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  SloanAkira said:


Omfg. Srsly.. I'm not so big on Dai but this is too effin' HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT to ignore. This is probably my favorite part of the video about him. I mean, you can TOTALLY tell he's doing that on purpose for just the hell of it. He wants us to perv on him, eeeeeeeeeehhh???? WELL YOU GOT IT!

-Selina, Ari, and I perv's on him- Lemme have the taste of the juice. EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK -grabs the glass and worships it. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH DAI's kuchi-mizu!!! @v@!!! So pretty... the colors and... Dai -looks up and grins- You know what would be better????? SOAKED DAI!! -toss drink at his face-MUAHAHAHAHHAA Okay, girls, let's get to the licking!! ~ BZzzzzzzzzzzzzz ♥ The bees goes to a tasty flower. ♥ YUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMM OH SNAP OUT OF IT!!! OMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmggggg what am I saying here...



Oh gosh, yesssss...he makes it looks like the tastiest most delicious tomato juice in the whole wide universe of tomato juice.

I would say my most favorite part of the video was when his hair was getting primped by the stylist and there's something with the way Daisuke lets it happen. he knows the camera is rolling. he makes the most of it. he makes you wanna touch his hairrrr....mmmmmmmm...


But srsly you guys, I can't ignore this part:


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Omfffgg T__________________T these cheekbones.. are worth DYING FOR!! These eyes... His cute nose, his imperfect teeth but beautiful smile. It seems he fixed his teeth recently as this video was some time ago but still.... Still gorgeous as always GYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH -hugs Baba tightly- I've missed you so much!! I've been so busy spasming over the FO thread lately. Will always be my number one favorite -nods- Now I think Baba is just fabulous with black hair. OMFFFFFFFFFG YOU GUISE


I love that you included his imperfect teeth into the mix. ahahahahahaha!!! the teeth of love. gosh, who can ignore this? he looks so happy. doesn't his hair remind you of the way it looked in Bibou no Detail? *touches hair*


I saw him talking during interview in FO backstage on the bonus disc.


HOly Moley, Baba looked so.. AUHILUSAHfliushfhlaifil!!! Srsly... bubbly as always, wearing tight pants, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and acts like....a girl??? LMFAO Srsly... it was so unexpected but I wanna make gifs of that soon and share it with you guys. He was SOOOOO SEXYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....




OMG!! i would love love to see that. looking forward to the .gifs. thank you!!! you think he's acting like a girl because he still has some of his Miss Boys character on? gosh...now i'm confused which one came first...Fujimi or Miss Boys....*scratches head*


  ShivaDrake said:

@Yoji~ yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, that's right!!!!!!! Tanabata day..... how many memories..... we must organize a party

or something on that day yeeeeee~♥


OMG! THAT'S A BRILLIANT IDEA! we should so do that. a party or some really cool activity on that day.

hmmmm....we ought to take notes of these events from the series..so there's June 15, Tanabata Day, Halloween and Spring time. *giggles*


@Sloan~ okay srsly, except the fact I'm totally LMAO now but you're damn right..... it seems to be an advertising for real,

I'm happy that I'm not the only one wanting to drink a tomato juice after seeing it..... ehehehe.... but hey wait....

SOAKED DAI??????' AHAHAHAHA XD okay okay we have to dry him licking him or what???? ehehehehe xD

ahahahah bees on a tasty flower.......

poor Dai~chan (????) ~► I'm not sure he'll dislike it, after all ehehe xD

I love your dirty thoughts, Sloan....... :p


You know when I was watching the juice scene...a large part of me was so nervous if they were gonna exchange glasses or drink from the same glass. if that happened...OMG...THAT WOULD DEFINITELY BE AN INDIRECT KISSU!! hahahahah!! But then I thought...hmmmm....Baba-chan's lips must still taste like Taiki. Taiki flavored orange juice for Baba-chan. hmmmmm....

Hamao-flavored tomato juice for Daisuke.

I won't join in the Dai licking activity. I would like to keep the glass. there's a lot of Daisuke DNA in it. *whips out specimen bag* leaf2


and about Baba~chan..... yeah, I love him in every possible way, with orange, blonde or black hair, with a wig or even bald, with straight or

twisted teeth, with his cheekbones up or down ~I don't know if it makes any sense LOL XD~

but that slightly twisted frontal tooth is so kawaiiiiii~♥ I love it :cuteonion58:


from imperfect teeth to twisted teeth...aaaaaaaaaaahhh!!! SO CUTE, YOU GUYS!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! WE LOVE THE BABA-CHAN ALL OVER! :cuteonion58: I wanna see how he looks with super curly hair or an afro. :cuteonion46:

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  yojichan said:
Awww~ thanks for reminding us, Hoshi-chan! *hugs*

Happy June Pride, minna! :)


Ooooh! This reminds me next month will be Tanabata Day! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! :hamtaro-005 (17)::hamtaro-005 (10)::cuteonion41::cuteonion48:onion6onion0



ูู^^ It's fine Yojichan ^^


Because today is also my auntie's birthday too...


That's why I do remember it 555 ^^


Really feel warm & safe as Takumi-kun when seeing Gii cuddle him ^^






:hamtaro-005 (12)::hamtaro-005 (10):

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- - - Updated - - -


  ShivaDrake said:
@1978~kyyyaaaaaa you're right!!!!! it's 15th June, I totally forgot it @v@

thank you for reminding it~♥

and nice to meet you ^^ how can I call you? I don't want to call you with a number,

even if it's your nickname :3onion15:



Hi ShivaDrake ^^


Just call me Hoshichan ^^


Nice to see & meet you here too ^^


:hamtaro-005 (12)::hamtaro-005 (5):

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OMG!! i would love love to see that. looking forward to the .gifs. thank you!!! you think he's acting like a girl because he still has some of his Miss Boys character on? gosh...now i'm confused which one came first...Fujimi or Miss Boys....*scratches head*


@Yoji~ awwwww I've just finished Fujimi and I'm still soooooo excited @v@

please watch it. and MissBoys too, absolutely~♥!!!! that thread is a little dead now, we need you and all you guise to reanimate it!!!!! YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSH!!!!!


