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Hi there !

Ehm... Nice to meet you ! =)


I'm Momow and I'm from Switzerland. (I wonder if there are any other Swiss there o.o It's a really small country afterall...) So, ahm, my first language is French and... I don't speak English very well... I hope you'll understand me >


It's been only one year since I started watching/reading yaoi so I'm not into hard yaoi yet, but I'm a huge shonen-ai fan. =D

My first and favorite yaoi (is it called a yaoi ? o.o) was the manga 'Seven Days', but I read a lot of yaoi mangas since then (including harder yaoi). My favorite yaoi/shonen-ai anime has to be 'Sekaiichi Hatsukoi' but I haven't watched Junjou Romantica yet...


Feel free to ask if you have any question about myself or anything else ^^


I hope I could speak (write) a lot there to improve my English, share the passion and maybe make friends ^w^

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Hello and Welcome to Yaoiotaku forum. In my name and in the name from YO forum i wish you a great time here.


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All the best

Sailor Rishi.

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Hello there sekaiitchi Hatsukoi fan. You are my buddy from now on just because of that rabbit2 I hope you'll have a great time here. Also seven days is a yaoi. Call me Lillith. Look for groups of your interest. There are plenty in here. You'll probably find out things in those groups you never imagined you would. Trust me. I knowrabbit9. C u around.

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I hope you will be an active member of this forum. We'll treat you like family and I'll rain you with a lot of hugs. Tehehehe. Welcome to YO.


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Bonjour Momow! Nice to meet you and welcome to the Yaoi Otaku community. I hope you will have a happy time on this Forum. :)



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Thank you all so much ! ^w^

(I even received a "bonjour". *_* A French word haan I can't believe it *bam*)

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Bonjour mon ami! It's nice to meet you! I'm Australian and i think your english is great! it's not hard to understand at all. I hope you have a fun time here at Yaoi Otaku!

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