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Forever alone/single club^^


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I think for me I love with my all and therefore i want the person to have the best even if i want them for myself I help them find someone better, I'm clearly not the best so I always set them free .

I don't know am i crazy like unselfish in a weird way ?

I like people but I never let myself love because I know how i will be and since im not the best watching them go will hurt too much I think so ill protect myself that way

Now ill shut up and drink my third redbull @.@ o.e

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Tired of being single?

Call me ill marry you (lmao)

I'll cook for you ill play for you ill hug you

Lol let the bidding begin (im so amused)

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Everyone needs a space for themselves. clearly if you stay in a small apartment, you also have no desire for a partner that is full understandable.

the solution: move to a bigger apartment


Lol, I'd love a bigger place, but I'm a college student and rent is insanely expensive ($776 for a one-room apartment). -.-; To top it off, I have to move back with my parents come December until I can get a job teaching.

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Ok the bad part I have in my life is been loved by many girls (sometimes they even annoy me),I dont want to sound like a player or something like that *nothing personal girls* :\ ,and yet no boys around me :( WTF? is that a bad luck or what...?

So my point is,most of the time maybe I got too much love around me and I cant see the real one ,I dont know rly...Still I build such a big wall because of the girls around me that I traped all my emotions deep and I realise that this will be a big problem for me in the future :\


PS: again nothing personal to all the girls here I love you all...in a different way! ^^

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@Senji I’m confused, do you want to get loved by girls or boys? Or is it both?...lol

Anyway I understand that you are not sure which love by these girls is the real one since there is so much love for you that it’s hard to tell which is the true one I’m guessing XD maybe you should focus more on your feelings rather than how the other girls feel for you. I mean if you don’t feel the same way then it’s better to let them know that rather than bottling your emotions up if that makes sense..O_o..........wtf am I talking about XDDD I don’t even know lol


@N I’ll marry you so there you have somebody now XD



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@Kai. that was the confusing part lol ,sorry for my explenation!Well the thing is I'm not atracted to girls at all (I want to be clear here) so my problem is,with so many girls around me I and fancy me ,I'm building a huge wall between them and me.And I'm sure this wall will still stand when I found my lover ,I fear this alot :\

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omg Paul rofl XD


And yey! I'm single too. :3

Honestly I think I'd end up murdering someone (myself most likely) if I had to spend too long with them.

*not a people person*


I'm gonna end up living alone with a dog and 10 cats, I know it. :D

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@Senji oh right, I get it now ;D thanks for explaining dude.

well the wall might disappear when you find your lover, I mean cause you are not attracted to these girls that why there was a wall between you and them in the first place. But when you do find somebody you are attracted to/ have feelings for, the wall might then collapse.


@N Aw, *hugs back* XD


I forgot to say why I am single….meh I’ll share it with you guys later >_>

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First of all, big hugs to everyone in this club! ^^


I think my issue is I was too shy and awkward for a long while to really connect with people. So the last few years I decided to get the fuck over it XD


Another issue is that when I like someone, I really cling on. I'm interested in the same person for years. I still kind of like the same person I did way back in 9th grade XD And I think that person is a bit scared of me these days.


Most the poeple I know have a bf or gf, and I'm just trying to predict how their relationships are going to turn out XD


But I know one day I'm going to meet a very awesome person, and we'll understand each other so well it's scary, and our relationship will be brilliant, and we'll be a due to be reckoned with. XD ;) We'll be best friends, partners in crime and all that. lol

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@paul: I laughed so hard I'm sure my house-mate heard me xDD

@nici: I know what you mean, I have almost the same problem >.>

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My dear Nathaniel, the piano story sounds very hot!!! :D But when you not feel it…

You need little more self-confidence…you are so great, and all people loves you here. One of my favorite person here on YO ;)


I know your situation is very hard and complicated, and you're right when you say the wounds will never heal:( You cant do anything. what will happen, will happen. To say to you now, you should do it different from your parents is not the reaility. Like you said, once you grow up in this type of family it seems so out of your life that you might repeat the mistakes of your parents :(

But I’m not so negative in this way. you see the mistakes and you are also able to talk about it. This is a big step for convalescence. when you have finished your school, live your own, the pain will subside. I’m sure you will not stay alone :) You will try to find your luck.

You are a cheerful and positive person. that you still cant be very open, do not care so much about it. your time will come.


where you've described your case, the reason why you have not felt the same: a person who has no formal living is not able to enter into any relationship. it's not your fault. …your love was not strong enough to understand him.


Your first love you will never forget, but that doesn’t mean that you will have the same feelings like you had for the person in the past or in this time when you was togheter. In very rare cases is the first love really the love of your life….but I personally not belive in this. The time heals all wounds, and you will get over it.


Yeah for students is not easy. Enjoy now your freedom. When the time will come for some girl/boy, you will know it, and then the small apartment will not be a obstacle. But why to move in together?...you can just be so in a relationship....you must not live together with that person :D


The situation is not your fault. So don’t thing so much about it….when the girls are crazy about you, so let do them ;P


I like you way of thinking, very positive. just keep it up \(^_^)/



To all others:

We are not alone because we do not want any relationship or are unable to have one. it's just the life circumstances that have led to this situation. but if you have found the right person, then every hopeless situation will end- so only thing poisitiv, and work in first case on your self...than will also the love come ;)

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your offer is very cute, but you are for me like a son...lol- after all i'm a mom ~chukkles~



"Life is what you make of it"....this is so true!!!



lol...XD...geez, is like someone made a pic from us^^

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s@.@ the piano story ... so embarrassed v.v

also thank you so much *hugs sailor

didn't see the comment till now o.o

^\\\^ Woah your spoiling me

I love you sailor like a sister o.o too young to be my mom

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Yeah, my son is for me also more a little brother than a son ^^

But I think this is more so because I am a single parent...and i have a total friendly relationship with him :D...till now. what will be later dont know. he is still small. when he will gets in the puberty, i thing we both will show our real face...lolXD

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...singles club..XD kudos i think thats brilliant. Well i'm single i don't know why -said with chainsaw dripping with bloodover her sholder- i tink i'm far to childish and coud never take a relaitinship seriously. Plus there's the whole yaoi thing, i is waiting for a guy who likes yaoi and is straight..which is hard :D

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Over 9000 what?

I do love you like a sister...

I never had one ... and I love you as if I have one,

Also mitsu and dini and Shiro are my sisters ^^

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