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YO Girls Club II


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I'd order ones that are my size but... you know.... there are so many factors here...

If I pick 5 bras from the department section... then only one is good.

I hate all my bras. they don't ever fit. I can't my size at the stores.

]___: frustrating.

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I understand your frustrated. I always get ones I think will fit and they work and then break after a month. If only I didn't need a underwire.

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It's just thread for girls on the site to talk about anything. So you can say whatever

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I'm aware I just didn't know if I should give a introduction or not

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Haha, this is for girls club. ANYTHING you can talk about...




XD, I really like the idea of it..

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You know what really is ridculous? The cost! We need these for our ladies. I've seen 60 dollars for a PLAIN ones! OMFG. They do fall apart... especially when washing them. Ack, so you have to wash them by hands but they take FOREVER to dry!!



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Yeah the cost is terrible I only have one just cuz they cost so much and bigger sizes cost more which sucks. And cuz I have one they break or fall apart faster.

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Are you sure??? Because it seems like where I'm from, it doesn't matter what size. I'm very small.. A cup... still cost a lot of money, anywhere from 30-40 for plain ones. AA even cost the same as DD. Unless it's a 'specialty' bras, I understand but it doesn't matter what size here, all are same...


The only difference in prices I've seen are just the carrying names brands and design.

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Here it is A-D are around the same price but DD-F are like anywhere from $10-20 more I'm an E now and they are just getting bigger cuz of my pregnancy and it sucks cuz I always have to get a new bra like every 2 weeks I'm buying bigger so I don't have to keep buying them

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I remember.

I probably said it before but you're expecting, so congratulations! I hope everything will be 'no-problem.'

Awww, I don't know much for maternity. There's no bras that are more flexible and more airy?

But before, you said you need underwire??


:_red_fox 11


Wouldn't that be bad?


PS. I have trouble with 'women' sizes and 'junior' sizes... -___-;; Although, not pregnant or anything, But I love maternity pants and buy them.

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Yes and thank you

Underwire is fine for the first few months and mine sag so they make them perky which is nice...soon I'm getting no underwire ones which hopefully will stretch but I don't know how they will help with the sagging.

Yeah I've always been a bigger girl and thought that maternity clothes were cuter than plus sizes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Thank you


I must say dealing with morning sickness and car sickness is a pain

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hi everybody, these is my first time here i don't know anything or

where i am posting these words so please bare with me and lets

be good friends .:hamtaro-005 (4):

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  • 1 month later...

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welcome happy to have you here :)


Update on baby just found out I'm having a girl. Her name will be Mayura Anne. Yes I got the spelling for Mayura off of an anime.

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WOW!! i haven't been in here for sooooo long!! O.O


how is everyone?! :D

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OMG!!!! Chris!!! KYAAAAAAA!!

i had no idea you were pregnant!!

wow! that's how long i hadn't come here! >.

and it's girl! awww *____*

CONGRATS!!! i really hope the best for you and your little baby! ^_^

omg how have you been? are you excited? :D

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OMG how have you been I've missed seeing you on here.

Thank you so much I am super excited I can't wait for her to be born. Partly cuz she causes me some discomfort from time to time lol. I have been good got engaged and then knocked up lol :) but life is good.

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errrrr *waves*


Hi, I'm a girl... or I was last time looked anyway... *checks again* yup, still a girl...


I'm not so good with the introductions... but yeah, if you want to know stuff, just ask! :)


No question is too personal or anything like that, so don't be afraid, I almost never bite...

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Welcome to the fourm glad to have you here. :)

So if I may ask are you a student or are you apart of the working force?

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Welcome to the fourm glad to have you here. :)

So if I may ask are you a student or are you apart of the working force?


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I have just recently left the workforce to go back to being a student for a bit... learn some different skills seeing as i'm over working for the moment... >.>


Once i'm done, i shall start up my own business... ^.^

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