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Voices of Sirens (Bloodysadist x Lavi)


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Yu, feeling the heat and warmth that enveloped him, slightly opens his eyes to see where it was coming from. His vision was blurred but he was sure it was Takeshi. He didn't understand why but the male looked like he was sweating, his breath somewhat ragged, as if awoken from a nightmare. Yusuke, without any deep meaning, reaches to pat the male head sleepily under the arms that folded his.


"What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" Yusuke asks sleepily as he search for Takeshi's eyes with worry. He was too exhausted to ask why the male was holding him so instead, he lets the male hold him.

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Feeling the warm hand of Yusuke on his head,made Take smile in his sleep.It was like that from time to time,Takeshi was dreaming his father and they were always arguing,unfortunately..


'I won't let you continue this shit!You're going to quit your work right now!' his father was really angry.

'Who is even asking you?You,who don't really take care of your own child?' Ah,that moment..Kitano was still feeling bad for saying such thing to his own father.

'Whaat? You!How do you dare talking like that to your own father!? Shame on you!' his father was yelling.

'You know,I'm just leaving the fucking house! I'm gonna continue being bartender and also,I'm gonna go in Tokyo Art University!' after these words,Take just leaved his father alone in the room.


Thanks to Yusuke,the red haired male managed to wake up from that nightmare.He slowly opened his eyes,seeing how tight he was holding the other.He loose the grip,apologizing.


What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?


Kitano sighed laying on his back. How could he explain everything that actually happened few years ago?Well it was already gone.Now he and his father were getting along again,but just sometimes he was having these nightmares and unfortunately he couldn't stop them.


"Uh,sorry..I woke you up...It's nothing.Just forget about that,okay?" he turned his head to face Yusuke,half asleep smiling.

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Uh,sorry..I woke you up...It's nothing.Just forget about that,okay?


Yusuke nods and moves his hand away from the male's head to his side. The warmth was too comfortable he once again fell asleep.




The sun shine bright through the rose colored curtains as the calming silence was interrupted by shuffles of sheets. Yusuke sits up as he stare at his bare chest. Somewhere in the middle of the night he woke up because it was too hot. Now, looking at Takeshi's sleeping face, it looked like they had a rendezvous night together. Yusuke chuckles as he knelt on his elbow and rest his chin on his palm on the pillow as he looks at the sleeping face of his rival.


"Maybe I should take a picture so I can bother him about it later." Yusuke smiles to himself as he grabs for his phone on the table beside him. Turning on his phone, the sound of the camera snaps. Yusuke tries to hold back a laugh as he looks back at Takeshi. He was still sleeping.


'I am very tempted to tie a bow in his hair and take another picture.' Yusuke said to himself as he nears Takeshi with one of his hair tie on his wrist.


"How should I do this?" He lifts both his hands above Takeshi's head, ready to tie two pigtails, with a serious look in his eyes.

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Take was sleeping so deep that he didn't really noticed when did the morning came. He felt really comfortable for some reason.When Yusuke got up,Takeshi immediately took all the bed,now feeling even comfortable.


When the other took a pic of him the first time,he didn't even heard the sound of the phone,but after the second time,Kitano waved hands thinking it's just some insect,from these annoying ones that are always waking you up,but in the end,he couldn't catch the "insect".


He turned his back to Ohmura,trying to conrinue sleeping,but not even a minute after that he opened his eyes.The red haired male yawned,touching his hair and finding the hair hair ties there.He blinked several times,trying to remember if he actually put them,or someone other did that.


"Ahh man! What are you doing Yusuke?Did you put these hair ties?" the bartender sighed,sitting on the bed.

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Ahh man! What are you doing Yusuke?Did you put these hair ties?


Yusuke fix his buttons as he pouts at Takeshi.


"I almost finished styling your hair. I like your hair. It's silky and fun to play with. Don't worry," Yusuke said as he grins childishly at Takeshi. "I won't do it anymore. Sorry for waking you up too." He jumps off the bed, grabs for a pair of clothes, left his phone on the table counter and walks towards the bathroom.


Upon shutting the door, he let out a huge grin. He might as well get ready and go check out Rai's famous bar. "The Heartnet", it sounded like a fairly interesting bar. Maybe, he might be able to learn a few things there. After all, unlike their bar, this one served customers for only a few nights. That is, if the customers wishes to stay for longer nights.





