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Those Little Magic Words (ideduce x AkiraVadel)


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Arthur sighed.


"Gaius, I don't know what to do. Part of me what to wait for Merlin, but this was given to me." he rubbed the back of his neck not sure what to do.

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Gaius had fallen asleep on his bed by the time Arthur spoke. He groaned softly in his sleep and rolled over. The man was old and had trouble staying up late anymore.

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"......." Arthur looked at it again.


He cursed and marked the page closing the book and pocketing the continents. He then went to check on Merlin. His heart fluttered a bit watching him. He took off the rabbit pelt and placed it under Merlin's pillow and then left. He groaned and went to see if his father was busy.

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Uther was sitting in his corders after setting up their guests in their rooms. He was thinking as he looked outside the window feeling something bad was coming.

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Uther didn't turn around as he folded his hands, "come in Arthur." He sighed softly wondering what his son wanted at this hour. He loved his son very much even if he was a mean person.

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Uther was taken back for a moment but hugged him back, "alright." Uther sat down in a chair and waited for Arthur to speak

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he was a little scared and shivered then looked down and looked at him.


"I....." he looked away. "Now you can't go around killing people....." his shook a little and took a deep breath regaining his confidence. "I found the druid town father, and what I saw was...Just....Not right. Magic or not. Now now now now. I know what you're going to say. That....That magic is bad and killed people but....but....killing people kills people....." He made a face at how stupid that sounded. "what I mean father.....is...You're a good king, and....And....And...." he shook a bit petrified but he hid it as best he could, which would have been fairly well but his father was of course his father and could see through him. "I helped them, they could have attacked me. I'm no magic user. I don't know how I'd fair, but......I apologized to them. I saw the wreckage. Father they were mostly women. WOMEN. They've never known a day of battle once.....I know.....I know after the war it was hard. During it, it was hard, but don't you remember when you knew not of battle? You were just.....Free....Not afraid....Not hungry....With shelter over your head. Life was easier. Father those people would never attack us. I.....I.....I used the diplomacy that I learned. It's in my studies, and even though they have moved their camp now out of fear I told them I would gladly take responsibility for them." he stood up straighter. "We ate together, we talked together. I slept in their camp, and they never laid a hand on me, or put me up for ransom for what you ordered the knights to do." he braced himself. "BUT!" he closed his eyes scared he'd get yelled at or punched or SOMETHING. "But they are innocent people and I will not have blood on Camalot's hands, you are not a tyrant king but a good king so.......Please at the very least let me take responsibility for them." he balled up his hands in fear.

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Uther listened to his boy about halfway through before he spoke up about the women.


"Women have killed just as many as men have..." his voice trailed off as he listened to the rest. "Son..." Uther stood and put a hand on Arthur's shoulder.


"All magic users want to get close to us. Your my son, so going through you to get to me makes it easier. Of course they didn't harm you and I'm sure showed you pretty things in hope that one day they could use you against me. Arthur... how many already have? The mage who posed as a doctor came in and Gaius... I asked him to leave and got close to him. Well he tried to kill me. Also many others."


He gripped Arthur's shoulder firmly but not to hurt him, "I don't want them to get to you. Please be more careful in the future. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you."

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part of him would have preferred the yelling now he felt guilty. Touche. Father 1 Arthur 0.


"I.....if you trust me I still want them under my care. If they hurt anyone and I can't find evidence against that then......All right, but an innocent person is an innocent person until proven guilty. That's our way. They aren't even in our walls. By hunting them even though they have magic. It just. I'm not against you father I just.....I was taught our justice system. They didn't do anything punishable by law accept exist." he hugged his father again. "I'll take the knights with me from now on, I'll be more careful. Besides father.....People with non magical abilities have tried to rise against us as well. They're no different. From what I saw with the druids....You can't decide how your born. They didn't choose to be born druids.....Nor more then I choose to be born a prince, or the poor poor. With the line of thinking of kill everyone magical person.....Why don't we just kill everyone and get it over with.....See how....Not right that seems? I'm not saying all magic users are good, or neutral. Yes there are bad ones. Obviously. We should only worry about the bad.....Right?" Arthur sighed. "I know.....Your concerned. I think I would be too if I was you. It was hard....It wasn't fair....Your a good just king, and I love you father, but instead of destroying those who know magic. I'd rather understand them. Befriend them, or at least the good ones like the druids that I meet. Powerful, just, loyal allies. Human nature is a tricky thing to predict but I believe you taught me well, and I'd like to prove it. That's why I want to take responsibility for the druids. To prove it. I've given the leader a ring of mine in friendship during a feast. As a prince I can't and won't go back on it. If it pleases you, maybe one day, when you trust me more I'd like for you to meet one of them. So I can show you. The knights can all be there everyone can be there, we can do whatever it is you like father. Maybe not now......Or ten years......or twenty, but whenever you're comfortable. So the druids are my responsibility if they break any laws I will deal with them, and punishment can be given to me." he was serious.


