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Twitter: krumplieb


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(I don't have a username, I only use my e-mail address.)


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Tumblr : kuonthejapanfreak

Youtube : Kuon Yuu

Google+ : Kuon Yuu

Facebook : Shiroyama Kuon YJ Thebestk

DeviantArt : ShiroyamaKuon


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Tumblr: sai miyoshi

Google+: sai miyoshi

Facebook: sai miyoshi

Deviantart: sai miyoshi


Hope it all worked >.>


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Twitter: Deadly Curiosity


Youtube: Iserya


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I'm following on 4 places: rabbit16


DeviantArt: CountlessObsessions

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Youtube: Ejrcreations

Facebook: Sent ._.


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Facebook: Cristiele Campos

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Twitter: Sakura Campos

Tumblr: Sakura92

YouTube: Sakura Campos

Deviantart: Kirino92


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Facebook: harris bren

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Deviantart: harrisbren


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Facebook: Aitsu Nakamora

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Youtube: AitsuDUBS


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Facebook: かわいい猫

Tumblr: xxgtopxx

Google +: Ji Yong Choi


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Youtube: Ji Yong Choi


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Google+ :Vlad Myers

Tumblr: SalmonBearGirl

Facebook: Abby Gomez

Deviantart: Dragonabby

Youtube: Vlad Myers


Thanks for the chance to get these points! All your hard work on this site is greatly appreciated! :hamtaro-005 (6):


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