Rai woke up and saw Tetsuya's face. He sigh and smiles.


'The boy decided to stay up with me...'


Rai slowly removes himself from Tetsu's lap and stands up to lightly rub his palm on his neck. If he were to carry him to bed, he would wake the sleeping artist.


'Perhaps it's better to just cover him with a blanket for now...'


Rai left for the bedroom as he grabs for a blanket and pillow as he walks back out to cover the young male. Gently lifting the male head from the sofa, he slid the pillow behind Tetsu head then covers him with the warm blanket. Rai looks at the clock. It was 6:45am. Scratching behind his head, he grabs for his phone in his pocket then flips it open dials Yusuke's number.


'I wonder if he's already up?' Rai smiles as phone rings. Yusuke had always been an early bird. Perhaps they both could plan something and let the four males enjoy what was in store for them.

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I almost finished styling your hair. I like your hair. It's silky and fun to play with. Don't worry


Takeshi blinked several times.How could Yusuke wake him up,because he liked his hair and wanted to play with it? Take grabbed the first pillow he saw,ready to hit lightly his rival with it,but then he felt guilty.


I won't do it anymore. Sorry for waking you up too.


He shouldn't be that rude.It was their first night,sleeping together...Wait together? Kitano remembered what happened yesterday night and jumped off the bed wanting to apologize,but it was too late - Yusuke already left the room.


"Ah...I'll have to talk with him later." he mumbled,heading to take s shower,because yesterday he fell asleep before to do it.



When Rai covered him with the blanket,Tetsu immediately squeezed it,smiling in his sleep.He was feeling a bit frozen,because all night,only Rai was warming him,which wasn't bad at all.


Tetsu usually was waking up really early - a habit he got from the university,but right now he didn't even want to think of getting up so early.Surely if Take was awaken already he would take his revenge for all the times when Ayane was waking him up for university,but till then,the artist could sleep a little bit more.

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  • 3 weeks later...

“G’morning, Rai.” Yusuke said as he walks the halls.


“Morning.” Rai smiles. “Did you have a good night’s sleep last night?” Rai asks warmly.


“I did. In fact, I woke up in a good mood.”


“Why is that?” Rai chuckles.


“I had the urge to tie Takeshi’s hair in a pony tail. Maybe it was a bad idea. He wasn't too happy.” Yusuke said as he scratch his cheek by his lips as he let out a little laugh. Rai pause for a moment the scratches his head.


“You two shared a room together?”


“Suguru only asked for one room, so it would only be expected.” Rai feels a sudden relief at hearing Yusuke’s words.


“You know, if someone did that to you in your sleep, you wouldn’t like it, would you? Not that I would mind if someone did that to me.”


“I wouldn’t mind at all.” Rai could just imagine the sparkles around Yusuke as he said that with smiling. Rai just laughs.


“You sure like to stir your rival up, don’t you.” It was more a statement than a question.


“It’s interesting to see what kind of expressions he would show me, considering how I always see his work smile all the time. Besides, it’s kinda interesting.” Yusuke grins as he walks down the stairs. Rai eyes widen then he clears his throat.


“Well, have you both had breakfast?”


“Not yet. I’m going to the ‘Heartnet’ right now.”


“Mmm, for work related stuff, eh? So early in the morning.” Rai cracks a smile. “Why don’t you put your work aside for now and invite your rival to come and enjoy the breakfast in my hotel? We all can eat together at the restaurant.” Rai said happily.


“We? Is Tetsuya coming?” Yusuke asks excitedly.


“Of course! He and I shared a room together because there were no rooms available.”


“Haha sure! The more the merrier!” Yusuke agrees. “Then, that means, I’ll have to run back up stairs to pick up Takeshi then.” Rai cocks a brow.


“Why are you taking the stairs instead of the elevator?”


“Did you forget? I like to jog in the mornings.”


“Doesn’t mean you have to take seven flights of stairs to the bar?”


“I jog at least 30 to 40 minutes in the morning. This is nothing.” Yusuke said as he knocks on the door. “I’ll see you later then, Rai.”


“Yea, see you later, Yusuke.” Rai was about to click off but Yusuke stops him.


“Rai.” Yusuke said in a quiet tone.




“We need to have a talk later.”


“Yea,” Rai closes his eyes as he envisions Yusuke’s face. “I’ll be waiting.”