Hi ShivaDrake ^^


Just call me Hoshichan ^^


Nice to see & meet you here too ^^


@Hoshi~chan- thank you ;) nice to meet you, too, Hoshi ^.^!!!!


OMG! THAT'S A BRILLIANT IDEA! we should so do that. a party or some really cool activity on that day.

hmmmm....we ought to take notes of these events from the series..so there's June 15, Tanabata Day, Halloween and Spring time. *giggles*


@Yoji~ yeeeeeee~let's have a party!!!!!! you know what????

Drew is organizing a Under Gii party (you know that before his location was Under Gii... oh well, now he's actually on the top of Gii and under Takumi but the name of the party is the same....even if there's not much space there now, I guess LOL ahahahaha it seems I'm talking nonsense again ehehe xD but oh well, so there's a free place ready for our Tanabata party if you wanna do it LOL XD!!!!!

*yes, we are crazy* XD


You know when I was watching the juice scene...a large part of me was so nervous if they were gonna exchange glasses or drink from the same glass. if that happened...OMG...THAT WOULD DEFINITELY BE AN INDIRECT KISSU!! hahahahah!! But then I thought...hmmmm....Baba-chan's lips must still taste like Taiki. Taiki flavored orange juice for Baba-chan. hmmmmm....

Hamao-flavored tomato juice for Daisuke.

I won't join in the Dai licking activity. I would like to keep the glass. there's a lot of Daisuke DNA in it. *whips out specimen bag


aaaaawwww~INDIRECT KISS!!!!!! YEEEEEEEE!!!!! Yoji I thought the same thing @v@ ehehehe (and you know I'm secretly shipping BabaxDai sssssssssssssh!!!! but...hey hey TakuGii fans.... what is that killer gaze now? srsly I didn't mean...... oh well......... *runs away*


but.....hey hey wait...... you don't wanna join the Dai licking activity??? it's the sport of the moment.

I'm not really a huge huge fan of him so I have to give priority to someone else..... but.... at least can I dry him licking his hair? no? oh well.... so..... his toe????? noooooo again????? oh guise, I don't know if there are still free parts of his body..... I can be content to lick even a little little part of him..... but... oh well, I don't know if Dai~chan possesses little parts in his body, it's hard..... I know it may sound ambiguous.... oh well, yeah, it really sounds ambiguous LOL xD

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Perhaps the fans who´ll be together with Daisuke in Vietnam could lick his body.... yoyo4 (joke of course... ^^)


Maybe some of you have seen it already in his blog.... Dai will make a journey to Vietnam and 30 lucky people can go with him!!! I was quite shocked when i readed this! I mean.... they all can spend time with him.... for whole 4 days!!!!!! onion4

dine with him.... go sightseeing with him.... have fun with him..... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRGGGGGG!!!!! :leaf7:

And what´s with the fans who don´t live in Japan!?!?!? Buuhhhhuuuuhuuu.... :cuteonion24:

I´m soooooooooooooooooooooo jealous of these 30 guys....


I´m being about to do a booking for Vietnam, if only i could go and see him!!! :8onion5:

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@Selinia~ what what, srsly????? I didn't know it O_o yeah, I'm shocked as well onion7

but.. those 30 lucky dudes won a competition or something? aaaaww~ srsly, they

can stay with him 24/24h for 4 days????? they can eat with him, swim with him, sleep with him, join in Dai~chan licking activity, roll with him on the sand, touch furtively his hair pretending to save him from a bee's attack...... yeah my imagination is running as always!!!!! BUT SRSLY OMG!!!!!!!! lucky girls.

but. they are 30 fangirls. alone with Dai~chan for 4 days. mmmmmm. I don't know if we will see Dai~chan alive again LOL XD


aaaaaawwww~I hope he has some good bodyguards :p

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  ShivaDrake said:
@Selinia~ what what, srsly????? I didn't know it O_o yeah, I'm shocked as well onion7

but.. those 30 lucky dudes won a competition or something? aaaaww~ srsly, they

can stay with him 24/24h for 4 days????? they can eat with him, swim with him, sleep with him, join in Dai~chan licking activity, roll with him on the sand, touch furtively his hair pretending to save him from a bee's attack...... yeah my imagination is running as always!!!!! BUT SRSLY OMG!!!!!!!! lucky girls.

but. they are 30 fangirls. alone with Dai~chan for 4 days. mmmmmm. I don't know if we will see Dai~chan alive again LOL XD


aaaaaawwww~I hope he has some good bodyguards :p


Oh yes... as far as i can tell, they will spend a lot of time with him together... but i don´t know what exactly they´ll do with him there...

The 30 fans aren´t winners of competition.... no.... everybody who lives in Japan could book the journey:

Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.

BUT THAT DOESN`T HELP US HERE!!!!! :msn_red_fox 12


Aahhahaha... my imagination is same with yours!!! Hmm... i wonder, how "close" they can get to him??? I mean.... gorgeous Daichan and some pretty girls together.... uuuuuhhhh.... :cuteonion50:

So i´m afraid as well if he gets back safely :cuteonion52:


Seriously Dai... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?!? :5yoyo21:


If he knows what he was getting into??? :1onion52:


My stomach churns if i only imagine what they maybe will do with him... :cuteonion51:

touch his hair might be the most harmless of all possibilities...


