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[YaoiOtaku Quiz] - "What 'Viewfinder Romance' is suitable for you?"


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"What 'Viewfinder Romance' is suitable for you"





Get a paper and pen,you'll need to calculate.

Each question will give you a certain

amount of points.

Points will give you your answer.

You can skip a question,and logically it brings you -

zero points.

.::Letter's amount of points::.

A's = 2points

B's = 4points

C's = 6points

D's = 8points




"If you see someone getting beaten on the streets,what would you do?"


ⓐ "Depends on the situation. I could help,but it wouldn't be for free."

ⓑ "I'd think of something,to scare them off."

ⓒ "I don't want to get involved,so I'd ignore it."

ⓓ "Give them money. Money can do miracles."




"Your lover doesn't pick up the phone,what would your reaction would be?"


ⓐ "I'd think they are most probably busy."

ⓑ "I'd wait for them to call me when they can."

ⓒ "I'd get angry and would find them instead of waiting for a call."

ⓓ "I'd get really worried!"




"You are to go out for a date with your lover,where would you go?"


ⓐ Beach

ⓑ Restaurant

ⓒ Club

ⓓ Somewhere quiet




"Your lover has a birthday,what would you give them as a present?"


ⓐ "I'd cook for them something yummy!"

ⓑ Flowers and a medallion

ⓒ A sex toy

ⓓ A new car




"While having a dinner outside with your lover,you notice them looking at some eye-candy. What would your reaction be?"


ⓐ "I'd get angry and would grab them to go into the toilets,to remind them with my body who is their lover."

ⓑ "I'd buy them more presents in future to chain them to me."

ⓒ "I'd get jealous and then sad."

ⓓ "I'd tell them we are going home."




"Your love tells a lie,and you know it is a lie. What would you do?"


ⓐ "I'd get them back for it!"

ⓑ "I'd splash water in their face and tell them I am not dumb."

ⓒ "I'd send someone to follow them,so I'd know why they started lying to me."

ⓓ "I'd get sad,but wouldn't say anything."




"You promised to your lover to see them tonight,but suddenly something pops up,and you can't make it. What would you do?"


ⓐ "I'd make it up to them."

ⓑ "I'd apologize as many times needed,so they won't be angry at me."

ⓒ "I'd keep my promise! So,I'd go to them after all."

ⓓ "I wouldn't care. If they are my lover,they'd have to understand it."




"You have to go to a trip alone. Would you message your lover often or?"


ⓐ "I wouldn't be even able to sleep,if I don't hear their voice before bed."

ⓑ "I'd finish my work as soon as I can,so I'd be back before they even know it."

ⓒ "I wouldn't message them on purpose. I want to see how much they would have missed me when I'm back."

ⓓ "I'd keep an eye on them,even if I am not around. I'd better put someone on guard,to follow them."




"You lose an important item given as a present to you from your lover. What would you do?"


ⓐ "I wouldn't tell them. I'd find it,for sure!"

ⓑ "I'd get it back - no matter what!"

ⓒ "I'd apologize to them. Although I'd feel horrible..."

ⓓ "I'd spend all night into looking for it."




"You are not sure if your partner still loves you as much as before. How would you act?"


ⓐ "I'd get the answer from their body."

ⓑ "They better run,or I'd kill them!"

ⓒ "I'd leave them,if that's the case - me doubting in our relationship."

ⓓ "I'd find out sooner or later. And then I'd decide how to act."






Ryuichi Asami (麻見隆一)

From 0 - 24


You got the "Second Time Around" Romance.

You like things to be done better than only said.What you dislike is someone to

touch your things,including your lover.

Your personality is strong and powerful,thus your lover will submit to you,no matter what.

This type of love story usually works when all hard feelings have had the chance to dissipate. If you're both smart,

you can easily identify the areas where you went wrong and completely avoid those mistakes the next time.


Fei Long Liu (飛龍)

From 25 - 36

You got the "Complete Opposite" Romance.

Go ahead; take the plunge. You're an artist, a freethinker, and a free spirit.

You love like-minded individuals, other artists, or musicians-because they get you. Your type of personality has the need

to chase after things that attract your attention.

Dating someone your complete opposite may seem weird at first.

But as we dig through the layers that make up our personalities, we tend to find tons of similarities.


Akihito Takaba (高羽秋仁)

From 37 - 40


You got the "May/December" Romance.

That's right. You are the two opposites. You prefer your partner to be older than you,

smarter than you - so they can give you a checkmate. Enjoying the 'cat-dog' relationship,

you like playful things,although denying it.

You tend to hide your feelings,but they find their way on the surface as soon as your partner 'pins you down'.


Mikhail Arbatov (ミハイル・アルバトフ)

From 41 - 46


You got the "One You're Not Attracted To" Romance.

