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[GAME] The truth game~


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Okay the game is simple really all you have to do is answer questions truthfully. Okay I'll start~



Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?

Yes I have... rabbit13 But come on who hasn't?


Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly? (Sorry couldn't resist ^^')

Yes I want to be free like a bird~ leaf2just kidding... But in all seriousness yes I have.


Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character? (Not cosplay people!)

No but it would be f**ken hilarious! I would be like this: foxy4 "OMG! YOUR THAT GUY FROM XXX! CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH!" and then he would probably be like this:Red_fox5:


How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?

When I was 10. I stumbled upon a fanfiction wondering why were those two guys kissing...foxy5 And then I read on and I swear I was like this after I had read that :9onion70:


What are your favorite anime/television shows?

Well my favorite... Hm well my favorite anime would have to be loveless. It was the first yaoi that I read. foxy2


And finally what is your favorite anime couple?

Hm, it would have to be Ciel x Sebastian :leaf15:


Okay so these are the first round of questions and the second round will be put up later~ :leaf12:


Sorry if I wasn't clear on the rules!


But the question's I put up you have to answer or if somebody posts and their an even number like 20, so after 20 posts the person who is number 20 will come up with different questions to answer. And if anybody gets confused please VM me or PM me and I'll try to explain it more to you in detail! Sounds fair? ^-^



Question template first round:

1. Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?

2. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly? (Sorry couldn't resist ^^')

3. Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character? (Not cosplay people!)

4. How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?

5. What are your favorite anime/television shows?

6. what is your favorite anime couple?

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wait..should i ask the question then the next poster answer them? and is it only one question each time or a set of questions?

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It's all of the question's I just posted sweetie~ *hugs tightly* You have to answer them truthfully too~

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here goes nothing...


1) unfortunately no....my heartbeat only goes super crazy!! and sometimes i get a weird feeling in my stomach no idea what it is. but if i were a guy...there's no doubt about it..it'll definitely turn me on (OMG im talking dirty >


2)Yup~ i was imagining what it would be like if i can fly and i even realize the downside of it. I saw getting hit by aeroplanes and getting blown off by the wind and up at the other end of the world :leaf9:


3) sadly no...but if i have i'l be like running to him/her and say 'Mister i'm an agent (though im not) woud you like to be star? please give me your number and i'l give you mine. plus lets go to a cafe to talk more about this'


4) i was*cough* very young..let's just say 14. dran it gave me a heart attack and i end up feeling guilty evrytime i read yaoi. i was brought up to be lady like and yaoi was just too ungraceful. anyway i'm secretly obssess with it.


5)my favorite anime couple???i can't say:leaf7: ther's too many!!!! oh i love them alll !!!! dont make me choose:cuteonion58:

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OK, I want to try it! :D


1. Yes.. that's my fetish ._.

2. Of course. (Would be awesome, but also I thought about how some good-looking government-guy catches me.. gets more and more awesome~ xD)

3. No, unfortunatly..

4. I was 13 yeas old.. during a rpg. I was Aido-senpai... well, Kaname Kuran just surprised me, but I'm still okay with this. xD (gawd, my english is so bad x.x AND I hope this counts as fanfiction. xD)

5. My favorite Animes/TV Series are InuYasha, Kuroshitsuji and Supernatural. xD

6. My favorite couple.. yeah, DeidaraXItachi (I know.. xD), GunjiXAkira and CielXSebastian. :3

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Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?

I think every feeling with watching yaoi has to do something with being turned on.


Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly? (Sorry couldn't resist ^^')

Yes, and I even tried to fly with getting to bags, putting it on my arms and jumping of the bed which failed.


Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character? (Not cosplay people!)

Some friends of mine look like someone from an anime / manga. Not really something to be exciting about though.

How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?

11, I saw a fanmade video of Gravitation and thought Shuichi was a girl, but somehow it was not. (:


What are your favorite anime/television shows?

Final Fantasy VII last order, Ao No Exorcist, Bleach, (there are more but can't come with the name)


And finally what is your favorite anime couple?

Allot, I like Final Fantasy VII couples, seme x seme and too much to list on. (:

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1. Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?


2. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly? (Sorry couldn't resist ^^')

~i guess it's better than sex :D

3. Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character? (Not cosplay people!)

~yeah sometimes

4. How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?


5. What are your favorite anime/television shows?

~Two and a Half Men

6. what is your favorite anime couple?

~Souichi Tatsumi&Tetsuhiro Morinaga (Koisuru Boukun); Luka Crosszeria&Yuki Giou (UraBoku); Tsukino Usagi&Kou Seiya (Sailor Moon)

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1. Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?