Oh god... i have to stop my thoughts!! :cuteonion43:

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  Selinia86 said:
Dai will make a journey to Vietnam and 30 lucky people can go with him!!! I was quite shocked when i readed this! I mean.... they all can spend time with him.... for whole 4 days!!!!!!.... go sightseeing with him.... have fun with him..... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRGGGGGG!!!!! And what´s with the fans who don´t live in Japan!?!?!?.... everybody who lives in Japan could book the journey...BUT THAT DOESN`T HELP US HERE!!!!!


I understand exactly how you feel it's so unfair!!!!!!!! The best parts are always for japanese fans :cuteonion58:....and what about us??? :8onion74: Starving almost to death :cuteonion25: without receiving enough of Daichan's love foreigner fans......

I know what to do !!! Let's make our own event :cuteonion46: and invite Daichan to visit us^^... let's call it "Daichan's 4 days and 4 nights with 1000000000000000 fangirls from abroad" How's that???? Are there anybody who would like to join that kind of event???? :cuteonion45:


  ShivaDrake said:
.. those 30 lucky dudes can stay with him 24/24h for 4 days????? they can eat with him, swim with him, sleep with him, join in Dai~chan licking activity, roll with him on the sand, touch furtively his hair pretending to save him from a bee's attack... 30 fangirls. alone with Dai~chan for 4 days. mmmmmm. I don't know if we will see Dai~chan alive again LOL XD


Ari!!! Honestly one day you will kill me with your imagination^^....ROLL WITH HIM IN THE SAND!!!???????????? yoyo5 LOL...now you mke me see with my inner eye something what should be banned for me!:cuteonion49: ... there you go!!! Everywhere I look I see Daichan .... and he's rolling.... rolling....he really is rolling all the time with those 30 :cuteonion37: fangirls...........ohhh somebody save me!!!!!! :cuteonion55: .... I am so jelaous even of Daisuke's shadow that he can freely folow him.... but those 30 fangirls.... ohhhh they for sure win one in a lifetime loterry!!! I want move to Japan!!!!! :cuteonion53: ...somebody hug me!!!

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You´re so funny seren!!! foxy4

That´s an absolutely brilliant idea!!! Here i am to join the event!!!


OMG.... that sounds kind of ambiguous... :msn_red_fox 14

Muuaaahhhahahahaaaa!!!!! Get off you naughty thougts..... :msn_red_fox 2


Oh no... now i imagine Dai rolling around with 30 girls in the sand!! foxy4foxy4foxy4foxy4foxy4

I like your funny way seren! Really.... i almost cracked up here!


You want to move to Japan? May i join?? *whispers* Of course for stalking Daichan and other hot guys, eheheehheeerabbit1...

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@Sylwia~ *tight hugs* *tons of hugs* *lots of hugs* I don't know if that's enough ^^" xD

ahahahah hey hey what is seeing your inner eye right now? ahaha Dai~chan rolling all over xD

poor Dai~chan.... surely he's having a head ache now xD

come one, guise, let's think happy!!!

surely they are 30 crazy and super excited fangirls, right? but they are 30!!!!

seriously, how can they stay with him if they are so many?

they make some turns or...... mmm? awwww~

actually I don't think they'll do something particular, what do you think? oh well,

just follow him from a distance it's

even better than nothing, after all.... I wanna sniff his hair!!!!! I don't know why,

but just thinking about the sea and the sand makes me wanna sniff his hair....

probably they smell like seaweed or seashell.... but...

oh well, what I'm talking about now xD!!!! I'm trying to distract you eheheh xD

but it doesn't work I guess DOH XD




@purple~ wowow thank you for the gifs, they are really..... awesome and H-O-T of course eheheh :p especially the 3rd one mmmmm aaaaaawwww~




OMG.... that sounds kind of ambiguous..


AHAHAHA yeah yeah, I can imagine the way you girls wanna show him your love eheheh xD

you naughty xD ( oh well I must be the last one to say such a thing, I know :p)

srsly, Selinia, I'm laughing like crazy now xD you're hilarious xD

can I join the Dai~chan stalking :p ? EHEHEHEH XD

*just to sniff his hair, nothing more, I promise :p

oh well that sounds pervy as hell, though xD*

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Ne Minna-san If you had to choose one of our boys to meet and only one who would it be and what would you ask them if you could ask one question? Me? I'd want to meet Mao-kun and I'd want to ask him why he accepted the part as Takumi-kun.

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  robertita said:
An idea just came into my mind. Why 30? Because Dai chan this year will be 30 years old?


Heh... who knows maybe you are right^^ ....or perhaps it's aviable plane seats which has decided about that number or Daichan's agency ... it's hard to quess


  ShivaDrake said:
@Sylwia~ *tight hugs* *tons of hugs* *lots of hugs* I don't know if that's enough ^^" xD

ahahahah hey hey what is seeing your inner eye right now? ahaha Dai~chan rolling all over xD

poor Dai~chan.... surely he's having a head ache now xD come one, guise, let's think happy!!!

surely they are 30 crazy and super excited fangirls, right? but they are 30!!!!seriously, how can they stay with him if they are so many? they make some turns or...... mmm? awwww~actually I don't think they'll do something particular, what do you think? oh well, just follow him from a distance it's even better than nothing, after all.... I wanna sniff his hair!!!!! I don't know why,but just thinking about the sea and the sand makes me wanna sniff his hair....

probably they smell like seaweed or seashell.... but... oh well, what I'm talking about now xD!!!! I'm trying to distract you eheheh xD but it doesn't work I guess DOH XD


Yes yes Ari hug me more!!! I need it now^^... I hope you are right in your speculations and those girls will be to bussy with watching each other backs that they will not find way to get too close to Daichan :cuteonion57:....eehhhhhhhh.....that picture remind me about his Men's DVD "With the Wind"......that was nice vision!!!!!!!!:3onion15:

Daisuke.... sea.... his nacked torso :cuteonion58: .......his wet hair .... his trauses soaked and stick to his body :8onion5: and sand ... lot of sand and 30 fangirls roling in the sand..... wait a minute!!!!!????? :cuteonion49: what 30 fangirls??????? what rolling!!!!!!! Ari what did you do to me??? onion7


  Selinia86 said:
You´re so funny seren!!! foxy4 That´s an absolutely brilliant idea!!! Here i am to join the event!!! DAICHAN!!! PLEASE VISIT US AND LET US SHOW OUR LOVE FOR YOU!!!! OMG.... that sounds kind of ambiguous... :msn_red_fox 14 Muuaaahhhahahahaaaa!!!!! Get off you naughty thougts..... :msn_red_fox 2 Oh no... now i imagine Dai rolling around with 30 girls in the sand!! foxy4foxy4foxyI like your funny way seren! Really.... i almost cracked up here!

