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He looked so much older.

I didn't know it was school photos. Most I've seen were black and white and/or only faces. I guess not all schools do that. Similar to US yearbook but no colors... Depends if it's grammar-school or not Seniors, they're usually black and white. Depends I guess but I wouldn't have guessed right. Haha.

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hey guys would any of you be interested in reading my new Daixmao fic? if so let me know and i'll provide the link. if not I won't mention it again

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Of course we want to read your DaiMao fic!!!! rabbit2


Please post the link... I´m sure there are still more fans (besides robertita and myself) who want to read your fanfic :D

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okay guys here it is. excuse any mistakes or crappiness

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also it's techinically an AU so don't get confused.

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Thank you!!! :)

I will read it today at my lunch break ^^


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, Sloan, Asclepius

The Dai-pic is soooo cute.... :D

Although I can´t help laughing when I saw the pic for the first time at tumblr.... ^^

But I agree with Hama-san... I think he looks much younger than now... not ever like a man in his twenties ^^

Looks like a cute little schoolkid, maybe between 12-15 years old

Well, it´s not only the hairstyle but also the shape of his face by which you can see his real age I think :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah, we are finally back!!!

Great work, folks. Thank you.


Now let's go back to our fangirling world. XD

Some of you certainly saw the pics around, but i'll post for those that missed them.


Baba and Mao will be in a

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together. YAY!!!

Along with Ookawa Genki and Akazawa Tomoru.






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Hi, someone can tell me the birthday of actor Yutaka Kobayashi, he play the role of Yoshizawa on Takumi 4 "Pure", PLEASE!

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Hi, someone can tell me the birthday of actor Yutaka Kobayashi, he play the role of Yoshizawa on Takumi 4 "Pure", PLEASE!


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... His birthday is March 19th... and year he was born is 1989...

If you go to his

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it's in left side under his name...

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たどり着く! I've FINALLY found a forum where I can talk about Takumi-kun with other fans! I actually just discovered the film versions of TK about a week ago on YouTube. (I can't recall what I was originally looking for on YT that led me to TK, but it was definitely a happy accident...and thank goodness for people who like to fansub!) Anyway, I've watched all the films (1-5) at least twice so far, and I've just been DYING to discuss these movies with others online. Took me a few days to find a message board, but here I am! :hamtaro-005 (23): This is going to be kind of long, so please bear with me...a lot of thoughts have been building up in my brain!

In “Takumi-kun Series: Soshite harukaze ni sasayaite,” the characters Takumi and Gii were played by a couple of very nice-looking actors (Tomo Yanagishita and Keisuke Kato have the most brilliant smiles!) and the film in my opinion was closer to a live-action BL manga than the sequels since it was somewhat lighthearted in many areas (not including the brotherly incest of course). There were actually some funny scenes throughout this movie. All the actors were simply great!


In the sequels after the original Series 1, we were presented with new actors and a somewhat darker and deeper (and I think a bit more disturbing) portrayal of the main characters, Gii and Takumi. (Excluding “Pure” since the plot was mostly about secondary characters.) It took some time for me to get used to Kyosuke Hamao and Daisuke Watanane in the roles, and Takumi’s constant sad fish demeanor, but later I really began to appreciate Mao's version of Takumi since it was a more realistic portrayal of a person who is severely emotionally disturbed. As we are sort of being forced to take the sequels 2-5 more seriously compared to Series 1, I have to borrow from Lady Gaga and proclaim that Takumi and Gii are in a bad romance! Here’s what I mean. First we have Takumi who has some clear psychological issues and really needs to see a professional therapist. As a child, he was not hated, but completely ignored by his parents (the opposite of love is not hate, which is an emotion as strong as love…the opposite of love is apathy, the complete absence of caring for another) and he was raped by his brother, the only person in his life who supposedly did love him in any way. So Takumi put up walls to protect himself from those painful memories and from being hurt by anyone ever again, which eventually manifested into his “phobia” of human contact. (Wow! That’s some pretty heavy shit!) While he seems to be at least functioning somewhat normally on a daily basis, we all know the truth. Then Gii enters the story and he’s not exactly mentally stable either. He claims to have fallen in love with Takumi 5 years ago when they were both still just children (11, 12, 13 years old…something like that?) and begins an obsessive pursuit of poor Takumi. He realizes Takumi has some serious problems, but Gii has some sort of hero complex and believes he’s the only one who can save him. And how does Gii decide is the best way to handle the situation? By using forcible RAPE! (As shown in flashbacks in “Ano, Hareta Aozora” when Takumi is waiting for the train.) I mean, really? Nothing else came to mind at all? Now Takumi has no choice but to believe that being violated and abused is the same as being loved. With friends like Gii, there’s really no hope for sad little Takumi! These two guys are feeding off of each other's mental disorders...very unhealthy!


