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you love Yaoi? why?


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yesterday when my best friend (who know my dirty little secret aka my love for yaoi) and I go to a birthday party, suddenly she ask me

why you love yaoi so much?

and I just... :cuteonion37:


maybe she try to accept my love to yaoi, so I try my best to answer it.... it takes me a minute to think (while she keep stare at me, waiting for her answer)

but I don't know how to answer for that question, it's hard to tell her how amazing yaoi story are, the Uke... the seme... so many bishie and how sweet the love between them that can make me melt.... :7yoyo10:


so, I just tell her : for me, my feeling for yaoi is the same feeling that I have when I fall in love with someone.

Yaoi make me happy every times I saw it, Yaoi make my heart pounding so hard, sometimes make me nervous, I just can't stand not to see it for a day.... onion0


and she just stare at me and didn't say anything, than go back to the party mode

me that time: :5yoyo21:



so anyway I just curious what are your answer when someone asking you the same question??

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I just like it because I find the idea of two boys together very hot and cute :3onion15:

To be honest I don't really know why the idea of two boys together sounds so hot to me while I don't share the same feelings about straight couples (not that I don't read straight, but that is only in books and never in fanfics LOL)

When people ask me why I like it, I either reply with: "It's so freaking hot!" when they are like friends to me and if it's family I just reply that the guys fit better together in my opinion XD

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Yaoi is the world into which I can escape and be truly who I am without consequence. I can love who I want, be who I want, etc. I absolutely love it because it can take me in and I can take it in...I can play out my own story.

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What I love most about yaoi is...the people who like it.


Weird answer, I guess. I'll try to explain : Ever been on one of those anime boards/forums/comment threads, where people go out of their way to say they don't like yaoi at all, even though nobody asked them ? In my experience, those people tend to be, once you get to know them, dishonest, annoying, petty and boring.

On the other hand, people who do like yaoi, and aren't afraid to say so, tend to be (again, in my experience, so maybe I just need to get out more) kind, honest, interesting and fun to hang out with.


So that's why I love it. It's a "good people-radar", imo.

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hmm,, i can only say a few words for the reason why i like yaoi,, that is...




that's it.. :3

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I love Yaoi for so many reasons, I guess I wish to have a romantic story just like those in the mangas in RL as well. You may say Shojo stories are also very romantic but when I compare them with Yaoi I just can't help feel a huge difference. No matter how much romance Yaoi has to me it would never be as cheesy as Shojo romance....

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I love yaoi because PENIS!

JK..I've never thought about it to be honest..I guess It's because Yaoi goes against relationship stereotypes..+for some reason I find stories about gay couples adorable(that I can't explain)

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I like yaoi for a couple different reasons.


1. I am a hopeless romantic. Yaoi fills the same void as sad romance movies or romance novels. It just fills it better. Something about forbidden love maybe?


2. The Bishi Hotness - Very simply I like men. I used to read a lot of smut or adult manga. Then I found Yaoi...


There is something to be said for two smex men doing naughty things to each other. I guess I like yaoi in the the same way some guys like AV with just women. Let's face it ladies, if you like men like I do, you don't wants to see some perfectly drawn petite woman with large perky breasts (which is a total contradiction) and a cute face. No, we want to see a handsome face, abs, pecks, a nice butt, and...


Well you guys know what I'm talking about.

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I think I like it because of the little voice in my head: when I'm reading a "normal" romance manga or novel the little voice says 'that will never happen to you haha', when reading yaoi or BL, the little voice says 'that will never happen to you', and i just say 'yeah, i know'.


It may also be because of the lack of homophobia in yaoi or BL, since most people seem ok with it, although occasionally there will be one or two people who are against it.


And then again, it may just be because the feelings that are conveyed, the art and the inner turmoil of most of the ukes :D

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....HAVE YOU SEEN THE MEN IN THOSE BOOKS?!?!?! Thats like asking "why do you like cute men with abbs jade? But on a more serious note I guess because.....well........it's nice to see men in books talk about feelings granted if you took out the fact that both of the charecters were gay most would be just like a cute ittle shojo or a really dark naughty one :p. But the storys are more appealing and the with most yaoi's i've read the esy plot line to go down would be the prejudice and "fobidden love" thing gays faced awhile ago and sometimes still expiriance today but most don't. The plot lines are usually really intrigueing in a different way and funny :D I guess all the good manga artist are just yaoi writers..can't be helped really :p

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I totaly suport that! I find most yaoi manga hilarious and you can actualy feel their love for each other.


