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DeviantArt: Vivilian27

Google+: Vivilian Moon

Tumblr: buchbuchloveyaoi

Twitter: Ivilka

Youtube: Vivilian27


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Sorry if i do this wrong, but i...i am new and *blush* shy

Facebook: bebelu.traznit

Tumblr: xennen

Google +: Bebe Lulu

Twitter: xennnen



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Hi! ^_^

Facebook: Akino Natsu-kun

Tumblr: natsu-roll

Twitter: maningmani

Deviantart: nathzaiel


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Facebook: Tyffany Krausse

Tumblr: xXJikoTosuiTusraraXx

Google +: Tomb_Keeper 696

Twitter: Ana Chronym (@Tomb_Keeper696)


I'm also watching you on Deviantart.com (xXJikoTosuiTusraraXx), but I'm not sure if you're offering points for that or not; you included the link for it, but only mentioned Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and Google+. Either way, just thought I should let you know. ^w^ I'm glad I found this website; it's always nice to find others that share the same interests as me. Anyways, I'll just shut up now. ^^;


EDIT: 5000 points Yeah, we give points for them all (: Enjoy your stay ;D

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Google+: Emo-Lightning Yaoi-Fujoshi

Youtubr: Emo-Lightning Yaoi-Fujoshi

Facebook: EmO.LiGhTnInG


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Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu ^w^

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Tumblr : heavyarms03.tumblr.com

Facebook: villey siakiir

Google+ :

Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.


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Deviantart: VeroOjou-sama

Youtube: VeroOjou-sama

Facebook: VeroOjou-sama

Google+: VeroOjou-sama

Tumblr: VeroOjou-sama


Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~


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I don't find a reason not to like/follow :hamtaro-005 (6):

Twitter: veronica_kos

Tumblr: veronica-k47

Google+: Veronika Kosmidou (veronica.kos2208)

Facebook: Veronica Kosmidou

Youtube: Veronika Kosmidou


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Twitter: nebucch

Google +: Barnaby Brooks Jr.

Tumblr: gaynote

Youtube: tsuritanal

DeviantArt: nebucch


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Liked Facebook page, my name on there is Yandiel el travieso...

If I add other accounts I'd like then too :) yoyoyo


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Youtube: helya

Facebook: Mia Veringu

Twiter: Mia Veringu

Google+: Mia Veringu

Tumblr: helyablr

Deviantart: helya-12



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Liked Facebook page, ohh how convenient even if im on my obile i can ee manga updates,

Username: Rhyeann Meowmeow

EDIT: 1000 points and yeah, it's easier to keep track of the releases (:

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