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Light in the Dark :)


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the new chapters are amazing!!!!!!!!

ahahaha shouji became a maid...I LOVE IT!!!!!

Gosh this story is becoming more interesting than ever!!!!

u could write it as a novel and i will DEFINITELY buy it...^^

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I'm absolutely loving your fic!


I like the way how you display the dilemma feelings of Kai... and Shouji too... the i-should-hate-him-but-i-can't kind of feeling...


it's so so so so great!


Thanks for the good fic!!

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Part Fourteen ready to go :)

Enjoy :p



It was a pain in the ass, literally, to move around in that state.

Shouji was getting fed up, of staying in bed looking at a cold empty room, with no one to talk to except for Dr. Hisaki and the nurses that would come to him to give him treatment and food…


Emptiness and embarrassing situations was his day to day life now… He was still trying to deal with too many things even if he was in a hospital bed ridden. He could see and hear the wounded Yakuza going in and out and that always left him restless… “Was that beast ok?!”

He wouldn’t admit it, but every time someone came running, he always thought he could be Kay. Not one time did that bastard came since the day he woke up, and Shouji was having the slight idea the guy may have changed his mind about the housekeeper shit, and just left him there…


Another thing pushing Shouji’s patience limits was when the time to take a shit came…

He was supposed not to push, or make any kind of strength otherwise he would blow the stitches up. He would have to stay laid down like a good boy, the nurse would come with an enema and shove it on his ass and a few seconds later well everything comes down on it’s own, thru a plastic tube he still had inside him… He always thought that was nasty, painful not to mention fucking embarrassing.


For him, it was the most stupid thing ever…

He was beaten almost to death by his so-called father, but never needed for someone to help him take a dump, or clean his ass afterwards… Shouji was on the verge of loosing his mind, once and for all and just start running away every time Dr. Hisaki came to have a look at his stitches…


“It’s looking good… You’ll probably go home sooner than expected, it’s healing quite well…”

“Well, I’m sure fuckin’ happy for leavin’ this creepy place filled with a bunch of yakuza covered in scars and bullet holes… You run a freaking horror house not a clinic…”

“Well it’s one opinion, however I do not treat Yakuza exclusively… I also support the community here by charging less for the consultations to normal people who can’t afford going to normal hospitals… I believe it’s worth the trouble don’t you think?!”

“Well, since ya putt it that way, seems cool and shit, but doc it’s still yakuza y’are treating won’t ya get in trouble?”

“Aren’t you one of them as well? Kai seemed to be pretty stern about you being a new member of the family, isn’t that so?”

“Member of the family?! Ar’ya shitting me… Who would do this kind of shit to a family member doc…?”

“Let’s just say, the guy crossed the line for a minute there and is regretting what he did, won’t you give him a chance to make it up to you?”

“I already did doc, I’m bendin’ more than my own ability to do so… He made me a proposition and I accepted. But that bastard hasn’t come around for weeks now, so I guess he just forgot about it, right?!”

“I don’t think so… Look he must be busy, so give him some time, ok…”

“Doc do you know that beast well?!”

“Beast…?! Well, now that’s a great way to describe him, because he sure is one, ahaha. But yes, I know him since he was a kid, but even today he manages to surprise me in a lot of things.”


“Say doc… Why the hell do ya think he did this to me…?”

“Well… I don’t know… My best guess is, you pissed him off somehow and he kind of lost it, but it’s really hard to tell, what’s going on in Kai’s head, kid…”

“That I already could figure out… I mean, the guy starts chasin' me, then tells me to leave my job and come to his house cause he wants to do the nasty with me… Then he… well… he almost gets what he wants but I pass out half way… and…Shit!! This so fuckin' embarrassin'… I mean, he totally lost it when I couldn’t do it with him, then he does this to me… What th’a fuck am I suppose to think huh, doc…?”

“Well I don’t really think, not having his way with you would piss him off that bad… Could make him have the worst mood ever since he couldn’t get any…Pffft…”

“Not funny doc…”

“Sorry, I’m sorry, but you see, dear Master Kai isn’t used to run after anything in this world… He owns and haves anything he wishes for, so yeah, I’m sorry but finding out he chased after someone in this life and ended up sucking his big toe it’s plenty for me to find it amusing, to say the least…Ahahhah… Oh boy… But either way I do not think he did what he did only because of it… You sure you didn’t say or do anything else besides… you know…pass out during sex…pfffff”

“Shit doc I ain’t telling anythin’ anymore, it’s not funny…”

“Oh dear… I’m going to be laughing about this for years to come… But I’ll forget it for now… Did you do anything else that day?”

“Besides getting lost in that fucking huge house, walkin’ around covered in a freaking blanket and get made fun off by the kimono guy, then yelled by….”

“Wait wait wait… What “kimono guy”?”

