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∵:∵ Weekly question ∵:∵ 「 28th of May,2012」


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∵:∵ Weekly question ∵:∵



Well,users found it for interesting to be asked hard questions and as a person

who never stops asking myself the most difficult questions,

or most hilarious ones,I decided to make such weekly questions.

I will use the opportunity it's Monday today.

And every week,if of course,if users find it for fun,

or rubbing the brain cells like thing in a nice way,

I'll keep the questions up. I like we are different

than the people in our society who are more or less like

''We want change'',

but as you know -

''The difference make the change''.



Monday's Question 「 28th of May,2012」

''If you bought a book with blank pages.

The purpose for buying it is that you are ready to write your own thoughts inside

each time you learn something from life.

How you'll make ''the opening'' of your own ''book of life'',

as in, what your first thought would be?

And how would you entitle your book?''



My own answer,

My answer might change with years,but if I had the book in hands now,

indeed,I'll write only one thing on first page - ''Time''.

We all change,but the book would hold my current ''I'' in time,

so I would go for only one single word instead of a sentence.

As for the title of my book,I'd name it

''In-Out Utopia''.

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  • Saga


  • Arawn_Bheur


  • didz015


  • Key


The first line in the book would be:


Death isn't so bad.


The title would be:


Come, Let's Play.




I nearly died as a child. I no longer hold a fear of death because of it. As for the title, life is about enjoying one's self and is (to me) nothing but a long game in which you have to learn the rules. You can choose to live by the rules or you can break them.

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Interesting opening,Arawn.

And you are right,life can be like a game,learning the rules by living it alive. (:

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At this moment in my life, the first line would be: Welcome to existence, have fun while it lasts.


The reasoning behind that is at some point in time, everything that was, is, and ever will be, is going to be gone. The planets, stars, everything will end. And then it will all begin anew.


And the title: The Clever Rebel

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Ahahaha As bad I am with words, I think I'd keep thinking what to write and nothing would seem good enough when about to write and I'd come to the conclusion that the book looks better without my awkward writings in it, so, I think I'd leave it blank. XDD


But, as for now, if I'd have to write something, the title would be 'Behind straight lines' as a description of the way I am, disliking living by some rules, believing we can all live our lives the way we want, the way we decide, not caring what others would say or think. And also, suggesting a slight irony at those who try to live by the way other people want them to be, hiding their true selves, basically letting their lives be ruled by others.


For the first sentence, it would be 'Let who you are shine through every sentence you write and every word you say', basically continuing and stressing the idea in the title.

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A diary,

Title as: "Dear diary"


What would I write in it? My days, and doodles. I've been holding diaries since I was a kid but lately I haven't wrote in it. -sigh- somehow like a year.


Or a doodlebook... I draw things which are referred to the words or things I'm thinking...

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I have several of these books already due to cognitive therapy, If I had to combine them it to one The opening sentence would be " Welcome to the roller coaster we call life." As for a title it might change with time but for now it would be Bipolar: One Hell of a Ride.


Bipolar is something I will struggle with my whole life, sometimes it won't be much of a pain but other times it will be a major challenge to get through each day.

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Hmm I never thought of ever keeping a journal with daily entries...but I guess if I ever start having one the title would be What is meant to be, will be. Because I strongly believe that things happen for a reason (and no I don't mean because of the "big guy"). Then my first sentence would be: Here goes nothing...Because I don't know what to expect: every day will bring a different experience.

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What an interesting question.

If I had such a book,I'd give it the tittle "Changes" because,everything around us is changing really fast,no matter that sometimes we don't really notice it.

As for the first sentence "Dreaming is making me feel alive.",because it's the truth,every time when I dream,I feel like I'm not here in the real life,that sometimes is making me sick,but - I feel different - alive.

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How many interesting titles,reasons and ''openings''!

We shall open a bookstore! ;D


I like every each answer up until now,I look forward to more from other users! (:

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I have a personal diary, in fact, I'm on the 4th volume... I always open it with a poem, this last one is CC Cummings "I carry your heart", it hasn't a title but a motto: " Don't fear life, fight it" and the opening line has been the same for the last 6 years: "Hi dad, I fought today too"

It's not really interesting, I know but well... in the end I'm a simple person...

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Well,I have a simple answer here.

My first thought would be "date",(on the right up corner) it would be changes everyday.

