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I found a link to the whole play of the "Adventurers" if anyone is interesting is watching Taiki Naito's Play. Its really cute!!


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@ June


You probably already saw this, but in case you haven't...



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Hello~~~ ^^

Well I think I havent.. >

Hmm.. I saw the screen cap for this but really havent watch it for real :)


I think he was 20-21 year-old that time. Hehehehe

SO FREAKING CUTE!!!!!! I love the way he talked in here.

sounded like a baby~~~!!!!!! >

OMG I appreciate this so much!

I kinda lazy to search on tudou becoz it somehow very slow here at Malaysia.

So I used to ask my pedo sis, Pampai to search for me. LOL

THANKS SO MUCH!!!! *kisses*

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Toudou runs slow here too, I'm starting not to like that site, and now they are blocking a lot of videos to certain countries, Which explains why I didn't post a Triple zone link this month

...Anyway, You are so welcome June. I think I'm gonna have to get the DVD of Taiki's play, Its just to adorable!

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I would sometimes wonder what magnetized me to be a fan of MisuxShin


I was so mystified with, like i need to peel him to know who he is unless of course i used a knife.


And Baby Shin/ Taiki he's cho kawaii, he is super cute like a baby.


I keep on watching pure, reading fics about them they are so enticing ><.>



Aren't they amazing together, The chemistry is unbelievable! If your like me the enticement won't die anytime soon.. After the first time I watched that movie I had that kiss scene etched into my brain for a week, I'd close my eyes and that is what I'd see.. I mean..It was just so HOT!

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Next film featuring these two、I want Baba with black hair and Taiki red strawberry blond....





Baba-chan you ain't all that innocent, just stop it!

Claim your lost pet!!


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Awww~~~ Hahaha I would like to drop by and send my greetings for all of you! ^^

Taiki celebrated his New Year by going out with his roommates.

He even made his hair and when I sent his picture to yojichan,

my bunny sis was seriously disturbed by HIS AUNTIE HAIR. LOL



She wanted to brush his hair so badly. XDXD




Also.. his Christmas' picture. Hahaha a belated picture. LOL



He is my REINDEER!!! >




Toudou runs slow here too, I'm starting not to like that site, and now they are blocking a lot of videos to certain countries, Which explains why I didn't post a Triple zone link this month

...Anyway, You are so welcome June. I think I'm gonna have to get the DVD of Taiki's play, Its just to adorable!


I have watched Adventurers before,

I was totally squealing in rabid as he sang In The Sea on the last part. >

His voice was very soothing!!!

He did 'breakdance' (?) too! Or should I call it flip up?

I dunno about dances but he was amazingly good. LOL

Well which DVD would u like to buy?

Gosh I wanna buy one too!

I want Kurostubaki as I head he will die in the end. Q_Q


- - - Updated - - -


Next film featuring these two、I want Baba with black hair and Taiki red strawberry blond....





Baba-chan you ain't all that innocent, just stop it!

Claim your lost pet!!




I want a movie of them so badly.

My friend and I have been imagining them in another movie and it's daunting us!

We want another piece of them so badly!

I really missed their romantic moments together.

I kept watching the 'arrow' part in NG making of and sobbing and whining and sobbing again.



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He even made his hair and when I sent his picture to yojichan,

my bunny sis was seriously disturbed by HIS AUNTIE HAIR. LOL


How is Yojichan? Tell her I said Hello, I hope she is well and had a good holiday season! Also tell her that I miss her, talking with her on the board here, and she needs to hurry back! I found her on twitter, I'm waiting her to approve me following her on there..









I have watched Adventurers before,

I was totally squealing in rabid as he sang In The Sea on the last part. >

His voice was very soothing!!!

He did 'breakdance' (?) too! Or should I call it flip up?

I dunno about dances but he was amazingly good. LOL

Well which DVD would u like to buy?

Gosh I wanna buy one too!

I want Kurostubaki as I head he will die in the end. Q_Q


I want the DVD of Adventurers, Its so cute! I knew Taiki Kun could sing, I just never got to hear it before this :leaf15: He is to friggin' cute!!! I don't think I could watch Kurostubaki, I couldn't watch the movie that Baba Kun died in either..


I would call it break dancing, He's strong! I know to some he might looks small, but he has strength behind him, Flip ups are not easy! Most of all your body weight is on that one arm.. I'm gonna have to lick him June, I hope you don't mind...





