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Followed on both Tumblr and Twitter~


Tumblr: chibii-fujoshi

Twitter: @chibii_fujoshi

Youtube: Chibii Fujoshi


EDIT: 3000 points and thank you ;D

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Followed on all!

Facebook: Maddie Reeves

Tumblr: yuri-o-plisetsky

Google +: Madison Reeves

Twitter: plisetskys__

YouTube: Same as G+

DeviantArt: pink--apples


EDIT: 6000 points and thank you ;D

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Twitter: ItsmeRese (followed you on twitter)

Facebook: Therese Suarez Mata Rubi (Liked and followed you on facebook)

Google+: Therese Rubi


EDIT: 3000 points and thank you ;D

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I have followed you on Tumblr - my tumblr is aominecchii - and by the way the banner and background on your blog are not displayed. I assume Photobucker holds your images hostage :p

I have also followed you on Facebook - Dana Avgeri.

Lastly, I subscribed to your Youtube channel - Yeul Nsu Paddra. Waah, I think that's all!


EDIT: 3000 points and thank you ;D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, I was real hyped to follow most accounts so here goes XD:

Facebook: Adeiya Siege

Tumblr: lovefujoshilei

Google+: Leyanne Siege

Twitter: F U J X S H I L E I

Youtube: Leyanne Siege


I have cancerous art skills so no deviantart for me haha


EDIT: 5000 points and thank you ;D

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Just followed today!


Twitter: mocchan98

Youtube: uh...it's my real name (surname Mok, just a hint)


EDIT: 2000 points and thank you ;D

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  • 4 weeks later...

I guess this is where having many accounts comes in handy! LOL jks

I am more than happy to follow YO accounts :) I see they haven't been updated in a while, but that's ok ^^hehe

Facebook= Cynthia Lau

Twitter= Cynthesis225

Tumblr= cynii-sora-lau-225

Google+= Cynii Lau

Youtube = Cynii L

.... and I haven't been on DeviantArt for a really long time, so I don't remember my account LOL


Thanks! :D


EDIT: 5000 points and thank you ;D

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Liked the official page on Facebook: Scarlet Dyiane

Followed on Google +: Scarlet Zhianye

Subscribed on Youtube *u*)b: Scarlet Zhianye


EDIT: 3000 points and thank you ;D

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Youtube: Kinkymochi's (I hope it will get updated again?)

Google +: kinkymochi's (first thing I ever followed on google+)

I will update this post again once/if I ever get tumblr or facebook:D


EDIT: 2000 points and thank you ;D

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  • 5 weeks later...

Facebook: your username


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Google +


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I don't know if it's ok to do it this way, but I saw other members do it, and I want to participate too >


EDIT: 6000 points and thank you ;D Sure, Racheal, it's perfect this way ;D Happy New Year! ;D

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I hope this is alright and thank you!


EDIT: 6000 points and thank you ;D

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  • 2 months later...

Facebook: Yumi Ogawa

Tumblr: Fujoshisexylove

Google +: YaoiGoddess Fujolord

Twitter: FaisaMaye

YouTube: YaoiGoddess Fujolord

DeviantArt: Faisamaye09


I was sooo hyped in doing this!! Haha!! I think I did it right. :D Thank you~ ^^


EDIT: 6000 points and thank you as well ;D

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Facebook: Nguyễn Hoàng Vân (or 姫宮さくら)

Google +: 桜時美姫

Twitter: 桜時美姫 (@miououji)

YouTube: 桜時美姫

Sorry, it may be hard to read. Thank you :3


EDIT: 4000 points and thank you as well ;D

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I finally made tumblr & subscribed;)

(although you're having the problems with the background there because of the photobucket;(



username: kinkymochis


EDIT: 1000 points and thank you ;D

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hi, i just followed you guys on tumblr and deviantart :)



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EDIT: 2000 points and thank you ;D

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