Indeed enjoying eye-candies,but what is weird that you look for a partner that

has the qualities of none of those eye-candies.

Long-lasting romances evolve in the strangest ways.

Sometimes it's a person's inner qualities that ultimately make them more attractive in the long run.

Thus you prefer for a long lasting relationship someone who has inner beauty.


Yoh (ヨー)

From 47 - 52 (and more)


You got the "Foreign Exchange" Romance.

Learning about another culture, trading ideas and stories can provide the basis for a vibrant romance.

What you look for is someone who can make you feel something different than usual. Breaking from the cage,

it's your type of philosophy.

You tend to be loyal and you want nothing more than the same from your partner.

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Here is my result :D



Akihito Takaba (高羽秋仁)

From 37 - 40


You got the "May/December" Romance.

That's right. You are the two opposites. You prefer your partner to be older than you,

smarter than you - so they can give you a checkmate. Enjoying the 'cat-dog' relationship,

you like playful things,although denying it.

You tend to hide your feelings,but they find their way on the surface as soon as your partner 'pins you down'.


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This was so fun! Here is my result:


48 points - Yoh (ヨー)


You got the "Foreign Exchange" Romance.

Learning about another culture, trading ideas and stories can provide the basis for a vibrant romance.

What you look for is someone who can make you feel something different than usual. Breaking from the cage,

it's your type of philosophy.

You tend to be loyal and you want nothing more than the same from your partner.


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I got 34 points, here is my result:



Fei Long Liu (飛龍)

From 25 - 36


You got the "Complete Opposite" Romance.

Go ahead; take the plunge. You're an artist, a freethinker, and a free spirit.

You love like-minded individuals, other artists, or musicians-because they get you. Your type of personality has the need

to chase after things that attract your attention.

Dating someone your complete opposite may seem weird at first.

But as we dig through the layers that make up our personalities, we tend to find tons of similarities.


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It was so fun! Thank you for the quiz! :)


I got this:

38 - Akihito Takaba (高羽秋仁)


You got the "May/December" Romance.

That's right. You are the two opposites. You prefer your partner to be older than you,

smarter than you - so they can give you a checkmate. Enjoying the 'cat-dog' relationship,

you like playful things,although denying it.

You tend to hide your feelings,but they find their way on the surface as soon as your partner 'pins you down'.

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40 points so...

Akihito Takaba (高羽秋仁)

You got the "May/December" Romance.

That's right. You are the two opposites. You prefer your partner to be older than you,

smarter than you - so they can give you a checkmate. Enjoying the 'cat-dog' relationship,

you like playful things,although denying it.

You tend to hide your feelings,but they find their way on the surface as soon as your partner 'pins you down'.


( very beautiful quiz dear ;D )

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I got a 46


Mikhail Arbatov (ミハイル・アルバトフ)

From 41 - 46


You got the "One You're Not Attracted To" Romance.

Indeed enjoying eye-candies,but what is weird that you look for a partner that

has the qualities of none of those eye-candies.

Long-lasting romances evolve in the strangest ways.

Sometimes it's a person's inner qualities that ultimately make them more attractive in the long run.

Thus you prefer for a long lasting relationship someone who has inner beauty.

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I got:



40 points.

Akihito Takaba (高羽秋仁)

From 37 - 40


You got the "May/December" Romance.

That's right. You are the two opposites. You prefer your partner to be older than you,

smarter than you - so they can give you a checkmate. Enjoying the 'cat-dog' relationship,

you like playful things,although denying it.

You tend to hide your feelings,but they find their way on the surface as soon as your partner 'pins you down'.



At least not that weird Chinese talking crap XD weaaa wong wong chea.

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52 points XD


Yoh (ヨー)

From 47 - 52 (and more)


You got the "Foreign Exchange" Romance.

Learning about another culture, trading ideas and stories can provide the basis for a vibrant romance.

What you look for is someone who can make you feel something different than usual. Breaking from the cage,

it's your type of philosophy.

You tend to be loyal and you want nothing more than the same from your partner.


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Fun quiz! :D I got this:



Fei Long Liu (飛龍)

From 25 - 36


You got the "Complete Opposite" Romance.

Go ahead; take the plunge. You're an artist, a freethinker, and a free spirit.

You love like-minded individuals, other artists, or musicians-because they get you. Your type of personality has the need

to chase after things that attract your attention.

Dating someone your complete opposite may seem weird at first.

But as we dig through the layers that make up our personalities, we tend to find tons of similarities.


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My result loool >.




Mikhail Arbatov (ミハイル・アルバトフ)

From 41 - 46


You got the "One You're Not Attracted To" Romance.

