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To answer the last question in the previous thread,lol.

Because I like unique things. XD But yeah,since he is completely white,the name ''Yuki'' is main one. (:

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@Shiro yes it does my brain chemistry is backwards things that are stimulates for me are depressants and things that are depressants are stimulates, like alcohol is supposed to bring you down it makes me hyper.

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Thanks darling! ^^

btw... i did not know you had a lover... my bad dear!


you do well!! be faithfull! :)


but i'm free so... i welcome those presents!! eheheh xD


and cute name... your cat i mean! :p


@ldg i see.... i never heard about anything like that! that's really interesting!! i mean it!! :D

well.. you probably don't like it...

but you know what? the alcohol also makes me hyper!! ^^''

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I didn't know too. O_o' Joking,joking. (:

But yeah,it's good to be faithful. Otherwise I don't see why would you call someone 'special'. (:

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@Shiro I don't mind it, Its a part of being bipolar and it makes me who I am. It is a pain sometimes when I have to work really early and can't wake up since drinking on the job is frowned upon, so to wake up I walk to work. I'm also free so the presents are nice heeheehee.


@Saga That is true they wouldn't be special if the person isn't faithful.

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@Saga.. lmao xDD

well... i guess it's true... it must be good to have someone "special" :)

but i still wonder what is it really necessary to be "special"..

anyway.. just some crazy thoughts... :p


@Dini... i'm so sorry darling but... i just read your post after reading a sex scene in a yaoi manga and.. it came out so worng!! i swear i mean..

I'm coming

so sorry! ^^''

anyway, start by saying your opinion on posting girls too.. or just guys...

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@Saga!! wow!! *____*

he is like the sweetest thing ever!!

so cute!!! :D

sugoi!! i want to hug him!!! ooohhhhhh.....

can i? can i? ^^

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Of course you can. He is a lazy ass and most probably will fall asleep on you. >_> -are pretty alike- xD Pet like its owner,LMAO.


And,about 'being someone's special' thing. It's not to be described and written down,or said. It's to be felt. When one is special, you might not comprehend it,but will still consider them for special.




Thanks! (:

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@Saga, we indeed having fun there.


And,about 'being someone's special' thing. It's not to be described and written down,or said. It's to be felt. When one is special, you might not comprehend it,but will still consider them for special.[/Quote]


never thought in my mind that you so romantic person :p

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@Saga thank you so much!!

and he can totally sleep on me!! i don't mind!! ^^

so cute!! *___*

wait... does that mean you will also fall sleep on me? O_o ahah lmao just jokking!!! ahah xDD

indeed... pets are similar to the owners... i think so too!! :)


and yes... about the special one... i'll just wait! not that i'm in a hurry!! :p



well.. it's about 3.38 am... maybe i should start thinking of going to bed... but i'm not sleepy at all -sight-

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@Diniasa ,

Took photos? ;D Last time I went to the zoo,I stared at a monkey for five minutes. It was amazing! It look just like my little brother! -pauses- This was a joke,LMAO. Mind you,only I can joke with my idiotic brother. >_> -protective-


Eh,romance is another word for being nice to someone. I don't consider it as something different from gentleness. XD Saga can be gentle. I am not a pure brute. Sadist,yes. But not a barbarian. =_="

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@Shiro I know how that goes, I still have a long way before I can sleep. It's only 7:41pm here and I won't sleep until at least 4am

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@Saga has a little brother? how cute!! *_* he must be a hottie.. :p

i'm the same!! only i can make fun of my sister! noone else!! =.=



@ldg it sucks because i'm having this huge insomnia...

i wonder when i'll be able to sleep!! -sight-

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I used to be one,but lately I fall asleep without realizing it. Guess life became too busy,or my mind is just at peace. (:




Lol. He is 16 years old. ;D But to me, he is still a kiddo. ;D

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@Saga.. damn he is to young!! ahah xDD

just joking!! :p

i won't do anything to your brother... yet! muahahah let him grow... let him grow...

jus kidding!! ^^


well.. my sister is 6.. yeah still a baby!!


anyway, i'm on my leave now! let's try to sleep!!

i'll borrow your cat.. is that okay? maybe i'll sleep better... :p


night night my angels!! :D

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@Shiro I know the feeling if caffeine doesn't help, I take an allergy medication and it knocks me out.


@Saga Yes I'm bipolar so most of the time in a manic state and it makes me have a major case of insomnia. When I'm in a depressive state all I do is sleep, it averages out but it isn't so good for my health which is why I drink caffeine and take that allergy medication so I sleep more than 2 hours a night but sometimes that doesn't work.

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LMAO. He is big enough,yet not for some things. (:


Ahahahaha,my cat has awful sleeping habits,trust me. Sometimes I feel like kicking him off bed. >_> He sprawls across the WHOLE bed,as if I am the pet,he is the owner. Heck,so I nudge him in the one side,the other half is mine. ;D Then in the morning,he is on my chest. Wtf.-.-


Night,dear. (:





Ah,bi-polarity. Do you have any special diets,or something?

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@Saga our siblings are the same age lol

Yes I have medication to help me not get depressed as often and helps with the rage I get at times but it doesn't help with being manic. I've just learned how to recognize what side I'm on. Though reading manga and yaoi helps the manic episodes by getting out a range of emotions out so I don't go and do stupid things.

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Really? Then you know how ''cool'' is to have a teen ,at times. >_>

How old are you,if it's not rude of me to ask you? (:


I see. I know there are levels at bi-polarity. Do you know which level is yours? (:

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