- yeppp~

2. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly? (Sorry couldn't resist ^^')

- yea..i always dreaming one day i can fly (even tough it never gonna happen)

3. Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character? (Not cosplay people!)

- not really

4. How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?

- 13

5. What are your favorite anime/television shows?

- any anime

6. what is your favorite anime couple?

- a lot

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1- yes, and after my heart was beating i became a yaoi fan. XD

2-a lot, after all i am a wind element...

3-sadly no, i don't go out alot and when i do . i avoid looking to people,

4- i was 19.

5- its a long list but i will wright the top one :D

mirage of blaze

junjou romantica

Kachou no Koi!

Ikoku Irokoi Romantan

papa to kiss in the dark

Zetsuai , bronze

ai no kusabi

Sekaiichi Hatsukoi


6-that's a long list too but the most favorite would be from Mirage of Blaze (Naoe&Takaya)

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1. Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?


Yes:) after all yaoi is pretty exciting,ne?;D


2. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly? (Sorry couldn't resist ^^')


Yes. I've had a dream about flying in the night sky once. But in reality I'm afraid of height so...;)


3. Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character? (Not cosplay people!)


Ha, tere are a lot of beautiful people around so yes but... I think it's matter of taste (the beauty:)) and I sometimes like to dress up like some anime character: the mantle of bisop or the cassock, gothic make up and long black dress with lace and ribbons..;)


4. How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?


I don't recall very well. maybe I was 19 or 20..


5. What are your favorite anime/television shows?


Mirage of blaze

Sekaiitchi hatsukoi

Junjou romantica

Yami no matsuei


6. what is your favorite anime couple?





et al.;)

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1 ... Nop i didn't , I Have my own strong desire =P

2 ... Yup it would be pretty windiie here XDD

3 ... Hmmm can't remember , Sorry >.

4 ... 13

5 ... Get Backers ^-^

6 ... A lot =P

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1. Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?

almost like turned on, I think more like a tickly feeling

2. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly? (Sorry couldn't resist ^^') Yeah, I wanted to be a seagul or an albatross, to have the chance to fly over the sea

3. Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character? (Not cosplay people!) Noo >.

4. How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?

oh I'm a late bloomer, very late bloomer, just last year.... I was nearly 22

5. What are your favorite anime/television shows?

several, but my most fave were Champions

6. what is your favorite anime couple?

For ever and ever, NowakixHiroki but I like also KaedexRintarou

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Still the same as up ;)


1 ... Nop i didn't , I Have my own strong desire =P

2 ... Yup it would be pretty windiie here XDD

3 ... Hmmm can't remember , Sorry >.

4 ... 13

5 ... Get Backers ^-^

6 ... A lot =P

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1. Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?

Um well I get tingly when I watch a yaoi so I guess that counts~

2. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly? (Sorry couldn't resist ^^')

All the time! Since my last name is a bird I want to be with my family lol! XD

3. Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character? (Not cosplay people!)

Once but he freaked me out and I ran the other way ^^'

4. How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?

Hmm... When I was 9 or 10...

5. What are your favorite anime/television shows?

Well I have a lot but my all time favorite show would be supernatural! Dean is sexy >

6. what is your favorite anime couple?

Hmm... Yuki x Shuichi from Gravitation

Inuyasha x Kagome from Inuyasha

Ciel x Sebastian from Black Butler

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1. Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?

Of course, no shame in that.


2. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly?

Yes, specially when watching Dragon Ball...

3. Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character?

Not walking down the streets, but once at a concert I saw the super cute and adorable guy who looked like just like Ewon from Totally Captivated *^*


4. How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?

Hmm I think I was 18.


5. What are your favorite anime/television shows?

Rurouni Kenshin and Queer as Folk (US)


6. what is your favorite anime couple?

Norio x Kunimasa (Love Pistols)

Shiro x Yonekuni (Love Pistols)

Akihito x Asami (viewfinder)

Riki x Iason (Ai no Kusabi)

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1. Yes, sometimes (:

2. Yes, when I was seven (:

3. Of course, I saw a man who quite resemble Miyagi from Junjou Terrorist ^^ So handsome (:

4. 15 yo (pretty late, huh^^)

5. One Piece of course~!! XDD

6. Miyagi x Shinobu, Sebastian x Ciel, Shin x Shimeji (Lover's Doll)

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1. Absolutely ^^

2. Nope..

3.Yes, I met a guy who look alike Claus from Hyakujitsu no Bara^^

4. 12 yo

5. Detective Conan, ZE, Recipe

6. Waki x Magane, Shoui x Asari, Claus x Taki

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?

