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Forever alone/single club^^


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hmm.. what should I say here.. i do have a lot troubles with love matters --"

i got bored so easily with man and i'm just too picky.. i do always have an argument with my mom about this, because i never have any boyfriend for entire my life, and it worries my mom so much.. she thinks i just too introvert and even say it's because of my pets (let's say i do love my pets too much that my moms thinks i prefer animals than man!)>.

but, well, actually i did have a crush towards a man, he's my upperclassmen and he's definitely my type, but things didn't going well between us


@Nita- same here. I've only had crushes (light light crushes) in my life and every time I got soon bored.

I dunno why, but when a person gets very close to me after some time I feel an impulse to run away O_O

ahahaha oh gosh I think tht I really prefer PETS than MEN @_@ ahahahah xD

and Nita, I think there's nothing wrong if u hvnt a boyfriend.

I mean, it's better to be alone than with someone u don't love, nee?

and if u wanna talk about your upperclassmen, we are here okay ^^?

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thanks everyone! for answering! :D


@NAte i'll kick your ass!! don't say that! okay? :) noone deserves to be alone... we all need someone by our side né?


@andreanitzoo sorry to hear that sweetie.. but i'm sure you'll find someone soon!! ^^


well... my mother is fine with it! i once told her how frustrated it was for me not liking anyone... >.

wise mother! ahah

but i still want a boyfriend!! ahah LMAO

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Am I the only one here who's never had a single relationship?????

All guys only think of me as their friend..Sometimes it's even worse! My no.1 crush told me (before I ever had the chance to confess to him) that I'm the best friend he's ever had and my no.2 crush(

I'm obviously doing something wrong,but what is it???? >.

What is it that guys want? do they hate nerdy/metalhead/tomboy-ish girls so much???

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Men are totaly insensitive you can give them the most obvious hint and they stil wont get it. Be more agresive show them that you are a woman use your asset hohoho onion4

Wish you al the best though.

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@ Melissa: hey.. i've also never been in a relationship,, woohh,, really a single girls club... heeeheee.. but i truly believe that there's nothing wrong in being "nerdy/metalhead/tomboy-ish girl".. actually i might be even be like you... at least with the boys you had crushed with,, they are still treating you like a very valuable gem, :D


@ Lisa: I love your cheerfulness.. XD

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@Melissa i also have never been in a relationship! xD

And don't worry sweetie!! even if they only see you as a friend... i'm sure one day you'll find your guy, yes? :)


but in my case is my problem... not other peolple! ^^''

i just have never liked anyone... :p

but... lately i've felt a bit weird... hmm... LMAO

tired of being single...

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@didz015,my cutie Ariana, Shirotsuki^^: thank you so much all,,you guys are just the best fellas for me rabbit0

Well, actually, by 'not going well between us' is nothing like we got a quarrel or arguments, at that time, when he still approaching me, I know that we won't be a lovers since we just have a different beliefs and ethnicity. Because here my family are so strict about your partner, and if my mother already said no, then it'll be NO for sure. As u know, I just don't wanna disappoint her or make her angry, since I just love my family.

That's why, for now, I just remaining silent and do as my parents told me to,, but that would be mean I won't be able going out with my dearest man :leaf9:

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ohhhh sweetie... :(

maybe... if you just tried to talk it through with your mother... if you explain it to her... your feelings...

i understand you don't want to disappoint your family. so, i'm not telling you to force them to let you be with him. but... just try to explain things... maybe she would understand... no?

don't people say love can overcome everything? :)

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@shirotsuki: owhh my dear,, i wish i can do that to my mom, but whenever i try to talk about my man to her, she will make a mourn face already, and i just really hate that expression of her.. So, i better give up now..

ah and anyway, lately, there is a guy who approached me either, but well, i just ignore him, however he's really a tough guy, he always give me an attention and care me a lot.. so it kinda bothersome yet make me quite glad..

since it would be nice to have someone who love us rite??^^

and how about you, dear?? your romance's life i mean :)

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oh i see... it's important to have someone wh loves us yes.

i'm sure you'll find someone with whol you'll be able to be with. :)


my romance life? there's no romance at all in my live!! aha ^^''

i'm in the right thread... single till now... and probably single for life... :p

since i can't just fall in love... apparently...

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Yeah we all want someone to love us and for our love to be returned.

@ Andreanitzoo I don't know what it is like to have my parents care who I date, it must be tough because you don't what to disappoint them but you also want to be able to be with the person you like.