You want to move to Japan? May i join?? *whispers* Of course for stalking Daichan and other hot guys, eheheehheeerabbit1...


Now that make me wonder and quite curious ......how do you think Daichan would react if he read this thread and know what we thinking about^^... do you think he would hung on a crucifix and garlic on himself^^ hahahha:msn_red_fox 14

I would put the stalking plan into progress if only the day when my foot cross the borden of Japan ever come :msn_red_fox 12 .... ohhh dreams.... sweet dreams.... ofcours with two people is always more fun so it would be my pleasure if you would join me^^..later we can share this some solitary confinement..... for stalking^^:msn_red_fox 2

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You could be right! I didn´t think anything of it! :eek:

Indeed he wrote in his blog that he could only reserve for 30 persons (so far i could understand...) but maybe that´s no coincidence...


Ok guys... i think i´m going to bed now... too tired to write... :hamtaro-005 (18):

See you tomorrow!!!! rabbit10

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Good morning everyone ^^


Have a nice day ^^





  purple_kyu said:




Wow.... They're so cute & sexy anyway 555


Thanks a lot ^^

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  ShivaDrake said:
@Yoji~ awwwww I've just finished Fujimi and I'm still soooooo excited @v@

please watch it. and MissBoys too, absolutely~♥!!!! that thread is a little dead now, we need you and all you guise to reanimate it!!!!! YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSH!!!!!


I just finished watching 13 Assassins actually. I needed a boost. hahahahah! I was all so nervous and excited when I got the copies for Miss Boys and Fujimi. I should be able to concentrate on these 2 films hopefully by next week. I'll spazz, I'm sure. :leaf7:


@Yoji~ yeeeeeee~let's have a party!!!!!! you know what????

Drew is organizing a Under Gii party (you know that before his location was Under Gii... oh well, now he's actually on the top of Gii and under Takumi but the name of the party is the same....even if there's not much space there now, I guess LOL ahahahaha it seems I'm talking nonsense again ehehe xD but oh well, so there's a free place ready for our Tanabata party if you wanna do it LOL XD!!!!!

*yes, we are crazy* XD


You know when I read Drew's location, my mind went onion7 because it's defying the laws of physics. hahahahaha! it got me all curious now. heheheh! But since Tanabata Day is about wishes, let's make it that way too. On Tanabata Day, let's list our wishes for each other and Takumi-kun series and our club. whatchufink, minna?


but.....hey hey wait...... you don't wanna join the Dai licking activity??? it's the sport of the moment.

I'm not really a huge huge fan of him so I have to give priority to someone else..... but.... at least can I dry him licking his hair? no? oh well.... so..... his toe????? noooooo again????? oh guise, I don't know if there are still free parts of his body..... I can be content to lick even a little little part of him..... but... oh well, I don't know if Dai~chan possesses little parts in his body, it's hard..... I know it may sound ambiguous.... oh well, yeah, it really sounds ambiguous LOL xD


PWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! EVERYTHING you said is here is AMBIGUOUS and i love you for it!!

I still can't lick Daisuke...my tongue's kinda overexerted from licking Baba-chan's cheekbones and collarbones. yoyo4


  Selinia86 said:

Maybe some of you have seen it already in his blog.... Dai will make a journey to Vietnam and 30 lucky people can go with him!!! I was quite shocked when i readed this! I mean.... they all can spend time with him.... for whole 4 days!!!!!! onion4

dine with him.... go sightseeing with him.... have fun with him..... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRGGGGGG!!!!! :leaf7:


Oh gosh..4 days with the man would be awesome. what more with 4 days? are those 30 people gonna join him on the plane too? gosh...can you imagine the panedemonium in there?


Flight attendant: Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to take off. Please remain on your seats and fasten your seatbelts and PLEASE LET MR. WATANABE BREATHE! onion9



  Selinia86 said:
Oh yes... as far as i can tell, they will spend a lot of time with him together... but i don´t know what exactly they´ll do with him there...

The 30 fans aren´t winners of competition.... no.... everybody who lives in Japan could book the journey:

Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.

BUT THAT DOESN`T HELP US HERE!!!!! :msn_red_fox 12


NOT ONE BIT! Although I'm looking at the website now and I think it's more of a tourism thing really to encourage Japanese tourists to explore Vietnam. There's a tie-in between both countries and Daisuke happens to be the chosen endorser.


This is TOTALLY different from our desire to EXPLORE DAISUKE. Now THAT'S the kind of trip we will sign up for. :Red_fox7:


  robertita said:
An idea just came into my mind. Why 30? Because Dai chan this year will be 30 years old?


It could be coincidence too since the H.I.S. Travel Agency handling this tour to Vietnam might be celebrating their 30TH YEAR in the tourism business. :)


  Giikumi said:
Ne Minna-san If you had to choose one of our boys to meet and only one who would it be and what would you ask them if you could ask one question? Me? I'd want to meet Mao-kun and I'd want to ask him why he accepted the part as Takumi-kun.