My friend and I have been imagining them in another movie and it's daunting us!

We want another piece of them so badly!

I really missed their romantic moments together.

I kept watching the 'arrow' part in NG making of and sobbing and whining and sobbing again.




I would die of happiness if that happened, a movie with those two! If they ever had a sex scene I think I would have a heart attack though, I mean look how that kiss scene affected me, But I'm willing to risk it!

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Baba posted a pic of his hand recently, and I read palms. So I decided to show the fanclub Baba's palm reading, and give a quick lesson. Now before we start I just want to say that this is Baba's left hand, and this is the "in the past" hand for someone who is right handed. which I'm pretty sure Baba-Kun is.. These aspects might have changed! If any of you would like, and can find a pic of other TK actors which show the lines well enough, link/post it and I'll do one for them as well.. I couldn't do a full palm reading for him cause this picture doesn't show his full hand. I can't see his finger tip shape, or the bottom of his hand.


**Life Line**




When the Life Line arcs far out from the thumb, and end towards the center of the wrist, You are looking at someone who is a huge risk taker. They will try almost anything once, Just because!


**Head Line**




If the Head Line and the Life Line knit together at the starting point, It usually means that the person is very close to their family. They have a good connection, a lot of love and support.




A Head Line that curves downward can mean that the person is having a tough time and had a lot on their mind. It can also mean depression. Try to show them the good aspect of their palm to lift their spirits a bit.


The longer the Head Line the smarter the person is... Baba is SMART!!

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**Heart Line**




A heart line that forks at the end but swoops up towards pointer/Jupiter finger is a die hard romantic...But realistic about it! This person is optimistic in general when it comes to relationships, But they still may need a bit of a reality check ( Life is not a Disney movie!) They are open to receiving said reality check though, as they are more realistic in general and communicate better.

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Haha, LYNN


It sounds like our Baba-chan... So all of these criteria are in the past? Left hand stills apply to the person's life?


I was told that the line coming from top to the bottom of hand- that if it is long... it means you'll live a looong life... But on my left hand, it's short but on the right is very long it even extended around my thumb!


I compared mine to Baba-chan's... one thing for sure, I'm not such a risk-taker!

And OMFG! xoxox I do have three forks on my left hand too... I'm a hopeless romantic... err.. I suppose? If two persons, like Baba-chan and Taiki-kun... DEFINITELY! Just not for me... maybe if I find my soulmate, like my Yuu-kun or Baba-chan (●´艸`) I'd shower them with so much love!!


I just melt as I imagine them devoting their love to each other, even if it may be out of their characters but ohh I just want them to be together and easily like, my heart melts. I'm CORNY! ヾ(^∇^)ヾ



So happy you stopped by,.. I was surprised you never seen that video... I thought you've seen everything. You're the ultimate fan!

And Lynn has never even known that our bunny also likes to sing! See, this is why we're all here!!

Love to all. (●´∀`●)

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Haha, LYNN


It sounds like our Baba-chan... So all of these criteria are in the past? Left hand stills apply to the person's life?


I was told that the line coming from top to the bottom of hand- that if it is long... it means you'll live a looong life... But on my left hand, it's short but on the right is very long it even extended around my thumb!


Your less dominate hand is your aspects/personality in the past. In a reading your use that hand more to compare to the dominate hand to get and idea of the track someone is on


There are different methods to reading palms, I prefer Western method more then Eastern. I don't think anyone can predict death, But on the inside of your wrist, if you count the racettes ( the rings) Each FULL CONNECTING one of those equals 30 years.. If you have one on your dominate hand that doesn't go all the way round, that means something different, and women who have one of those NEED to make sure they get regular girly check ups PAPS and mammograms!!


I compared mine to Baba-chan's... one thing for sure, I'm not such a risk-taker!

And OMFG! xoxox I do have three forks on my left hand too... I'm a hopeless romantic... err.. I suppose? If two persons, like Baba-chan and Taiki-kun... DEFINITELY! Just not for me... maybe if I find my soulmate, like my Yuu-kun or Baba-chan (●´艸`) I'd shower them with so much love!!


I just melt as I imagine them devoting their love to each other, even if it may be out of their characters but ohh I just want them to be together and easily like, my heart melts. I'm CORNY! ヾ(^∇^)ヾ


LOL! Yeah, you totally not a hopeless romantic... :p I love you!



