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~It all begins from the reunion~ (Vampire Knight)


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Zapir so Victoria run and run after her but didnt find here in the end, So he slowly walked home and walked in the house and walked to his room, opendt the door and la himself on his bad and restet.

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Tears streamed down her porcelain face as she continued running. What have a done? Why am I like this? Why can't I do anything? Questions filled her cranium as ran until suddenly she just stopped. No thoughts, no noise, nothing.


"Who am I," she said as she stood still, not knowing anything.

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Zapir wake up and walked down the stairs and walked out again, and start to searche again for Victoria and finnaly fund here and walked torwards here and hugged her and said'' there are you Victoria, I whas worried about you, La ous walk back home''

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Victoria's eyes opened wide. Her eyes were not the color that was once there. From the soft, silver color, was replaced by a dark scarlet color. It didn't seem to match with what she looked like, yet they seemed that they suited her.


She suddenly felt someone from behind her, and felt the words the flowed from the strangers lips. She didn't even think about what she was doing before she did it, and even then, she didn't recall what she had done. She slapped him in the face when she turned around, and in doing so, she spoke with such a cold tone. "Don't ever touch me again."

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Zapir could realishe what happend, why did Victoria slapp him, He so on Victoria whit confused face and said in confused voice'' what is wrong Victoria? Did i something to offend you?'' he asked.

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She looked at him with a confused, yet stern look on her face. "Don't touch someone that doesn't even know," she said looking at him with her scarlet colored eyes. Her mind tried to gather information about everything, the man, the things he said, it it could do nothing. She was starting all over again.

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Zapir so on Victoria and said'' you is not Victoria, Victoria is not cold or heartless, she care alot of people, Who are you? and where is the real Victoria?'' he asked.

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She smirked as she heard those words. Heartless? Is that really the word you wanted to use to describe me? Sure enjoy it while it lasts, because this is probably the last time you will say those words.


She turned her head back around to the boy and kept her straight face. "My, has it really been that long? It's been years since I have heard that name, but I will keep it. It seems to suit me very well. I've been wanting this body so long ago, and now I have the chance to keep it," she said, looking at every detail of the body she now had. "She has become even more beautiful than I thought. I guess this is to my advantage. Either way, she's gone, and I'd like you stay far away from me."


She began to walk away from this whole fiasco. She didn't want to be caught up in all this drama. It would give her too many worry lines, and then ruin the body she had been wanting for so long. She sighed as she removed the strands of hair away into the wind. "Goodbye." she said with a slight move of her wrist.

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Victoria smirked at herself in the mirror. Her reflection was distorted to see that there were two people, one on each side of the mirror. She crossed her arms across her chest, yet her reflection did no such thing.


"Well, well, well, look who has your body now," she said, tilting it slightly with her hair falling from her shoulders.


The other whammed her fists into the mirror, hoping to get through, but no avail. "Let me go James! Why did you do such a thing to me?" she said through the tears as she well onto the floor.


He kneeled onto one knee and crouched slightly, and rose his finger to seem as to touch her face, but the mirror stood in his way. "Well, it needed to be done, my dear Victoria. If I didn't do this, I wouldn't be able to live. I need to get a new body for me to stay in before I can preform the process of making you mine for eternity." He sighed, and rose from the ground, flicking her hair into the air. "I need my body back, but it's not ready to be returned yet, and this was the only way I could make sure you wouldn't get into any mischief. I already had to get rid of that one fellow. Poor him, but ny love isn't open for the taking. You are always going be mine," he said, going into a sinister laugh.


Victoria again began to wham her fists into the reflection, but nothing could be done. "What did you do to Zaphir? He didn't do anything wrong."


He turned his body around and spoke with open arms. "You think he didn't do anything wrong? Ha! He loved you, and that's was the fault he wronged on himself!" he said, walking away with the sinister laugh that had stopped only moments ago. "Either, only a bit longer and you will be mine. Goodbye," he said with a swift movement of his wrist and hand.


"James! Wait! Wait...." she said, turning her back against the mirror. The plopped her head into her crunched up knees, and her arms covered her face as the tears came out strong.

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Zapir rested on his room when he so his mother walked in his room and asked what what's wrong, Zapir tell everything to his mother and Zapirs mother used her power and so Victoria prison in a mirror, and when Zapir hear that, he said thank you to his mother and run torwards Victorias house and opendt the door and walked to Victorias room and opendt the door and so Victoria in a mirror and so Victoria so stand before him.

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Victoria sniffled in her little prison, sitting all by herself. Help me.... She cried in her mind. Help me. She looked out the mirror's glass, and looked at the surroundings and then she saw him. "Zapir?" she said, reaching out to him, but could go no further than the mirror's glass. She stood up from the interior room, and put both of her hands up to the glass.


"You need to go.... Go before he comes back," but as those words sputtered out from her lips, the door closed and locked. From where the door stood, the girls body came out from the shadows. "Wow, I thought I told you to stay away," he said, raising his finger up to his face, but brought it away slowly. "But your body seems to fit into what I need." he said, glancing around his body.

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Zapir whas litte bit scared but see his belove Victoria in troubel, get him to forgett he whas scared, So he so on Victoria and said'' Give my belovede Victorias body back now, Before i hurt you''

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James began his sinister laughter as he heard those words. "Really? You believe that you really love that girl? You can never love her that way that I do, so-" he said, and with a snap of his fingers, a sudden opening in the floor opened up behind Zapir. "And I plan on making her mine for eternity, and for that to succeed, I need to get rid of the interference." He slowly walked up to Zaphir, and glided his fingers down his face to chest. "And now, I bid you adou" and pushed him into the whole that was behind Zapir. He twiddled his fingers above the opening, and soon walked over to Vicotria that now stood in the mirror. "Well, now that there is no trouble, we can now begin the ceremony that will bound you to me and me only, and you shall only love me for the rest of your life." he said, brushing her face that resided in the mirror.

