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Monday's Question 「 6th of August,2012」


Which is worse, failing or never trying?


My own answer,

there was this saying that I can't recall quite well,but still

parts of it lingers in my conscious and right now I feel it's the best

I could give as an answer.

"One that fears and does nothing - better don't even do anything at all;

One that fears but is actually doing something - better do it to an end." (:


It's not about winning - losing; failing - not trying;

ups - downs and such,

it's about a 'choice'. I believe that humans can make choices -pauses-

yes,even when they think they don't have a choice. They still can make a choice.

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A person who never fails is a person who never really tries.

Failing is part of being human, it's a way to learn. Everyone will fail at something.

If you fail then get back up and change tactics.


The funny thing is, the most sucessful people have failed very many times, but because they never let temporary failure stop them, they kept going and they succeeded.

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Both are bad. I really don't know... In my life there were both situations so.. I often do want to do something and I fail to do it right (or good enough) and I'm always depressed by that kind of situations. But if you think more about it, maybe it's good that I have tried something new because you will never know what you can and what not if you never try it. I think that you must to gain some experience (of course I don't think that you must try everything (drugs, alkohol, for example) only to learn that it's bad;)). But sometinmes it's better to try your real power and knowledge. And finally, when you think about it, it's nothing bad about failing to do someting... Of course, it's sad and depressing but.. you know.. sometimes you regret that you haven't done this or that when you had a chance to try it.. And I think that this thing is much more depressing and sad... You better do all you can to reach your dreams and your goals. Efforts are never worthless;)

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Never trying is the worst choice that you can make.When you fail you can try again.You'll learn from your mistake and the next you'll choice the right thing to do,but if you just don't try then you'll never be able to face the fate I mean...you'll choice once to not try,then twice and in the end your whole life will be a failure,because you were afraid to try with a risk of failing.

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Never trying for me, failing is not so important in my opinion (kinda) cos after failing I will know into where I did wrong or what was the wrong thing I made or said so it will give me some ideas and oh well if there is another chance to fix it then I wont fail next time (:

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I choose failing.


If I don't try it at all I would be just sad thinking that I could have succeeded if I would have had the courage to try.

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I'd definitely prefer trying and failing than never trying. If I'd never try, it would keep popping in my head "What if I'd have tried and made it?", then I'd have regrets and what's worse than regret? So, all the way failing than never trying. ^_^

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I guess for me it's never trying. I had failed a lot of times, but it really disappoints me if that failure was a result of me, never doing my best.

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I think never trying is worse for me. In life we are given many choices and paths we can take but making one wrong choice or taking one wrong path can take your life and turn it upside down. Trying, weather whatever case it may be in, like even with relationships for example, if you never try in it how would you find happiness or even turn your life towards the better. Failing though you can always have a second chance, never trying, you only have one shot, so make things count.

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Never trying is the worst option,half the fun of trying all sorts of different things is the possibilty that it could all go pearshaped and if it does , that is when you learn things for next time (hopefully,still working on that though)

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Never trying. If you didn't try in the first place you may as well have failed since you wouldn't ever have known what would have happened if you had tried,since you would have in a way have given up before even starting. With failing, at least you knew you had at least tried to do your best. And as some say;if at first you don't succeed, try,try again.(:

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First time I went to England, a friend, James told me: If you never try luck won't smile at you. So even if you fail, just try, sure you lear from all of your falls. I recently read somewhere, if you fall 7, stand up 8. Falls make you stronger, tougher and wiser, so always try even if you bump into the thickest wall and get a lump on your forehead....

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hmmm ..

they both scary to taste >_

at the past i used to prefer to never try ...

i used to get scared of failing because with my father , failing = hell to pay T_T

but my mother until now encourages us to always try so we don't have any regrets

so you can say i try but with dozens of calculating steps before doing anything ^_^

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If you never try it doesn't mean you will never fail; just that you won't get the satisfaction of succeeding on something you had the courage to do. Failure is unavoidable in life, sooner or later, somethings gonna go bad; the difference is that if you have the initiative to do something and fail, at least you have the posibility to learn from the experience.


Of course, (with me there's always a 'but') sometimes the risks are too high to just take a chance and see how it goes, in those cases, it depends in how much the failure would weigh over the chances to succed, how much are you really willing to risk to gain something, or to what extent could the result affect another person besides you. There are time when you just can't take the risk just because you feel like doing it, because there might be someone else involved in the end, be it sharing you win/loss... or even losing with your succes.


So, it depends, but generaly it's better to put some effort and really try to achieve what you truly want.


Hope that made sense :)

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I think it's worse to have never tried at all because failure is just an end product, same as success.

You can go through life never knowing what the results would have been without trying something.

Although I am also selective as to what I would like to try and it's not because for fear of failure...I like staying cautiously optimistic about things in life...the reason I don't bother trying things is because I don't feel anything about it.

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