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Have you ever wonder what it would be like if you were the opposite gender?


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I am female and had a dream being a male, I think in some ways it would be some of the same but different because that means no pregnancy, period, or more emotional stuff. I dream being a male it was intense dream but just asking.

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i had always want to be a male, not transform into one but born as a man. I will treat my ladies with respect and so much care. Everyday i would be thinking how am i gonna make them happy. I will of course be gorgeous but won't cheat and always be a humble gentleman.

I have a feeling though might end up being gay:msn_red_fox 14

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i always wanted to be a boy .

i hate every thing about being a girl .

not to mention it that being a girl doesn't have a single benefit in my country .

i think if i were born as a man i would definitely end up as a gay .

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If I had been born male, I would have probably been a lot taller now XD

I would look more like my father, and I gotta say, I've seen pictures of him as a young man and wow, my father was really, really handsome!

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a long time ago i wished i was born as a boy , because here you are nothing unless you are a boy.

some of my family members(the pest one) used to tell me all the time .. if you were a boy then you woud do this and that .. blah blah...

but now i am glad and proud to be a girl XD

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Well..is not what I wanted or wish I think, just a thought how and what it will be if I am a boy/man...

And if I was a boy/man..perhaps I'll be a gay one too..:leaf13: Sometimes when I am sleeping, I dreamed about gay's stuff and on my dreamed I become one of those two gay men.. onion0

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I never though 'bout it, since it's the way interesting just become the way I am now, 18 years of my life living as a girl, never wonder what I would be like if I was a boy.. but if I can say, being a boy is could be also interesting^^

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If I had been born as a male...well.. I guess I could have kept playing football with my friends instead of stopping bec my boobs said "helloooo" loool.. I think my personality wouldn't have changed very much, but I guess I'd ended working on my dad's company >.

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I'm glad I'm a girl and I never thought how will be to be a boy. If I had been a boy maybe I wouldn't have fought all day with my brother.

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I’m happy being a girl and I don’t think I would ever wish to be a boy, but I have thought about what I would do if you woke up as a guy for the day. To be honest I would probably find someone to sleep with just for the experiiieeennnceee XD and I’d totally just go to a gay club and find someone to take home, just to have the knowledge of what it would be like. Because why the f*ck not ;D

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Nope. I don't want to be female because all of the stuff with it (primarily periods) grosses me out. It just squicks me out completely and I would never want to experience it. I'm quite happy being male. :3

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Yeah, I think about it a lot >.>


I hate being a girl. Being short and 'weak'.


Although, even as a guy, I think I'd still be very caring of people. Just less quiet and self-deprecating.


In my dreams, I'm nearly always male, so I know what it would be like, at least a little.

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@Saga Ahahaha honestly I wouldn’t mind, either way is fine with me XD it would probably depend on how I am feeling or how much I have had to drink LMAO

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I'm cool with being a girl.


I mean, i have a very big part of man in me. A long, long time ago :p i was a very boyish girl, i did what a girl wasn't supposed to do but i didn't really care, i was a punk at the time so i was more of a guy than a girl but not beacuse i wanted to be a guy, i'm just this way.

I don't really feel that being a woman equals being weak, quite on the contrary,(some of you might dismiss this info but, go thru labor pains to know what pain!!! really is) xD

I feel quite powerful sometimes.

I have more scars in my body that most guys i know, and almost all of them i did fooling around, playing, falling etc. as child.

For me, i wouldn't change my sex. I'm cool with it cause i'm also able to do what guys do, except for walking around topless and even that i could almost pull it off. xD

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Im very happy I'm a guy because to be honest I'm not strong enough to be a girl :-/

The periods and giving birth and complicated clothes XD I don't think I could last an hour

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Xusernamex I would be very hapy to be you. I only manage to survive as a girl because of hot guys and gawking at them everyday and I can do that in public hohoho~ being a girl is quite good thoughin term of ranges inclothing and cosmetic ;-)

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I'm a girl and I've had a lot of dreams where I transfer back to my old school as a guy... I'm a boyish girl. I hate dresses and skirts or anything that reveals skin. I absolutely hate make up because it's annoying. I'm very strong and have a loud voice when I yell. My aggressive and rebellious behaviour is my inner boy spirit and I love that part of me.

In public however as a girl, I'm quiet, shy and I don't rebel much.

If I could be reborn, it would definitely be as a guy.

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I like bieng a girl,Ima dress loving,clean shy pink-obsessed non-agresive girl that draws alot of manga shojo style so i often thought my personality would no godown to well f i was a guy. Personelly I couldn't stand bieng a guy,and hanging out with the guys at my school -shuddershudder- They are the biggest idiots ever and really crude (i'm not saying men in genral just the ones that hail from my school. I'm just glad I live in a time and contry where the expectations of a "manly man" -said with deep voice- isn't shoved down our throats anymore. I dunno my gender is my gender I can't change it..to expensive.

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Hmmm...I used to think maybe things would have been better if I were a boy.

That's how my thought process went until I turned 13 or 14 when i realized that being a girl had its unique perks.

I mean of course i liked looking androgynous for awhile but that was a come and go thing for me...i totally enjoy being a girly girl because even when i try to look like a boy..my mannerisms always betray me. i'm way too girly. i even have a falsetto when i normally speak or when i get so hyper.

and it's not like i intentionally do that...it's just is.

but then i'm also bisexual and all the more i didn't feel the need to imagine being another gender.

i love men as a woman and i love women as a woman.

it's an amazing thing.

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I mean of course i liked looking androgynous


I LOLed at your words!!!!!!

Hahahahhahaha well I couldnt help myself from thinking the same too tho. XD

I am curious about me being a male.

Everybody said that i'll be a 'leng zai' (pretty boy)..

I think being a male is kinda hard too..

We must take responsibility on our family and children.

But being a male means that we could flirt any cute girls right?

I feel like i wanna exchage my gender for a while and flirt my friend bcoz she's cute. xD

My behaviour is kinda manly too. I have a big problem with being graceful.

My dad keeps saying that Im useless as a daughter.

SOOOOOO~~ maybe he'll be proud of me more if i became a son huh?? @@

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My friend (whos a girl) says she wishes that hes male at night and female during the day......y'know what I'm getting at and I'm with her rabbit16

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have thought about it a lot but I don't really know what it would be like.. To tell the truth I'm cross-dressing a lot and I like mens' clothing much more than womens' ones. I have suits, necties, shoes, sweaters, coats - all kinds of clothes for men. And I feel much better with these clothes on.. But I'm still a woman so I don't know: usually I even think like a man (and towards women too) but.. I don't think that it would be better to be a man: maybe if I were I would still be a gay one:)

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