Yes ^.^

2. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly? (Sorry couldn't resist ^^')


3. Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character? (Not cosplay people!)


4. How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?

13 I think, and not that you asked but it was Loveless

5. What are your favorite anime/television shows?

That is a very long list but we'll say Durarara for obvious reasons

6. what is your favorite anime couple?

Shizu-chan and Izaya of course (that is if you leave out me and Tsugaru but that is rather obvious. and we're not anime characters >.>')

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1. Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?

- Definitely


2. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly? (Sorry couldn't resist ^^')

- Sure. Once, I had a dream I was flying but it was wobbly so I was freaking out how to land properly lol.


3. Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character? (Not cosplay people!)

- I don't think so.


4. How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?

- I think I was 14-ish


5. What are your favorite anime/television shows?

- My, too many. Gintama, Junjou Romantica, Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi, Evangelion, X, etc.


6. what is your favorite anime couple?

- Oh, another endless list. For the moment, Gin/Hijikata, Kirishima Zen/Yokozawa Takafumi, etc.

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1. I don't know about getting turn on, it's just my heart beats so fast

2. When i was little i used to dream about flying, but now i never thought about it anymore

3. Yes i have, he looks like Kaede Rukawa from Slam Dunk rabbit2

4. I don't know, maybe when i was 18???

5. Yaoi: Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi, Junjou Romantica, Koisuru Boukun

Other: Bleach, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Kuroko no Basket, Kuroshitsuji

6. Every couple from Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi

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1. Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?

Yes.... always ^^


2. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly?

Yes, I tried to do that with my sisters too ^^


3. Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character?

Yes... A nerd guy looked like L in Death Notes.


4. How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?

This year 33 years old ^^ (Too old???) 5555555


5. What are your favorite anime/television shows?



6. what is your favorite anime couple?


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1. Sometimes ^_^


2. Yes, I tried to do it while I in elementary school hehehe


3. Yes... and i'm glad to have one, my bf.


4. Junior high school, 14 years old


5. Azumanga Daioh


6. So many, if should choose one then i'll say Kusaka Touma+Akizuki Keiichirou (Winter cicada)

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1. Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?

Yes :msn_red_fox 14


2. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly?

Yes, but i couldn't figure out how should i work with my wings ... rabbit12

i'm still thinking about it



3. Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character?

no ... but one day when my friend and i were walking in the street she saw someone like L in death note ...

but when she told me he was gone ...


4. How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?

16 ( first gay porn in 10 ! )


5. What are your favorite anime/television shows?



sekai-ichi hatsukoi


6. what is your favorite anime couple?

ciel X sebastian

and all the couples in sekai-ichi hatsukoi and junjou romantica

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1. Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on? Yes, it's what helps me sleep at night.. And substitutes for... O.o I'm saying way too much again..


2. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly? Yes, even tried it one time and hurt myself when I was a kid.


3. Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character? Oh My God Yes! There was this guy in Starbucks and he looked just like Yuki off of Gravitation! I kid you not.

4. How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction? Around 16 I believe... My friends at he time introduced me to Yellow and that's what started this whole addiction lol ^^


5. What are your favorite anime/television shows? Omg.. Hard question... Bleach.. Jonjou romantica... Jormungand... Inuyasha... That's all that I can think of at the moment...


6. And finally what is your favorite anime couple? Renji and Shuhei off of Bleach. I know it's not a yaoi, but that doesn't mean I can't have dirty thoughts about those two lol ^_~

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I'm embracing with my answer .////////////.

1. Have you watched a yaoi and got turned on?

All the time,nononono,i mean >////

2. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fly?


now it's all about flying high in the sky,and freedom shall belongs to me!

3. Have you ever walked down the street and saw a man that looked just like an anime character?

lolololo,as u know,out there have a lot of guys that look like they are walking alive from the anime/manga,but what u

never know is they are not as kind as,as caring as,as sweet as those anime/manga characters!!! =((((

4. How old were you when you first read your very first yaoi manga/fanfiction?

Errrr....if not mistaken,i think i start reading those .////. when i'm 14 yrs old,no one lead me to it xD At that time,i was

so obsessed with shoujo manga (now still), and i start thinking what'll happen if the main guy character act lovely with

another guy,lolololo,and i start searching for boy's love,not yaoi yet =D After found out that those were really nicer than

what i read before,i went further with yaoi,soft,and skip to rough sex,awesome life,i tell u xD

5. What are your favorite anime/television shows?

For the moment,it's One Piece


6. what is your favorite anime couple?

Yaoi,BL ~ Zoro x Sanji

Non-yaoi ~ Ryuuji x Taiga


teeehehe,done,enjoy reading =D

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