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Okay I am waiting...


haha I just LooooooVED BABA'S CRAZY-ISM in this one. DANCING at the end of rope. LMFaoooooooooooooooo ♥♥♥


Here it is. Download Triple Zone - May 31st, 2012. Let me know if there are any issues.


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Size: 437 MB, window player/vlc player compatiable.

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I think I'll just hide in my corner of otaku anime/ manga boy love fantasy. (sighes) I wonder if I say something completely random anyone will even notice (bursts into tears)! I don't belong with this group of amazing people anymore!


@Ueda~~► WHAAAAAAT???? Ueda, please, don't say this sort of things.

I really love your comments and even if you just write something like "BUH" I will read it and appreciate it, though.


Ueda= amazing

This group= amazing

Ueda+this group= same thing.

just as I wrote some time ago MATH DOESN'T LIE at all, so you belong to this group absolutely.

you'll always belong to this group,



if you like it or don't EHEHEHEHEH xD


You know guys I wanna vent for just a minute if that's okay. When I was in school and I mentioned anime or anything along those lines the kids in my class were like They thought it was the dumbest thing in thhe world and that hurt. Even my family...I'm almost literally the black sheep, the odd one, (are you sure she's related to us) member of my family. So I just want to thank you guys for putting up with me. I'm not all that special I know but I still want to thank you guys.


you can vent here every time you need it.

please, Ueda, don't be so humble!!! don't treat yourself in this way,

I think you are a very special person

so I hope you can realize it too. I wanna hug you at this moment >_

anyway,..... I can understand you very well.

I can't talk about anime/manga/BL (EEEEEEEH!!!!) with my friends,

they accept my passion but just don't understand it at all.

when I mention Japan they just make faces and say

"EEEEHHHHH Japan again. stop it, Ari!" how cruel T__T

I showed some pics of Baba to some friends of mine and MY BEST FRIEND (I wanna underline it) said:

"you know that I dnt like Japanese guys and this one is really UGLY".

you can picture out my expression when she said it O_O (.....................................................)

I was about to kill her eeeeeeh.

I MEAN. WTF?????????? BABA CHAN UGLY??????????????? HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so Ueda in a nutshell my advice is: don't give a damn about what other people think.

you'll find always someone that can understand and support you here.

so don't get dejected and fight fight fight fight!!!!!! do you promise ^^?


aaawwww~I'm so happy to find here a lot of interesting and amazing

people like you guise (and you are included Ueda!!!!!)♥

you are the only ones I can talk about my passionsSsSsSsSsSS with ♥

I WANNA HUG YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3onion15:

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Gomen ne for being such a downer. I'm just really depressed these days. I miss my girlfriend extremely and I haven't seen her since last year July (we talk via facebook and calls). And I'm suffering from writer'sblock I'm working more then I'm sleeping or doing anything else. I mean literally I work 40 hours a week (most of the time) and I sleep maybe 24 if you add up all the hours through the week. So yeah I don't mean to bring yhou all down. I think I'm gonna go listen to NewS 'Why' and Yamapi's 'Me'

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Gomen ne for being such a downer. I'm just really depressed these days. I miss my girlfriend extremely and I haven't seen her since last year July (we talk via facebook and calls). And I'm suffering from writer'sblock I'm working more then I'm sleeping or doing anything else. I mean literally I work 40 hours a week (most of the time) and I sleep maybe 24 if you add up all the hours through the week. So yeah I don't mean to bring yhou all down. I think I'm gonna go listen to NewS 'Why' and Yamapi's 'Me'


Awwwww.. Don't be sad. We're all here for you. rabbit0 Seriously if you need a friend, I'm always free and I'd love to talk with you more if you want. You're a wonderful person, I have certain vibes coming from your posts.LOL Insane as it may sound- I know! Hahaha ♥ But of course, drop a message if you wanna talk. I'm open ears. -huggles- onion4:cuteonion45:onion6

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@Ueda~ you don't have to apologize, everyone has tough moments sometimes.