It is interesting to note that Hamao originally auditioned for the part of Morita Toru in Niji-iro Garasu. It was the producers who decided that he could be the new Takumi instead. :) But I agree that is a very good question to ask Mao and I would really like to know what he would say to that.


For me, I think I would ask Baba-chan the question: What parralel do you see in your personality that you think makes you an effective Misu Arata?


How about you, guys..what question would you ask your favorite actor?

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  ShivaDrake said:
@Yoji~ yeeeeeee~let's have a party!!!!!! you know what????

Drew is organizing a Under Gii party (you know that before his location was Under Gii... oh well, now he's actually on the top of Gii and under Takumi but the name of the party is the same....even if there's not much space there now, I guess LOL ahahahaha it seems I'm talking nonsense again ehehe xD but oh well, so there's a free place ready for our Tanabata party if you wanna do it LOL XD!!!!!

*yes, we are crazy* XD


ari, you're promoting the party? HAHAHAHA that's good, the more the marrier :) but, i should've known earlier that, you want to celebrate it yesterday (june 15) so that, i made the invitation first, before translating <. oh well it my fault too since im not active much here let just set on another date src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/biggrin1.png.778f8ffe42c285836ec8df35cfae6e72.png" alt=":D">


i already made the draft, so ill just polish everthing, then we can invite people XD


  ShivaDrake said:
they can eat with him, swim with him, sleep with him, join in Dai~chan licking activity, roll with him on the sand, touch furtively his hair pretending to save him from a bee's attack...... yeah my imagination is running as always!!!!! BUT SRSLY OMG!!!!!!!! lucky girls.


ari, i think, this is what you mean.

they can eat him, swim with him naked *BUTT ALERT*, sleep under him, lick your favorite part of gii, roll on his body or bury their self on the sand together, sting each other LOL. that's what will happen i think LMAO! they're really LUCKY!!!! KILL THEM :cuteonion43:


  yojichan said:
You know when I read Drew's location, my mind went onion7 because it's defying the laws of physics. hahahahaha! it got me all curious now. heheheh! But since Tanabata Day is about wishes, let's make it that way too. On Tanabata Day, let's list our wishes for each other and Takumi-kun series and our club. whatchufink, minna?


HAHAHAHAHA, i think, i need to change my new location LMAO! watch out for it yoji XD oh btw, do you want to join the Under Gii Party? baba and taiki will also join :) they will be hosting one of the games, entitled "PICK CLOTHES FOR ME" you know the mechanics for this game for sure LOL :)

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Hello everybody!! :msn_red_fox 3


Have a nice weekend! :)




Awwwww.... thank you for the nice gifs!! I specially loooovveee the 3rd one! Sooo hot...


  ShivaDrake said:
@Sylwia~ *tight hugs* *tons of hugs* *lots of hugs* I don't know if that's enough ^^" xD

ahahahah hey hey what is seeing your inner eye right now? ahaha Dai~chan rolling all over xD

poor Dai~chan.... surely he's having a head ache now xD

come one, guise, let's think happy!!!

surely they are 30 crazy and super excited fangirls, right? but they are 30!!!!

seriously, how can they stay with him if they are so many?

they make some turns or...... mmm? awwww~

actually I don't think they'll do something particular, what do you think? oh well,

just follow him from a distance it's

even better than nothing, after all.... I wanna sniff his hair!!!!! I don't know why,

but just thinking about the sea and the sand makes me wanna sniff his hair....

probably they smell like seaweed or seashell.... but...

oh well, what I'm talking about now xD!!!! I'm trying to distract you eheheh xD

but it doesn't work I guess DOH XD



AHAHAHA yeah yeah, I can imagine the way you girls wanna show him your love eheheh xD

you naughty xD ( oh well I must be the last one to say such a thing, I know :p)

srsly, Selinia, I'm laughing like crazy now xD you're hilarious xD

can I join the Dai~chan stalking :p ? EHEHEHEH XD

*just to sniff his hair, nothing more, I promise :p

oh well that sounds pervy as hell, though xD*


Sniff his hair, EEEEEHHHH???? :leaf5:

I will attend to kiss and lick his seawater-salty skin... Hmmmm....onion0 *dream*

Ok... let´s go to Japan!! rabbit4 Anymore people who want to join us?? rabbit16




But seriously, at the latest next year i like to travel to Japan...

I loved this land already well before i ever heard of TK-series and the actors!

It all began almost 16 years ago with watching for the first time some anime series like "Attack No. 1"! :D


  seren83 said:

Yes yes Ari hug me more!!! I need it now^^... I hope you are right in your speculations and those girls will be to bussy with watching each other backs that they will not find way to get too close to Daichan :cuteonion57:....eehhhhhhhh.....that picture remind me about his Men's DVD "With the Wind"......that was nice vision!!!!!!!!:3onion15:

Daisuke.... sea.... his nacked torso :cuteonion58: .......his wet hair .... his trauses soaked and stick to his body :8onion5: and sand ... lot of sand and 30 fangirls roling in the sand..... wait a minute!!!!!????? :cuteonion49: what 30 fangirls??????? what rolling!!!!!!! Ari what did you do to me??? onion7


Now that make me wonder and quite curious ......how do you think Daichan would react if he read this thread and know what we thinking about^^... do you think he would hung on a crucifix and garlic on himself^^ hahahha:msn_red_fox 14

I would put the stalking plan into progress if only the day when my foot cross the borden of Japan ever come :msn_red_fox 12 .... ohhh dreams.... sweet dreams.... ofcours with two people is always more fun so it would be my pleasure if you would join me^^..later we can share this some solitary confinement..... for stalking^^:msn_red_fox 2


It´s better we don´t think too much over that "30 girls alone with Daichan"-thing... otherwise i´m tempted to become a psycho-killaaaaa!!! HAHAHAHAAAA :cuteonion43::Red_fox5::Red_fox12:



Don´t worry... i´m only joking :msn_red_fox 2


Oh... concerning the reaction of Dai if he read our naughty talks about him... eheheheee... maybe he´s amused about that? It would be interesting to know how open-minded he is.... ^^

I´m not sure but i think he isn´t that type of man who act like a casanova.... what do you guys mean??


