empecool Posted January 28, 2012 Author Share Posted January 28, 2012 ( Maybe you do, but Kia's mine! Mine only! XD) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jin. Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 ( No, he's mine D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
empecool Posted January 28, 2012 Author Share Posted January 28, 2012 (NO WAY! I'm not giving my prince to a sadistic hime! D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jin. Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 ( HE DOESN'T LIKE CUDDLINGGG! I'll be sadistic so sadistic to him D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
empecool Posted January 28, 2012 Author Share Posted January 28, 2012 (Well excuse me! Louise is the sadistic one of those two! You can have Louise instead! Maybe you do *__*) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YaoiLoverfangurl19 Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 Kasuki stig off the motorsycle and he so on Akiya and said'' Thank you very much Akiya-kun it whas nice of you, So we sees tomorrow on the school then''he said to Akiya whit a smile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jin. Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 ( Not really, Louise is sadistic with his whip, but Kia is way sadistic then Louise, you can see that when Kia fucks Louise (: ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YaoiLoverfangurl19 Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 (Hello we write a story here, Games can we talk in games topick in this forum) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jin. Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 ( @Yaoilover. gees, Chill out, we're just blabbering.... And further its empecool's turn now so relax... we will have our story (: ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
empecool Posted January 28, 2012 Author Share Posted January 28, 2012 (Gomenasai Yaoilover! *Begging on my knees for forgiveness* I couldn't come up with anything to write so I just blabbered on a bit, to increase my imagination. So sorry! It won't happen again, probably. But that depends on if Hime starts to talk about something interesting again. I haven't got to that scene yet *Fangirl wants to see Kia fuck Louise*) "Hey, Kasuki! Open up!" He sighted, where the hell were Kasuki. Takeo had seen him and Akiya step of the motorcycle one hour ago. Why does he take so damn long?! Don't tell me they are fucking each other in there... "Pfft, no way, no way! Kasuki ain't like those who goes to bed with first best..." Takeo laughed and felt how tears started to fill his eyes. Damn, that was a funny thought! He tried to erase his thoughts of Akiya and Kasuki being together, his thoughts of Kasuki and Akiya being together as one. Takeo tried to knock again, still no answer. I just go over later. He began to walk to his own frontdoor. And when he was about to open it he heard that Kasukis door was opened. Ah, fuck no! What have those to been doing for an hour, and why is Akiya storming out of the apartment with tears in his eyes?! He stared at Akiya. "Hey! What the fuck has happened?! Why are you crying?!" The voice of an angel filled his head. 'Invite him over, talk to him! Dry of his tears and tell him that if it were you, you would never make him sad.' 'Hey! To hell with the talking, invite him over and fuck him! Just look at his seducing face, you know that you want to do it!' He pushed away the devilish voice inside his head and listened to the angel. "Do you want to come over? I can tell Asuka to put on some tea..." He smiled comforting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YaoiLoverfangurl19 Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 (hehehehe realex empecool i whas not mad or anything i just since it whas irriterende to talk about games when we write a story, so gomenasai for at i hear mat at and yes you is forgiven) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jin. Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 ( Yaoifangurl, first you tell us to stop xD, now you're talking self while aren't we busy with a story? Its your turn by the way... anyway I'll reply to the story again xD... with akiya's cute cryings badass face ._. @ Empecool You could get those 2 secret missions after you're done with getting all CG's of the missions, poorly enough my pc crashed damn badly and lost all data ): ) x Akiya walked away out the house of Kasuki, while... having a small tear out of his eyes. Takeo came near Akiya and he looked up x ...Fine with me... