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The dream thread


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This is the place to share all of your dreams and nightmares!

Share your funny, weird, hot or scary dreams here~

What did you dream last night?



I might as well start. This is a really odd one and I can't really remember all of it... It started with me being late for something, I knew I had to go get a dress and then run to the train station. Before I could get there there was some kind of attack/explosion I think. I made it and so did a guy, then I had to run but before I ran I promised this guy that we'd get married. Breaing into some building I had to sneak around, looking for something, trying not to get caught. But of course I was and was taken away, my captors trying to brainwash me like everyone else. I started crying "but I have to go, I was supposed to get married!". Somehow I got away from it... And then I founf myself in a water park with two friends - who I lost sight of in a waterfall. The whole thing ended when I met another really old friend and told her about it and we had sex.

It makes no sense, I know xD

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@Nezu...hahaha.. indeed weird....

Mine: well.. I've been falling off the bed two days in a row for diff reasons... in the first dream I was all lovey-dovey with.... on my bed and when the real thing was gonna start... I hit my head with my night table. I can remember all of my dreams and nightmares. So I remember the guy, his smell, the temperature of his skin, his hair.. everything..... gosh.. starts to be hot here ne?hahaha... 2 nights ago was just the opposite... I was fighiting with a guy, fighinting meaning punches, kicks bec I hated his lover, we yelled each other, I even broke one of his fingers and when I went to kick him in his privates.. I fell off the bed again.. but this time I hit my hip and it's a bruise on it... >.

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lol, Bridget, sleep seems to have a negative effect on your health, or at least the waking up part does. Have you considered strapping yourself to your bed to prevent more injuries? XD


I remember my dreams very clearly.


Last night I dreamt I was back in tenth grade, but my apartment building was our school, and it had just been renovated and now had a lot more corridors (even though the building was the same size as before) And then some students skipped class, and didn't come back for the rest of the day. So two other students, Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye (from FMA) went to look for them, and then they dissapeared as well.


Then we had a gym class, I was running late because I was trying to persuade other students and teachers we should go search for Roy and Riza and everyone else who hadn't come back.


So when I got to the gym class, everyone was playing some sort of game that involved lying on the floor and holding onto each other, and everyone was wearing onepieces. I thought maybe I should go change, but then I realized I was already wearing a onepiece.


The teacher called me to join the others in the game. So went up to a friend on mine and lay down on the floor beside her. She took hold on my legs with one hand, and put the other on my stomach. I had no clue was the rules in this game was, so I decided to play along, so I just put my head on another girl's legs and held onto her ancle.


The teacher went around inspecting all the students (who are all holding onto each other and lying on top of one another). The teacher called for a bunch of other students to get up (I don't know if they won or lost) and they all leave the gym. So only a small group of us is left, and then the next round began. I end up with my head in a girl's lap, and her arms around my shoulders (which actually felt very nice and cosy, haha :p) and my friend lying with her head on my stomach.


And then I woke up because my mother was talking very loudly on the phone. :p Yeah, I'm good at remembering details of my dreams. XP

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Last night I've had a dream about my first love - girl with a long almost blond hair and always too serious eyes;) We were in some strange place and I wanted that she would notice my existance but it looked like I was invisible or what because she didn't look at me at all... It was very sad - to be so near and unnoticed...

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This was an old one...back in the days i just started coming here and meeting everyone... O_o

I don't usually dream...when i do it's always so damn weird...well aparently i'm not the only one having weird dreams :p


Well this one i'm telling cause i recall so damn well it felt like it was all happening O__O

I kind of won some lottery or something...and i got like filthy rich(no really....... filthy filthy rich) and i had the craziest idea of doing a party(oh my god insanity) in OKINAWA!!!! for ALL the members oh YO! *__*

The craziest thing is i actually even travelled to some members HOME!!!! to ask permission from their PARENTS!!! so that i could take them to the party XDDD

And i actually managed to get everyone, and some crazy shit happend there, people started to get lost, and i kinda got KEY!!!!!!! and my HUSBAND!!! and some other people to look for everyone that was lost.... THEN REI and MATTI!!!! called me saying they were on their way, and that they manage to find everyone lost at the time and that they were coming to the hotel O_o

Then, somehow(what the F****) i had booked this huge hotel just for us...we sorted rooms, and we were going to have a damn beach party, i remember looking at a hall filled with people and thinking Ahhhhhh this is so awsome, and truly feeling relieved everyone was ok....Although i never got to see the party cause i woke up... -___-

Weird, right?!