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Brr Brr Brr


Tetsuya heard his phone ringing,but he was soo lazy to reach for it.Actually..he didn't even know where his phone was.It had to be Takeshi,he was sure.Ayane finally got up,falling few times before to find his phone in his jacket on the bed.


"Yeah..." he yawned,almost falling asleep while holding the phone.He sat on the bed trying to wakr himself up.


"Oh?Someone just got up?" Take grinned on the phone and Tetu had the desire to punch him in the face.


"Ah really?I didn't notice..Thanks for telling me." he mumbled,laying on the bed.


"Ahaha,sorry sorry.But you see,I had to take my revenge for waking me up every single morning." Takeshi just took a shower and was now drying his hair with towel.


"Then from now on,I will leave you being late every day.." Tetsu closed his eyes.


"Aa,no no.I was joking man..why are you like that..?"


"Maybe because it's still so early and you woke me up,when I went to sleep after 4am?"


"Eeeh?What were you doing till that time?? Don't tell me you.."


"IDIOT!" Tetsuya shouted on the phone. "Do you think I'm that easy?And...Why would I do such thing?"


"Oi,oi calm down." Take started laughing.It was the first time he was waking up him friend,but it was so funny to have him sleepy and all.


"I'M calm." Ayane took a deep breath,shaking lightly his head.He had to fully wake up as soon as possible.


"Um,wanna meet in a bit?Let's go have a breakfast." Take offered,not having idea that Yusuke and Rai already decided that the four of them will have a breakfast together.


"We'll see.Kitano..I'm hanging up now,need to wash my face etc."


"Okay,see you later."


Kitano threw his towel,with which he was drying his hair a minute ago,few drops still falling from his red hair.He got up searching for some clothes to put on.

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Now, he might as well go and see if the sleeping artist is still asleep. Rai hears the water running when he stood by the door and smiles. Opening the door, he walks to the cabinet and opens the cabinet to get his casual wear. Taking a white buttoned shirt with dark blue jeans, he shuts the cabinet and calls out to Tetsuya.


"Tetsu, I hope you don't mind me changing in the room as well." Rai calls from the bedroom to the bathroom. "We will be meeting up with Takeshi and Yusuke to eat breakfast together. I'll be waiting out here for you when you're ready." Rai said.


Taking off his shirt and formal pants, he slips on the jeans and left it unbuttoned as he put on the white shirt. Combing his hair back, the shirt slowly lifts according to his movements. Tight lean muscles, tall handsome figure, soft brown hair, the chain necklace with the locket clings against his chest. Rai phone rings once again.


"Did you forget something?" Rai asks Yusuke.


"Which restaurant are we going to meet up? You know you have more than one..." Rai laughs at the other end of the line.




"Got it." Yusuke clicks off then knocks on the door. "Takeshi san, It's Ohmura. Rai invited us to eat breakfast together. Why don't we go together?" There was no answer which puzzled Yusuke. "Are you still in?" Yusuke asks.


'Did he leave?'

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Tetsuya just finished washing his face when he heard that someone is entering the room.It surely had to be Rai.The footsteps,Tetsu could recognize his senpai just by the footsteps.


Tetsu, I hope you don't mind me changing in the room as well.


Ayane chuckled,of course he didn't mind it.First of all that was Rai's hotel and second it wasn't like he was going to use the room.He didn't have any other clothes than the ones on him to put on.Only if he knew he would stay here,he could take some clothes with him.Come to think of it he could ask Kitano for some clothes when they meet.


Actually he wasn't sure if it was a good idea the four of them to have breakfast together.Ayane had to watch over Take,because as far as he knew his friend,he could make something,he'd regret later.


Entering in the room where Rai was changing his clothes,seeing his firm body and that white shirt that was made for him,the younger boy couldn't help but blushed lightly.


"Um...I'm done." he smiled shyly,running his fingers thru his hair to fix it a bit.Actually,now he remembered,where were his glasses?Did he...forget them at home?


"Ne,Rai-senpai do you remember if...I had my glasses on yesterday?" he asked,looking around.It wasn't that big deal if he had forgotten them,but his view wasn't that good without them.



Takeshi san, It's Ohmura. Rai invited us to eat breakfast together. Why don't we go together?


Take came out still only with his towel around.Breakfast with Rai,eh?Why not?That way he could taste Yusuke and see if what he said yesterday was just a lie.


"Sure,just...I have a little problem.Do you have any idea where did my suitcase go?I can't find it.." he mumbled.He was sure that the suitcase was in the room yesterday,but where exactly?