@ Shiro I'm sure you can love you just haven't come across the one who will make you feel love. When that happens you will know the joys of love.

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Don't have boyfriend, never had one

I'm starting to think that I'm asexual

It's just that I have yet to meet someone who is attractive to me


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@shirotsuki: aw shirotsuki, my sweetie, come on don't say that,you make me sad :(, i'm sure you'll find the right one someday.. I do never had any realtionship before untill now, but i still wish to have someone beside me either and I'll go for it^^.. cheer up, girl,, you'll meet your destine man someday for sure :D


@Idg1814: ah well, you're right,, it sometimes make me so burdened, but also feel so protected by my parents.. I know they just don't want me to choose a wrong way since they love their only one daughter, that's all :) and btw, how about you dear? :)


@neyra: it's good to hear that you have someone who attract you already.. may I know are u female or male, dear? :)

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Well I have had boyfriends and girlfriends and a few couples as both. I'm still good friends with most of my exes. I have been engaged before too. I just get scared that I will be abandoned like in the past and I have many walls up and when my bf/gf gets too close I push them away. I have also had a few friends with benefits, part of being Bipolar is having an abnormally high sex drive when in a manic episode and I am manic most of the time. I tend to like friends with benefits better because I don't have to let them in, they just ended because one of us found someone we wanted to date.

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@ Andrea: hmm,, maybe you can let the boy meet your parents,, it think it will be good for them to know how great a man is.. :D.. and just like Shiro, you can talk to them about it,, well,, you can even show and express your true feelings,, i'm sure they'll understand it.. :D


@ Neyra: you're just like me honey,, i'm sure we'll meet the right person in the future.. :)


@ Chris: quite complicated huh,, :)

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@shiva and shiro: believe me, you don't want to be like me. I was pretty hurt by this guy I liked and I'm still not over it yet I already have small crush with another guy....x.x I hate it because when I think about the other one it still hurts...That is why I wish I could simply stop my self from having these sort of feelings x.x


Anyone care to give me some tips on how to avoid having these one-side crushes all the time?

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@senji: you think? I'm afraid of becoming desperate and just accept anyone just because I don't want to end up alone forever...x.x

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@Nita- oh my dear Nita, I'm so sorry to hear it T_T

I can't say that I understand your feelings becoz my famiy doesn't care about my relationships (oh well I've never had a serious relationship so that's why xD) but I guess it's really frustrating, isn't it?

I mean, you love your family so you can't "disappoint" your mother but at the same you wanna be free to love whoever you want, right? it's complicated >_

and what about this new guy?

if I got it right you said that he is kinda bother xD but at the same time u don't dislike his interest in you, right?


and..... srsly, all I can say is just that u don't have to start a relationship with someone u don't really love just becoz u don't wanna feel alone, okay ^^? srsly!!!!

and the same goes for you, TUTI !!!!


and, come on guise..... it's not all this bad to be single, right? WE ARE STILL YOUNG!!!!!!!

CHEER UP!!!!! we have all the time in the world so for now just try to enjoy our being single .....







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ahahahahaha yeah Tuti, that's the right mood xD!!!!!


@shiva and shiro: believe me, you don't want to be like me. I was pretty hurt by this guy I liked and I'm still not over it yet I already have small crush with another guy....x.x I hate it because when I think about the other one it still hurts...That is why I wish I could simply stop my self from having these sort of feelings x.x


I think that you must be proud of yourself. You got hurt by this boy but you are still able to love, isn't it great?

lots of people after a love disappointment just close their heart becoz they don't wanna be hurt again.

It's great to keep trusting in love! and if u really believe in it sooner or later you will find a person who really deserve to be loved by you.

and...gosh, I know it may sound a little corny but, srsly, remember that every experience make us grow...

especially the bad ones ^.^"

and... what about this new guy? are you afraid that he might hurt you like the other guy did?

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@ Tuti: hmm,, i moved on,, if i know they don't like me back,, well,, there are other more people who will make you more feel special... and,, would of course,, return you're feelings greater than what you've imagined.. well that's my principle,, heehee...


@ Ari: really good advie,, i can totally relate.. uwahhh!!!



**oh while strolling FB, i saw this pic.. :D**



not applicable to me though,, ATM

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@Shiva is not only that I am afraid that he will hurt me again is just that I know that he is not the type of guy that wants to be in a relationship...so it's one-sided..again >.>


@didz: Thank you :)

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