I just had my emo time some days ago eeeeh >_

I'm sorry to hear that u miss your gf, you are in a long distance relationship? its hard >_

oh well, Ueda, think happy! you are so lucky, you are in love and you've got someone who cares about you,

imho only this thing is amazing ♥

and you must take some more rest, nee?

and btw what are u going to listen right now O_O????? me by YAMAPI????

YAMAPI?????????? YAMAPI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAMAPI.............. o_O

Why tonight I read Yamapi anywhere @_@???????????????

diosssssssss, it took me a long time to put that hotness out of my mind and now I'm

seeing him everywhere O_o !!!!ALERT!!!!!!



Baba~chan, your 1st position in my heart is really in danger at this moment.


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Owwwwwhhhhhh... i woke up quite late today... My head aches and my voice turned hoarse. This means that I overwork myself yesterday. LOL


@Tat chan

Hey itz ok.. I also just sit and watches all of them.. I dunno what to post either. If Tat chan needs accompany msg me at FB ok?? I posted new things there.. We can always talk over there.. Tat chan is one of the person who'll comfort me there. Im feeling down as well nowadays. I guess itz just an upside down. ^^


About being different.. I also encountered the same thing.. Eventho my family has a japanese blood but they are not so interested with it. I am the only one who are crazy with it. I listened to Visual kei's song, watch anime, LOVE YAOI and being obsessed with Naito Taiki. My mom saw Taiki pic (which is my phone wallpaper) and u know what she said??


"He looks like a girl. Why would u even like someone who looks like a girl?? Is he an 'Ah Gua'?? " *Ah gua means sissy*


I was pissed off that time but I said nothing. I think of she as an old woman who live in the past. LOL


Well have fun here ok tat-chan?? If you feeling down then just msg me on FB ok??

Plus.. I WANNA READ UR NEW ONE-SHOT!!!!! Tat-chan is amazing writing lemon scenes and it could cause me NOSEBLEEDING!!! *Q*

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And guys, don't you know where can I find this photo in better quality? This is so small...




I found the bigger one, but it wasn't scan pic..


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Misu is the uke~~~► yeah, I think so ^_^"""




I've read the manga some time ago and Arata was one of the characters that caught my attention the most.

I thought that he was absolutely the uke, you know. Maybe becoz he's shorter than Shing,mm?

aawww~~ I like TakuGii, but when Arata and Shingyouji peeped out I was like : OMG yeeeeesssss

a trouble love story mmmmmmm its just for me ♥

anyway, here in my country we have only the first 5 volumes published but the publication has been stopped for years....

I mean, WTF?????? next volumes concern Arata and Shingyouji and you stop it just at 5th volume??

ARE U FREAKIN KIDDING ME O_o????? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah >_

btw, I'm really grateful that in Pure Arata is taller than Shing.

I mean, can you imagine the fitting room scene with Arata shorter than Shing O_O???

and yes, after all we can't be absolutely sure that Arata is indeed the seme.

WE NEED EVIDENCES @v@!!!!! ahahahahah xD A LOT OF EVIDENCES, I MUST ADD rabbit16

anyway, after seeing Macho Taiki pics I'm quite persuaded he can be a perfect seme, though.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD

Me too...when I read the manga, I thought Misu was the uke, dominant uke. But when I watched Pure...with his character he is indeed the pure top..I mean seme.. rabbit13



For someone who's interested I am puting here one message onion9


All all all fans of Takumi-kun series!!!(⌒.−)=★

Hamao Kyousuke (Hayama Takumi in Takumi-kun series)

will have Birthday on 25 of june!

so we have decide to do BIG VIDEO-PRESENT for Hamao Kyousuke from fans from all world!

I have found how to contact his agency! They will give our video present for him for sure!

(+ video will be upload on youtube)

All that you NEED to do is send for my e-mail, your photo with congratulations for Hamao Kyousuke (at English or Japanese language)

Or send me your personal little video message with congratulations(10-15 seconds at japanese or english language)


Let's show that Hamao Kyousuke have fans OUTSIDE OF JAPAN!

