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I posted this on the web 4 years ago!


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I recently opened my Multiply account and found a blog i made when i was 18.

I'm 22 now... But i'm thinking it still might be fun to share it now..


...in the hopes that it would inspire others, or just let other people pass some time... hahaha...


Here's the article!



Why love? Simply because everybody can relate to it. No one has yet escaped it. Everyone has gone through an UNBELIEVABLE amount of joy and pain because they have entertained the better infamous feeling. I tell you, I can be filling out this blog just by describing love because of a horizon of descriptions. But, no worries... That won't be necessary.


There, you are, reading this entry, because you have experienced it as well, correct? So I will be writing about my own PERSONAL experience of the matter and I will try to get as intimate as how i feel... just so you could hear my heart's plea. This WILL be hard..


Love has shattered lives like it has shattered Romeo and Juliet's. Lucky for me I'm still alive to tell the tale. I have consulted a few people about this. Confused, i felt. To let go, or to hang on?: a regular dilemma. The catch? the word itself! LOVE! How in God's name can you hang on to someone who could not love you in return!? How do you let go if love is too strong that it has already took over your life!?.. *sigh*.. Yes, a lot has already dealt with this problem. But can anyone of you tell me that they survived without a scar? Some may disagree on this thought of mine, but those who may say they did is, indeed, DOUBTFUL about how they felt.


Regarding the matter, I remain stuck in between the two questions. I can't stay nor can I let go.. and it has been bloody PAINFUL! What is a boy of 18 to do at this rate? As for me, I took the consequences head on! I did not stay, I did not go... I stood my ground.


VENT, a process where I spill all the pain when my bucket is almost full, being very careful that I do not burst while I'm at it. This is what I decided to do. As i stand in between the two dilemma's, I carry this bucket. The bucket fills with pain as time passes and I must never be too careful that it might be too heavy for me to bear. Once the pain is almost on it's way to the top, I look for my friends and i SPILL.. I tell them every detail of what happened that caused my pain. They start to throw me the question again.. "Do you really want to stay?" And I CHOKE... I know I do not want to... but at the same time i do.. "HELL with this feeling!" I say. And then i stop...


I have been doing this for the longest time now. And you know what? i think this is the reason why i still have my sanity. After I spill, the bucket is, again, empty.


A lot (and i mean a LOT!) of people may not be in favor of what I'm doing. But it's fine with me. This is my scenario of what everybody calls the win win situation... I'll be sticking to this process.. FOR NOW... I hope..

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. .i may not know what's the feeling of being in love, having an unrequited love, love ... love ... love .

. .i guess i'm too strong for the love that it doesn't go deeply in my heart, alot of things were more important to me, so many dreams to reach and things that i wanted to do while i'm young, causing me blindness to be in-love . .( heart like a rock, as what they say )


. .but reading this, really, and indeed, will inspire people who has the same experience as yours, and to those who aren't but feel what this content says ( like me :) )


. .supah thanks for sharing this to us, and I hope this would inspire more people and learn something from it :)

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Like cloudy, I have never been in love. I never really believed in love, untill I heard storys like this and relised that most people do experience it at some point in there lives. It kinda, just maybe, gives me hope. :)

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Wow, Thank you! No matter how painful love may seem.. I'd still say it's the best feeling there is for me....


It's easy to see how i get my heart broken, isn't it? Being a sucker for love!


=)) Anyway, it's good that it got to inspire you guys..

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This actually made a lot of sense to me. I'm a 22 year old girl myself and I've been on the hellish end of both unrequitted love and forsaken love. The latter, I found, is far more painful than the previous. In my experiences with love, (though they have been few) I fell in love with a man who loved me too much, until I was left struggling to breathe and lost in a downward spiral that was taking me nowhere fast but to the bottom layer of Hell. Still, however, I didn't want to get out because I believed I couldn't live without his love, or without him in my life in general.


I was 19 then. Though I'm not much older, I've found myself in a similar situation when it comes to the issue of love. Reading this, and learning of what you do to stay balanced, so to speak, actually helps me believe there's hope yet for the future. ^^

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Reading this, and learning of what you do to stay balanced, so to speak, actually helps me believe there's hope yet for the future. ^^


You are very welcome...



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