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YO Girls Club II


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@Bridge i'm gald you're doing what you like! :D

like you said, in the end it will be worth it for sure! i would like to see one of your classes! :p

ahaha i think i understand the students... normally the teachers are alwasy much older than us! xD although we also have some young ones here.

work hard then! :)


ahah lmao xD i guess i'll wait for another remedy! ahah ^^''


i can't see the picture.. >.

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oh you're gladly invited, but it's gonna last just till next thursday so just hurry up! XD

I enjoy it very much and it's a good chance to practice also my English XD it was quite roosted.. and it's a good practice too since that's what I'm gonna be doing ( I hope) in a couple of years ...you'll feel the same the first time you do a surgery hehehe...


Well.. if you find one, don't forget to tell me..this is killing me >.


Oh wait... I'll try to post it again....


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ahahahah okay okay! i'll try but... i also have the exams! xD

i'm sure you'll be able to teach at an university!! and i bet you'll be a great teacher! :D


i can't even imagine what it will be like doing a cirurgy!! i'm so excited just thinking about it!! *__*

can't wait!! ^^


i will tell you!! i also need one!! right now!! it's like i'm totally lost in the world.. >.


ahahah LMAO i love the picture!! :p

i wonder what does the red guy have in there... the others are just staring... i'm curious now! kekeke

maybe i should go see it too!! ahah xDD

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Sorry to interrupt working on something wanted your guys opinion and what would you put as a saying on there?





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well... I hope so..otherwise..I'll be working at the bookshop for the rest of my life loool....

yeah.. my friends say I'm quite pedagogical XDD


oh I think it must be exciting..ne? my mom, who's a nurse, says she likes surgery more than anything else....


lmao... I'm kinda lost too.. no idea which is the way out! lool... and really it sucks.. after so many years I find myself in this situation..hahaha...


yeah.. I thought the same...why are the other two...looking at the guy with the red skirt and then I felt like tiptoeing and have a look... althoug I also felt like lifting the skirts...XDDD


- - - Updated - - -


@Chris... one of the best things Usagi says in Junjou is sth like, my heart beats like this just for you or you're the one making my heart beat like this.... but I'd write " you're the one" I love Junjou Romantica but my fave is Junjou egoist.....

good work anyway...

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@Bridge i really hope you can do what you really want in the future! fight for it! :)


your mom's a nurse? for real? cool! ^^ and i totally understand what she thinks... surgery is definitely the best thing! :p


i know!! i've also been so well in my corner! doing my own thing... and now it's like... bum! what's this?!

damn!! it really pisses me off sometimes... after 18?! for real?! why now... >.


ahahaha that's also a great idea!! eheheh xD let's make some wind!! hopefully there will be some skirts flying!! :p


@Chris! i like it!

i love JR! *_*

and i like those effects you add! :D

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@ Bridge thanks, It has been so long since I have read or watched Junjou Romantica I just found the picture online and thought it was cute so I wanted to make something for it. :)


@ Shiro thank you still pretty simple looking

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@Shiro.. yeah.. well.. she specialized in Obstetrics.. but she helps some time to some surgeons bec she started an operating room nurse, I guess it's more exciting for her than just checking pregnant women loool....


Oh girl... I was soooo happy on my own, so safe and just one day boom! XDD I realized I wanted sth ( someone in this case) I could never have hahaha...and now I'm in this maze and without a clue to get out lmao... girl...listen.. I really, really panicked...>.


lmao.. good idea..some wireless fan ne? and the camera ready for the pic! loool....


@Chris.. I like the paring... I've rewatched Junjou so many times... lool... that I'm gonna end learning the dialogues by heart.hahaha

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@Bridge i also think it's more exciting the surgery than the pregnant women! xD

i actually have a friend who wants to work in Obstetrics.


O.O i swear that what i just read... is exactly what i would have written!! gosh!

sweetie... we are in the same situation...

someone we can't have... -sigh- sometimes i feel like i'm drowning in my own feelings...


camera is ready! xD

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I was thinking about watching a film.. some musical or sth & recalled Step up 2 and..well.. he came to my mind... I saw him first on that film and a couple of years later on Dear John... and well... Dear Channing....grrrrr... he's Channing Tatum in case you don't know him... totally wrong if you don't know him... and here are few reasons :p








I?ll do sht about his armpit but well.. no one is perfect :p



Ofc he's not just a face.. he has some talent too.... lool....









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OMG Bridge I love Channing Tatum, I dated a guy who could have been his twin...SSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOT

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@Chris ..... wh...wh... what?????????????? for real??? OMG... if I found Channing Tatum round the corner... girl... I'd tie him to anywhere close to me...lmao...hahahaha... he's sooooooooo frigging hot...and... grrrrr.... ideas of naughty things pilling on my head lmao....

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Just before going to bed.... I find them sooo adorable and sexy.. -sighs-






And ppl still ask me why I like swimming so much.... I wonder why... XDDD






Did I ever say that I love apples??? lmao...


Nites !

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@ Bridget: I love your video girl,, the boys are so light in their dance steps,, now i wanna shake my booty too!! ahahaha.. XD

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@ Didz hahaha... I know.. I've felt the same..lool... I've rewatched it so many times.... -sighs- Changmin.....-drols- XDD

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Girls.. asking for your opinion..I'm gonna change looks and I'm not sure about it..I figging love the first pic but the second too.. my hair is longer I wouldn't let it so short but the bangs..I love them..so what do you think.?. my color right now is like the 2nd.. I'm not brave enough for a red color and it doesn't suit me either....









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Thanks Lisa, my face? round? loool....I'm cheeky >.

I just need a hairstyle that don't make me tie my hair everyday..loool....

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The bangs on the second pic is totaly awesome and I dont think it wil require a lot of styling. could you show your new hairstyle later?

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