My e-mail:

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If some of you have some questions, please SEND ME E-MAIL! Thank you

(Administration of Saga Takumi-kun Liza)

Thanks for the info.. :D



To everyone, i rem there was a bit of discussion about the cast of Takumi-kun series were being shuffled around. We know that Yasuka Saito is the original Izumi Takabayashi and then he reappeared in Bibou as Masataka Nozawa and some of us did not recognize. heck! i didn't either at the time. i had to watch it again and i was like WHAT THE??!!! ORO?!


And here's evidence




damn. no wonder we didn't see that. blonde hair. fixed teeth. minor role. damn.


Same here...I read about the cast's interview on LJ after finished watching Bibou. At first, when I saw Nozawa, I thought that I've seen this person before but I can't remember and recognize him as first Izumi. And I had to watch it again after read those article...hahahahaa..Can't believe it, he's so different from before, just because he changed his hair's color and fixed his teeth.. :leaf13:


I read from the same article that Mio whose played as Toshihisa was also played in Soshite Harukaze ni Sasayaite, but I couldn't recognize which one..:Red_fox3:

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Gomen ne for being such a downer. I'm just really depressed these days. I miss my girlfriend extremely and I haven't seen her since last year July (we talk via facebook and calls). And I'm suffering from writer'sblock I'm working more then I'm sleeping or doing anything else. I mean literally I work 40 hours a week (most of the time) and I sleep maybe 24 if you add up all the hours through the week. So yeah I don't mean to bring yhou all down. I think I'm gonna go listen to NewS 'Why' and Yamapi's 'Me'


Ohhh poor thing :cuteonion57: !... you lack of sleep and inspiration to create and you overworked yourself..... take care about your helth a bit more nobody wants you to get ill..... that would be misfortune for all here if you would not appear on this thread!!!!!

And if it's about your distand relationship with your girlfriend that one I fully understand because I am too in that kind of relationship (between two countries).... last time I saw my boyfriend in october last year... that realy hopless and irritating.... but I can help and I can't do much about that so I am patiently waiting for the day when we will be living together....

So like you see we should support each other more!!!^^... here are people who understand you more then you think we are! Cheer up!!!!!!!!!:cuteonion48:


haha I just LooooooVED BABA'S CRAZY-ISM in this one. DANCING at the end of rope. LMFaoooooooooooooooo ♥♥♥


Here it is. Download Triple Zone - May 31st, 2012. Let me know if there are any issues.


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Size: 437 MB, window player/vlc player compatiable.



Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my savior!!!! my goddess!! :cuteonion41: !!!!!! Thank you!!! thank you!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I am in heaven!!! Only when I will be back home from work I will be downloading and then I will be melting melting melting and drooling!!!!!!!:cuteonion46:

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It was two,then three, then four. ok. five, six, seven.... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA how any bunny sisters? It's like building an army. hahahaha :p it's nice to see some converted ones. >:D >:D


they're like a virus spreading all over here XD i am so sure that, ill be one of this army peeps~


Soooooo true!!:cuteonion55: this cute illness is spreading around like crazy and no on have the vaccine!! Hahahha :9onion70:

but it's nice to see more and more people on this thread!


yes we are becoming one of their army people! HAHAHAHA


SloanAkira..Bunny Sisters are increasing!!! Hohohooh we should make our own club. LOL


Jaaa..im just gonna sit here and watch..

I dunno what to post tho. LOL



Btw..yojichan about the hickeys..

I think Baba chan will surely left LOTS of hickeys to Taiki if they are doing it. LOL

Taiki is just toooooo delicious. Hehehehe

I dunno anything about hickeys..*underage*

Reading that makes me laughing my lungs out. XD


you should really open your own club, many of your underlings are already waiting XD


people here really reply fast >.


i think, yojichan have this colletion of hickeys on her body LOL oh wow, i am imagining now baba giving hot hickeys to taiki *melts* yoyo


welcome to MisuShin world!!!!! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~

ahahahah yep -brain eating- that's one of the side effects of this addiction xD


TRUE!! and now my brain is 60% babataiki and 40% daimao >.


oooooh! i just LOVE sharing and posting the pictures of the chocolate that was used for that scene in Pure. many thanks to hama-san (hama71) for the info. she's the one who originally posted this in the club.

here you go, Drew! :D


This is the BIT chocolate almond flavor





This is how the package looks like





Kyaaaaa!!! that's awesome memories you got there. weeeeeeee!!!!

you and your seme shared candy kisses!! woohooo!


