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Forever alone/single club^^


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Because many here on YO are single i opened this thread in order to share problems in cases realtionships etc... If you have a problem with relationships or general with people, here you can talk about your problems. Exchanging the experiences willl may help you...or just relieve your soul.....Don't be shy, talk about it. YO is a friendly community, and all here, are ready to help you :)





Dont worry be happy :D

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  • Tsetsua


  • SailorRishi


  • Senji


  • ldg1814


yeaaahhhh Yo Single Club!!!! well done, Sailor !!!! *claps her hands*

btw.... why that crying face xD? ahahahhahahaah xD

uhuhu am I the first one to write something here?

and I have nothing to saaaaay aaaragghh


ooookaaay, let me focus..... about being single, I think I'm single becoz I've never met someone special.... okay it may sound silly, but I've never really LOVED someone (okay, some crushes and stuff, but I've never been truly in love).

sometimes I wonder.... am I SCARED of love? or just I don't believe in it? O_O

ekkkkkk am I messed up or something? ahahahah xD

and what about u, guys?

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This crying face is a rage meme, and represent the "forever alone guy" here some infos :

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It's ok to be alone. When you will meet the right person for you, than you will know what is love ;)

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Sailor Rishi is right.


As for me I have trust and intimacy issues due to some bad childhood things. When I feel people breaking down my walls and getting to close where I could get hurt I push them away first so I don't get hurt or feel abandoned.

I've had many therapy sessions dedicated to this topic but things still haven't changed. I'm guessing it's because I don't want to deal with those childhood things because it's too painful and nothing will really change until I do.

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Awwwww but I dont want to label my self as a "forever alone" :S

Anyway errm I have a question to you all, dont you think in some way Yaoi makes us too picky IRL ?

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I'm single because it turns out I can't stand to live with another human being in a one-roomed apartment. If I had a larger place, I'd probably be fine, but my small apartment makes it so I get a bit cranky if I have to share it.

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@ Senji in a way that could be true, except not so much for me because I know it is fantasy and its near impossible to find that in reality.

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I don't know if it is more complicated, as yaoi is concerned I know it can never happen like that for me because I'm a girl and I'm missing one key part lol


Hugs back

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Hmm even though I don't want to be forever alone, I'll join this club! I don't know why I am single T.T I only had one boyfriend in my whole life and that was -thinking- 5 years ago T.T I do want to love someone but I just have no luck x.x

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I'm sorry that you as a child made such a bad experience in your childhood. But do not give up. Not all people are bad. If you always closed yourself you will miss a lot of positive things.



About yaoi and to be picky…yes can be:D Depends also on how far you sinks into the yaoi world…But you have to remember that all yaoi stories are fiction. In yaoi they show the ideal love, the love what we all wish to have. That’s why we are also crazy about yaoi XD

Attempts to make a compromise, little bit yaoi , little bit reality :)

ps: Usagi-san is still my dream man, so i can understand you very well.



Everyone needs a space for themselves. clearly if you stay in a small apartment, you also have no desire for a partner that is full understandable.

the solution: move to a bigger apartment :D



Dont worry, the love will come when you least expect it on ;)

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Hello, people~

Ah, not forever alone but... alone when I wish to be so (;

I'm not good with relationships and I always end them x) And I always end up realising that the other feels more for me than I feel for them. I just don't... fall in love? If there is such a thing~

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Dear 鼠ドル, thank you for your sharing :)

Everyone loves diffrent. Just because you think you're not fully in the Love thing, does not mean you may not feel the same way as your partner. You just have not found the right who also understands your feelings....

Some people they have this kind of character, they try to "rape" the other with their love..and ofc. when you not feel comofortable, you go on distance...

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Dini is really lucky in this field..


mine,, i'm single well since birth!!! damn!!!


maybe because i'm a perfectionist now,, BUT i fell in love with two boys last two years.. but now i realized that i just fell in love with the concept of being in love.. LOL.. and just laughing at myself..

and oh,, did i say i confessed to them first? XD

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@Rishi ...well... no, at times I'm a quite cold person.

I can like people, but love? Idk. And it's obvious when they like you more than you like them.

Well, it doesn't mean one can't have fun (;

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to be a perfectionist, also means to be afraid of something. therefore we tried to make the things perfect. if we organize everything, we feel ourselves better and safer. I know this because I am one perfectionist. But unfortunately the world is not perfect ..... :/



Therefore i also said it is just not the person arrived who loves you really, and truly understand your feelings.....The person who loves you will understand your feelings and deal with them. In any case, they will find a way into your heart :)

ps: and to have fun, he he. "I know what you did there" ^^

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:) haha sailor :p hmm yeah i think ill always be alone lol but im fine with it XD since i dont know anything else

and also i never understand when someone flirts/says they like me o.o

in highschool i got asked out on a date by my piano partner ^^ and he even said: i love you

XD i answered .... thank you XD didnt know o.o XDDDD

i still get teased for it when we hang out XD

thats just one story o.o ... v.v im stupid

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@ sailor your right and I don't purposely close my self off from people, I unconsciously do it. You also learn what and how to love from your parents at a young age. I saw my mum use men and get abused by them from the time I was born. My dad just mentally abused the woman in his life and totally ignored the needs of his kids, he still does that which is why my one sister was pregnant at the age of 14 and my brother is in trouble with the law. That's not even counting the physical, sexual, and mental abuse my siblings and I got from our step parents.

It doesn't matter how much therapy or counseling you get, you can't heal and move on until you are ready to face all that. Until then I'm going to repeat the same thing over and over in my relationships. I know this but I'm still not ready to unlock the memories I have buried deep in my subconscious and deal with them.

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Meh, the reason why I'm single is because I don't feel love for anyone, I did have an ex, I had a relationship with him for like a month, he was my first and my last. And yeah I was the seme but I never really felt something for my ex. Like he compared me to his dad who abused him, that made me really feel sick (because I was playing a BL game) he was scared that I would cheat and shit, he was my first after all. But I either broke up because I didn't felt something for him, I don't really... feel love. Either I can't trust people easily. And I don't feel attracted with people XD omg I was in a trans when writing this shit down.

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No, you’re not stupid dude *hugs* even I can’t tell if someone is flirting/likes me XDDD for example, found out someone liked me since elementary/primary school and after all those years … they even had the symptoms, how could I not see it. lol



im sorry to hear about that.. *hugs* it must have been really tough for you and your family because i've never experienced about having a mental dad so.. i dont know what it's like.. but i know you're a strong person and can move on.

i hope everything goes well for you in life dear ^__^


hm.. let’s say If did like someone... I think I'm afraid to confess because I don’t to be separated from them >


Anyway I have a question for those who have already been in love, I heard that you can never forget your first love… what you guys think of this? Do you believe that’s true or not really?

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@ Mitsu

I guess its true because you have done the most first things ever with your first lover, like kissing, or making love. He or she is the one who stole the first things (example: kiss) so I guess it indeed is hard to forget.

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