Sloan.. I love that Baba Kun is a risk taker! Break out the blind fold and ice!!! Hahaha I'm just kidding.. a little hahaha But seriously I'm not kidding!

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How is Yojichan? Tell her I said Hello, I hope she is well and had a good holiday season! Also tell her that I miss her, talking with her on the board here, and she needs to hurry back! I found her on twitter, I'm waiting her to approve me following her on there..


I want the DVD of Adventurers, Its so cute! I knew Taiki Kun could sing, I just never got to hear it before this :leaf15: He is to friggin' cute!!! I don't think I could watch Kurostubaki, I couldn't watch the movie that Baba Kun died in either..


I would call it break dancing, He's strong! I know to some he might looks small, but he has strength behind him, Flip ups are not easy! Most of all your body weight is on that one arm.. I'm gonna have to lick him June, I hope you don't mind...


I would die of happiness if that happened, a movie with those two! If they ever had a sex scene I think I would have a heart attack though, I mean look how that kiss scene affected me, But I'm willing to risk it!


hahaha yojichan is doing well.

We are extending our Taiki fetish in our facebook. LOL

I will tell her that!!!


Taiki chose butai bcoz he loves to sing!

His dreams was to be a farmer who can sing.

He recently performed in a live band and he was totally happy.

Adventurers is the butai which has lifted his names up as a butai veteran.

When I watched it, I was giggling like a maniac. LOL


I cant watch him dies but there's a review said that his acting as MAGNIFICENT!

It was his first time playing with emotions and he did it great.

Audiences cried out when his character dies. >


Well recently there's a human posted in fb saying that..

Misushin actors are gonna be changed in the 6th movie.

I dun think it's truth though becoz there's no news regarding a new movie.

So im just gonna let it BEEEEEEEE~~~~

I will not easily believe in those empty and clueless words. ==


btw.. out of hundreds of Taiki's pictures in my laptop..


I have found NONE of his pictures showing his palms. *sobs*

So i'm gonna strip him down and makes him shows his PALMS.

u know.. stripping.. for palms.. @@

Im 18 this year soooooo.. i dunno why did i say that. LOL




hahaha I used to check on his videos in youku but found no of his old videos.

tudou is the pain in the ass so THANKS LYNN for that.

I'm a hyper ultimate fans but i dunno much about him..

I just recently found out that HE LOVES PINK (colour) so MUCH.

also he considered Kubota as one of the closest person in his life.

ALSO he is living with another two boys unknown to me. XDXD

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I am sorry for these simultaneous posts from me BUT I would like to promote something before I am out hunting for works.










I have found the right choice for you.

The romance of two different person.

A love that could lead to death.

Here it is..



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Try to read it.

Highly recommended. ^_^

BabaTaiki = MisuShin = RyoShin + Misaki LOL


ok thtz it.. i wont be posting in this nearest time. ^^

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hello there...

konbanwa minna-san!


ano ne... I'm new here... , i mean i have downloaded a few BL movies from this forum... but last night i downloaded Takumi Kun's series... i started with Pure then the rest of it...

i really liked it... all of it...

Thank you guys for uploading and all... really, thank you!


but there's a problem... T.T Takumi Kun II, there r no subtitles available, and i couldn't find it anywhere else... can u plz help me with it? i really, really want to watch this movie with subtitles... English preferable... somebody! help me here... PLZ

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Cont: Palm reading on Baba Kun ( again left hand on a right handed person is "In the past")



**Mounts** Part of the palm directly under the fingers




The Jupiter Mount represents a sense of authority and a Good sense of confidence when nicely rounded, If it is over developed, that person can likely be bossy with strong ambitions. I really wouldn't want to see anyone with a bigger Jupiter mount then what Baba Kun has here, this is close to overdeveloped, but not bad. He should watch that though..


Saturn Mount on Baba Kun looks good, cause the less developed the Saturn mount the better. This mount deals with a sense of responsibility. Over developed can belong to a very gloomy, stingy, and cynical person. I don't see that in Baba's palm, excellent news!


Apollo Mount is all about creativity talent, and that is why this is interesting on Baba's palm. He is an actor, but his Apollo mount is flat. Its not over developed or under.. Just kinda there. I would bet money that when growing up he didn't want to be an actor, or didn't think he was good enough to be one professionally.


