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. .this was just popped in my head :) (after being inspired by amander-sama's "This or That", haha XD)


. .like from beauty pageants or some other contests that has Q & A portion, i thought of bringing it here, but for a change, questions could be any of type, as long as what the poster wants to ask :D


. .sometimes it's good to know how people could respond to different scenarios through asking :)



DON'T ask inappropriate questions

Questions should start with the word " If " :)

The one who answers will be the one to ask the next question.



Here's the first question:


If you found out that your dad worked in the Mafia,

how would you react?


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I would be shocked and the first thing I'd do would be to ask mom if she knew before, then ask dad how did he get to work for the Mafia.


If you would be on a date with your dream girl/guy and when having the dinner you would find a dead spider in your soup, what would you do?

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Call the waiter and say "there's a dead spider in my soup. I think I'll take the filét mignon instead, thank you" and smile.


If your harddrive crashed what would be your first thought?

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Haha, well first I would spit out whatever food I had in my mouth (ewww), maybe prod the spider a bit to make sure it is dead, fish it out with my spoon, and show him/her. ^^ (I'm not scared of them) It would be pretty funny XD


If the Intenet connection in your town suddenly failed, what would you do?

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@ Nezu and Chiaki....


Since my reaction would be the same...

It would go something like this....

"F******!!! What the hell?!"

Yeah something on these terms... XD


If you were chased by a dog in a complete desert street, what would your reaction be?!

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Hmmm... I'd jump over some fence if any around and if the dog gets near me, I'd hit him with anything I'd have in hand lol


If you would return home after a long day at work/school and you would find a naked man sleeping in your bed, what would you do?

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Hard-kick him the hell awake and interrogate him bad-cop style.


If the most important person to you suddenly lost all their memories what would your immediate reaction to it be?

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I think, though not sure, I would cry my heart out alone, then try to be patient and helpful


what would you do if one day you wake up in a hospital & can't remember your mother tongue but another language?

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@ Jenova

I would try to force him look at me and keep asking "Don't you remember me at all? Really?" Then I'll start to remind him some things from the past to see if he can't remember anything.



@ Bridget

I would try to explain the people there to call the police and find my family in the language that I know and give them my ID card if I have it at me.



If you would be in a conference and you would remember something very funny and burts into laughter, what would you do?

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Lol I would try to think about something sad ao that I would stop laughing and if that wouldn't work, I would apologize and ask for the permission to go out for a minute


If you would catch your bf/gf in bed with another person, what would your reaction be?

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Lol I would try to think about something sad ao that I would stop laughing and if that wouldn't work, I would apologize and ask for the permission to go out for a minute


If you would catch your bf/gf in bed with another person, what would your reaction be?



I will definitely attack that mistress I will make sure ill cut her hair so bad and give her alot of scars


What will you do if the only person who cares about you doesnt care about you anymore?

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I would probably cry and be depressed and ask the person what made her change her mind and why doesn't she care about me anymore.


If you would fall madly in love with the boyfriend of your best friend, what would you do?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Depends on my relationship with that person. If he/she is just a friend - Why not? For the laugh and the tease. If it's actually someone I like more than a friendly like - Heck no. (: Also,depends on how the person will understand my dream. If I am sure they might think I am ...insane, I'll just keep it to myself.


If you had to choose between being collective and by yourself for something important to you, what would you do? Would you rather to have people's help(but keep in mind they might ruin your plans), or would go by yourself(keep it mind that one is not really strong and enough to make it 'till the end)?

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If you had to choose between being collective and by yourself for something important to you, what would you do? Would you rather to have people's help(but keep in mind they might ruin your plans), or would go by yourself(keep it mind that one is not really strong and enough to make it 'till the end)?



. .i was really an all-by-myself kind of person when doing seriously into things, but for this question, it would be an exception, i might seek for others' help and think deeply of the suggested ideas but i would also keep in mind that it would just for a reference, at the end of the day, it's still my decision that worth :)




if you were to direct a manga series into live action, what would it be?

and will you keep the original story or edit some parts?

and why?

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I'll edit some parts. especially the ones that are uh, boring? I want to make my movie a hit. :D I want everyone who'll watch it satisfied and contended. :D So yeah :D


If the apocalypse is true and it'll happen on 2012, what would you do?

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Guest FujoshiFTW

Buy a plane ticket to Korea with Yuki (one of my friends) and then meet Super Junior. At least go to one of their concerts since they're on SS4. And after that? Binge on yaoi until the day comes to an end ;D


If your favourite seiyuu/actor/whoever you idolise (male), turned out to like yaoi, what would you do?

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Guest FujoshiFTW

Polietly ask Light if I can borrow his Death Note and write their name down. But of course, if they're good-looking, also write for them to made out with their friend (whom hopefully is handsome too) and film the whole thing before dying of a heart attack.


If you suddenly became your favourite manga/anime character for a day what would you do?

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OMG I would like scream and then do whatever that character would be doing XD


If you were meeting Justin Bieber what would you do ? XD

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Guest FujoshiFTW

Get up and sprout something sarcastic like "Graceful, wasn't I"? And probably laugh it off with him later.


If you could call a dead loved one back, who would it be?

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Honestly, I wouldn't bring anyone back from the dead for any reason.



If you had to, would you play FATAL?

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