(By the way, isn't it hilarious that Mao and Dai in real life are 10 years apart in age? Maybe it's just me, but I think it's funny...in a sweet way!)


I love these films, but to me there was no real feeling at the conclusion of the “Ano, Hareta Aozora” that Gii and Takumi would remain in a long-term relationship. (Calm down…this is all just BL fantasy, so you can choose to believe they lived happily ever after together if you wish.) Unfortunately, Gii was being groomed to take over his father’s corporation, which means he would have also been expected to get married and have children in order to carry on the family name. Where would Takumi fit into that scenario? Plus, when Gii is telling Takumi at that very strange gravesite out in the middle of nowhere that together they should return there every year from then on, he actually says (in the English sub, so maybe it’s not quite accurate) “no matter where I am in the world”…to me that sounds like Gii knows he and Takumi might be apart at some point in the future.


I don’t believe it was stated by any character throughout the series what their hopes and dreams may be after graduation, which I found rather unsatisfying. We really have no clue if Gii does in fact intend to follow in his father’s footsteps or if he plans to live the rest of his life with Takumi. We also have no idea what Takumi might have planned for his career. Would he like to become a violinist like his idol Sache Inoue and travel the world performing concerts? Would Gii be satisfied just tagging along like a piece of luggage? Not likely. In Gii’s defense though, he did say that family is not very important to him (in Series 1, when Takumi asks him about his father’s company, before Gii presents him with the gift of a violin), so maybe that was a clue that he really didn’t want to become the president of a huge company. I haven’t read the entire manga yet, so perhaps these matters were covered in more detail there. The films just didn’t address these issues, so that is why the ending of “Ano, Hareta Aozora” didn’t feel so happy to me.


That being said, the characters also seem unfinished to me. For example, my favorite of the Gii-Takumi inner-circle of friends is Akaike-kun. If I’m not mistaken, that character was the only one who was played by the same actor, Yukihiro Takiguchi, in the entire series. (Such a hot guy too!) Anyway, he has many functions in the films…comrade, best friend, protector, advisor, etc…but we still know very little about him, and we never see him with a love interest of his own. Again, that character may be very well represented in the manga, but in the films he’s a mystery!


A few other random observations:


Of course, I’m a fan of all the films, but I’m going to have to choose “Shoshite harukaze ni sasayaite” and “Bibou no diteiru” as my favorites. “Nijiiro no garasu” was too sad, “Pure” didn’t have nearly enough Gii and Takumi, and “Ano, Hareta Aozora” didn’t have a very good ending. I would really have liked to see a remake of the Series 1 with Mao and Dai since the flashbacks were so intriguing! Quite different from the original! Guess we’ll just have to fill in the blanks with our imaginations.


Mao has the most amazing eyes, and Dai has a dazzling smile!


I must confess I was sometimes confused by some of the sudden flashbacks in Series 2-5. It wasn’t always clear to me at first that the characters were thinking of the past. There were also too many characters with relationship problems in “Pure”…I could barely keep track of who was interested in who, and which character was which!


I liked the introduction of the character Misu-kun as Takumi’s new roommate, but I did not like the way the character turned out in “Pure” and I don’t believe for a minute that Shingyoji would be happy in a owner/pet relationship. He may go along with it for awhile, but I think he would grow tired of it in the long run. On the other hand, Akaike and Shingyoji would make an awesome couple!


I also have a few questions:

In “Bibou no diteiru,” Gii finds Takumi in the concert hall. Gii tells Takumi to let him know if or when he gets scared. According to the English subtitle, Gii then says right after that “I can’t…” while holding Takumi. I don’t understand what Gii means by that. Was the translation correct in that scene? If so, can someone explain Gii’s comment? He “can’t” what?


