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[Open Question] What is your opinion if HIV caught you off guard


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I was making salad,funny yeah. Listening to local news. So,there was a discussion about H.I.V.


For those that don't know what is this,


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (a member of the retrovirus family) that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in humans in which progressive failure of the immune system allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive. Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells.



My question is,


What if one day,you fall in love with someone,but the next moment they gather the courage to tell you they are infected with H.I.V. , what are you gonna do? What are you gonna say? How would you react?



Mind you,you should keep in mind that you haven't slept with that person yet. Just they tell you the current situation,and as probably ask,where you two stand in your relationship. As in,what would you be your decision.


I thought this and felt bad for couples facing this cold reality.

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Hard question to answer.


But the fact that he (since I'm a he), was honest about his HIV status, I should be grateful.


The dreaded disease is not as deadly as before, with new drugs being offered on the market, however it is still very dangerous to catch the virus. Health issues are always very sensitive.


In perspective, if the guy made it a secret, then....


I would feel betrayed. I would feel very bad, because my health and my future is at stake. I would probably question my ability to trust people and remind/blame myself that I should have been more careful.


Back to your premise, I would even feel grateful because I am lucky he told me about the situation. It only means, he cares for me and for my health. Otherwise, we would be having sex and I might catch it, and everything will be a downhill spiral...

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Thank you for replying.

I listened carefully to the talk show. It put out many truths and situations involving H.I.V.

I am happy that I haven't faced such a thing up until now and I hope to never face it.


But yeah,

I would never abandon someone I truly love only because they are infected. I can't fully say what my reaction would be,but I wouldn't make them hurt because they had pride and fears,going beyond all only to protect me. It would mean a lot to me. (:

So yeah,it's a hard question,but I always end up with hard questions,LMAO. I love thinking on many possible things that can happen.

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I remember the song, Love Moves in Mysterious Ways, maybe it was written for someone who is in love with another, and that true love means you have to be with him at all times, and whatever circumstances.


Trust nowadays seems to be an expensive 'commodity'. I guess HIV taught us something. That relationship is a commitment, and that sex is simply a part of it. Casual sex, i think, is the biggest factor why HIV spread. People don't value long term relationships anymore. If I want sex, then I can do it anytime and with anyone. With HIV, you began to have second thoughts, and try to be more careful. But that's just me. Other would disagree and say, they will have sex as long as they want.


The question is, will they still be standing after 4-5 years with HIV/AIDs at their side?


Being loyal and being dedicated with your exclusive partner make a lot of sense.

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I agree with j3dmed, the fact that he admits it from the start shows that he really cares and cherish me. I honestly don't know what my reaction would be, I would definitely be very sad yet happy that he didn't lie to me and infected me.


Furthermore, I personally don't think that sex is important in a relationship, thus, the chances are that I would stay with him anyways.

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Same as j3dmed, I would feel glad if the other confesses it. If not I might kill that person. But the point... if my lover had HIV, I would not do that things with that person but stay with that person. If the person wants to do it or maybe forces me, then I'll break up. But if the person just accepts quietly then its alright. But, if its the opposite sex of me and we want to have a child then its a hard decision.

For the female, they cannot accept their semen since it has the virus. But for the male its somehow the same, the male just can jerk off and insert it in the woman, but.... the child will get HIV too. If one doesn't want to adopt a child and wants to bear a own child then its really hard. Or an alternative woman or man can do but that might be awkward too. Its almost like adopting a child...


If the person confesses it honestly, I would slowly accept if I really love the person, no making love or the one puts on a (fe)male condom. (female condoms are scary like fuck. Not sure they will work) Bearing a child might be impossible, if you don't want the risk if your child gets HIV and lives horrible.

Adopting would do, further you might be able to live along, but trying not to be infected might be really hard to live with...

Thats somehow, my opinion.

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My teacher showed it, just the fuck. O_o I was scared for them and they say they don't even work. Of course, wtf why a balloon? -shudders-

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Ahahahahaha,when I saw it for first time,I tilted head and went o_O' How the fuck this is stuffed ? XD





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Mygod, -shudders- LMAO, and then... my teacher explained how to put it in...? omygod, it was one of the worst classes EVER.

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Ahahahhahahaha ;D ;D

LMAO. XDDDDD No need to panic,your partner can ''stuff' it for you. ;D xD But it's better to do it yourself,I guess. Since it's your body after all. XD


I prefer the male condoms though. XD

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OMG, ahaha. Well probably she said something like that too, I'm not sure but hell. At least that thing had to be INSIDE you. Should I explain further? LMAO, I won't -shudders-


Yeah, female condoms doesn't work and I don't think it feels.... nice? I can't choose though, not busy in those things... Ha-ha.

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This is a harsh reality check but complete honesty is always a good thing especially in this kind of situation.

It does not have to be HIV, it could be anything, cancer, long-term disability, psychological incapacity, infidelity, even financial ruin can put ANY relationship in jeopardy and under a grave test.

as a partner, are you willing to go the distance to support a loved one? or walk out?


i've been through some serious medical and financial issues with my beloved but one thing remains, i remained on his side. not because it's the right thing to do or what ideal society standards dictates...the choice is mine to walk out if i wanted to and i know i have a right to do that and it would be valid. but that's not my personality. i choose to stay because i value our relationship and our time together.


you don't go into a committed relationship and imagine it to be all shoujo bubbles.

you have to be really smart and very brave.

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Okay let's see..


First i would thank the guy because he told me a secretive truth about himself.. well we can't deny the fact that HIV is dangerous and it could kill..


Second, i would accompany him to have medications,, i'm not sure but maybe contraceptives could help.. or just other recommended practices and medicines that the doctor would say..


Lastly, if i really love the person then i would still do it with him.. :).. with of course the assumption that i would be only his partner for life.. and me to him.. XD


@ Yoji: wow, so mature of you.. i salute you... XD

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Good thinking,girls. (:

It's important to be mature in some situations,one if them is this one.


Thank you for replying on this question. (:

I shall come up with different one and harder one next time. ;D

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  • 1 year later...

hmm.. just accept the person since you love him/her.. im being so mean here, but people with hiv dies after 10 years or so, if im correct.. it would be very painful to the person that you will have to reject her/him because of having HIV.. hmm..

just don't have sex to just anyone.. control your lust..

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