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Which is your favorite scene from a yaoi anime?


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As the title says, I was curious which is your favorite scene from a yaoi anime?


Here are mine, from:

Junjou Romantica, when they were in the pool *____*





Junjou Egoist, I love when Noaki catches Hiro from behind and holds him :7yoyo10:





Koisuru Boukun, Mori is so cute during the h scenes :leaf15:




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my all time favourite scene? thats a diffucult one but i would have to say the scene in Bronze



When the two characters are alone in the apartment on a cold night and they are sitting together in the bed together



It's s beautiful it makes me cry everytime i see it

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I have one very special scene to me that made me cry a lot when I saw it.


It is from FUYU NO SEMI:




what's written in the image: "いきていてほしい。。。いきてさえいてくれれば。そのねがいははなった、そのねがいだけは。。。"

"I want you to live... If you only wish that I live, this only wish became true. This only wish."


Who watched it, know what I'm talking about. About the failed harakiri...


well, that's it!

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  • 1 month later...

1- Junjou romantica ep 1



the first kiss that made me loooove yaoi




2- Mirage of Blaze



the mad dog scene , because that scene says all about those 2




3-Zetsuai , bronze



the last scened1121.jpg


and the one in bed (it was so sweet to see them expressing their love)



4- ai no kusabi



the last deep kiss(the scene says all ) XD




5- Sekaiichi Hatsukoi



the one when Onodera was drunk and was crying in Takano’s apartment XD


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Hey! Class President


I'm in love with Chiga! He's such a sweetheart, who wouldn’t want someone a guy like that to call you at night and say: “Good night” in a soft deep voice. *fan girl squee + faint*



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  • 2 months later...

I really love that phrase of Loveless, I am seriously thinking about get a tattoo with it :3





Konnani suki ni naru nante... which means something like 'I didn't know i fell in love that much...'





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  • 1 month later...

One of my favorite anime scenes in a yaoi would be when Takano pushed Onodera down on the floor of Takano's apartment for the first time!:leaf15:

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Gii & Takumi ;)


Wait... does the Takumi-kun series have a manga?....OMG let me find out!!!




Well usually my favorite anime yaoi moments usually coincide with my favorite BGM song of that particular series (dont know why)


Junjou Romantica S1 When Usagi and Misaki has sex for the 2nd(?)time, my favorite bgm playing, and some Misaki text monologue popping up in the middle scene....... I hope people understand what scene I'm talking about....


Sekaii Ichii S1 When Takano pushes Onodera down on the floor, with that nice bgm playing..... only problem i have with that scene the animators could have pushed it a little further, test the boundaries a little bit*wink*wink*

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  • 3 months later...

favorite scene hmmm..


i have lots of favorite scenes but if i reall have to pick one that would be...


when usagi try not to touch misaki because he have a job interview but end up doing so...

and in doing so he encourages misaki to have a faith in himself because misaki worries too much...


this is from the manga...


usagi is so really sweet and considerate of misaki...

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My favorite scene would have to be out of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

when Onodera cofesses his love for Takano when they were in the library at the high school.

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Vassalord: every damn scene. I love Rayflo and Charles (admittedly, I love 86 more)


Koisuru Boukun: When Morinaga takes advantage of Tatsumi in his apartment.


Sex Pistols: When Joshua McBear (xD) and Teruhiko make up at the hospital.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When Takano told Onodera that he was "Saga Masamune" whom he dated 10 years ago. Onodera was really shocked. It's soooo cute :hamtaro-005 (6):

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Gyaaaaa~ so much to choose from... where do I begin?? Ummmmm... maybe my most favourite is... hmmm actually my fav would be- no... I like- Gahhh! I can't choose... theres too much I can't decide!!!


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5- Sekaiichi Hatsukoi


the one when Onodera was drunk and was crying in Takano’s apartment XD


Same here for me, lol. My other favorite was from Junjou Romantica when Nowaki's senpai is hugging him and Kamijou just decks him with Nowaki's Boston bag. Thus is what makes Hiro-san one of my favorite characters. XD

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My favorite scene from "Sekaiichi Hatsukoi" is when Onodera told Takano that "Oda" wasn't his real last name in high school. I don't know why, but it made me laugh so hard. I also love when Kisa told Yukina that he's 30. onion0

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