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List your TOP5 Expressions


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  • 4 years later...

Here's mine. I'm not the one who pointed out my verbal/written expression and facial expression. My family, close-friends, and either classmates or acquaintances are the one who listed them down.


My Facial Expression:

1. Stoic face - My normal expression during the day & conversation; especially to strangers or someone who not seems close to me.

2. Serious face - Also my normal expression but only at office and way-back in my school days. I tend to work as much as I want and do things without troubles and hassle.

3. Naivete face - This expression always can be seen to me when I don't seems to know a common knowledge/sense and learned them for the first time though until now. There's still a few things I really don't know. A joke of my co-worker/family/classmates/or someone. I can't understand a few damn humor all the time.

4. Flustered face - They say I am a person who are easy to gullible and when upon discovering that they are tricking me or something, I am easily flushed to red and can be easily seen through my earlobes. Or If I do something indescribable and embarrassing.

5. A Rare chance to smile face - Now this is the least face I do. [THEY SAID]. Yeah, I admit. I can smile but it always force and fake since I don't want to give other person a vibe that I don't want to associated with them but I can smile purely & naturally too. [AGAIN! THEY SAID]. When I was enjoying my time or having a relax and good mood. They even shouted that "Hey! You can smile?" something like that..


My Verbal Habit:

This 5 words are always comes out in my mouth all the time.

1. I See~ - When I always agreed at something or when I see something seems unexpectedly.

2. Oh!? - When I want to raise a question to someone and upon not agreeing to them.

3. Gee, Thanks - My mostly and all the time word. Though some are not real "Thanks" but I guaranteed all the time, I wanted to show my gratitude and appreciation to someone even in the smallest things.

4. Seems like that - Another word that I use upon agreeing or not agreeing but also when I am having an argument. I think. Like: "Seems like that you're the one who's fault at it. Just accept it will yah" something like that.

5. My apologies - I tend to say that all the time even in my smallest mistakes. I don't know but I was grew up saying "sorry" to my grandma when she's always punishing me if I did ungracious, ungraceful, and ill-mannered action.


My Body Expression:

6 out of 10 people pointed out that there is some body expression that I often do and that they always seen on me. Like:

1. Drawing small circles if I tend to lie - I do noticed it too, when I was about to lie, mostly white lies. I tend to draw circles in the table or sometimes at my palm or hand.

2. Glancing away - I can't seems to talked eye to eye, face to face to someone. Except it was my boos, co-workers or family/close friends.

3 Sighing - When feeling bored, unmotivated, not interested to something and feel bothered by a little trouble or hassle. I do often sighing a lot all the time. Indeed, maybe this is my most lovable body expression for me.

4. Yawning - I am a person who always workaholic at the very young age and given before that I used to be a nocturnal person just to read a bunch of books or let out all of my ideas at night so yawning is normal body expression for me.

5. Giggling - I maybe look like not having enjoyment all the time but giggling all the time is my way of expressing that I always enjoy something.


That's all I guess.

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1. Putain (don't repeat, it's a bad bad word)

2. Eh... Meeeeeerdeuh

3. Tarté

4. Le truc/machin....mais qu'est-ce que tu machine ?

5. Euuuh... Quoi ?




1. You're such an idiot

2. Y'know wha' I mean

3. Craaaaaaap

4. Oh right

5. Really?

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1. jesses ( you can translate it with "geeze")

2. Schwööör allaaa (means "swear..." in a German ghetto slang with mocking taste to it)

3. Yo mama's ass (you can say it in nearly every sentence, Soo funny (especially when you imagine the real thing while saying it LOL))

4. Mmkay

5. Heidenei (I don't know how to translate this one... just google it :p)

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at first i thought your no. 1 was close to someone's name (you know who) (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖ but how do you pronounce it, though? i would like to use it on a certain friend of mine :cuteonion49:

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ooo..hold on, is it an important person who lives in Russia x) ?


Mmmh. It is prounounces "pu" like in "pubes" (omg...so sorry, i'm so classy x)) and "tain"... well the English language don't have this "nasal" sound 'ain', but it is similar to "un" as in "one" in french.

so it's "pu(pubes)-t-ain(un ->french for one)"


Lool hope it helped... the meaning of it is ....basically everything x) . I use it to express my anger, sadness, excitement, surprised, hapiness lol. It just means something like 'sh.t' or 'f.ck' in english

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at first i thought your no. 1 was close to someone's name (you know who) (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖ but how do you pronounce it, though? i would like to use it on a certain friend of mine :cuteonion49:


lololol same here! The real power of Putin guys! lolol

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chan! you've said the name! XD


LOL! thank you

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. man... even when swearing, i feel like French words sound so classy and refined (or maybe it's just me).

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I think it's just you '__'


hahaha but no seriousely, if you heard me saying it, you would hide under a blanket x)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

1. Okay

2. What

3. Let's go, go, go

4. Yo or Hi

5. Ya know


When I mess up:

1. Dammit

2. sh*t


When I'm mad

1. Your an idiot

2. Listen


Here are others I use:

So cute


Have a good day

Your joking?

Thank ya




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