“I dunno doc, some other freakin’ scary, but kind of beautiful, person livin’ in th’a mansion… when I was lost the guy told me how to get to the main door… If it wasn’t for him I would still be lost in that fucking huge place… Probably eaten by the dogs and shit cause I would be lost for good there…”

“Shouji, listen to me, and listen very carefully. Do not go near that guy… You heard me?! Do not get close to him, or talk to him or even think about him, do you understand me… Just forget you ever saw him…”

“What th’a fuck doc, what’s goin’ on, you’re freakin’ scarin’ me… What’s wrong with that guy, I mean he lives in that place, so he mustn’t be much danger right?!”

“Wrong… Shouji, never again go near that guy, he’s not to be trusted… “

“Then why’s the beast allowing him to stay there?”

“Kai’s only intention it’s to make sure he keeps an eye on his greatest enemy… His half-brother… That guy… that guy killed his own father, he shot his own father because the last boss decided to make Kai his successor and not him…”

“Is he the oldest son? Isn’t Kai an old man already?”

“Sayuri is 2 years older that Kai, and the jealousy he has for him is deathly… He tried many times to hurt, I may even say kill Kai before… Kai hates him, and loves him at the same time…

They’re brothers, but have different mothers. They used to be like finger and nail when they were young….”

“Then why is the beast allowin’ him t’a live… Isn’t he a cold murder bastard…”

“Sayuri pretends he suffers from schizophrenia, today he might be ok…tomorrow he might kill you with his own bare hands, but he can’t be blamed because he’s sick. But that’s one big excuse I don’t believe he’s ill, he’s just trying to get away with that… Only Kai believed me when I told him that, all the others believed some other doctor who went to check on Sayuri, and he was never punished. In order to keep an eye on him, Kai placed Sayuri in the other part of the complex, filled with guards, so he doesn’t attempt anything anymore. After his father’s death, Kai became even worse than he already was… Now I can understand everything… He freaked out when he found out you were talking to the one person he can’t handle…”

“I was…. How the hell was I suppose to know all this doc… He never tells me anythin’… he just treats me like a…toy… He doesn’t tell me anything important and ‘sides I know the guy for like two weeks and most of that time I was trapped here… I’m garbage to that bastard…”

“I don’t think you are Shouji. He wouldn’t have snapped like that if you were… Just, hear him out more, and try really giving him a chance… He’s a beast?! Yeah, a very cold and deathly one but, no one has ever tried to awaken his heart… Maybe you’re the one who can… Who knows.”

“The hell doc, were you listenin’ to me at all… he doesn’t give a shit about trash like me… Again he won’t show his face here today… Like tellin’ me I’m not important…”

“I disagree… but, it’s your life, so your view of things should be your own… I’ll just ask you, don’t rush things… and… give him a chance, ok?”

“Easy fo’ya to say…”

“Yeah, easy… But I also have to under look a lot of things he does and says, but I know he’s worth it… At least for now, ahahha… Sleep a bit, you better rest, don’t stress your body too much.”

“Yeah, well I ain’t stressing cause I ain’t getting’ off this bed… But… Doc?! Thanks’ ya know… For tellin’ me all that shit… It’s important for me cause I get to understand a lot off stuff, and even, who knows… get inside a bit of that huge mule head that bastard has… Even after all this shit… I can’t hate him… He was like, th’a first person who ever gave a shit about me, after mom died… I even forgot the feelin’ ya know…the feelin’ someone cares fo’me… So thanks…”

“Anytime, now time to sleep…”



Dr. Hisaki left Shouji’s room and immediately reached for his cell phone.


“What’s up doc…?”




Hope you guys liked it :p

A big big kiss and hug, and thank you for reading :****

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  • 3 weeks later...

Part Fifteen


“Mom...is that you...?”

“Shouji.... What happened to you my child?!”

“What do ya mean, why you askin’?”

“Shouji, why aren’t you happy sweetie?”

“Happy?!Shit mom... ya know i’ll never be happy since... since you...”

“Shouji... Life itself it’s already something to be happy about, you know? I wish i could be alive to be there for you but i can’t, but you have to try harder, you’re letting yourself drown in sorrow, and that won’t lead you to good places.... Don’t you think so my child?”

“Mom... i can’t... I’ve been thru so much since you’ve been gone... i can’t be happy anymore... Why d’ya have to leave me all alone with that guy... He beats me up and steals my money, i worked my ass off so bad to get... Why d’ya have t’a leave me behind... i rather y’a take me with ya mom... I donn ‘wanna be left alone again... Let me go with y’a now ok...?”

“You can’t sweetie... You can’t come where i am... You’ll have to wait to meet me again... You still have so much to do, you’re still so young...”