OMG!! thanks yoji :7yoyo10: this will help a lot! im gonna ask my friend in japan to buy this for me :msn_red_fox 15:


awesome memories it is :Red_fox7:


when i watched Pure the first time..i could not help but stare at Taiki's teeth. i would even pause the video just to stare and i would squeal.

he reminded me of a rabbit. so for quite some time...i used to call him Taiki bunny.


If Baba-chan will plant hickeys on Taiki, I'm sure Taiki will retaliate with love bites. just look at those front teeth.



LOL seriously? pausing the video just to stare at his teeth? that's insane :cuteonion46: so, his the bunny prince of the bunny sisters eh? then ill be the bunny guard XD onion4


LOVE BITES FTW!!!:Red_fox12:


@Yoji~~► you mean that blonde guy is Yasuka Saito ????!!!! O__O

this guy????????????????????????????????????????







aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah AIGOOOOOO!!!!!!!

omg I've seen that pic before and gosh I've always wondered who the hell was that blonde guy.

I didn't recognize him AT ALL.


No wonder I didn't remember a heck about 2-3Tk movies. I must do something. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

but srsly, last time I saw him he was in Ai no Kotodama ♥ aaawwwwww~I totally loved his teeth :(

he was so charismatic T__T



OMG!! that's also my first impression, i was like yoyo7 are serious??? :5yoyo21: it took me a while before it sink in >.


he was also on ai no kotodama 2, but after watching it, there's this big question :msn_red_fox 7

where is he?? and then i've just realized he had this big transformation all over his face >.


WHOA WHOA WHOA hang on. The Triple ZOne that was aired recently WAS the one in jail/bsdm room? I think I know where you can go and watch it. I just got it downloaded. But I can go back and look for it. -updated- Scroll down -updated-





i seriously need to watch this! is this their first apperance here? or their are other episodes too? ME WANTS THIS :Red_fox7:


I have english version of books.

We have just few bookstores which selling manga, but I think that they don't sell yaoi...


oh oh, it's in english! i should check out the bookstores here in our country too >.


oh yeah, Baba-chan should act fast and plant those hickeys right away before the pervy uncles mark their territory on Taiki's precious skin. KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! BABA-CHAN SAVE TAIKI!!!

but wait...

Taiki now has muscles...he can punch the pervy uncles away. woooosh!!! *pervy uncles flying in the air*


Baba: Oh you're so strong, Taiki! *twirls around like a spazz*

Taiki: I know right? *flexes muscles and pose*

Baba: Smile for me, baby.

Taiki: *shows bunny teeth*

Baba: *shows cheekbones*


i see HICKEYS on every reply! another virus HAHAHAHA! wow, i want to see those muscles of taiki :leaf15:


that conversation is FTW LMAO!


haha I just LooooooVED BABA'S CRAZY-ISM in this one. DANCING at the end of rope. LMFaoooooooooooooooo ♥♥♥


Here it is. Download Triple Zone - May 31st, 2012. Let me know if there are any issues.


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Size: 437 MB, window player/vlc player compatiable.





"He looks like a girl. Why would u even like someone who looks like a girl?? Is he an 'Ah Gua'?? " *Ah gua means sissy*


I was pissed off that time but I said nothing. I think of she as an old woman who live in the past. LOL


my friends was also like that.. they also live in the past with your mom i think XD


SUPER QUOTE AND REPLY!! this is what you get for not going online for hours yes hours not day LOL!