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YaoiLoverfangurl19 Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 Kasuki so at Akiya walked in whit Takeo and he be jealous of it and he walked in his house again, walked mot kitchen and fund sharp knife and start to cutt himself and fainted of bloddloss and before he fainted he start thinking'' Why must everyone leave me behind and lett me be alone why cant i get a happy ending, Whas i born to be alone, First did my parents die and now is both Akiya and Takeo leaving from me, Sigh i guess i dont get a happy ending afterall, Why Akiya must you leave me behind when i need you the most, Why must you go to Takeo, do you love him afterall, I can just die no whant me afterall'' he cryed hardt before he fainted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
empecool Posted January 28, 2012 Author Share Posted January 28, 2012 ( Then I have to start playing now! I want to see them! ) Takeo pushed Akiya inside and closed the door behind them. Asuchan? Takeo shouted for his sister. Yes, oniisama. What is it? Asuka looked out from the kitchen and saw Akiya. Who's that hot boy? One of oniisamas friends? Or maybe, his secret lover... She giggled at the wonderful thought of her oniisama having a boyfriend. Takeo saw her staring eyes and decided to introduce them to each other. "Ah, Asuchan. This is Akiya, he's my best friend..." He wanted to say lover, but Akiya were going out with Kasuki. Asuka noticed a lot more than Takeo told her, he was in love with this Akiya. Takeo looked at Akiya and continued. "This is my little sister Asuka, but both me and Kasuki calls her Asuchan." He saw that Akiya found her interesting. "Oh, I almost forgot. Asuchan, can you put on some tea?" She nodded and disappeared into the kitchen again. "I make a cake for you, since it looks like you two will take a while. Oh, Oniisama. Did you leave the food to Kasuki?" Asuka shouted from the kitchen. Oh, fuck! I almost forgot about it... Takeo walked into the kitchen and put the leftovers in the fridge. "I go over in fifteen minutes." Asuka nodded. Please do, you know that he won't eat if nobody's reminding him about it." Takeo nodded silently and walked out to the hallway. "Follow me." He began to walk up the stairs to his room, Akiya followed him like a obedient puppy. When they had walked into Takeos room, he closed the door. "Now tell me what happened, will you? What are you so upset about." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YaoiLoverfangurl19 Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 Kasuki wake up some hours and he so his hand full of blood and he didnt care about it, he didnt care about thing anymore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jin. Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 x He looked at Takeo and breathed deep x Sorry... I was just cutting onions... and I needed a breathe... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YaoiLoverfangurl19 Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 Kasuki so on the roof and fainted again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
empecool Posted January 28, 2012 Author Share Posted January 28, 2012 "I don't fucking believe you Akiya! I know you, something is wrong! What is it?" Takeo shouted loudly, then he heard something from Kasukis room. "Ah, wait here! I must check something, I'll be back in five minutes!" Takeo rushed down the stairs and to Kasukis frontdoor. He felt on it but noticed that it was locked. He began to fumble with the key and locked up the door. "Kasuki?! Kasuki!" He ruched inside and saw all the blood in the kitchen. No, not again! Please Kasuki, not again! Takeos tears began to well over. He rushed up the stairs, following the blood. He found Kasukis bloody body. "KASUKI! HEY, WAKE UP! KASUKI!" Takeo tried to cover Kasukis wrists. The he began with the CPR. Don't let it be to late! Please Kasuki, don't die on me now! He heard how somebody walked up the stairs. "Ah! KASUKI!" Akiya had rushed after Takeo and found him with Kasuki lifeless body. Tears filled his eyes and began to flow down his cheeks."Go get Asuka! Tell her to get here NOW!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jin. Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 (oh gosh.... emo! ) x He rushed after Takeo and noticed Kasuki's bloody body and his skin turned more whiter, his mother also died on a horrible way... Suicide right? he thought. Since father only cared about the money and abused his mother for a few times, His mind came back and he nodded when the other told him to get Asuka. He rushed to Takeo's house and screamed the girl's name, x "ASUKA! HELP... K-KASUKI!... BLOOD!..." x He didn't knew what to say, tears flowed over his cheeks like he was a small kid. He cried 3 times in his life... When he was born, when he saw his mother dead, and now... Once crying makes him cry a lot. He didn't looked like the Akiya, the beast... the girl-magnet... Asuka nodded and rushed to Kasuki's house, also Akiya, tried to rush to Kasuki's house. He slowly lost all his energy, his powers, and his will. when he was back to Kasuki's house he slowly fell against the wall, breathing hard x Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YaoiLoverfangurl19 Posted January 29, 2012 Share Posted January 29, 2012 Kasuki wake up litte bit and so both Takeo and Akiya beside of him and start talking slowly'' Hello Akiya and Takeo, why are you here?'' he asked still very tired. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
empecool Posted January 29, 2012 Author Share Posted January 29, 2012 "Takeo! Don't tell me he tried again! Why?!" Asuka rushed up the stairs. She saw all the blood and rushed down stairs, to find the first aid kit. "I don't know why! I thought that he was feeling better! I don't get it, he was so happy just this morning..." Takeo saw that Akiya came up the stairs again, he was really pale. He's crying! If Kasuki wasn't hurt this bad I would have hugged him, comforted him! Takeo looked away from Akiya, trying to concentrate on Kasukis wounded body. Hey, Akiya. Help me a bit, will you! I need to get him downstairs to Asuka!" Takeo tried to lift Kasuki by himself at first but noticed that his hands were shaking too much. "Hey guys! Hurry up, if you don't get him here NOW it will be too late!" Akiya and Takeo lifted up Kasuki and began to walk downstairs. Steady, steady... When they came downstairs Asuka told them to put him on the sofa. She tried to clean his wounds and put on bandages. "He should be safe for now. You two have to stay with him, but come fetch me when he wakes up!" Both Akiya and Takeo nodded silently. Takeo began to cry and put his head on Akiyas shoulder. "I don't know what to do with him anymore. It's the third time that he tries to kill himself already..." After two hours Kasuki opened his eyes. "Why are you here?" Kasuki seemed shocked over the fact that both Akiya and Takeo sat by his side, Takeo were still crying. "Why wouldn't we be here?! You're our friend!" Takeo looked at Akiya, "I go get Asuka", no sound came from him as he moved his lips. Akiya nodded and turned then back to Kasuki. Takeo rushed over to his home. "Asuka, he's awake now!" Asuka nodded and hugged Takeo. "I were so scared! I thought that Kasuchan was going to die!" She cried and clung to her brothers body, sobbing loudly. "Shh... Calm down Asuka, it will be alright..." Takeo stroke his hand over her hair, comforting her like their mother always had done before she died. Asuka loosened her grip and dried of her tears. "He's probably hungry, I make some porridge for him." She tried to look strong, to look brave. "We'll take him here. I put up some futons in my room later. For now I can put him in my bed... And Asuchan, please don't cry anymore. It will be alright." He hoped that his words could comfort her even just a little bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jin. Posted January 29, 2012 Share Posted January 29, 2012 x When they were in the room where Kasuki was resting, after he woke up. He wanted to hug him but he fell from the chair and collapsed, His eyes were closed for a while, he didn't knew what was going on... He was somewhere, in a garden with flowers. He didn't knew where he was, although it must be somewhere from his past. x (jesus penus, o.O ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YaoiLoverfangurl19 Posted January 29, 2012 Share Posted January 29, 2012 Kasuki whas very tired but very happy to see his friends beside of him, He slowly rais himself up and feelt he whas very hungry so he tryed to wake Akiya up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
empecool Posted January 29, 2012 Author Share Posted January 29, 2012 Takeo sneaked into Kasukis apartment to find him wide awake. He smiled. "It's good to see that you feel better. Are you hungry? Asuchan are making something for you." Takeo gave Kasuki a light hug and continued. "You are staying over at my place tonight. We are going to have a talk..." Takeo looked at Akiyas sleeping face. "All three of us... You should tell him everything..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jin. Posted January 29, 2012 Share Posted January 29, 2012 x He didn't knew what was going on. In his dreams, he was somewhere with flowers. He saw his mother, his dream was calm. x Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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