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Well here we go, Properly following all possible social networks:

Facebook: /mel.nascimento | Mel Nascimento

Tumblr: /melmayfly | Mel may Fly

Google +: +MelNascimento | Mel Nascimento

Twitter: @

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Facebook: Anna Kathleen Rain /

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Tumblr: aimezvouscette

Google +: Anna Kathleen Rain

Twitter: keiteu01


:) I've joined your pages and Liked it in Facebook today.. after I joined :)


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All right, so...

Twitter: Followed ✔ apunitedkingdom

Tumblr: Followed ✔ chocostrawberryvanilla (magnificent blog, by the way!!)

Google+: Added to follow circle ✔ David Ivanov ([email protected])

Facebook: Liked ✔ Jack Frost [

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(this is even my public/class facebook--i have teachers added on that profile, haha!)


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Twitter: pretty_rhin / pretty_me (followed)

Google+: hannah Coleen Andrada (added to my circle)

Facebook: Hannah Coleen Andrada (Liked ur page)

YouTube: rhinmeikazukawa (subscribed)


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twitter: @

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Tumblr: shineesujulover

:hamtaro-005 (23):


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I'm so glad I have an account in every website you have. ^^


here's my username :)


Facebook: yui migomi

Tumblr: yuimigomi

Google +: yui migomi

Twitter: yui_migomi001

Deviantart: yuiio

Youtube: yui migomi


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Tumblr: fujoshi-oujosama

Google +: otakumina30

Twitter: Doomdadanamdiva


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