“I can’t mom.... i can’t.... Even that bastard, i thought he liked me... Even if just a little... But he hurt me mom, he hurt me so fucking bad i got stuck in a hospital cause of him... I don’t know what to do about that guy... I don’t know if i like him or if i hate him... I mean, he was the first person after you who had been nice to me, but he did that... what am i suppose to think?”

“Shouji, why don’t you give him a chance...”

“Mom... just let me go with ya...please... It’s so peaceful here, ne... No more worries, no more...”

“You can’t sweetie... You can’t come here... But i’ll always be waiting for you, until your time comes... I’ll be right here...”

“MOM!!! Wait... NO!!! MOM!!!”


“Who the hell is your mom?!”


Shouji woke up from his sleep, still shaken by the intensity of his dream to find the “bastard” sitting across the room looking at him with confused eyes...


“So... how are you feeling?”


“Fine...Fine... that’s not an answer... Do you need me to call the nurse or something?”

“No... I said i’m fine... What’ya doin’ here anyway?!”

“What the hell!!! I came to see you and you start with that fucking temper already...”


“What do you mean, why?”

“Why did ya came here to see me? Aren’t ya busy...? There’s always a bunch of people goin’ in and out of this place, looks like a fucking war just broke out while i’m stuck on this damn bed... So why’re ya here?”

“Well... yeah... some shit turned sour the other day and we had to take care of it, but it’s solved now... “

“Speaking like a yakuza no doubt...”

“Ahhaha well i am one...”

“Yeah... i guess...”

“Hum... look, i had a little chat with Mimori-chan and it’s all good ok...?”

“All good?! What’s all good...?”

“You know our agreement, that you go back and you do the shit to help Mimori-chan, and it’s fine... I told her you would help her out around the house, she just doesn’t want you to get on her way... Other than that it’s fine... She also said it would be nice if you finish high school, like doing the proficient test or... something like that, so you can become a proper adult and shit... ”

“In think i’ll be pushin’ my luck goin’ there... She just doesn’t like me. And what’s that shit about school anyway? I’m not good in studies....”

“Well for starters that old hag doesn’t like anyone... She won’t give you a hard time, we already agreed... You just have to do what she asks of you... As for the school stuff... I do think is a good idea... For you to get a good job, you know...”

“And what if i wanna stick around’ya...?”


That was a killer phrase...

Kai didn’t know what to answer, and Shouji didn’t know what the fuck did he meant by it...

For a minute there the room fell silent, and only then, thinking about what the yakuza had told him, Shouji managed to sense something was different than before....


“Now that i think about it, what the fuck happen’ to ya, you talkin’ all weird and shit?”

“I’m not talking weird, just shut the fuck up... Well... the old hag made me ok... It’s one of her stupid weird demands... I got to talk and behave right otherwise she’ll be pissed beyond my patience limits...”

“Shit that’s just... Why go so far just for helpin’me out... What else do ya what from me?”

“Like i said... This time i’ll do the right shit to help you, no more than that...”

“I see...”


“Then do ya at least know when th’a fuck can i get the hell away from here? Am sick of this place... It’s making me worse...”

“When Hisaki tells you too...”


“Well for me he can pack his stuff and go home tomorrow...”


Dr. Hisaki came in the room a bunch of papers under his arm...


“Like i said... He may already go tomorrow if he wishes so, his recovery was really good... He’s not supposed to overwork himself since he still recovering but i think it’ll be just fine. I can see you decided to finally show up here... The kid was starting to think you had abandoned him.”

“The hell, doc... I don’t care if he comes or not... I don’t give a shit...”


At that moment Shouji realized his temperature raised a few degrees by the embarrassment the doctor made him go thru...

Even if he really felt that way, that wasn’t something to say out loud, and expose his weaknesses like that... Whatever the hell it was Shouji felt for Kai, it wasn’t meant to be disclosed. Quite the contrary... It was supposed to be enclosed behind a thousand locks inside himself. A feeling not allowed to see the sun light. Ever...


The second Shouji looked at Kai, just making sure nothing weird had passed thru, he found the yakuza looking at him with a sorrowful expression...

Was it the remorse of having hurt him, or something not even related to him at all he couldn’t tell...

However, Shouji’s trace of thoughts were broken by Dr. Hisaki sudden talk...


“Ok so... Brat, you’re not supposed to go running out and about, nor can you do stressful activities at least for another week... Then to you sir, since you’re the grown up. Make sure he eats properly, he was quite malnourished when i first saw him, then, and this is my most important advice... Tell him about Sayuri... All there is to know. If you wish to keep him around you, he has the right to know, and most importantly, to be aware of all this situation, do you understand?”

“Yeah... I know, and i will, don’t worry...”

“Oh and by the way, i have to thank Mimori-chan for giving you a hard time about your manners... It’s surely a great improvement for the guy who’s supposed to be the major company leader to at least behave properly and not like the brat he still think he is.”