  Giikumi said:
Ne Minna-san If you had to choose one of our boys to meet and only one who would it be and what would you ask them if you could ask one question? Me? I'd want to meet Mao-kun and I'd want to ask him why he accepted the part as Takumi-kun.


Hello there! Nice to meet you here in YO Forums! onion3


For your question i would say... of course i want to meet Daisuke to ask him if it was very hard for him to do all the kissing and loving scenes with mao-kun! But there are so many other questions i wanted to ask him...

for example... what he loves the most at his profession of being an actor....



Well, now i´m going to swim, because it´s getting almost 30°C here (86°F) :leaf18::leaf20:

See you later :8onion73:

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ATTN: Baba-chan fans.... I just wanted to share what I just posted in the FO thread where Baba was interviewed with Shouta and Yuusuke.... and I thought... oh my.... Baba looks like he've changed a lot... But His personality of course was no surprise onstage. {pointing, yelling, dropping to the ground} but seriously.... He kinda acts like post-Miss Boys instead of post-Takumi, LMMMMMMMFAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOO


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ari, you're promoting the party? HAHAHAHA that's good, the more the marrier but, i should've known earlier that, you want to celebrate it yesterday (june 15) so that, i made the invitation first, before translating <. oh well it my fault too since im not active much here let just set on another date>


i already made the draft, so ill just polish everthing, then we can invite people XD


You know when I read Drew's location, my mind went because it's defying the laws of physics. hahahahaha! it got me all curious now. heheheh! But since Tanabata Day is about wishes, let's make it that way too. On Tanabata Day, let's list our wishes for each other and Takumi-kun series and our club. whatchufink, minna?


@Drew/Yoji~ yeah I'm plugging our party ahahaha xD all this talking about celebrations made me think about our party instantaneously ahahaha xD

nuuuuu Drew, I didn't mean the 15th June :p I was talking about Tanabata eheheh we have all the time, Drew ;)

anyway... yeah, it's better

if we have a wishes party or something on Tanabata :p also because Under Gii Party deserves a personal day ahahah xD

surely only the name of the party will attract people from every part of the world... I have the feeling

that it will be not a simple party but a rave ahahah xD

but srsly Drew, we started to talk about Gii's lower parts and now

we're planning a party there!!!! ahahahah xD


HAHAHAHAHA, i think, i need to change my new location LMAO! watch out for it yoji XD oh btw, do you want to join the Under Gii Party? baba and taiki will also join they will be hosting one of the games, entitled "PICK CLOTHES FOR ME" you know the mechanics for this game for sure LOL


of course Yoji will join us, she even invented the Dai licking activity eheheh xD

hey wait... I don't know that game, can Baba~chan explain me the rules :p? with a

demonstration, maybe.... eheheh xD

yeah, Drew your locations are dangerous... my butt obsession started with your first location LOL!

I'm discovering new levels of my perv mind with Drew.... LMAO XD

PWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! EVERYTHING you said is here is AMBIGUOUS and i love you for it!!

I still can't lick Daisuke...my tongue's kinda overexerted from licking Baba-chan's cheekbones and collarbones.

but hey wait.... Yojy you distracted us talking about Dai licking activity just to keep us busy while you

are licking Baba-chan's cheekbones and other parts of his body behind our backs!! LOL :cuteonion58:

you are diabolic LMAO XD


I just finished watching 13 Assassins actually. I needed a boost. hahahahah! I was all so nervous and excited when I got the copies for Miss Boys and Fujimi.


aaaaaaaww~I had an heart attack!!!! I thought you were talking about An Assassin ffffffiiiiiuuuuu~ ^^"

anyway yeeeah!! we are waiting for you, Yoji ;)


ari, i think, this is what you mean.

they can eat him, swim with him naked *BUTT ALERT*, sleep under him, lick your favorite part of gii, roll on his body or bury their self on the sand together, sting each other LOL. that's what will happen i think LMAO! they're really LUCKY!!!! KILL THEM


@Drew~ LMAO XD no but srsly, now I'm quite calm about those 30 dudes but srsly..... if they happen to see Dai's lower parts or his royal butt I'll get mad as hell AHAHAH XD no kidding guys, I and Drew will kill you for sure LMAO XD



ATTN: Baba-chan fans.... I just wanted to share what I just posted in the FO thread where Baba was interviewed with Shouta and Yuusuke.... and I thought... oh my.... Baba looks like he've changed a lot... But His personality of course was no surprise onstage. {pointing, yelling, dropping to the ground} but seriously.... He kinda acts like post-Miss Boys instead of post-Takumi, LMMMMMMMFAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOO



@Sloan~ aaaaaawww Baba chan!!!!!! omg srsly where is Officer Baba????? I can see only

Jo there LOL I love that outfit @v@ but that's a glitter shirt? it reminds me of stars.... why I'm so corny today ahahahah xD *thinks of Kentaro*

and srsly guise, I'm really the only one who dies when Baba chan fixes his fringe???? aaaaaaawwwww~♥



Oh... concerning the reaction of Dai if he read our naughty talks about him... eheheheee... maybe he´s amused about that? It would be interesting to know how open-minded he is.... ^^

I´m not sure but i think he isn´t that type of man who act like a casanova.... what do you guys mean?