Indeed enjoying eye-candies,but what is weird that you look for a partner that

has the qualities of none of those eye-candies.

Long-lasting romances evolve in the strangest ways.

Sometimes it's a person's inner qualities that ultimately make them more attractive in the long run.

Thus you prefer for a long lasting relationship someone who has inner beauty.


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i got 56 so i got :hamtaro-005 (8):



Yoh (ヨー)

From 47 - 52 (and more)


You got the "Foreign Exchange" Romance.

Learning about another culture, trading ideas and stories can provide the basis for a vibrant romance.

What you look for is someone who can make you feel something different than usual. Breaking from the cage,

it's your type of philosophy.

You tend to be loyal and you want nothing more than the same from your partner.



thats really me :hamtaro-005 (5):

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9jd1xw.jpg aaaaaaaaahhhhh

I loved my result. Its so ME 2ue6v0h.jpg


Yoh (ヨー)



You got the "Foreign Exchange" Romance.

Learning about another culture, trading ideas and stories can provide the basis for a vibrant romance.

What you look for is someone who can make you feel something different than usual. Breaking from the cage,

it's your type of philosophy.

You tend to be loyal and you want nothing more than the same from your partner.


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I got 58pts.:

Yoh (ヨー)

From 47 - 52 (and more)


You got the "Foreign Exchange" Romance.

Learning about another culture, trading ideas and stories can provide the basis for a vibrant romance.

What you look for is someone who can make you feel something different than usual. Breaking from the cage,

it's your type of philosophy.

You tend to be loyal and you want nothing more than the same from your partner.

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I got



Mikhail Arbatov (ミハイル・アルバトフ)

From 41 - 46


You got the "One You're Not Attracted To" Romance.

Indeed enjoying eye-candies,but what is weird that you look for a partner that

has the qualities of none of those eye-candies.

Long-lasting romances evolve in the strangest ways.

Sometimes it's a person's inner qualities that ultimately make them more attractive in the long run.

Thus you prefer for a long lasting relationship someone who has inner beauty.


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My result is:



Yoh (ヨー)

From 47 - 52 (and more)


You got the "Foreign Exchange" Romance.

Learning about another culture, trading ideas and stories can provide the basis for a vibrant romance.

What you look for is someone who can make you feel something different than usual. Breaking from the cage,

it's your type of philosophy.

You tend to be loyal and you want nothing more than the same from your partner.


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I got 48 points:

Yoh (ヨー)

From 47 - 52 (and more)


You got the "Foreign Exchange" Romance.

Learning about another culture, trading ideas and stories can provide the basis for a vibrant romance.

What you look for is someone who can make you feel something different than usual. Breaking from the cage,

it's your type of philosophy.

You tend to be loyal and you want nothing more than the same from your partner.


I don't think it fits me. XD

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Here's Mine:



Yoh (ヨー)

From 47 - 52 (and more)


You got the "Foreign Exchange" Romance.

Learning about another culture, trading ideas and stories can provide the basis for a vibrant romance.

What you look for is someone who can make you feel something different than usual. Breaking from the cage, it's your type of philosophy.

You tend to be loyal and you want nothing more than the same from your partner.



I'm quite happy with that. :leaf15:

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I got 50 points, so my result is:



Yoh (ヨー)

From 47 - 52 (and more)


You got the "Foreign Exchange" Romance.

Learning about another culture, trading ideas and stories can provide the basis for a vibrant romance.

What you look for is someone who can make you feel something different than usual. Breaking from the cage,

it's your type of philosophy.

You tend to be loyal and you want nothing more than the same from your partner


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i got , 54


Yoh (ヨー)

From 47 - 52 (and more)


You got the "Foreign Exchange" Romance.

Learning about another culture, trading ideas and stories can provide the basis for a vibrant romance.

What you look for is someone who can make you feel something different than usual. Breaking from the cage,

it's your type of philosophy.

You tend to be loyal and you want nothing more than the same from your partner.

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Aww 48 points I got: Yoh (ヨー)

From 47 - 52 (and more)


You got the "Foreign Exchange" Romance.

Learning about another culture, trading ideas and stories can provide the basis for a vibrant romance.

What you look for is someone who can make you feel something different than usual. Breaking from the cage,

it's your type of philosophy.

You tend to be loyal and you want nothing more than the same from your partner.


Though I wanted Asami xD

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52 points, so this is my result :D


Yoh (ヨー)

From 47 - 52 (and more)


You got the "Foreign Exchange" Romance.

Learning about another culture, trading ideas and stories can provide the basis for a vibrant romance.

What you look for is someone who can make you feel something different than usual. Breaking from the cage,

it's your type of philosophy.

You tend to be loyal and you want nothing more than the same from your partner.


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