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Me too...when I read the manga, I thought Misu was the uke, dominant uke. But when I watched Pure...with his character he is indeed the pure top..I mean seme.. rabbit13




Thanks for the info.. :D


I read from the same article that Mio whose played as Toshihisa was also played in Soshite Harukaze ni Sasayaite, but I couldn't recognize which one..:Red_fox3:


Hello withu! welcome to the club! :D how are you enjoying so far?

ooooh! i love how you said PURE TOP and as an uke, i totally LALALALALLALALA-LOVE IT! mmmmmmmm...sexy!

well, i read that Mio played one of Takabayashi's nameless minions who threw the curry in the cafeteria scene.

to be honest, now that i've watched Takumi-kun 1 again, i wished they had just kept the actor Ryo Sakaguchi to reprise his role as Toshihisa in Bibou no Detail instead of casting Mio for the part. Ryo had a very effective bestfriend aura. Mio is very minion-ish.


people here really reply fast >.


i think, yojichan have this colletion of hickeys on her body LOL oh wow, i am imagining now baba giving hot hickeys to taiki *melts* yoyo


TRUE!! and now my brain is 60% babataiki and 40% daimao >.


OMG!! thanks yoji :7yoyo10: this will help a lot! im gonna ask my friend in japan to buy this for me :msn_red_fox 15:


awesome memories it is :Red_fox7:

LOL seriously? pausing the video just to stare at his teeth? that's insane :cuteonion46: so, his the bunny prince of the bunny sisters eh? then ill be the bunny guard XD onion4


LOVE BITES FTW!!!:Red_fox12:

OMG!! that's also my first impression, i was like yoyo7 are serious??? :5yoyo21: it took me a while before it sink in >.


he was also on ai no kotodama 2, but after watching it, there's this big question :msn_red_fox 7

where is he?? and then i've just realized he had this big transformation all over his face >.

i see HICKEYS on every reply! another virus HAHAHAHA! wow, i want to see those muscles of taiki :leaf15:


that conversation is FTW LMAO!


ahahahahahaha!! i'm glad you enjoyed reading that.

i have a few hickeys but it disappears in time. the 1-inch hickey took about a week to fade. that was nice. xD


"Hello there! I am a BIG hickey on your neck! Reminding you everyday how I got here."


it felt like that all the time when I look at a mirror. LOL


i am like SO gonna write about hickeys between Baba-chan and Taiki. it's gonna happen. we have to join all our hands together and hope that this happens for real.



Taiki: What hickeys? I have no hickeys! (takes off shirt and shows muscled biceps instead)

Baba: Did someone say hickeys? Oh wait...I think have some over here. (takes off scarf, shirt, pants, underwear...)


omigosh! REALLY? he was in Ai no Kotodama 2. hmmmm...you know i haven't quite watched the film yet but is still about the original couple? i can't get enough of both of them. waaaah! they're so adorable.

i wish Saitoh didn't have to change his looks so drastically. it's not like there is anything wrong with him in the first place. okay maybe...he was a bit too skinny in Ai no Kotodama..BUT SO WHAT?? i miss his long wavy dark hair. i think he was much more handsome than his blondie version now. *sighs*


yes i am THAT hopeless to pause and stare at Taiki's teeth.

ahahahahah!!! don't fight the percentage. just let it happen. xD

you should check the BabaTaiki group gallery and you will see a picture of Taiki showing off his muscles. :D

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Okay guys 2 days off straight then right after that I have to work two 12 hour shifts then a ten hour shift! :8yoyo31: I know I can do it but with Summer now here we are going to be extra busy so I own't be able to do much writing! :msn_red_fox 12 you guys wanna know what I have to work? Here's my schedule for starting Wednesday...so you know all I have to do (headesk) wed, and thursday off Friday 5pm to 5am saturday 5pm to 5am Sunday 5pm to 8pm monday 5pm to 3am Tuesday 5pm to 8pm! Yeah I'm working my ass off! If that phrase was literal I'd have no ass right now lol!


Oh I want to write my one-shot so badly but a stupid writer's block has made itself at home in my brain (goes to find some dynamite)...:5yoyo34: This is gonna be fun! (laughs like a maniac) rabbit1

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ahahahahahaha!! i'm glad you enjoyed reading that.

i have a few hickeys but it disappears in time. the 1-inch hickey took about a week to fade. that was nice. xD


"Hello there! I am a BIG hickey on your neck! Reminding you everyday how I got here."


it felt like that all the time when I look at a mirror. LOL


i am like SO gonna write about hickeys between Baba-chan and Taiki. it's gonna happen. we have to join all our hands together and hope that this happens for real.



