "Now having that settled, let's get to your mission before we meet. Open the package marked with 'C' in the box. There you'll find a nice butt plug. It's a bit larger than the dildo you've gotten used to till now but I'm sure you can manage. I want you to put it inside and you shall keep it in you at all times. You walk, you talk, you work, you eat and you sleep with it. Obviously you may remove it when you need to use the washroom but you must reinsert it immediately after. There's also a change in your nightly routine, you'll bring yourself close to climax five times just has before but afterwards you will do nothing. You must not cum until we meet in person. I believe I've made myself clear? Now put the plug in and let me have a good look."

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Heero nodded his head about the location. He knew where that was and honestly it wasn't very far for him, just a fifteen minute train ride over. Going into the box he pulled out 'C' and inspected it. Grabbing the lube he made sure to lather it up well and since he'd just used to toy he was lubed up inside nicely. Putting a knee on his chair he leaned over the back of it and started pushing the plug inside. Gently he twisted it and shifted it until it fully settled inside him pressing hard against his prostate. He arched his back and looked over his shoulder at his Master for a moment to make sure he saw it.


"Master... it... it's resting right against that spot..." turning around he gently sat down but jumped a little as it pressed against his tender spot. Even though he just came his member was already starting to stir from the pressure inside him. He felt like he was destined to always be at least half hard lately.


Shifting in his seat he could already tell this was going to be really hard for him, in more ways than one. His body was now used to getting a climax every night and now he was being forced to not for about five days. That thought alone made his cock twitch. He really let this man have full control over him.

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Vincent kept a smile on his face as he saw Heero got the butt plug and got it all lubed up, then pushed it inside himself without too much trouble. The toy was certainly doing its job pressing against the young man's sweet spot, essentially keeping him constantly aroused. Since the night's session was over and he'd given him the mission for the next couple of days, Vincent could just end the call right there but instead, he decided to stay a bit longer just to see how Heero cope with the toy inside him, and besides, he still got a little trick up his sleeves regarding the toy.


"You know even though you're my slave, and I, your master. I feel like we don't really know each other. How about we properly introduce ourselves? I will start. My name is Vincent Spetante and I'm 32 years old. I work as a security guard at a tech company. Not exactly the most exciting life but it's a living. What about you? If we're to meet in public I can't exactly call you 'slave' in the middle of the street can I?"

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Heero tried to not shift in his seat too much but it was really hard to not move around and find a position where it wasn't fully pressing against his prostate. With his nerves all still sensitive he felt like this would take him a couple of days to get used to.


Vincent Spetante.


He didn't know the name. He doubted this man would be trying to hide his identity at this point. What reason would he have to suspect that he was an ex-gundam pilot and assassin. Looking at the mans face he actually felt his cheek heat up slightly, "Heero Yuy. I currently work as a web programmer and designer with some coding. I handle all the front and back end of our programming for the website and... system."


There were security guards at his building but honestly he didn't notice them as much. He tried to stay focused just in his area and ignore the other people but it was hard. He wondered if maybe this man worked there or near him.


Try as he might his body was responding to the plug inside him. He'd been trained over the week he be able to cum when his prostate was played with and now told not to cum. This was going to be very difficult. Also this man's voice sent shivers through him after learning to cum just him him telling him to. His cock was now standing at attention between his legs and he was unconsciously gently rolling his hips. Partially to find a better position and also because it felt good.

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Vincent chuckled at Heero's self introduction and said: "Heero Yuy? Like the space colony rights activist? Oh don't take this the wrong way Heero, the name suits you. Has a pretty ring to it. And programmer huh? I knew you're the smart kind the moment I first saw you, just didn't know how smart." Vincent continued to chitchat, talking about his upbringing and school life. Though he didn't mention anything beyond that point and simply glossed over as "some ups and downs." He then asked about Heero's past which in truth he already knew quite a lot about thanks to OMEGA giving him pretty much the man's whole story, but he was curious about what would Heero tell him. The truth? Or some fabrication? Honestly it didn't matter because he was simply chatting to see how Heero deal with the toy inside him. He could tell despite how hard Heero was trying to not cum, he was craving for more pleasure, moving and shifting his body constantly. Of course, Vincent wasn't about to make it any easier. In fact he was just about to do the opposite.


Vincent took out a small remote and pressed a button on it. Suddenly the butt plug inside Heero's ass began to vibrate, beginning as a low, weak buzz, but slowly grew in intensity until the buzzing could be heard even through the microphone. But just as the strength of the vibration reached its peak, it stopped abruptly. "Oh sorry I forgot to mention." Vincent said with a sadistic smile: "The butt plug will start vibrate like that at random times of the day. It's a little extra challenge for you but I'm sure you can handle it..... Don't disappoint me Heero, you are my Perfect Slave aren't you? Now goodnight. I'll send you my travelling information latter. "


Vincent turned off the video chat and laughed uncontrollably, since the reaction Heero showed to the sudden vibration was simply priceless. The downside of it though was the fact that Vincent was terribly aroused himself after the session and he didn't masturbate to Heero this time. While he did have two weeks worth of lewd footage to go back to, Vincent decided to save it for now and went to get a cold shower to cool off.