@Selinia~ mmmm Dai~chan a casanova??? ahahah I don't know, but I think he has a lot of experience with girls.... it's just an impression, neee :p

and... srsly, I'm not really informed about Dai or Baba or the other guys private-very-private- life... you know if they have ever had a girlfriend? or a BOYFRIEND???? ahahahha no, too good to be true.... :p


Ne Minna-san If you had to choose one of our boys to meet and only one who would it be and what would you ask them if you could ask one question? Me? I'd want to meet Mao-kun and I'd want to ask him why he accepted the part as Takumi-kun.


aaaaawww~ that's hard >.

surely Baba~chan ♥ but... if I happen to meet him, oh well.. I think I'd blush and

run away stammering my question ahahaha xD mmm I don't know what I can ask him, surely something about the kiss scenes onion0

let me think about it and then I'll let you know :p


Well, now i´m going to swim, because it´s getting almost 30°C here (86°F)

See you later


yeah here it's almost 28° and I went to the pool, as well....

but now I'm totally burnt LMAO xD It's so hot here and YEAH all this

talking about naughty things doesn't help at all...... onion4

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Halooo~~~ hehe juz gonna drop by here to pass you this GREAT NEWS!!!!


Translated by Hama-san.

Taiki wrote in his ameblo and he said that.


Baba chan got a performance. Reading performance or something like that and HE CALLED TAIKI FOR AN SOS!!!

He wanted Taiki to be at the backstage tomorrow.


They are still contacting with each other and when Baba chan personally called Taiki..




Btw.. I am so worn out after hanging out with my friends and ate my dinner with my family.

Today is my brother's bday too so DOUBLED THE FUN. I finally met my old mates and we almost cried today. GOD BLESSED ME. ^^


Now.. i gtg now.. Im too full with foods today..

Cheese cakes, choco cake, Dragon fruit's juice, sandwhiches, pizzas and baled rice with cheese in one time is really~~~ too much..


Jaaa~~~enjoy the fun here. ^^

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  \ said:
-screams- WHAT??// what???? YOURE LYING. Omffffgggg


OMFOMFOMFOMFMG YOU CANT BE SERIOUS?? What??/ They missed each other??? DOOOOODEEEE! THey do TExt each other... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh adhuiahfliwefaliwghakfajn and Called Baba for a .. WHAT?? SOS??? What's that??SRY IM NOT THINKING STRAIGHT. IM SO EXcited to hear this. Kyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~ omomomomomomg i bet-


  Reveal hidden contents


OHOOHHHH what am i saying. Stop STOP STOP IT! -slaps myself- SRSLY. I bet it's been A WHILE> omomomfomfomffomfomg Baba, Bababa Baba-chan make your move. ITS YOUR CHANCE!! with your.... HAMSTER ON 'ROIDS?????/ ???????????????? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL omfggggg srsly. Thanks for brightening up my day- now I AM BLIND from all the joy!!!!




OHHHH33 :XXXXXXXXXXXX Sorry I forgot to add HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, JUNNIE. hahahahah -hugs tightly- my bad. ♥♥♥ teheeheh


:msn_red_fox 3onion4:hamtaro-005 (8):

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..... WHAAAAAT????? OMG.

first of all: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNE!!!!!!!!!! :msn_red_fox 3:msn_red_fox 3:msn_red_fox 3

I'm glad you passed a wonderful day and yeah I'm glad you received this news @v@

and... okay, okay, breathe breathe...... I mean, what? srsly????

first: Taiki wrote it on his blog, right? I don't know if he writes anything on his blog (such as- I'm eating a paella now) but but but if he wrote it its becoz he thinks its something important, RIGHT?????? aaaaaaawwwww~


and and.... what kind of performance will Baba~chan do tomorrow? why he needs Taiki's help?

why he calls him Taiki???why he texted him????why all these questions NOW!!!!!! WHY WHY WHY!!!!

but srsly they text each other..... for real.... and okay SLOAN!!!!!! LMAO XD

srsly, let's breath..... and what about that hamster on roids ahahah xD now Baba~chan has

to apply himself more :p I mean, with those thin hips how can he manage Taiki now~what the hell I'm talking about LMAO but but but its true!!!!!! ahahahah xD

I miss ......your sex????? LMAO XD but srsly.. if Taiki receives that kind of message he will write it

on his blog? aaaaaawwwww~I hope. I don't know, but I hope. It would be probably my last day on this world, but I hope, tough. YES! @v@

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Oh gosh you guys it's not even 8AM here on my side of the world and I read all these and it got me so happy with all your energetic posts. Love y'all!


  rainieric said:

HAHAHAHAHA, i think, i need to change my new location LMAO! watch out for it yoji XD oh btw, do you want to join the Under Gii Party? baba and taiki will also join :) they will be hosting one of the games, entitled "PICK CLOTHES FOR ME" you know the mechanics for this game for sure LOL :)


Yes, I would like to join the party please. :D

Oooh! I like that game. Oh yeah I think I know the mechanics to that too. *giggles*


  Selinia86 said:

But seriously, at the latest next year i like to travel to Japan...

I loved this land already well before i ever heard of TK-series and the actors!

It all began almost 16 years ago with watching for the first time some anime series like "Attack No. 1"! :D


That's so awesome! I hope you have a safe happy trip. Maybe you could visit British Hills too. woohoo!! When I go to Japan, that's gonna be one of my target destinations. :)


Oh... concerning the reaction of Dai if he read our naughty talks about him... eheheheee... maybe he´s amused about that? It would be interesting to know how open-minded he is.... ^^

I´m not sure but i think he isn´t that type of man who act like a casanova.... what do you guys mean??


Well, he is very aware how good looking he is. :) But I'm sure he's amused if he read any of our naughty stuffs about him. I mean there must be girls in Japan who wanna eat him alive as we speak. hahahahahah!! at least we only wanna lick him. xD


  SloanAkira said:
ATTN: Baba-chan fans.... I just wanted to share what I just posted in the FO thread where Baba was interviewed with Shouta and Yuusuke.... and I thought... oh my.... Baba looks like he've changed a lot... But His personality of course was no surprise onstage. {pointing, yelling, dropping to the ground} but seriously.... He kinda acts like post-Miss Boys instead of post-Takumi, LMMMMMMMFAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOO


  Reveal hidden contents


Awwww~ thank you for this Sloan! But Baba-chan seem to stand a bit far away from Shouta. LOL

I love his outfit. Hmmmm...maybe he only reserves his post-Takumi mode for Taiki.