Taiki: What hickeys? I have no hickeys! (takes off shirt and shows muscled biceps instead)

Baba: Did someone say hickeys? Oh wait...I think have some over here. (takes off scarf, shirt, pants, underwear...)


omigosh! REALLY? he was in Ai no Kotodama 2. hmmmm...you know i haven't quite watched the film yet but is still about the original couple? i can't get enough of both of them. waaaah! they're so adorable.

i wish Saitoh didn't have to change his looks so drastically. it's not like there is anything wrong with him in the first place. okay maybe...he was a bit too skinny in Ai no Kotodama..BUT SO WHAT?? i miss his long wavy dark hair. i think he was much more handsome than his blondie version now. *sighs*


yes i am THAT hopeless to pause and stare at Taiki's teeth.

ahahahahah!!! don't fight the percentage. just let it happen. xD

you should check the BabaTaiki group gallery and you will see a picture of Taiki showing off his muscles. :D


HAHAHAHAHAHA, im wondering now, if that hickey can talk, you've probably gonna here that hickey saying that yo you XD


ow i just remembered, instead of getting a hickey, i got a bruise. 4 damn big bruise on my chest -_- you can see the whole teeth marks XD it's like i've been beaten by a lion :Red_fox12:


ill wait for that! you better start writing now. ow what do you think the title would be? how about The Hickey Couple? or Hey Hickey! LOL LMAO now, it really reminds me of the song hey mickey! :Red_fox10:


and i am now staring at those fine muscles of taiki foxy5

BABA is now officially nude!!! :msn_red_fox 15 hey gurls!! want some fresh hickeys??? LOL :leaf6:


yes his there. BUT he really looks different >.


yeah i agree, he don't need have to do a major a change, for me, fixing his teeth would be enough, not the whole face. now people can't recognized him anymore -_- well, we can't do anything, if that's he want, but it seriously it didn't helped a lot >.


what do we know, maybe if i watch pure again, ill pause and stare at his rabbit teeth XD :msn_red_fox 10

don't fight the percentage? but but... babataiki will eat the remaining memories of daimao in my brain XD


ooohhh really? will check that laterz, if im not gonna get lazy :p

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I'm sorry I had to sing it, Drew.






alright you will have to excuse me as i die laughing now. xD

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I'm sorry I had to sing it, Drew.






alright you will have to excuse me as i die laughing now. xD



im not gonna be surprised if i get LSS with this song~

HEY HICKEY! HAHAHAHAHAHA it's now entering my brain LOL

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now imagine Baba-chan singing that in his full cheerleader outfit. xD


i wish i had an image i can get right away here but this should suffice for now.



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now imagine Baba-chan singing that in his full cheerleader outfit. xD


i wish i had an image i can get right away here but this should suffice for now.



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HAHAHAHAHA speaking of that cheer leading outfit, i saw some picture of him wearing a cheer leading outfit, but can't find anymore XD or is it photo shopped~


THAT SCENE WAS HOT!!! HEY HICKEY!!! omg, another possible title came into my mind right now. FIND THE HIDDEN HICKEY :7yoyo10:

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Thanks for the info.. :D


Nice to meet you!!!!!! :leaf4: and about info you welcome:) .... what are your plans?? will you join in rabbit12

I am thinking about it hard!!!:cuteonion45:



My boss is today at business trip rabbit16sooooooooooo..... o happy hours rabbit1 !!!!!!!!!!!!

I am relaxing myself^^




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Ahhhh I want go home and watch some video!!!... three more hours :1onion49: how boring!!!!!

Ok I am going back to work.....

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you should really open your own club, many of your underlings are already waiting XD


people here really reply fast >.


i think, yojichan have this colletion of hickeys on her body LOL oh wow, i am imagining now baba giving hot hickeys to taiki *melts*


TRUE!! and now my brain is 60% babataiki and 40% daimao >.


HAHAHAHAHHAHA underlings?? I think im one of the youngest so the other sisters are going to bully me!!! T___T

Hohohoh juz joking..XD


Baba chan's giving hickeys and how would Taiki react?? I think his voice is quite....SWEEETT!!!