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Rai rest his finger by his chin in thought. Remembering seeing Tetsuya wearing a white shirt with a gray tie, a black coat and gray formal pants, he didn't remember seeing the male wear any glasses.


"I don't think so. I didn't see you wear them." Rai ruffles Tetsu's hair. "Want a change of clothes? I've had you stayed together with me last night so I'm sure you don't have any clothes to change into. I'll lend you my clothes, if you don't mind the size." Looking down at Tetsu, he covers a laugh. Tetsu was way smaller than him, the clothes would probably hang onto his figure. A thought came to mind.


"Why don't we shop for some clothes after breakfast? I'm sure the two bartenders don't know what to do with their time too." Rai chuckles as he buttons the last one.




Yusuke eyes widen for a moment then back to calm. The male really did have a nice body. However, he didn't come to stare and compliment. He would add more number of push ups now that he's seen how well tone Takeshi's body is.


"Sorry, you just got out of the shower." Yusuke looks towards the bedroom. "Your suitcase, should be by the side of the bed where you slept." He pointed. "I saw it when I went to look for mine too. They were next to each other. The room service staff must have put it there." Yusuke rest his back against the wall and looks back at Takeshi. "I'll just stand here and wait until you're dressed. Come out anytime." He smiles.

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Tetsuya sighed,feeling so stupid right now.Because he was in hurry,he totally forgot about his own glasses.Really,sometimes he was so absent-minded.


"Ah well..thanks." he smiled lightly.


Ayane was on way to hit Rai's hand when he ruffled his hair,but stopped.Usually he would get all angry and would shout at the person touching his hair,but somehow...Rai was an exception,just like Takeshi.Only these two seemed to be allowed touching his hair.


"To use your clothes?Uh...I don't think it's a good idea." Tetsu stared at Rai,noticing that he is covering his laugh.


"Um,is something funny?" he blinked several times.


"Ah,perfect! Shoping would be great,but...are you sure that..Yusuke and Takeshi will come with us?" The four of them,almost all the day...was that really a good idea?



"Thank you~" Take grinned,going back in the room,but then coming out,grabbing Yusuke's hand and pulling him in the room.


"You don't have to stay outside.After all we are both males,right?There is nothing to hide." he smiled,finally noticing his suitcase near the bed.How blind he was,really.


Kitano took some boxers and put them on,throwing the towel on the floor.He then looked around,wondering what other to put on.He grabbed one pair of white pants,one black singlet and striped red-black shirt.

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Rai takes a slim fit geo print shirt, spread collar, clean front, sleeves that reach below the elbow with buttoned cuffs from the cabinet and hands it to Tetsuya.


"Wear this until we find you some new clothes. I feel responsible since I made you stayed the night without any change of attire. Sorry about that, Tetsu." Rai says as he smiles awkwardly.




Yusuke frown a little as the hold on his hand from Takeshi pulled him into the room. After the male let’s go of his hand to search for his clothes, Yusuke looks away to keep himself from starring. He wore a navy blue long sleeve V-neck shirt which revealed his color bone as a silver chain bracelet jingles on his wrist along with tan pants that complimented his stature. His hair shined gold and a dark shade of orange brown at the tips as the light from the room reflected onto his quiet figure. Sandy brown eyes looks back and caught sight of the other male’s exposed skin.


‘I could have waited outside…’ Yusuke thought to himself as he watches the male dress.


“Rai said to meet them at the restaurant called “Druantia Ambrosia” on the second floor.” Yusuke chuckles as he remembers his first meeting with Tetsuya the night before. “I’m sure Tetsuya will feel more at ease knowing you’re there. He seemed a bit lost yesterday.” Yusuke hears his phone vibrate and takes a look at it. It was a text message from his father.


~ ~ ~


Good morning, Yusuke! How was the job last night? I’m sure it was a good experience for both of you. Tell Takeshi kun I said ‘Thank you for your hard work’, please. Niwa and I will be taking care of the bar while you two are gone. No need to hold back and have fun, you both. Hope to see you guys again soon!





P.s. Both yours and Takeshi’s regulars miss you guys lol anyways, enjoy your three day vacation :)


~ ~ ~



“Seems like our regulars miss us already, Takeshi.” Yusuke chuckles and looks up at Takeshi. "Suguru says, 'Thank you for your hard work'." Yu said with a smiling face. "And, for us to have fun."