“Shut up Hisaki... I’ve been thru enough of that shit with the old hag... I promised her to be on my best, if she helps the kid out... I’m going to do so...”

“Oh... See Shouji, he looks all cool and collected, but he has a thing for you, and he’s all upset otherwise he wouldn’t even go thru this kind of trouble, ahahhaha....”



Not just Kai getting all flustered but Shouji himself thought the doctor had been quite bold, really bold to pick on the yakuza like that...

But Shouji could see, Kai trusted and liked the doctor quite a lot...


“I can see the cursing continues but, oh well, it wouldn’t be you if you didn’t...”

“Shut up, everybody curses and it’s my only way to vent my frustrations, cut me some slack...”

“Well, then i’m leaving you two alone to talk about important things.... bye bye...”


Dr. Hisaki left the room with a damn weird smile on his face, Shouji was beginning to think it wasn’t a good idea to be left alone with Kai, but he had shit to ask him, and everything had to be water clear before going to his house again. He wasn’t going to go thru the same shit again, and he was specially, most interested in what Kai was about to talk to him.

The “kimono guy” was still mostly a mystery to Shouji, but whatever Kai intended to tell him, was letting him feel worried, that such a heavy subject was being brought on....

Kai’s pained expression was really showing how hard it was to talk about it.



That's all for now, hope you guys liked it :)


Thanks for reading ;)

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Eheheh, thank you for reading Kaoru ;)

And yeah, Kai's a pretty cool guy... Just a little crazy in the head XD


Once again, thank you so much for reading it :***

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This is so great! 3 of my favorite fanfics have new chapters out. I was busy with learning for an exam the past few days. But now I could finally read :D


I absolutely love this pairing: Kai - Shouji *_* Every dialogue between them is so intense and enjoyable to read!

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  • 4 weeks later...



Finally managed to write something...

See if i start completing this story :p


Here it is, part 16...

Enjoy ;)




Moving around was still tough...

Shouji wasn’t still quite confident going with that guy was a very good idea, especially after hearing what came out of that guy’s mouth...

It was somewhat hard to understand why that guy still kept that fellow alive.

The guy shot his own father, almost got Kai to be blamed for the whole thing, acted like a fucking maniac, but was still allowed to live... The fellow was worse than the most poisonous snake.

What the hell, Shouji only thought that, all this coming from a yakuza family, almost looked like everyone lost his fucking mind...

In the middle of coming with the whole shit, Shouji questioned Kai why the hell was that guy still hanging around...

Kai’s explanation was simple but not conclusive...

“Keep your friends close, but keep your enemy’s even closer....”

Followed by a pained smile, that was not what Shouji was expecting to ear...


The kid understood at least a few pointers.

No fooling around that guy’s place, report anything weird going on, don’t tell anything to outsiders and listen to everything Mimori-san and Toshiro would tell him, mostly he only had to behave...

That was all Kai asked from Shouji.

If he wanted to be there, he would have to follow those orders...

It’s not like it was hard to do those things... However what weighted on Shouji’s chest was the fact that he would be around Kai. That was an undeniable fact, to make matters worse, stuff between those two were so fucking weird both of them couldn’t even be close to each other without looking like a couple of fools with too much shit going on but not being able to fix them some way or another...

Toshiro was looking at the rear view mirror and watching those two completely silent, each one of them looking at the window of the opposite side, without really seeing anything and Toshiro could even bet their thoughts would linked somehow...


Shouji was once again at that awful place!

That gigantic complex didn’t brought him the best memories but he was willing to give the guy a chance to redeem himself.


“Hum, well... i’m gonna call Mimori-chan... You wait here...And don’t go hanging around...Ya got it?!”


“No need to call for me Kai-sama... However it seems your bad habits are returning and my patience is at its limit!”

“Hum...sorry, i.... I’ll be in the office. Tell the kid where he’ll be staying and...then show him what he needs to do and stuff... Oh but wait...The kid can’t work yet, ok?! He’ll be resting for a few more days, kay?”

“Kay?! Yes, Kai-sama... Understood. I shall do as you say.”


Shouji was watching that scene and thinking, Kai had it tough... The old woman, had a very, very short leach on the Boss and that made Shouji think it was so funny big, strong, bad ass Kai would act like a puppy every time the old hag was around.

But that was the pact right?!

He had to behave properly, and Shouji would be protected there...

He was appreciated to Kai... The reason he was going this far for him... well that, he still didn’t quite understood.


“Please do follow me... Kai-sama requested for you to have a room, i arranged for it to be ready for you to use as soon as you arrive... But first of all... There are a few things i wish to speak with you... Do you mind?”

“Ah no...no...”