60% and increasing?? Wooohhoo becoz they r dominating my head too!!!

I am becoming more and more obsessed by them.

MisuShin is killing me!!!!!! Q_Q


btw we are talking about this biceps of Taiki..LOL



I really wanna dare my boyfie to transform into this. LOL



"Hello there! I am a BIG hickey on your neck! Reminding you everyday how I got here."


it felt like that all the time when I look at a mirror. LOL


i am like SO gonna write about hickeys between Baba-chan and Taiki. it's gonna happen. we have to join all our hands together and hope that this happens for real.



Taiki: What hickeys? I have no hickeys! (takes off shirt and shows muscled biceps instead)

Baba: Did someone say hickeys? Oh wait...I think have some over here. (takes off scarf, shirt, pants, underwear...)


Nee chan!! Im underage!! Ok..at least i am learning to be an adult.

One more year till im in legal age!!! LOL

Shhhhh..itz juz between us ok?? *wait..the whole members knew*



It reminds me of a pervy thought of mine. lmao

Btw..have u ever read a manga about an uke who loves to BITE???!!

I read it once and itz not his body who's full with hickey but HIS SEME!!!!!

The words that u just posted reminds me of that..XDDD



Taiki LOVES to bite!! raawwwrrrr XP

Baba chan..We are going to inspect you so do as u said..

Take off your shirts..underwear and etc.. woooohooo!!!!

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HAHAHAHAHA speaking of that cheer leading outfit, i saw some picture of him wearing a cheer leading outfit, but can't find anymore XD or is it photo shopped~


THAT SCENE WAS HOT!!! HEY HICKEY!!! omg, another possible title came into my mind right now. FIND THE HIDDEN HICKEY :7yoyo10:


it's not photoshopped. Baba-chan REALLY has a movie where they're a group of boys who crossdress. The title of the movie is Miss Boys. lots of dancing there. i haven't watched it yet though but i'm curious. i like the moves they make in the dances. i'm such a sucker for the kawaii girl dance moves. i used to be a fan of Morning Musume and Mini Moni. do you know them?




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wow! thanks for taking the time to post these pictures. woohooo!!! i have most of Baba-chan's pics saved already but there is one here with the 3 panel. ah! so handsome, my Baba-chan! *kisses cheekbones*


thanks for the Nijiiro no Garasu cast pics too. you know i had a Kei Hosogai phase after watching Takumi-kun 2. i find him really good looking and gosh..he has such a sexy voice when he talks casually. And when he speaks English..dear lord...can I lick your tongue, Kei? so sexy!


HAHAHAHAHHAHA underlings?? I think im one of the youngest so the other sisters are going to bully me!!! T___T

Hohohoh juz joking..XD


Nee chan!! Im underage!! Ok..at least i am learning to be an adult.

One more year till im in legal age!!! LOL

Shhhhh..itz juz between us ok?? *wait..the whole members knew*



It reminds me of a pervy thought of mine. lmao

Btw..have u ever read a manga about an uke who loves to BITE???!!

I read it once and itz not his body who's full with hickey but HIS SEME!!!!!

The words that u just posted reminds me of that..XDDD



Taiki LOVES to bite!! raawwwrrrr XP

Baba chan..We are going to inspect you so do as u said..

Take off your shirts..underwear and etc.. woooohooo!!!!


gosh if i had bunny teeth like Taiki i will bite bite bite my seme! ARRRRRR!!!!

waaahahahah!! no bullies here.

bullies get reported to disciplinarian Akaike-kun and then they get arrested by Officer Baba and then chained to a post and fed with wet cigarette butts while watching videos on loop of a sexy Daisuke taking a shower.

can you imagine the mental torture?



i think i have read that manga. there are several manga that has a naughty bitey uke. :D

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(hands out umbrellas) Guys warning warning! I am no currently brainstorming for Crying Confessions flood alert and severe brainstorm warning in progress!