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"Rai-senpai..." Tetsuya looked at the shirt the other male gave him and took it,putting it on. "Are you really sure,it's okay for me to wear it?" he was really thankful to him,but in the same time worried.What if he by any chance tear it?It surely was an expensive shirt.Tetsu turned to the mirror,swirling to see how was the shirt fitting on his body.

It was a bit big for him,but in the same time it wasn't looking bad at all.


"Thanks.." he turned to Rai's direction and smiled.



"Ah,indeed...Tetsuya.." Actually Take couldn't understand why did his friend stay here?It wasn't like he didn't want him to be in the hotel,but it was surprising?Was there something between him and Rai,that Kitano didn't know about?


Seems like our regulars miss us already


Takeshi couldn't help,but laugh.

What was actually happening in the bar?Were there many costumers?If Suguru-san and Niwa would manage to do all the work by themselves?


Suguru says, 'Thank you for your hard work.


"Ahahaha,it's our responsibility after all." he smiled,already done with the dressing.

If they could really enjoy that small trip?


"Ah,Yusuke,before I forget..." Take took a deep breath and continued "I'm..sorry for what happened yesterday.."

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“Looks good on you.” Rai said. “Ha, ha, you’re welcome.” Looking at his watch, he smiles. “Let’s go have our breakfast.”



Yusuke looks at Takeshi and thought for a moment. What Takeshi did, was something he didn’t quiet expected to happen. Also, it was his fault he didn’t try to stop Takeshi. Yusuke himself almost fell prey to his own desires. He also tore Takeshi shirt by accident. That was something he didn’t mean to do.


Yusuke put both hands in his jean pockets. Looking at Takeshi’s stature, Yusuke couldn’t help but show a little smile. He did say he wasn’t going to forgive the male, the night before but, that was just too mean.


“I am sorry too.” Takeshi was really kind, putting him first when in truth; it was not his only fault. “And, uh, your shirt…” Yusuke whispers.


Perhaps, he was physically attracted to Takeshi. For him to fall so easily by a man touch…

Yusuke looks away and his expression turned silent and unreadable. That made it seem like he would give in to anyone’s touch. That thought made him feel disgusted with himself.


Yusuke turns and walks towards the door. “Let’s not starve ourselves standing here. C’mon, Takeshi.” Yusuke said as he looks back. “If you don’t hurry, I’m going to claim your share of the food too.” With that, he walks out of the room, smiling mischievously.

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Tetsuya nodded,taking last look in the mirror then going out of the room.For a moment he stopped feeling that his view is getting blurred,but thanks god everything was okay after few seconds.Just he didn't get used being without his glasses,so he needed some time.



I am sorry too.


Take blinked several times.Why was Yusuke apologizing?It wasn't his fault.Only if Takeshi could warn him in time for his habit when he is drunk..the things wouldn't turn that way.

No,actually it wasn't the alcohol that made him do that.He was being leaded by his feelings.


And, uh, your shirt..


Ah yeah,the shirt.When Yu tore it,that really surprised him,but he didn't really care about that now.

"It's okay..you don't need to worry about the shirt." he winked.


Kitano grinned and followed his rival to the restaurant where they had to have their breakfast.

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The restaurant was nearly packed with people. A nice cerulean music played in the background as family members and couples share their mornings together.



"Right on time." Rai said as he raises his hand from his seat. Yusuke laughs.


"Well, we didn't want to be late for breakfast."


“Where is my good morning kiss?”


“Never gonna happen.” Yusuke said with a frightening angelic smile.


“I was kidding. No morning greeting?” Rai said as he clutch his chest in pain and fake a sad expression.


"Good morning." Yusuke chuckles then smiles happily at Tetsuya. "I hope Rai didn't trouble you last night." Yusuke look to the side at Rai, knowing his nightly habits. Rai shook his head and smiles in reassurance. Yusuke bends forward and whispers in Tetsuya's ear. "He tends to, uh, sleep walk so, be careful."

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"Morning~" Take waved his hand.He somehow was in really good mood.Even hearing the small flirty conversation between Yusuke and Rai didn't make him angry,because he knew - Ohmura didn't like that guy as something more than friend.


Tetsu let out a small chuckle.Of course Rai didn't trouble him with his habit.He was even happy that he had the chance to spend the night with him.