I know he's good friends with Shouta. :)


  ShivaDrake said:
@Drew/Yoji~ yeah I'm plugging our party ahahaha xD all this talking about celebrations made me think about our party instantaneously ahahaha xD

if we have a wishes party or something on Tanabata :p also because Under Gii Party deserves a personal day ahahah xD

surely only the name of the party will attract people from every part of the world... I have the feeling

that it will be not a simple party but a rave ahahah xD

but srsly Drew, we started to talk about Gii's lower parts and now

we're planning a party there!!!! ahahahah xD


Rave party! YOSH! Well, it's ALWAYS a party in Gii's lower parts that's for sure. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!


of course Yoji will join us, she even invented the Dai licking activity eheheh xD

hey wait... I don't know that game, can Baba~chan explain me the rules :p? with a

demonstration, maybe.... eheheh xD



oh of course, every game needs to be demonstrated first and a practice game before the actual game itself. *giggles*


but hey wait.... Yojy you distracted us talking about Dai licking activity just to keep us busy while you

are licking Baba-chan's cheekbones and other parts of his body behind our backs!! LOL :cuteonion58:

you are diabolic LMAO XD



(and Baba-chan didn't seem to mind......too much. hihihihihi!)


aaaaaaaww~I had an heart attack!!!! I thought you were talking about An Assassin ffffffiiiiiuuuuu~ ^^"

anyway yeeeah!! we are waiting for you, Yoji ;)



ACK! I'D GET A HEART ATTACK TOO! Nope not An Assassin. ah mou...I wanna watch that film too. It's sooooooooooooooo serious and so different of Baba-chan. He's armed and super duper dangerous.


@Selinia~ mmmm Dai~chan a casanova??? ahahah I don't know, but I think he has a lot of experience with girls.... it's just an impression, neee :p

and... srsly, I'm not really informed about Dai or Baba or the other guys private-very-private- life... you know if they have ever had a girlfriend? or a BOYFRIEND???? ahahahha no, too good to be true.... :p


I'm sure a lot of girls and guys would offer themselves to be "experienced" by Daisuke. *grins*


  Last_sky16 said:
Halooo~~~ hehe juz gonna drop by here to pass you this GREAT NEWS!!!!


Translated by Hama-san.

Taiki wrote in his ameblo and he said that.


Baba chan got a performance. Reading performance or something like that and HE CALLED TAIKI FOR AN SOS!!!

He wanted Taiki to be at the backstage tomorrow.


They are still contacting with each other and when Baba chan personally called Taiki..




OMG! OMG! REALLY???? *stares*

this news is SO INCREDIBLE! remember when we would just talk about hoping that he and Baba-chan do something together and we got a little worried 'cause they barely mention each other in their blogs and they haven't had any activities together and we were worried that maybe something wrong came up between them..




this is like one of the best news EVAAAARRRR!!! thank you for sharing this and thank you Hama-san for the translation. *hugs you both tightly*

great things are pouring into this club. amazing!

i'm sooooooooooooooper doooooooooooper happy!



  SloanAkira said:
-screams- WHAT??// what???? YOURE LYING. Omffffgggg


OMFOMFOMFOMFMG YOU CANT BE SERIOUS?? What??/ They missed each other??? DOOOOODEEEE! THey do TExt each other... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh adhuiahfliwefaliwghakfajn and Called Baba for a .. WHAT?? SOS??? What's that??SRY IM NOT THINKING STRAIGHT. IM SO EXcited to hear this. Kyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~ omomomomomomg i bet-


  Reveal hidden contents


OHOOHHHH what am i saying. Stop STOP STOP IT! -slaps myself- SRSLY. I bet it's been A WHILE> omomomfomfomffomfomg Baba, Bababa Baba-chan make your move. ITS YOUR CHANCE!! with your.... HAMSTER ON 'ROIDS?????/ ???????????????? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL omfggggg srsly. Thanks for brightening up my day- now I AM BLIND from all the joy!!!!





By the looks of it...they just did, Sloan! OMG!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! your spoiler tag FTW! LOVE EEEEEET!!

they really missed each other. Baba-chan could have called ANYONE! ANYONE! but nooooooooooooooo....it had to be TAIKI. ONLY TAIKI! and Taiki to the rescue! awwwwwww~~~~ *synchronized spazzing here*


  ShivaDrake said:
..... WHAAAAAT????? OMG.

first of all: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNE!!!!!!!!!! :msn_red_fox 3:msn_red_fox 3:msn_red_fox 3

I'm glad you passed a wonderful day and yeah I'm glad you received this news @v@

and... okay, okay, breathe breathe...... I mean, what? srsly????

first: Taiki wrote it on his blog, right? I don't know if he writes anything on his blog (such as- I'm eating a paella now) but but but if he wrote it its becoz he thinks its something important, RIGHT?????? aaaaaaawwwww~


Yeah...Taiki could have written random things about random people but noooooooooo it had to be Baba-chan.

So he was thinking about him the whole time. A lot of things can happen in 24 hours or more but he thought writing about Baba-chan was important.

Meaning Baba-chan is important and with importance comes love.



and and.... what kind of performance will Baba~chan do tomorrow? why he needs Taiki's help?

why he calls him Taiki???why he texted him????why all these questions NOW!!!!!! WHY WHY WHY!!!!

but srsly they text each other..... for real....


yes! what kind of performance is Baba-chan gonna do that he needs Taiki to be there with him?






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