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it's not photoshopped. Baba-chan REALLY has a movie where they're a group of boys who crossdress. The title of the movie is Miss Boys. lots of dancing there. i haven't watched it yet though but i'm curious. i like the moves they make in the dances. i'm such a sucker for the kawaii girl dance moves. i used to be a fan of Morning Musume and Mini Moni. do you know them?


oh so it's really him. i saw the poster of miss boys, i should watch that~ i know morning musume, but not that much, since im into kpop more~


HAHAHAHAHHAHA underlings?? I think im one of the youngest so the other sisters are going to bully me!!! T___T

Hohohoh juz joking..XD


Baba chan's giving hickeys and how would Taiki react?? I think his voice is quite....SWEEETT!!!

60% and increasing?? Wooohhoo becoz they r dominating my head too!!!

I am becoming more and more obsessed by them.

MisuShin is killing me!!!!!! Q_Q


btw we are talking about this biceps of Taiki..LOL



I really wanna dare my boyfie to transform into this. LOL


i mean minions not underlings XD sorry my bad~ don't worry, ill save you from the evil bunny sisters, since im the bunny guard :msn_red_fox 9


for sure, taiki's reaction would be, more hickeys arata san! :msn_red_fox 3


i know the feeling, they're really killing me now, it's 80% more of babataiki in my head, should i say my good byes to daimao? NNNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!! save me from this virus :Red_fox10:


WOW, those biceps are hot :msn_red_fox 10 i really need to go exercise and work out now to tone my body. i envy him >.

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gosh if i had bunny teeth like Taiki i will bite bite bite my seme! ARRRRRR!!!!

waaahahahah!! no bullies here.

bullies get reported to disciplinarian Akaike-kun and then they get arrested by Officer Baba and then chained to a post and fed with wet cigarette butts while watching videos on loop of a sexy Daisuke taking a shower.

can you imagine the mental torture?



i think i have read that manga. there are several manga that has a naughty bitey uke. :D


Yeah..bitey ukes are HOT!!! LOL

sometimes i love to read them. XD


Taiki's teeth is so cute..

I wish I have a teeth like him..but my teeth is too well arranged.. Q_Q

Maybe we should inspect Baba chan now..

I think Taiki'll bite~bite him playfully. LOL


Poor Baba chan.. ur baby is now a HOT man and loves to bite. hohoho

But im sure Taiki is still a spoiled baby. >


(hands out umbrellas) Guys warning warning! I am no currently brainstorming for Crying Confessions flood alert and severe brainstorm warning in progress!


Hahahah tat-chan be sure that ur brain wont explode!!

The power might increased!! ^_^



i mean minions not underlings XD sorry my bad~ don't worry, ill save you from the evil bunny sisters, since im the bunny guard :msn_red_fox 9


for sure, taiki's reaction would be, more hickeys arata san! :msn_red_fox 3


i know the feeling, they're really killing me now, it's 80% more of babataiki in my head, should i say my good byes to daimao? NNNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!! save me from this virus :Red_fox10:


WOW, those biceps are hot :msn_red_fox 10 i really need to go exercise and work out now to tone my body. i envy him >.


Hahahahahhaha!!! minions???!!! thatz hilarious..

Well I can rely on you now..you are our disciplined sheriff now

Well what r u gonna do with these pervy girls?? LOL


More hickeys!!! Hahahaha think if they hve a bed scene then Baba chan will left some for real..

Just look at their kiss scene..itz so real!!

I think the bed scene would be VERY intense. >

The trailing kisses on Taiki's neck..and Taiki's reactions..

*wiping my bleeding nose*


I'm so LOL-ing rite now..

Bye2 DaiMao?? I think if u are at other forums then this wont be happening..

You r influenced by Bunny Sisters.XD

Blame my nee chans for that..hohohohooh
















I cant open it!!!! Q____________Q

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Wah! am i the only one left here who is still a fan of Daimo still?! (hugs to Dai-chan and Mao-kun) don't worry I will forever stay your faithful fan!

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Tat-chan u are so faithful!!!

I am impressed. A senior of TK fanclub still got her faith not not easily be shaken. ^^


Go tat-chan GO!!!

Enjoy ur bowling 2mrro.. lol

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