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lol, bridget, sleep seems to have a negative effect on your health, or at least the waking up part does. have you considered strapping yourself to your bed to prevent more injuries? Xd


-laughs ass off like there is no tomorrow-

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@Nicia and Saga... juas juas! very funny.... well.. the thing is that my mom tried .. I mean... tie me.... once bec I've got the most weird positions sleeping but no way.. I woke up with my legs bended against the wall and one of my arms out the bed...

And.. last night I had an awesome dream but not gonna tell you humph >.


@ Bel.. that would have been awesome.....

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Speaking of weird position while sleeping? You can't beat me on this one girl!

I woke up once with my upper body up on the bed,my lower body sitting on the floor, the odd thing was that my hand was holding onto the desk O_O'

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Oh Bridge, share your dream! It's the dream thread after all :p

And sorry, i couldn't help but see you strapped to the bed like a patient in the uhm... psychiatry ward xD


Bells: Oh, yea we've spoken alot about YO-parties, didn't we? *grin* I still say that if you ever come to visit you'll be greeted with open arms and beer :p

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@Saga....loool... well... my bed is stuck to the wall... I had separated the bed base from the wall and the mattress was place in a way that my right side was on the floor on the wall side and my left side was on the bed base except my left leg that was on the mattress covered by my sheet... the woman helping at home couldn't find me and started screaming and I woke up from her screamings... I was 9...hahahaha......


Well.. last night...-feels embarrased- I was at my gym... on the pool and someone came in.. me alone.... swimming..... and everything was so quiet and so cool.... in the last turn... the person who had came in... was standing there... looking at me.... with amaizing green eyes... and well................ hahahah..... it felt good.....hahahahaha.....

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´Hahaha I think people should share more dirty dreams :p

Unfortunatly I can't seem to remember mine at all >_> Really annoying haha. But, I do have a lot of crazy as fuck dreams lol.

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with amaizing green eyes

LMAO,no kidding,was it me? -LAUGHS HARD- Well,mine are hazel ._. -you wish Saga, you wish boy- ;D


Interesting dream,indeed. ;D

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I don't often remember dreams... but I did this one :D


I was walking up a very high mountain, and this Korean family (they were speaking Gaelic, so I understood XD) were shouting at me to hurry up, cos I was slowing them down, and well I looked behind me to shout at the man, say I'm going as fast as I can, and I see Jaejoong walking behind them.... and for some reason in the dream I was compleatly calm...


So we ended up walking side by side, talking about random stuff, and he suddenly starts singing....and well it was the most beautiful thing I ever heard. Blinded by his voice, I ended up walking head first into the side of the mountain, losing all my teeth...

When I woke up I had to look in the mirror, make sure they were all there still hehe.

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LMAO,no kidding,was it me? -LAUGHS HARD- Well,mine are hazel ._. -you wish Saga, you wish boy- ;D


Interesting dream,indeed. ;D


-pokes her lip- well... green... water....hazel.... I wasn't wearing my glasses... no prescripted googles..... I remember sth....mmm.. purple?? hahahahahaha......


aham.... can't give details dear.... underaged...hahahahaha

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I dreamt I was a vampire or something, hunted. A hunting dog found my hiding place and I killed it quickly, but there were hunters around. Suddenly I was on a hill instead of the attic. I grabbed an air rifle and started shooting them down but they were so many, surrounded me. But I kept shooting all the while two older hunters just kept talking to me - even though I was shooting at them! Can't remember exactly what they were talking about, but they were dead calm lol. I managed to kill one of them (they were almost impossible to kill) before I woke up and found myself tangled up in my sheets lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tonight I had one of the weirdest dreams ever.