"Ahaha,I'll get used with it." he smiled at Yu,taking the seat next to Takeshi.


"How is my sleeping princess today~?" he pinched his friend's cheeks grinning.


"Are you taking your revenge for waking you up?" Kitano grinned back,ruffling Ayane's hair.


"Oh no~ You'll see what will happen when we come back." Tetsu smiled innocently.He was planning to wake up his friend every single day,no matter if they were having classes or no.


"So um,how was your night?If my silly friend did something to you,Yusuke-kun?" Ayane was still remembering how drunk Take was last night.

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It was nice to see how close their friendship was he couldn't help but smiles. Rai notices and smiles along with him.


So um,how was your night?If my silly friend did something to you,Yusuke-kun?


Yusuke laughs awkwardly as he sits down next to Rai.


"Nothing at all." Yusuke said while smilng. "Well, I did accidentally tore his shirt." Yusuke whispers.


Rai eyes opens wide as he looks at Yusuke and tries to hide a laugh.


"Did you use your kung-fu on Takeshi kun?" Yusuke blushes.


"Well," Yusuke dug his own grave. He tries to come up with a cover story as best he could. "When I took Takeshi to the room, my hand slipped and he almost fell to the floor when I tried to catch him. When I thought I had grabbed a hold of him, the buttons on his shirt popped and he fell to the floor." Rai turns the other way laughs.


"You both must have had a hard time last night."


Yusuke looks the other way, somewhat uncomfortable. The waitress came and handed them all a menu. Taking out a note pad, she takes their order.


"What would you like to order?"


"Black coffee, please." Rai said as he muffles his laughs. "Just the usual for me." He often eat at this restaurant and as the owner of the hotel, they know him well.


Yusuke looks at the menu. He didn't feel like eating much that morning. Weird, usually he eats a lot for breakfast.


"Not going to order?" Rai chuckles.


"Sorry, just lost in thoughts." Yusuke put the menu on Rai's and orders his breakfast.

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Well, I did accidentally tore his shirt.


Tetsuya burst in laugh.That surely was a funny scene to be seen.But only if he knew the truth behind "the accident".When he finally calmed down and waitress came for their order,he took a look at the menu and answered:


"One latte for me." he didn't order anything for breakfast,because he usually wasn't eating in the morning,just like Takeshi.


"Black coffee for me as well." Kitano needed something strong right now.


When the waitress left,Tetsu yawned,he was a bit tired,but didn't want to make it obvious .


"So,we are going on shopping?" it could be a good chance to buy some new clothes.


Take turned his head to Tetsu's direction and noticed that the other boy wasn't wearing his glasses.


"Tet-chan,your glasses.." he knew his friend was having problems with the eyes,so it made him worried.


"Pss,be quiet..I'll be fine,don't worry.My sight isn't that bad,so it's okay." he smiled,patting his friend's shoulder.

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So,we are going on shopping?


"Yes, we are going to go shopping after this." It seemed like Tetsuya was excited to go and that made Rai feel happy knowing that he could bring such a feeling in his friend. An idea just popped into Rai's mind when he was sipping his coffee. "Ne, Yusuke. Why don't we all go shopping together? I'm sure you would want to buy Takeshi kun a new shirt as an apology." Yusuke looks at Rai and smiles.


"Alrighty! I agree. Let's go." When the waitress came back to give everyone their order, and brought Yusuke's his iced tea, he settled down. "After this." Rai laughs once again. Noticing that Tetsuya ordered latte, Rai smiles.


"Tetsu, you like to drink latte? This guy here," Rai points to Yusuke who turn to look at him in question. "Loves latte. He likes to do latte art."


"Your point is?" Rai grins at Yusuke's puzzlement.


"Why don't we set a date to go over his house some time and have him make us some latte art?" Rai asks happily. Yusuke froze for a moment, stunned, then set his drink down calmly.


"Wait, Rai, are you saying, you want everyone to come to my house to drink latte?"


"See? Even Yusuke agrees. How 'bout it, everyone?" Rai claps his hands together, smiling happily.


"You can't just make decisions on your own like that without my permission." Rai turns to look at Yusuke with a bright smile.


"C'mon. It'll be fun." Yusuke couldn't take Rai's dazzling smile and it irritated him.


"No--" The sparkling aura starts to stab at him as Rai brings his face closer to Yusuke.


"Please?" He was trapped.