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Zapir teleport himself out of there he what's in Victorias room again and so on James and said" your are very wrong, I love here of all my heart and for prove that, I'm going to drive you out of Victorias body" he said tok his hand before James and skapte a light around James and slowly trying to drive him out of Victorias body.

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"HAHAHA! YOU THINK SOMETHING LIKE THAT WILL AFFECT ME? YOU FOOLISH MAN, WHEN WILL YOU EVER LEARN?" he said, holding his arms above his head. He drew closer to his face, and gave a devilish smile. "And now, I give you a Judas kiss," he said giving him a kiss, but as he did so, a dagger went through his stomach. He knew it wouldn't be fatal, only if he believed that it would be.


Victoria tried to scream out his name, but nothing would go through the glass. Those heartfelt words would never reach him. "Zapir! I love you! I love you so much! Don't leave me here!" she said, repeating it over and over, yet the glass had silenced her voice. She kept pounding in the mirror, even when he fingers began to bleed and hurt greatly, she didn't want this to happen. Please don't leave me all alone.

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Zapir tried to stand up, but his badly injuries didn't get him to stand up, so he slowly tried heal himself.

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James glanced back at the boy that now crouched down on the ground, he gave his devilish grin to himself, and looked at his prize. Victoria will be mine forever, no matter what I have to do to keep it that way.


With another flick of his wrist, a wall fell down between where Zapir sat, and where James and Victoria were. He glanced over at him in the other side, and looked back at Victoria. He gave his shy smile to her, and started to speak again.


"Oh, you are so worried over some man you just met? My, you have lost your pride haven't you? Once you are mine, you are a fully fledged vampire, just like me. You won't be treated like an outsider to both." he said, brushing the side of her face in the reflection. As soon as he was down to her chin, he moved his hand away from her, and looked at the body he was now in. "The only thing left to do is to preform the ceremony on this body of yours. Though you are not in this body, it is still yours, and you will feel all the pain that I inflict, while I feel nothing. For example-" he said, using his finger to cut open her wrist. The blood slowly came from the wound, and though he didn't feel anything, Victoria felt all of it, and in her reflection could see the pain on her face.


She squeezed her wrist, trying to stop the bleeding. Please stop, please.... She said, looking back at him through her tears. He glanced back at her with that devil smile. "I know it hurts, but do try to keep your composure, my darling. As long as he tries to hurt me, you will hurt you. If he tries to kill me, it will kill you."


And he began that evil banter all over again.

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Zapir hear that and realishe he talk the truth, he couldnt belive it, the woman he loved so much, shuld soon be gone, he didnt know what to do, intil he suddenly get a idea, he could len Victorias his body for a second, but he didnt know it whould work, so he rais himself up and run torwards Victoria in the mirror and asked her this'' Victorias vis the go, do you whant to len my body for a second?'' he asked.

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She looked at him with wild eyes, and spoke. "What? How can I? I don't even know how he got in my body, let alone the process of it," she said, reaching up to his face. Even though she felt so lonely in this cage, she was happy. "Zapir, listen to me. Do what you can to save me, even if it means killing me."

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Zapir so on Victoria and said'' what i cant kill you, I love you for much to that, But i guess is the only option, Im going to try to kill James, Of course i know you whould die to but i have a strong magical power so i have get from my parents and the can bring you back to life, But first must i kill Jame and let you go back to your own body'' he said, tourn around and so on James and said'' la ous battle James, But i must warning you, I look very week, but i most stronger you can imagine, I havet vis you my full power jet'' he said in angry voice.

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She raised her hand up to his face, and though she couldn't actually touch his face, she tried to stroke that face. Tears fell down on her face as she spoke. "I know that you think that everything will be okay, and I do hope for something like that, but even I know that that term of endearment will never change what will happen," she said. "And I will be fine if I was killed by someone who actually cared about me." She said those words as she fell down to the ground, slowly losing her battle to live in the state she was in.


He looked at her, and gave his charming grin at Zapir. "Oh my, I have had her in there for too long." he said, moving closer and closer to Zapir. He gently brushed his hand against his face. "There is a way to save her. All you have to do is listen to me, and let her be mine. You can still guard her with your whole life, but do you really want her to die?" He moved his finger put onto his lips, and that devilish smile came back. "Tch. You'll become what Zero is to Yuuki. All he was ever good for was protecting her from destruction, and now you might have to do the same to protect her."

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Zapir slapp James hand away and said'' thats better than see is yours, Is no problem for me to bring her to back to life, I love her more than anything else in the whould world, she is important to me, and i cant let somebody like you to, take her from me'' he said in very angry voice.

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He laughed after his speech. "You may act tough, but you are completely tender at heart." He was trying to get him to confine to his plan. He grinned as he looked at the man. "There are two things that you might want to listen in on. One of them would be that if she dies and you try to bring her back to life, you have to give something of equal or greater value. If you don't have something like that, she dies or when she comes back, it won't be her. The other would be that I could easily make her body mine forever, and considering that you would do anything for her, I insist that you accept my offer."

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Zapir so on James and asked'' what do you mean whit you have to give something of equal or greater value?''

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