Arthur sat by his father and patted his hand with his own and then kept it there holding his hand.


"I.....Too have trust issues. Even though it never seems that way. I'll be honest. I know who I am, what I am, and very few people treat me like a human. Either I'm a god to the people or someone that needs to die out or relation, you're the same way. I get it, but I'm above all of it. Just like you should be father. People are people. They get along, they don't get along. I'll be careful, sorry for the lecture." he tried to smile at him. "............And now this is awkward." (XD stuborn like his father XD though now when he thinks Merlin kills his dad he'll really blow up cause his father was 'right')

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(Yuuuuuupppppp. I actually slipped a person in there without you knowing :) wait for the suprises to begin))


Uther sighed and shook his head, "you still have so much to learn. Go rest now. I will see you in the morning." He patted his son on the shoulder then returned to his spot by the window. He was happ Arthus stood up for what he believed in but magic was forbidden by his rule and he wasn't about to change that.

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"They're under my care father." he was stubborn.


He then moved closer and hugged him.


"......Good night father." he let go and returned to his bed chambers.


he sighed and dropped on the bed.

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The next morning Merlin was up and tending to Arthur's normal chores. He brought up his breakfast that morning and threw open the curtains in the morning, "time to get up Arthur." The raven set the plate on the table which was eggs, bacon, breads and some cheese.

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Arthur looked over at him. Sitting up, already dressed. He got up and sat at the table poking at his food. Then ate slowly. He was kept up most of the night. For lecturing his father and those dreams haunted him. He pushed the plate away as he thought about it more. Instead he drank water in fear of what he just ate might just come back up on him. He looked off in a daze. Thinking much to hard.

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Merlin watched Arthur a little while he started making his bed, "Arthur?..."


He walked over to the blond boy and put his hand on his shoulder, "Arthur whats wrong?" The raven leaned down and looked into the others eyes trying to see what was wrong.

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he sighed.


"I lectured my father....Nothing importent....Just...Really awkward...."


but his eyes showed Merlin his dream instead.


"I told him I'll take responsibility for the Druids....It was hard." (XD) "I even told off the knights....That was simpler..."

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Merlin's eyebrows raised, "oh really? That would explain his odd temper this morning. Him and his guests are walking around the kingdom this morning. You'll be shock to discover who the guest is Arthur."


Blue eyes looked at the other man, "Gareth."

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"Yes!" Merlin put his hands on his shoulders. "I don't believe your father knows who it is yet. The name I heard your father say was not Gareth's name. They... They called him Sire Mordred of Bayard."

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Arthur sat back down letting out a sigh.


"Could god place anymore stress on my life?" he thought about it. "You...Don't think he'd poison my father would you?" his father's constent hatred for magic, and now he shows up here of all places, what was his busines? Arthur felt a chill run down his body. "Merlin.....Why is he here?"

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Merlin knew about his fate with Mordred but that was a boy wasn't he. Why was this man here? Was it really Mordred? Was he really going to... destroy his destiny like the dragon said?


Swallowing hard he looked to Arthur, "I don't know... I... I don't know..."

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"I don't like that he's here. Merlin come." he walked out and started to run in a panic.


Gareth's actions did not make sense to the Prince.

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Merlin reached out and grabbed Arthur's arm, "you can't just charge in there demanding an answer either. we need to see what he's up to first." His heart was pounding in his chest out of fear of all of this.

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"Well what am I suppose to do?...." he looks at Merlin. "Actually....Go to him and tell him I'd like to meet with him in in.....in....." now he wasn't sure where."um...."

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