“Very well... For some reason i don’t quite understand, the young master is somehow attached to you, whatever happened between you two before, i don’t know, and i don’t wish to know... However, that boy had a really tiring life, and he’s still having a bad life since his business it’s not an easy path to follow, however if in any way, you hurt the confidence he placed on you, i shall never forgive and i will destroy you! I will never watch the young master be betrayed like he was by that snake...”

“By snake ya mean, his brother, funny...i thought about him bein’a poisonous snake as well!”

“That man is no brother of his, i do not see him as a member of this honourable family... He is a weed, which should have been plucked out long ago, but still lingers...”

“Well ya see i totally agree with’ya on that... that guy let his murderer brother hang around his house after he blow his father up?! I thought that shit was weird too, ya know...”



“Goodness gracious... I’ll make sure i’ll teach how to speak properly or else i’m going to go insane...”

“Shit NO WAY!! I don’need that...”

“We’ll see about that... As for what we were talking about before, the young master had reasons to allow that person to keep living... It was not his choice. I’m fully aware that monster should have been killed in the worst way possible, but master decided not to... I’ll place my faith in him, as i did with his father.”

“Shit Mimori-san ya truly a yakuza woman..talkin’about killin’and shit like it’s easy...”

“I do not believe it’s easy, only a necessary action.”

“Damn....that chilled me to the bones...ya look like a granny, and yet ya talk like a yakuza too...”

“Well... I work in a Yakuza home after all... I’ve seen things, terrible enough to think everything is quite normal now. But going back to our conversation... do not harm the master, do not act wrongly towards him, he’ll be your friend as long as you do not do anything to hurt him. Are we clear on this?”

“What if he does bad shit to me, am i allowed to complain...?! Cause i was not the one who did the wrong shit to him, he was the one who did those things to me... I’m here only cause i have no other place to go... i know i’m an insect to him, one he can squish anytime he wants to...but, i’m willin’ta give him a chance...he better not hurt me again too...”

“If you keep your word to protect him...i shall not allow him to hurt you. That i can guarantee”!

“Well yeah i could see that... he was all scared an’shit to what you would do ehehhe....”

“Master Kai is not afraid of me... He will only respect the deal we made with each other, his honour will not allow him to act otherwise... Thank god, he actually acted accordingly to his position. Acting like a rude brat was hurting his image.”

“His image...He’s a fucking yakuza Boss...he’s supposed to be tough right?”

“Young boy... He’s not only a yakuza... In the surface he is also the great heir of the Akio enterprises. Being a yakuza is a part of who he is, however that’s not his only occupation... Do you understand?”

“Shit...i didn’t know...”

“Well, usually you know him as the president Akio, being a yakuza it’s not something we let others know like it is nothing... You have met him as a yakuza Boss, but you are an exception to the rule... So be sure to keep silent about this, did i make myself clear?”

“Fuck...i got ya...”

“.........................Dear lord, i’ll be having bad and long time until i can teach you some manners...”


After going around that huge house again, Mimori-san stooped in front of some slide-doors, where a typically Japanese room appeared, looking completely filled with clothes, shoes, a bookshelf filled with books which Shouji was wondering why the hell was that thing there if he didn’t even liked to read... If it was a good shounen manga it was alright other than that, reading made his eyes weep...


“Say... Is this all fo’me?”

“This was put together according to Kai-sama requests. If you don’t like anything just tell him so.”

“Hey no, no...i’m just saying it’s too much... I just need a place where i can lay a futon and sleep... This is just really too much f’o me...”

“Well, then be sure to show Kai-sama your appreciation... He’ll be glad if you do... Oh and before i forget, you’ll be joining him at dinner. Make sure you look presentable.”

“What th’a fuck does that mean?!”

“Humph... Take a bath, comb that crazy hair of yours and dress properly. You got all this at your disposal, so just use it. What do you think... This was all just for show? And by the why, how about a hair cut? Toshiro will manage to cut it for you if you wouldn’t mind?”

“Y’a mean that crazy bodyguard...? Y’a think it’s safe?”

“You fool, Toshiro is Kai-sama trusted man, he even lets him take care of his own hair when necessary, so don’t worry about those crazy ideas of yours. I’ll call him as soon as you are done with your bath.”



The old lady, might be in an advanced age but she surely managed to keep those guys in order.


Shouji took off the tracksuit he was wearing, one he borrowed from Kai, big all over, since Kai was so much taller than him, but somehow the feeling of comfort those pieces of clothing gave him, were managing to make him restless.

Kai’s smell were all over them, that was the main reason for his silence thru all the way from the clinic to the house.

How could he face the guy that hurt him, but that even so, he managed to have so many complex feelings about?

For now Shouji just limited himself to go with the flow every time Kai was mentioned but he had to face things seriously from now on.

The old lady had warned him...be good to the Boss or he would be dead meat.

But what exactly did she meant by being nice to the Boss?! Was he supposed to engross in those things again... Like, having sex with Kai again...?!