Mercury Mount


I have never seen a bigger Mercury Mount on a palm then Baba's! Mercury Mounts like this belong to people who over communicate to the point you have to walk away. They will tell you everything you every wanted to know, and then some! Baba should pay attention to that...


**Finger spacing**


Finger Spacing is looking at the gaps in between the fingers. What do you notice about Baba's?





You got it! The pinky finger apart from the others signified independence. People with this do not like to be hemmed in, or shown the leash so to speak, Be it physically or psychologically.

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Hello everyone!


Just wanna assure y'all that I'm doing alright. I know I have disappeared for quite a long time in the club considering how crazygalactichyperspazzmaticfangurl I was last year. I am now living in another country and this is a huge undertaking and adjustment for me and my family.


I wanna thank y'all for the e-mails and PMs and VMs I have received. Thank you for not forgetting little old me. Please be patient with me with replies. I do try my best to answer everyone the best I can.


I am surprised that it's not yet Takumi Fanclub 6 already. Heheh!


I would like to especially thank hama-san for posting Baba-chan's movie 'Shinsen5' lots of really FAMILIAR faces here. that's comforting. it's always a reunion party with these boys, ne? I like Baba-chan's hair all pushed back like that. I get to see that forehead and MORE CHEEKBONES OF DOOM!


OMG!!! Lynn!!! thank you! thank you for sharing the Pure fan meet. That was truly amazing! It feels like a full circle now. I am so happy that someone actually took the time to sub that video and posted it for all of us to enjoy. Baba-chan and Taiki...my goodness, you two! YOU TWO!!! Taiki is so freaking nervous the entire time but only making him freaking cute. Whatever it is he's doing...it's working.....on Baba-chan.


Did Baba-chan just pull off that line on Taiki for the heck of it? Can't he see how nervous Taiki already is then he pulls a Misu move on the poor darling? Baba-chan you naughty naughty boy. I mean of all the lines he could choose he specifically chooses...YOU ARE MY PROPERTY?

Way to go, Baba-chan....

But Taiki's reaction was precious...He didn't know what to say to that but then again...that was very much in character because when Misu did say those words, Shingyouji was just speechless the whole time. So by Taiki's reaction it simply matched to Shingyouji.


I was laughing at Taki's comment about his presence as Akaike becoming shorter and shorter and maybe by the next movie he will be reduced to a walking scene. LOL But he is right though...it did feel shorter and shorter as the movies progressed.


Which brings me to my most IMPORTANT observation...

Baba-chan seem to drop hints about a sixth movie. I mean yeah I know that this is Pure and they had a fifth movie but Baba-chan was referring to his MxS pairing. I know it sounded a bit vague but that was what I was understanding from the translation so far. I could be painfully wrong about all this but what do you guys think?

Also Taki seemed to be hinting the same thing. Yes, his screen appearance seemed shortened but in the fifth movie this didn't seem to be the case but he was saying the next movie he would be much reduced...

And analyzing that Akaike is Gii's best friend that explains why his appearance is magnified but not in Pure..

So does this mean that he was hinting on another MisuShin movie which explains his limited screen time?

Hmmmmm...I am analyzing things again.


Sloan...Sloan..Sloan....when I saw the Gachinko pictures, i WAS FLAILING!!!

A frowning Kubota makes my day. LOL

Add some messy hair and bloody makeup...I AM SOLD! LOL

Oh my goodness...a very very pissed off Daisuke in the mix too! how about that?

I know this is an old movie because I do remember seeing Daisuke in a scene from a trailer where he charges to another group of students and it was like a STREET RIOTBRAWL. It was GREAT! It was refreshing for me to see Daisuke looking so angry because as Gii he is always oh-so-calm-and-princely.




Hmmmm....did the producers of An Assassin watch this movie and thought it was a great idea to cast Kubota?

He is so handsome even when he's pissed off.

Watching Daisuke looking so angry here makes me want to see him in a movie cast as a merciless Yakuza. I want him as head honcho since he seem quite effective in projecting that aura of being a boss.

Oh my imagination...it makes me flail!


Okay, well that's all for now. Just dropped by to say hello to everyone and flail. :) Missed y'all. Take it easy. Stay groovy.

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