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Heero was shifting back and forth gently as he listened to his Master, "I've had some... some ups and down too during the war. I was in it for a moment but that's in the past now."


Then the toy started to vibrate and Heero jumped looking at the screen. As the vibrations got stronger Heero leaned forward and gripped the desk his cock straining but thankfully it ended right before he went over the edge. Pre-cum oozed out his straining cock and poor Heero could only hang onto the desk to keep from touching his pulsing cock. Oh these next few days were going to be torture!


Panting softly he made his way into the shower to wash off and was very careful with his cock. It finally settled down a bit by the time he went to bed but he knew he was going to struggle with sleeping and was seriously going to struggle the next few days. How would work go? Thankfully he could close the door on his office but what if someone walked in? Though the night his dreams plagued him, keep his cock constantly wet. Then the next day when he prepared for work he wore black pants and a longer shirt and jacket to better hide his predicament.


Today he shut his door and tried to sit and not respond to the large toy inside him. Tonight was going to be even worse. He already felt wound tight and ready to pop any second. Although his pants pressed against his member which he shifted to the side almost under his waist band. Tonights video was going to be a short one.

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The next day Vincent went to his security job and it was at that moment he began to appreciate this profession, since there really wasn't much happening during the day. His mind was utterly filled by Heero's lewd body and voice, and the anticipation of finally meeting the former pilot in person, so much so that he was essentially just dozing off the whole day. Eventually the hours passed and he made it home. The first thing he did was to send his itinerary information to Heero, his plane would be arriving at Shanghai at Thursday afternoon. Vincent also asked him to arrange his travels so they would be able to meet at the main train station at 4:30 pm. He continued the night and checked the video Heero sent him before bed, then quickly went to sleep himself.



If you don't mind we can skip right to the day of the meeting at the train station. Oh and also is there anything in particular you want them to do at this point, or in the future?


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Through the week Heero struggled to make it through his edges. Each day seemed to be worse than the next. He was at the edge fast and always horny. He thought he was desperate before but now he almost wrote him two days in to beg him to let him cum but he didn't sign in. He wanted his Master to be proud of him.


Finally the week was over and he had traveled over to meet him. No matter where he went it was a struggle. He brought the other contents of the box with him just in case his Master wanted them. Packing a backpack with a couple change of clothes he stepped off the train and over to the meeting spot. He hadn't felt this giddy about meeting someone ever honestly.


Looking around the station he hoped he would be able to recognize him. The toy buried inside him was easier to handle now but every shift reminded him he wanted to cum so badly. His jacket was buttoned in the front to help cover his hardon inside his pants. He didn't want anyone seeing him like that that wasn't his Master. Today he was in dark jeans, a dress blue striped button up, and then the longer jacket to help cover up his situation. Deep down though he was hoping his ex training wasn't going to get in the way.



I know Heero will struggle with his training of being blindfolded or snuck up behind. I was thinking his ptsd would play a part in this and help them connect more on a personal level instead of physical. Although I love the physical so far ;) Hm... I'd love to see Heero once he's trained them go to a master/slave show to try to win. Of course them living together at some point and probably Heero either having to work from home or getting another job to move in with his Master. What are you thinking?


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Vincent arrived at the city and headed straight for the hotel room OMEGA had arranged for him. After checking in he dropped off the luggage in the room then headed out towards the train station. He arrived a little early but it would seem that his slave beat him to the punch. It was almost strange to see Heero fully clothed now that he'd gotten used to the sight of him being naked, but he had to admit, the man look good in those clothes. He wondered would OMEGA arrange some slutty costumes for Heero to wear, but knowing OMEGA, such costumes were probably already in that package he sent the man. He walked up towards Heero with a smile and waved: "Hello Heero. It's good to finally meet in person!" Once the former pilot was within reach Vincent opened his arms and gave Heero a big tight hug, burying his handsome face in his muscular chest. His smile widened when he heard OMEGA's instructions and proceed to tilted his head down, moving his mouth close to Heero's ear. At the same time he pressed the button of the butt plug's remote which he was holding in his hand, triggering the vibration manually. He whispered: "You may cum in five, four, three, two, one...... now."






Yeah you ideas sounds great. Blindfolding would definitely happen at some point. The master/slave contest sounds interesting too, but I imagine Vincent/Zero would have to get Heero used to sex in public first? Do you mind if I like pretty much whoring Heero out? Not for money of course just to let him get gang banged by random strangers and stuff. Them moving in together is most definitely gonna happen or else how could Vincent/Zero properly torture him lol? It would be a while until Vincent actually admitting he had any feeling towards Heero other than hatred and lust, unconsciously he was already growing feelings for him. As for Heero's job, I'm thinking more along the lines of their session eventually escalate to the point Heero couldn't keep his job, or gets fired because he was caught cumming during work or something. Vincent is here to destroy Heero after all.


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