The thought not only scared Shouji but also sent an electric shock thru his body.

He couldn’t figure out what was stronger, the fear, or the unknown feeling he couldn’t name yet.

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New chapter *_*

I loved it Belita! When Shouji dressed Kai's clothes who were still smelling like Kai, and in the end when he was thinking what being "good with the boss" means it was priceless.

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“Scuse me Shou...Ya mind i go in... Mimori-chan called me here?!”

“Hum... Toshiro right?! Sure c’min... And who’s Shou?!”

“Huh?!Oh Sorry, sorry man... Boss calls ya that... So i thought ya wouldn’t mind...”

“He started to change my name without my permission... I mean, he really does that shit a lot right?!”

“Eheheh, hey donn’take him the wrong way ya know, Boss just trying to be nice an’all...”

“Humph...like what i think matters, right?! Whatever...”

“Well as far as i know it does man... I mean, what i’m tryin’to say is ya matter for him... For some reason, i donn’know, but ya matter, and ya kinda important and shit... FUCK!!! Donn’say i told ya stuff ok, he’ll be pissed and my face would take a week t’a heal...”

“Sure, no problem... i don’even know what the fuck am i supposed to talk with him... I get nervous every time that guy’s around...”

“Look man, i know some wacked shit happened, but give him a chance ok... He’s like...tryin’hard ya know... Boss’s not like the most touchy-feely guy but, he changed shit about himself cause of you...And i think that’s really great...”

“Say... What does that guy likes to talk about?!”

“Well... to me he talks about a bit of work, and girls and who’s the best Sumo wrestler an’shit...”

“Well... i don’t really know anything about his work or women or Sumo... Guess we’ll be on mute mode again...”

“Well...ya can talk about y’arself... bet Boss wants t’a know more of’ya i bet...”

“Shit that would be a boring talk...”

“Just try man...got nothin’ta lose right?!”


Does words echoed on Shouji’s head... Not only the guy was doing an awesome job cutting his hair, he also managed to give some pointers on how to deal with a dinner where he would feel completely out of place.


When Toshiro left the room, the kid went around that huge closet of clothes looking for something he could wear without looking like the usual crap.

He picked up a grey sweater, some weird pants he never, ever, would have bought, but that fit him surprisingly good and some shoes that matched the sweater.

He looked like those normal people he used to see on the streets, day after day...

For once in his life he truly looked decent... You can even say he looked good...


“Will he think the same...?!”


The thought made Shouji temperature rise, face get all red... Thinking if that would pleased the guy that raped him was weird, not to mention totally masochistic...


The kid gave three good breaths and stepped outside the room...

The whole thing was still overwhelming but somehow, he thought about giving it a shot.

He started to ear Kai’s loud voice from across the room and, like in a trance, followed that sound that already felt too familiar.

As soon as he got to the room, he spotted Kai, hand on his forehead looking like he was thinking hard about something, and Toshiro looking like he was comforting his Boss about something...


“Hum...should i wait up until ya guys are finished?!”

“Hey Shou...no, no man c’min... I was just talking to Boss about somethin’ but i already made him understand THAT somethin’...right Boss?!”

“Get the fuck out ‘Shiro... You made your point, i’ll... i’ll... you know what i mean, now piss off...”

“Hey Boss don’t forget that... The thing i told ya about...”


Toshiro was making strange glances towards Shouji and he just thought something really strange was going on there...


“Oh...right.... Hum... Hey... Shou...hum...you look....really....good...on...those...clothes... and the hair...looks nice too...”


The most petrifying silence was made, Kai stood looking at Shouji like he said something of the most importance and Shouji couldn’t help but break on laughing like crazy...


“Waahahhahahha.... What th’a fuck was that all about, have ya gone nuts...?!”


Kai returned to the position he was early when he entered the room... Scratching his forehead, and looking really serious...

That made Shouji stop laughing and stare at Kai...


“Hum... I’m trying to be nice here you know... So give me a break if i suck at this...”

“Oh...i mean...Ya don’t suck, i was just...surprised....”


They both looked at each other at the same time, and once Kai saw Shouji’s blushing face he started to walk twice as fast...


This would certainly be a fucking weird dinner!



Hurray.... managed to pull out two chapters out of my head so i'm happy :D

Hope you all like it...

Thank you so much for reading :***

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Update soon ok??? this one of my fav original fanfic....^^


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@ Miro


@ Junnie


You guys never miss one of my crazy chaps :D

Thank you so much for reading it...and liking it :***

And Junnie...no worries...working on 18 chap right now ;)

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Bel.. I've been waiting for so long for the green dragon and.. I was so into the chaps that when I finished.. I realized I had one finger on my mp4 play button but didn't press it..hahaha.... I got so into it..that forgot the rest...hahaha great job dear... can't wait for the rest.....