"T-that is... if you agree... to buy the ingredients.. for latte... first..."Yusuke2_zpsfcaa3ee8.jpg


Yusuke couldn't refuse Rai. One way, or the other, Rai would coil his way around and always gets what he wants.


"Great! Then let's finish up and go shopping. No time to waste lingering here." Rai said with a happy smile.


"Are you a woman?" Yusuke asks then hangs his head in defeat at Rai's booming laughter that held victory in his favor.

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When the order was served,Takeshi took his cup of black coffee and had a small sip.The best! He smiled,laying back on his chair.


Tetsu, you like to drink latte?


"Aa? Ah,yeah I like latte." Ayane looked at Yusuke for a moment.He was even doing latte art.So many things in one : good loking,tall,one of the best bartenders in Tokyo..Everyone would fall in love with such guy.


Why don't we set a date to go over his house some time and have him make us some latte art?


Both Tetsu and Take blinked.What was happening with Rai?To invite them in Yusuke's house without even asking Yusuke himself?

These two surely were very good friends.


"Uh...do you think it's a good idea?" Tetsu decided to ask.


Kitano in other hand kicked lightly Yusuke's leg,to have his attention,then whispered:


"I didn't know you do latte art.You've never showed that skill of yours at work."

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Uh...do you think it's a good idea?


“Of course. Yusuke won’t mind. He may not look it but,” Rai whispers to Tetsu. “He’s pretty excited.” Rai chuckles.



‘Damn. I’m actually excited.’ Yusuke thought while sipping his drink. Exactly what Rai had predicted.


“Can’t win against him.” Yu whispers and sips his iced tea. The light kick nearly startled him as he divert his attention to Takeshi.


I didn't know you do latte art.You've never showed that skill of yours at work.


“That’s because, it’s only a hobby of mine.” He answered. “It’s nothing related to bar-tending. Besides, I like to keep a low profile of my private life at work.” Yusuke sips his drink. It wasn't anything impressive. Just something he likes to do during his free time. Only his father, Rai, and a few people know. Thinking back, his nephew used to always bother him to make latte art. That brought a smile to his lips. He hasn't seen his nephew since the science project. He was now wondering if his nephew was angry at him.


'I guess I should check in on him some time this week.' Yusuke turn to look at Tetsuya and noticed something. Yusuke was about to ask Tetsuya about his glasses but Rai interrupted him before he could ask his question.


"Alright, everyone ready? Let's take my car." Rai was all smiles. He was already finished with his breakfast, ready to go as he waved for the waitress to come take the bill.


“That’s just like paying yourself.” Yusuke said as he laughs. Rai smiles warmly. He really loves Yusuke’s smiles. He may not be his; however, he hopes Yusuke could freely fall in love with him; even if not now.

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'He likes Yusuke that much,eh?' Yusuke smiled sadly.No matter that he didn't want to admit it,he was jealous.Jealous that Rai liked other guy..Of course,compared to him Yusuke was way better.He knew it very well and still he had these silly hopes that maybe Rai would notice him.After a whole night together,he hoped that his senpai would finally look at him as something more than just an old friend.

Unfortunately that was impossibe.Tetsuya had to stop fantasizing that he may become Rai's lover someday - he should erase all these feelings toward his friend,no matter how painful and difficult would be..


"Aww excuse me for asking,Mr.Yusuke." Take joked,taking his last sip of his black coffee.After all it was a good idea to have some fun while being on this trip,because once he was back,he had to start his tough and tiring life again.University-work-3-4 hours of sleeping and then again university-work-less sleep.

Also that was good chance for him to see if what Yusuke said yesterday was true - if he really didn't have any feelings for Rai. Also while going shopping Kitano could learn something new for the person he loved,because right now he knew only the basic.

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Rai was driving as everyone sat quietly, listening to the radio in Rai’s car. Yusuke was used to sitting in the passenger seat so, unconsciously; he went to sit next to Rai.


When he came to a red light, Rai bent over and opened the dashboard. He then handed a bracelet that was tied with a note to Yusuke. “You left that here.” Yusuke takes the bracelet, knowing he had never left one in the car before, looks at Rai with puzzlement.


“Sorry ‘bout that and, thanks.” Stuffing it in his pockets, Yusuke fumbles for the note and held it in his pockets. It must be something about the important business he asked Rai to help him with. He looks at Rai and had a slightly happy look. Rai chuckles in amusement and accelerated once the light turned green.

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