I dreamt I was in the hospital, being like 4 months pregnant for some reason and felt really bad, but just had to wait and wait O_O At the same time I was apparently at a small psychiatric clinic?! And they told me my appointment had been postponed by two weeks. I got reaally pissed off but then mom was there and wanted to have dinner with me. Suddenly, I was at a frozen lake with classmates and really old friends, ICE SKATING. (there's so many things wrong with that picture, I won't ever ice skate again since the accident!). Then for some reason, one of my class mates was getting bullied and being called a slut for another unknown reason, so me and two friends walked off to their place. There, I met my old neighbour (that I haven't met in like 4-5 years) and he drank a lot of vodka. Then I remembered my poor mom waiting for me all this time to have dinner... but then I woke up.


Weird dream is weird.

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i have posted it somewhere about it when i dreamed about slaughtering my sister, good thing i dont remember

the detail...

i have dreamed about yaoi 2 times;

1- dreamed about Iason and i was looking in the mirror and saw myself as Riki , i was walking on the Street and my pants was

torn in one leg , i was running in the night and stopped when Iason was talking to some one so i hide behind wooden boxes, then suddenly Iason

found me and said ,with a deep voice , it's really bad to Eavesdrop on people Riki . then i woke up >_

2- i was in a hotel lobby and watching Usagi and Misaki kissing and then i saw Hiro-san loking to them from

outside the hotel he was yelling but no one but me heard him... poor Hiroki >_

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I had another weird dream last night.

First I think I was some middleaged man who didn't get along with his dad... I don't know.

Then I was a grandma and my husband went kinda crazy and switched our comfy bed with LEGO and ice cream for dinner.

THEN, I was out in the garage in the car when a bunch of (vampires?) people surrounded me. I saw a girl getting electric shocks from a tazer or something. After that they dragged me out there too. I just raised my arms in a "I surrender" pose and said something like "What do you want? You don't have to hurt me". I didn't get a good answer as they were talking between themselves and one of the guys shot me in the side of my ribcage. "That fucking hurt". I picked up my mobile phone since no one was paying any attention to me anymore and dialed 112 (swedish emergency number). This only made the girl vampire's phone ring and she said something like "calling... 112 are you?" and grinned evilly. And then the guy with the pistol shot me in the neck, so obviously I fell down next to the car, the girl now screaming "but she wasn't ready yet!" and attached some kind of device to me before electricuting me. This, somehow, healed me. There was a noise from inside the house so I was put in the car again while they ran towards the noise speaking of "the others" or something like that. My instincts told me however that it was some kind of trap or diversion. Which it was since moments later another bunch of superhuman creatures surrounded the car and broke in the windows to get to me. They didn't seem to have a "mission" like the others, but purely wanted to beat the crap out of me just for the fun of it. I tried to run but of course they caught up to me. I managed to run into the house after a bit of struggling though, where the first bunch of people find me.

Then I woke up XD

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hmm. I like my ,,architectural'' dreams as I call them;) There are a lot of such dreams in my dreams' repertoire;) Yesterday I've dreamt about some unknown city. It was the city of the mosques: they was all that you could see around. A lot of mosques like those that you could see in arabic lands: with high marble minarets and the roofs like the light blue mosaics. Some temples were like the white lace and the others were like the golden columns. In the rising sun they all glowed and sparkled as marvelous as the dream itself. There weren't any people in that city so I was walking around alone. But I really would want to find such a city in reality because I love the culture of the East, I love arabian art and their architecture;) I am afraid that I'm too deeply inspired and affected by all the stories from the ,,1001 nights'' that I've read in childhood so... I couldn't forget these fantasies;)

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