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Forever alone/single club^^


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I am single because I'm not really looking and I find myself criticizing everything. Like if a guy says, "you're the prettiest girl ever." I'll be like, "no I'm not. I bet you said that to your ex-girlfriend." And from there it doesn't go well.

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HAha, to think that there would be MANY who is still single XD

Then count me in too. Well, it's not like I've never fall in love, but all of it had rather been a one sided-love.

I'm not that good when it comes to talking to a guy, in fact, I'm afraid that I might bored them.

And I'm still in school, so WHY WOULD I WANT A BOYFRIEND :p


Besides, it's hard to find a decent guy this days.

I just wish that Kuran Kaname-sama or Zero-sama would just come out to real life and XD

Yuuki can go die alone.

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  • 2 months later...

female in 20's,

NBSB (No Boyfriend Since Birth) feeling lonely!


may i stay in this club for a while? LAWL :'D


as much as i love solitude, i still hope to find the person i'd spend love with for the rest of my life.

for now, i suck at life and as a person.

having to trouble my beloved is much more depressing; having him be troubled and constantly worry about someone like me whose not ready, indecisive, uncommitted and confusing.


i let go my crushes and infatuations in real life by not telling them how i feel so they won't feel troubled.

they might get into something they wouldn't want as i'm terrified of the thought i'm making someone i care for suffer because of me.


for now, i'll snuggle with you guys.

may i? > ; ^ ; ) >

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I am joining in!


There's the thing, I don't really know if I want to be single or not...I can't get myself to get interested in it...is there a problem with me? I also think that I have intimacy issues...how can you say you have intimacy issues anyway?

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I just wish that Kuran Kaname-sama or Zero-sama would just come out to real life and XD

Yuuki can go die alone.


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I'm dying XD And I agree with that! Especially about Zero-sama!

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"...relieve your soul..."? *shakes head* Oh dear




Not sure what to put here.



I don't have any "issues" per se. If someone came up to me right now and asked me out on a date I would not refuse (unless they were creepy and making me feel like I want to run away, change my name to Quiqui and move to Guam).


No probs what so ever... I don't want to consider myself "forever alone" either

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I think that would be a bit extreme lolz



Whilst I wait, I will shake



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*blinks* I didn't know that something like this was here. But anyway.


Can I join this club? I've been the very definition of married to work/school (T_T) for the last two years. That or I've been too involved with not mine but the love life to two characters I'm shipping. In short, yep, single. Although I am pining for people 92835932035354 miles and oceans apart from where I live and doesn't even know I exist. Ha.

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Forever alone - Sounds like the title to a really depressing song! - I hope its doesn't turn out to be about me.


I can't say forever because I have had a number a brief relationships, the longest and most resent lasting 18 months. I just don't think I'm the sort of guy girls fall for which is why I've all but ruled out girls after my last relationship (she wasn't very nice). That isn't to say I'm any less insecure when it comes to guys (oh I'm bi) but I feel better about being insecure with guys - does that make any sense?!


But I doubt I'll find Mr Right or if I do he'll end up either been straight, I feel like I'll be alone forever although I still hope otherwise...


Its feels good to moan :)

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I'm also part of your club haha


I've never been in a relationship mainly because I have never felt that sort of attraction to other human being and of course I definitely haven't been in love. Same goes for the other side. No person felt that kind of thing for me. At least not that I know of. And frankly I don't think I'll ever truly unconditionally love someone. I may get into relationships if somebody asks me out but that's that. Maybe my mindset will change one day but for now I truly believe I'll be forever alone..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm Back!!




^ I'm the one with the long hair... Yes I put a wig on. Don't hate on my swag XD



I am self conscious about my appearance and though people seem to like me (customers & colleagues when I was working part-time recently and friends) for my personality I feel like there is something lacking in me. Once that "lacking" is eliminated I am sure the other things will fall into place but it is that process of uncovering what is missing that will be tough.



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when in a heterosexual relationship the male often assumes the role as the "masculine protector" (sorry for creating sex roles!) thus when we, Bi peeps want to feel insecure, emotional, vulnerable it feels wrong and clashes with normals created by society/media. When in a same sex relationship you would imagine that in both males (or with two females) one would assume the role of "strong partner" to give you a shoulder to lean on and a hug when you need it. Personal theory based on my knowledge in Sociology.



I know that because I feel unattractive at times and like I may need support I can do a complete 180o and provide the same for another (I do it more often than not for friends and family where I can). People should never feel upset, life is way too short for that s**t.



Never really had a crush on anyone before but I did fairly recently (will not lie). Crushing on someone based on appearance is foolish since behind that mask may lie a terrible personality and hatred. It is when you get to know people that you create a bond (friendship) and know whether you like someone or not. If that someone remains on your mind and you imagine a life and all those things related to "crushing on someone" then you know you have a crush :)



Lots of people here saying they are single but is anyone interested in finding someone and/or made steps to make it more possible? What have you done, if anything?



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I wouldn't say I've made steps yet apart from been open to the idea of a relationship and working making myself a better prospect. So I'm going to college (I'm 30 by the way), given up smoking and I'm stopping biting my nails - which is going well not bitten them in over 2 weeks oh and I did start exercising as well I'm not in bad shape but I'm skinny and would like to tone up a bit, that hasn't worked out :( so gonna pick it back up later in the year got some surgery coming up.


I think I might start been more proactive towards then end of the year I'll be like 3-5 months getting over this operation so its not really a good time to start looking for a relationship.


As for the crush thing I think everybody gets crushes from time-to-time, "the cute guy you see on the train everyday on your way to work, you both smile at each other and you daydream as the stations flyby" I think its mostly harmless so long as you know what it is and don't mistake it for anything more.


That been said I do believe in there has to be chemistry, that "click" when you meet somebody.

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Good luck for your surgery! Thank you for sharing all of that information because I know it is scary to bare it all sometimes.


Congratulations on quitting smoking (if I add "not biting your nails" would it sound like I am being sarcastic? Honestly I'm not D: ), it is a huge step to make in your life. Wishing you all the best on your smoke free journey in life :)


Breaking habits and making changes (improvements where you feel necessary) is a great way forward! I'm on the same wagon with you.




I'm still at Uni (are you from the US? If so, we are BOTH in Uni! I'm no longer a freshman though... Staleman? Nvm lol) and my worst habit is probably my sniffing but in my defense I have Chronic Rhinitis LOL


I like to associate myself with the idea that I am that man, end of your road, 50 cats, they're all named Pigeon by the way, all alone in some shack place thinking about stuff that could have been. Talk about grim! When I am out and about I am constantly walking around like I stepped off a catwalk (head held high, chest out and WERK!) so I don't usually feel like my appearance is letting me down all that much despite my weight being a recurring "discomfort" (a nice way to put it).


I am confusional @_@


And should have been asleep an hour ago...



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