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@ Bridge


@ Ginger


Jeez....Thank you *___*

I'm really glad you liked it, and Bridge, enough for you to forget to put music on...?!

I'm really happy XDDD

Hope i can continue the good work ;)

Thanks again...


Big HUG!! :***

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You have a real talent for creating great characters and good plot lines - Makes for great reading, thank you so much for sharing your story with us


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@ Ginger


Oh...gosh...i'm blushing *=_____=*

Thank you so much for your amazing praise *bows*

The only thing i really wish at all is to pass on correctly what goes on in my head when i'm writting...

Knowing that you like the characters i create well...makes me feel really happy and relieve you guys actually like my crazy stuff XD

So thank you, Ginger...

I'll promisse to try my very best at all times ;)


BIG HUG!!! :**

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hielloooo :D


Here's part 18 :)

Enjoy ;)



Walking 5 meters in front of Shouji, Kai was feeling ridiculous self-conscious.

The major screw up he’d done to the kid would take long to amend but he was somehow trying.

He wasn’t able to, at first glance know if the kid was just quiet or scared shitless...

Well he surely had reasons to be, and deep down and even if he would never, ever say out loud Kai regretted the whole damn thing!

By the time they got to the dining room the kid looked stupefied before such setting and sat in one of the elegant couches that filled the room, besides the gigantic table, king like fucking huge chairs, and some kind of table-wear that looked like, only the dessert spoon would cost some hundred million yen.

Shouji chose to sit on it only to prevent him of breaking some of the damn things, who knows what the guy might do to him if he does something he shouldn’t.

Demanding payment with his body would be the only solution figuring the kid didn’t have a single yen...


“Hey...why the fuck did you sat there, time to eat...sit at the table...”


Shouji shot another glance at the imperial layout followed by another one at Kai, and besides being embarrassed the kid was overwhelmed.... It was just too much!


“I dunno how to use all of that...”

“Fuck...really?! Shit... It’s just a normal plate, fork and knife... What’s there not to know?”

“Was i supposed to know i would be dinning with the fucking emperor or somethin’... i used that shit once, but can’t remember right... I’ll just make a mess and end up fucking somethin’up...”

“Hey, look...ok, ok...don’t freak out. I’ll ask Mimori-chan to change this ok?!”


Shouji kept his gaze on Kai for a moment and couldn’t help but to realize...


“... Even if you said that shit of trying to be nice to me and all... This is still creepy man...”


Kai had the same fucking opinion...

But Toshiro, that damn bastard, manage to persuade him to act like the guy was somehow “fragile”...

Kai gave it a little snicker at the word... the kid might be a whole lot of shit, but “fragile” wasn’t one of them.

However he understood the meaning behind the completely idiotic speech slash bashing Toshiro gave him.

The guy wasn’t fragile... The guy was afraid of him, aware of him in the worst ways...

Only light and cool treatment would manage to create some sort of relation between them again.

The yakuza was aware of it, but having the gift of making it a reality was another different matter.

He was used to speak with his fists, and when that wasn’t enough, the power he hold managed to solve any kind of problem it might appeared. Zero problems... Zero concerns...


That wouldn’t work here, and that was the catch.


How to make a wary, not to mention injured, and already callous individual open up to him after all they went thru?!


After thinking for a while, Kai left the room.

Shouji was left thinking he said something he shouldn’t and pissed the yakuza off all over again, starting the whole “I’m so stupid... i should keep my mouth shut more...” cycle.

That wasn’t his point, he was only trying to protect, himself of getting into whole more trouble, then all the shit that was standing on top of that table.

He was a menace standing so near to such things. He rather not.

It was only that... nothing more... was there a need to be pissed off again?!


The kid stole a glance at the table again...

It made him remember things he shouldn’t.

The time Kai held him there, couldn’t and wouldn’t be forgotten.

It was humiliating, painful, and something he would have to live with for the rest of his life.

So why this easiness...? Why the relaxed and calm mood Shouji was feeling...?


“Shou... come here.”

“What did i do now?!”

“...humph...just follow me damn it!”


Shouji steadily got up and followed Kai...

He found himself standing in a totally Japanese style room, a 180 degrees different kind of setting from the one before.

A small table set, chopsticks and all, a few floor pillows all ready for them to sit and eat...

The smell coming from the tea pot made him feel warm inside...

Something like a homely feeling... Only a little more outstanding from anything he ever experienced... Still, it was closer to what he knew... to what he felt comfortable with.

It was comforting... It made him feel somehow safer... even if he haven’t felt like that in a long time, the old feeling still remained there...


“Is this shit even possible...? I mean ya came here like...5 minutes ago.”

“More than enough time... Is it... Better like this? I mean...”

“It’s great man... It’s better than great. Thanks...”



