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Facebook: fallingkissu

Tumblr: alltheglitters

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Twitter: alltheglitters2


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EDIT: 5000 points and thank you ;D

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Imperator Mery



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Gangsta Lux in da place






Gangsta Lux in da place






EDIT: 6000 points and thank you ;D

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Facebook: Koneko

Tumblr: koni524

Google +: Koneko

Twitter: @

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YouTube: Koneko


Thank you :D


EDIT: 5000 points and thank you as well ;D

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Facebook; Saffirah Somethin


Tumblr; Teambullshitsfakefan


Youtube; Shafa Rizwan


DevianArt; Saffirah666


Gooleplus; Shafa Rizwan


EDIT: 5000 points and thank you ;D

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Hello this is me who sent a message on facebook, an old member who forgot my account.. I've registered a new account..


Facebook: Mailidda Alison Young

Twitter: @

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EDIT: 2000 points and thank you ;D

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Get ready for flood likes!


Facebook: Jiann Valtiel

Youtube: Mechanical Titanrenegade

Deviantart: natsuki-miaka-nagisa


EDIT: 3000 points and thank you ;D

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Facebook : Roro Zoro

Tumblr: onlymeneko

Google +: onlymeneko

Twitter: onlymeneko

YouTube: onlymeneko

DeviantArt: onlymeneko


EDIT: 6000 points and thank you ;D

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Hello ^_^


Facebook: Karina Dexen

Twitter: @

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EDIT: 2000 points and thank you ;D

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Tumblr: eulenkoenig

Twitter: @

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DeviantArt: Dressrosas


EDIT: 3000 points and thank you ;D

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Hey, I just followd you on:

YouTube: noisette91

Google+: noisette91

DeviantArt: PriestessOfTheMorbid


Thank you ^^


EDIT: 3000 points and thank you as well ;D

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My fb page :felly tifani

YouTube : felly tifani

And also twitter : @

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EDIT: 3000 points and thank you ;D

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Hello, I just followed you on:

YouTube: Diah Wulandani Nurutami

Google+: +DiahWulandaniNurutami

Twitter: diahwn_

Facebook: Diah Wulandani Nurutami

Tumblr: diahwn96


EDIT: 5000 points and thank you ;D

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