But for the first line I'll write " Pick one of the brighter stars!" as I know, so many stars up there in the sky.

I'll see the star which is I pick everyday,I put all of my dreams in that star and I pretend that's the Hands God.

As I believe,one day my dreams will come true,trough the message of my star to the God.-faith-

For the title would be "Breathings"

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okay!! XD


the title of my book would be like Saga's (I dunno why but it came to me right away, let me just modify it a little ^^):



then the first sentence in my book would be a dumbfounding question:



hmm,, maybe i just thought of these because they are related to my late course, and maybe i'm really concerned on what is happening around the world today (it's issues and concerns)

PLUS,, people say that i think idealistically, meaning out of this world..

i am an optimist who always thinks positive and that there would always be a round-up in any problems.. XD

like what the title say, i would write the changes in the world leading towards its perfection..

yes,, this might be really out of this world,, but let's just say that i believe in the goodness of every person. Man is good.

and as a conclusion, i might pass this book to the future generations,, i must see to it that people must wake up and do something even just little by little in order to built a perfect or utopian world..

bow.. XD

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I like Key's answer, and when i not would be in the situation where i am now, i'd write the same. But currently i'm chating with a lots of teens about their problems at home with their parents. There are so many guides for parents with the title: "How do i understand my child better" but so less guide for teens : "How can i understand my parents better"

So I'd like to write a guide for teeneger.


To content of the book would be daily life problems.

The title from the Book should be named:


.....bring out the garbage!!







I would write a manual, not only a bland and answer guide. Something which every teen can identify himself, and i'd also write as so that is for him understandable.

I'm self a parent so i can understand both sides very well.


Ps: Saga, a very successful thread.

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um.. let’s see… if I had a book, the title would be: Life is a journey reason is that I see life as a route leading to different paths; filled with many opportunities and choices for us.

My first sentence: Make sure you don’t miss a thing because in order to achieve your dreams and goals, you must seize the moment before its too late… nevertheless there is always a new path available ^^


(woah... i want more questions now XD)

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@ Saga: Thank you. :3 I don't view life as much more than a game after which another might start, or it just ends. -shrug- lol


I've loved reading all of the answers so far. ^^

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i never write diaries ...

but if i want to . the title would be

precious people

i would write the important unforgettable things about them ...... even if they are not famous the good things they do will always be memorable

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i really like this thread!! it's so interesting!

i've loved all the answers so far! :)

some really great openings i must say!


so... here we go... :p

for the title i would choose Reflection bc what i would write down would be what the current me was feeling and experiencing.

This book would be the reflection of my feelings... the reflection of myself!


As for the opening phrase... hmm... i think i would write "while remembering your past, smile to your future".

The reason behind my choice of phrase is bc i believe that the person we are right now is deeply connected to our past self. The paths we chose and the decisions we made converged in our present self. We are who we are bc of what he did. So, we must always remember our past and look forward to the future. Look forward to our new changes, choices and paths. :)


well.. that's only what i think! :p

so there you go, my book! ^^

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The title would be Head in the clouds - I would write down my thought, and day dreams, so I would probably fill up tho whole book in a short time xD Most of the pages would be probably full of yaoi 18+ thoughts xDD

The opening phrase would be... You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok... so an intro and a tittle... i think i would go with...



"September 13th, 1982... Hot, mid-afternoon she get's taken to the hospital...

Or so i heard...

She didn't have much pain... She thought maybe, she was one of those lucky gals that brag about, having a baby was a piece of cake...

Yeah, right...

Truth was, i weighted 1,090kg, had too much hair and mostly looked like a rat, a rat doctors had said wouldn't make it...

And that was it... the begining of me... The kick off, of whom i became today...."


Or something... >_>


As for title...




Maybe... :)

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  • 1 month later...

I think i'd call it Doodle. The first line would be Anything,because as i would draw,i could also do about anything else with it;like writing inbetween of how it came to be,or to create a story out of it, or simply leave it as it is. I like to draw and create things,and think up new adventures with about anything thats suttable.So i think that would be a good use of the book.Though the idea of it may change a little,and may end up a book of a real story or something. But who knows?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mine would be



Title: Random thoughts from a restless mind


Opening: Seeking light amidst the darkness



It is as plain as it should be as I seek to be as uncomplicated as possible. Everything speaks for itself. :)

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