The yakuza was giving a small, but prideful smile gazing around the room... It wasn’t directed at Shouji but still, made the kid a bit happy...


All that for him?


Yeah, the guy was all proud of himself, pulling these kind of stunts, but still...Why the satisfaction of pleasing him...? Attending his needs? A rag would always be a rag... Why trying to mend his holes right...?


“Why?! Why all this f’o me? Like i said before, i’m ok with warm food, a roof on top of my head and somewhere to crash... This... This is just too much man... I don’t get it, i don’t understand, what you’ll want from me after all this...”

“Nothing! And besides stop calling me “man” you make me look decrepit old and i ain’t... i know i’m the “Man” but coming from you it’s weird... It’s either Kai or...”

“Or what?!”

“Master would be nice...”


It was unavoidable... The kid had to laugh at Kai’s attempt of making him bow a little to his will.

It didn’t suit him, so of course he wouldn’t!


“In your dreams pops... But since i’ll be workin’ here anyway i’ll go with it like an employee would. So i guess Kai-sama would be cool, right?”


Shouji didn’t notice, but the whole time the older man kept staring him... As if he was trying to catch some sort of answer from any of Shouji’s expressions...

Shouji shrivelled a bit...

He didn’t want to think about that sort of thing now.

Besides it would be too hard not to say something unnecessary at a time like this...

And look unaffected wouldn’t work for sure.

Rapist or not, Kai was, in its own way unique... You couldn’t deny that.

The simple fact he was standing in the room gave it a completely different colour...

And Shouji knew he definitely couldn’t hide the fact that his heart was going one hundred miles per second when looking him at close...



“What is it?! Like starin’at me all weird and shit... Feel like a fuckin’panda...”

“I felt like it... that’s all...”


Where the hell did that shit come from?!


“Don’t say shit like that... There’s a reason f’o every shit ya do.”


Shouji didn’t raise his voice, he wasn’t mad... It came out almost like a whisper...

Truth was he was afraid of what was coming next... He wasn’t ready to give whatever the Kai might ask from him. At least not yet.

Besides the whole deal of Shouji coming to his house didn’t have this involved.

Was he going to go back in his word now...?


But the main point was... Would Shouji mind?!

Not even himself could answer that...


“Yeah... you’re right... let’s just eat, right?! I’m starving... Bet you’re too right?! Aren’t you sick of hospital food?”


The mood lighten up a bit and Shouji felt like he should just keep talking.


“It wasn’t that shitty... I mean for a guy that usually starves any food is good right?”

“That’s no good... no good!! You have to eat good food, to keep getting healthy, you remember what Hisaki said right, you’re too skinny...”

“If ya keep feeding me like this i’ll be fat in no time...”


Both man sat on the floor, looking at the delicious food ready to be savoured. Kai served Shouji a cup of sake and in the middle of pouring Kai asked a whole bunch of shit about Shouji’s life until then... Shouji’s mom, Shouji’s dad, school, friends... All of it.

In the nick of time the yakuza managed to pull off all the fucking, weird and dark roads of Shouji life till the moment they met.


The food began growing thin...

Mimori-chan, hold a pleased smile in her face when she found her master talking, eating and somewhat enjoying his time freely with someone like he never did before.

His usual companion in these types of occasions would be Toshiro with their idiotic chit chat about nothing in particular and usually the sake would leave them both knocked out by the time the sun was rising...


“Say, i said a whole bunch of shit about myself... What about you?! Ain’t hidin’ nothin’?”

“The hell... There’s nothing to tell... I am what you see, nothing’s kept from the naked eye...”


“Damn brat, you doubting me?!”

“Look... Can i come clean with’ya...? Ya got a murder brother livin’ under the same roof as you? What the fuck are ya thinkin’...”

“Hey...i told you to let go of that, didn’t i...?”

“Well i only thought it was fair since ya managed to even squeeze the colour of my underwear out of me ya bastard...”

“Ahahah, well you can ask anything but...that subject, got it?!”

“I got ya... Say... since we’re probably drunk and shit, answer me for real... why me?! Why going thru all this shit f’o me...? Is it just to make me feel better cause all that shit happened or...”

“In part yeah... i feel i owe you big time... But there’s...”



At that time Shouji got closer to Kai. He wasn’t what you can call, exactly aware of it, but he got too close... And pushed Kai’s buttons...


“There’s something about you... I don’t know what it is brat... but you surely piss me off...”


The conversation ended...


Kai was kissing Shouji now... holding onto his face, taking the small strand of hair in front of his eyes away, so he could see the face of the man who stirred him up so much closer...

There still wasn’t an answer for what was going on inside of him, what caused it, how could he break it off...

The only thing he felt, the only thing he wished for, was to hang on to it hard so it wouldn’t fly away.




Hope you guys like it....

Thank you for reading :D

Big HUG!!! :**

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