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Merlin, The Tides Are Turning (Ideduce X Akiravadel)


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Merlin stayed for a moment then slowly started coming forward to make sure he was okay.


The couple of men one a younger man about the age of thirteen and the other was around his mid twenties, both ran forward pointing swords at Arthur, "any further and we'll kill you!" They had obviously had people approach them before.


The woman stood and one was holding an infant in her arms. They were ready as well.

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"Okay....Okay.....calm down." he raised his hand making a fist telling his men to hold.


He looked at the baby.


"Look.....I just want to talk. That's all. Can we do that?" he was doubting there was magic here with the swords drawn.

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The men glared at him, "try anything and you and your men will end up in flames."


The woman with the baby tucked into a tent. The younger one of the men watched him, "we're leaving here now so leave us be."

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"Just relax." Arthur got off his horse. "That's fine. My lord's kingdom was recently threatened. He's just prepared to defend it. He asked us to kill and destroy any druids out here, and as far as I can see you're all nomads." he gave them a look as if to say he's forgetting about the burning threat. "So we don't mean any harm if you're leaving.....Okay?" he held his hand out to them.


Arthur was fearless, but he wouldn't spill blood on those that meant no harm. Much less an infants blood.

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The old of the two stepped forward and lowered his sword, "your the kings son aren't you." He wasn't really asking he was more or less stating a fact. "If we were to use you as leverage do you think your father would yield to our kind?"


The younger of the two looked worried as he spoke.

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Arthur was watching body language.


"You shouldn't endanger your camp when I'm trying to help you get away. You have women and children, think things through before you open your mouth. Besides. I didn't come alone, but killing an innocent person isn't my way of doing things. Is it yours?" he challenged.

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((btw welcome back))


The older man glanced back at his group and turned to Arthur, "no. Here take this as a memento of good will and we'll leave this place." He held out a necklace to the blond. A while before he had made this for Uther to wear. The moment someone uttered their first name it would enchant the other person to falling for them. They were hoping to distract Uther with it but distracting the son could work too. Once worn the effects would last for a week even if taken off.


He turned to his group as they finished gathering their things onto the cart and started on their way deeper into the forest to try to keep from getting caught this time.

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(thanks I've had one hell of a time lately kept getting sick, asshole kept breaking into my home when I was away, had to get restraining orders via premises. Helping people with their summer projects before collage starts as it was last minute, everyone was like WE'RE RELYING ON YOU NOW! And I was like..........What........More warning needed next time as I already had 3 friends in the hospital for various reasons and was taking care of people)


Arthur didn't put it on right away. He just watched them.


"Odd bunch." he got on the horse and watched. After a moment he looked at Merlin. "Ready to go back?" it was interesting how Arthur could keep hold of his temper with outsiders vs with people close to him.

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(holy crap dude! You okay?! That's a hell of a lot going wrong))


"Was everything okay Arthur?" Merlin felt a little uneasy about the group. "What did he give you?" Since they were magic folk it made the raven a little worried about what he was given.

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"A necklace." he shrugged. "Nothing major really. I'll look at it more when we get back to the castle." he stated.


He rode back with Merlin and talked with the knights.


"They're actually leaving. I saw a baby, and I wasn't about to have you all spill innocent blood. They seem to be nomads.....Seeing a stranger they pulled swords, not magic.....So I think my father was misinformed. We can either tell him that or I can say we rode them out."


- - - Updated - - -


(yeah had a few family deaths too, and I got a second volunteer job. Today so I'll be busy thursdays and saterdays now but that's not so bad. Just getting over a cold now. I'm hoping this is a sign of good things)

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((::huggle:: dude if you ever just want to vent i don't mind. Shit hits the fan here all the time too. I know the pain. Everything comes in threes and has been. I skype, msn and all those))


Merlin looked over at Arthur, "well maybe we should just say we chased them out. Who knows if they really had magic." He had a feeling they did since they mentioned fire. Also a small group traveling through was a little strange. That didn't happen very often in the middle of the woods. Once they reached Camelot he grabbed their horses. "I'll take care of them and it's about dinner time so the dinning room should have your dinner otherwise I'll bring you something."

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the waited and watched the druids leave and rode their horses around the camp and off a ways before going home to make it appear as if they had done what they said they did. "Rode them out it is." They rode back into town and dismounted he let Merlin take off his armor. "Was......That the right thing to do? What if father's right." he had a feeling of impending doom.


- - - Updated - - -


It's okay I'll be all right 4 weeks of hell. I think it's going to get better now I hope)

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((::fingers crossed::))


Merlin shrugged his shoulders, "I would have done the same. What can you do? It's hard to tell with a group like that what their up to..." He sighed softly and set Arthur's armor up in the room then tended to the horses.


Uther was awaiting his sons return at the dinner table. He'd hardly touched his food from worrying about his son.

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He walked in and sat next to him. He looked at his father's food then at him.


"We rode them out father. Their base is gone, nothing to worry about now......You should eat." he nudged him smiling.

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Uther smiled proudly at his son and grabbed his shoulder, "good job. Then let us eat and carry on." He started finally eating. He was glad his son was home. "I'm glad they feared you and fled. I was worried. Did anything happen with them before they fled?"


Merlin came in soon after and poured wine into Arthur's glass.

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"They were ready to move camp, once they saw us they ran father. I think they ran before I got the chance to shout charge." he looked at him. "We should have guards posted just in case they do come back though." Arthur warned.


He ate like that was really all that happened.


"Who told you they were there though father?" he was curious.

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Uther nodded his head, "good idea. I'll make sure to double the guards for a while. Keep the knights at the ready." He leaned back in his seat sipping the wine. "An outlining village said they raided their food supplies and burned one of their houses down. Then one of the townsfolk heard about them heading towards Camelot. They didn't kill anyone but still I didn't want to take my chances."


Merlin paled a little then looked at Arthur. He poured Arthur a little bit more wine.

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"..........." he frowned. "Sorry that got away from me father. I won't make that mistake again." he looked away and got up.


He didn't even touch his food.


"Merlin draw me a bath. I'm tired.....Good night father." he made up his mind he didn't want to eat.

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Merlin nodded his head, "yes sire." He quickly made his way to Arthur's room and used his magic to quickly get water into the bath so he wouldn't have to carry as much. He poured in the last bucket and panted as he finished. He then grabbed some fruits and meat, bringing it to Arthur's room hoping he would still eat something... They made a mistake but they could find a way to fix it.

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Arthur Got to his room and started stripping behind the screen.


"I made a mistake...." he huffed fairly angry with himself. "it's not fair when I see a baby......How could anyone drag babies into these things?" he was annoyed.


He tested the water and got into it with his towel.


"What do I do with the necklace?"

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Merlin shrugged his shoulders, "we didn't get a clear look... maybe it was just a wrapped up thing of fabric. Maybe there was no baby..." The raven shrugged.


"Either way they left and left the necklace as a peace offering," the raven shrugged. "I can get ride of it for you."

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"It's behind the screen......." he sighed annoyed. "I was thinking of using it as gift but......It might be dangerous." (how do we get it on him now?)

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(hmmm maybe Merlin puts it on and Arthur doesn't say his name so Arthur puts it on?)


Merlin grabbed the necklace and wondered over to Arthur, "maybe we should test it out." The raven sat in a chair near Arthur's bath.

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Merlin blinked and nodded his head, "alright." He grabbed the bucket and brought it over then came over with the shampoo. He held up the necklace. "If anything weird happens... you know what to do."

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