I like them mainly for the art and plot. Non yaoi manga doesnt satisfy me as much as yaoi manga

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  • 2 weeks later...

i don't like girls .

so i love yaoi because it doesn't have girls .

their relationship is more rational for me .

i can understand it .

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  • 1 month later...

Since i have been reading yaoi almost one year (*sorry for the short legacy), one thing that caught my attention to this is the plot and the comedy of this genre. Hetero romance was always my cup of tea before, but my preferences nowadays have changed. Now, shoujo themed manga's does not enjoy me than yaoi does. Yaoi has an air of mystery attached to it, that's why i'm liking this genre regardless of the looks.

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Just the new idea for me ^^


Thanks a lot....


I do love Yaoi 'cos in my culture it's prohibited.. Why????



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The stories are really sweet, some of them are even tought-provoking, the art is beautiful and well, the guys are hot and cute.

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I love yaoi because I think a yaoi relationship is very emotional and beautiful. It shows that guys have a passionate side and a feminine side.

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@amayakaida uhhhhh i have to disagree with that !^^ I'm a girl and more of a gal lover then a boy lover and there's nothing like a supportive ,strong-willed female friend who knew there love all along and incourages it, (and i'm not bieng sexist but i find it more realistic when girls have an interest in love-live,or a evil seductive whore hell bent on taking one of the confused lover away from the boy XD. I never read a yaoi tat didn't ave one female minor charecter. Though I see where your coming from with all those stupid shojo's where really odd girls fall in love with complete stranges for no reason XD. But most good yaoi's the way i see it are written by females and I could not stand resading a yaoi with know strong female charecters...a bit sexist really :hamtaro-005 (6):


- - - Updated - - -


@lisa you are by far the wisest person i've met,yus yaoi's truly shine in the romantic comedy and shonen ai's thoughit's dissapointing when they think your going to get a steamy love scene and then you sxictedly turn the pagwe and..it's just a kissing scene *cough cough* gravitation*cough cough*

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This may sounds silly but learning to love Yaoi helped me to love myself. I never really understood love or sex and all this and that about why genders had to stay opposite, aka, Straight relationships. Yaoi was the first window I looked into with that stuff. You could say, the beginning of finding one's sexuality. I mean hell, the first really love story that I understood was a Yaoi. Even though Yaoi is mostly dramatized for the female audience usually, it makes a lot of good points usually. That and I enjoy reading them. The same with Yuri but, yeah, not gonna lie, I love Yaoi more. xD That and it's cute and lovely. :D

So, I may have just confused everyone or hopefully someone got my point. xD; So, that's it for me then I guess.

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Because growing up in the UK there were like two shows (outside of soap operas) that dealt with same-sex relationships - Will & Grace and like Queer as Folk, both US series really (although the latter did have a single season UK version a few years before). Beyond these two shows, which were both pretty trashy, there wasn't a lot to really empathise with. Basically, if you're young and gay and didn't have too many people to talk about it to, it means your development is way limited.


Japanese Anime that deal with these issues was an absolute godsend.


Rambly and I didn't say all I wanted to lol, but I'm way tired at the moment >_

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Guest 1Honey

for me, they won't ever understand... :( I have to read yaoi in private :( i love the romance, the sex, the passion, the conversion of frigid guys into wanton men, the innocent love, fighting against the norm, etc

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for me, they won't ever understand... :( I have to read yaoi in private :( i love the romance, the sex, the passion, the conversion of frigid guys into wanton men, the innocent love, fighting against the norm, etc



just like me.. :hamtaro-005 (5):

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I suppose I really do just look at it for the guys.


Yaoi stories don't really do it for me (but, to be fair yaoi stories ARE better then some straight stories I can think of).

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