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When you first started watching yaoi, was it hard to get through the sex parts?


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No... for me it wasn't hard at all. I started to watch yaoi 2 years ago at the recommendation of a friend of mine and the first anime that I've seen was Junjou Romantica, which is pretty censored... unfortunately... hehe

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Yeah, I was a little disturbed. I started off with Level C. Wow! Dumb move on my part. (I watched it on youtube when my parents were'n't home. Just out of curiosity. As soon as the sex scene came, my legs went all jelly-like and I was creeped out!) I can go through sex scenes in manga perfectly. Although I've gotten better with anime. Now I don't think I really have a problem.

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I started with Gravitation...so, there was no problem for me as Gravitation is more of a Shonen Ai. So, that kinda helped me get used to "the situation" and when I saw the first yaoi (Ai No Kusabi) I was just ok with all the scenes.

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I never ever had any problem to get through sex parts, no matter how hard. In act I like hard yaoi stuff, so the harder the scene, the better. :hamtaro-005 (5):

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I never had a reaction about yaoi that wasn't pleasing, or indifferent to say the least. Even in the beginning. That did not change when I watched yaoi for the first time, after the initial shonen-ai Gravitation.

I do not remember very well so I cannot say it is accurate but I think the first yaoi anime with actual sex scenes were the Ikoku Irokoi Romantan OVAs.

The sex scenes in question (Ikoku Irokoi Romantan) are HOT (even if the OVAs could never match the beautiful art of the original manga) and really pleasant to the eye *.*

Bad sex scenes, kindly speaking, like the ones from Papa To Kiss In The Dark (my opinion solely) did not do anything for me. I did not like it but it certainly didn't make me stop watching yaoi.


Also, I agree with Leslie_LC. I am a sadist by nature so I will thoroughly enjoy things that most people find disgusting, horrid and disturbing.

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mm... the first time i watch is when my parents no at home...just trying to figure out the the reality men do the same action lk anime...n just enjoy it ...HAHA

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not that hard,, cause i like to read yaoi fanfic since 4 years ago..??about 2 years after that, my friend show me japan yaoi movie..Boys Love..and.. well.. shocked at first then..i guess enjoy it..?ha...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have to say I was just intrested and curious at first... Didn't have any trouble getting through them haha...

And well, then you just start to love it~

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  • 2 weeks later...

it wasnt hard for me but i didnt see it coming because i watched junjou romantico first (my first yaoi anything) and the first scene where usagi touches misaki when misaki woke him up...i didnt really understand what was happening...then i did through a bit more than common sense and i was pretty good about it...wanting to see more than was shown

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  • 2 weeks later...

No Problem what-so-ever

I quite liked it to be honest

The first on I stumbled on while my parents weren't at home was Boku My Sexual Harassment

I loved it though the beginning of the episode was a bit boring ...

then I watched Junjou Ramantica 1&2 I thought that they could have gone in a bit more detail :msn_red_fox 2 ♥


I think i have watched most of them :leaf12: ♥

I'm a bit picky so I like my anime to be clear (a certain type of line drawn that you can't miss a thing :leaf2: :3onion15: :cuteonion46:

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my 1st yaoi movie was Boys Love 1...

so 1st time i was quite shocked esp when the rape part...

but after tht i have no feeling then i watch Boys love 2...

there's too many naked scene in thre which i feel uneasy 2 watch..

after all the story line is the most important....^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually not. I am waiting to see the sex part. I wanna know ^^. Junjou romantica is the first yaoi anime I ever watched since one year ago. Unfortunately, the anime get censor :cuteonion58:


after that I began seach for the manga till now. I am love yaoi !!! And bought some anime bout yaoi.

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let's see...hmmmm...


a little bit because it just creeped me out...the sex scenes gave me goosebumps...lol :D...

but after a few hours, it wasn't so bad at all...hahaha...

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me too~

I felt weird at first, but then it got me addicted and I started replaying the scene over and over again...

:D :D :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ummm... no not really. I got used to it pretty quickly. I didn't like Yaoi at first but then my curiosity got the better of me *,*. I cannot for the life of me stop reading it. Not that I would want to stop XD. I got addicted in like a week.

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  • 1 month later...

For me it wasn't hard at all to watch the sex scenes :D When I watched Junjou Ronatica .. surprisingly or not, the sex scenes didn't bother me at all :p

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It wasn't hard at all, I watched junjou Romantica first but not sex scenes, then I read DEKICHATTA DANSHI, I love the story( I'll do anything but don't leave me bec I love you) and the sex images didin't bother me at all. Later I've read even harder yaoi.

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my first introduction to BL/yaoi anime/manga was Gravitation. But I watched it together with a bunch of other people in an anime movie fest event.

the reactions from the audience were varied and noisy so it was kinda hard to concentrate without getting carried away.

but then i got to watch it at home in private and though i felt my heart go thumping all the way...i got through it without a hassle.

i was actually okay the whole time.

it was a very interesting experience for me.

it made me wonder how the voice actors were feeling during that time. :)

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My first impression was"Gosh this is way sexy" :D

My first yaoi manga was Koisuru Boukun, from there, junjou, and many others, i never saw anything that i didn't liked or that shoked me, it might not be interesting in my point of view but i never found anything that i can say that i hated it.


I still get emotional, turned on(sorry it's true), angry and so many other feelings just by reading/watching them, so no, never bothered me.

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Some times I talk with a friend about manga, she hasn't read any yaoi yet & sometimes I feel weird & embarrassed for liking men love stories & like Belita, feeling emotions ( sometimes I feel hot too) & missing the characters once the story is over...

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  • 1 month later...

i don't rememeber my first yaoi it was long time ago, but i easly find this is something for me. I watched when my parents were out or at nights, now i'm watching when i want xD. whe only problem is i love hard stuff and after seeing one hard movie i'm getting bored and searching for more xD ...

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  • 1 month later...

i wouldn't really say that it was hard getting through the sex parts...just that the 1st time i watched yaoi with sex parts my heart would kinda stop and hurt...because whether it's manga....drama...or movies...i really get into the story so i guess when the sex parts come up my heart stops and kinda hurts 'coz of how much I am feel for what the characters have or maybe I'm just feeling what the creators or authors want the audience to feel when they reach that part....i dunno does that make any sense? ehehe:hamtaro-005 (4):

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  • 2 months later...

I think this is a very interesting thread and I read every one of them so now I feel like I know some of you people better since Im new here. The first yaoi thing I came across was a fanfiction about Harry Potter and Draco and when they started to make out I was amazed because I totally didn't expect it. Then when they had sex I was excited to read it. but I didn't know what yaoi was. I found out about yaoi because I started reading more of the fan fictions and they talked about it so I started looking for yaoi. The first anime I saw was Junjou Romantica -- but censored and then I read Boku no Pico and that was the first where I saw a sex scene drawn! that was amazing I couldnt believe it. I was not shocked I was happy haha I never knew there was such stories and I was glad to find them!!!!

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