Also in the same film as above, Takumi reminds Gii about the some of the troubles they had in the past because of the jealousy of others and that's why the concert hall was being torn down, and he also mentions something about almost being seriously injured by broken glass. Does anyone know what he's referring to? In Series 1, I don't recall anything about broken glass, and there's no "new" flashback (with Mao and Dai) with any such scene, so could this be something found only in the manga?


Since the school is supposed to be very exclusive, is Takumi’s family very wealthy, or can any non-wealthy student attend if they pass the entrance exam?


As I mentioned earlier, I’m so happy this forum exists and I would love to hear back from all fans of Takumi-kun! If you can convince me that Gii and Takumi will be together forever, I’d appreciate that too!

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... everyone has different view and different way of seeing thing in the movie...

I kind of ask of you to try read the other TKFC...

We already been talk about this for quite sometime and I been try to explain and try to put most info about Takumi-kun series...

I know there are too much to read but it will help you to understand little bit more...

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Now answer to your quesitons...

First, when Gii said "can't" mean he can't let go of Takumi as what he say if Takumi is feel or get scare he can push him or say no...

But, if Gii do let go of Takumi as what he said he know that nothing will change...

And his feeling for Takumi is too stronge so he just can't let go of Takumi...

That's why he said that and keep holding on to Takumi.

He try to wait for Takumi to feel for him and let Takumi to trust him again...


Next, as you know movie can't show everything as what original story has been writen...

For concert hall... they can't just break the window at concer hall they used...

I already tald about this in other part of TKFC... most BL movie are done in low budget...

So they have to think about everything little thing they used and they can make...

In story line they need to tell that about concert hall with broken glass...

But, they can't show it... but, most of Takumi-kun series fan know about it even they don't have to see it...

That's why it's little off for some people who just watch movie other then read the whole book about it...


The last question...

The school has been change and it's been tell at “Bibou no diteiru”...

It was for the weathy family could come before but, for now any one who pass the exme can enter the school...

I did talk about this issue other part of TKFC too...


As I said at if you read all the threat on TKFC...

It will help you to understand the series and movie little more...

And Takumi-kun series is originally novel not a manga...

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Have you read the manga too my dear?


Not all of it, so I guess I need to catch up with that. Maybe the manga will answer all of my questions, ne?

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Thank you, Hama71! You have helped me to better understand TK. I will be happy to read all the posts in the previous TKFC sections...as well as the complete manga. I am very far behind everyone else with this story. :hamtaro-005 (5):

I will do my best to get caught up as quickly as possible!

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はあ, I feel like I arrived late to a very cool party that's been going on for several years! :_red_fox 12


わっと! rabbit7:leaf9:


I still have many pages to read in the TKFC, でも has anyone ever mentioned a Takumi-kun drinking game?


You know, every time he says "Gii..." everyone has to down a shot! :cuteonion7:


Of course, Takumi says it so often I think most of us would end up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning! :leaf10::8yoyo31::8onion5:

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Honey, don't.


Reading all the threads is ridiculous. We're all here and are more than happy to answer some of your questions! We're alive and kicking. We are all here to share some more love and recollection of this series. That is the purpose.


I absolutely love Arata-san and Shingyoji couple, my favorite! especially in Pure. Hehe.. that's one I can answer, haha.



I agree... we'd be all drunk here hahaha. But I didn't keep up a count.


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I agree with Sloan, that is way to much to read! As a new fan of the movie I think we all understand you are missing pieces of info here and there. If we can't take the time to answer questions and leave new fans to read 500+ pages of thread ..We need not call ourselves a club!

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... You're welcome...

I know there are lot to read and you don't have to read everything at once...

Just take you time and read what ever catch you eyes or info you can get from it...

I did my best to get most info about Takumi-kun series movie and other...

Also, other reason I tell you too read past TKFC thread is that...

You want to know what other think about movie...

Now only handful of people came into here...

So you can't get much on other people thought on movie now day...

But, at past thread post there are lot of others thought on movie...

So you will know some other people's thought on movie...

That's why I tell you to read past thread post...

But, if you don't feel like reading it you don't have to...

I am just give you the option on it...



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It might be too much to read for new comer...

I am not asking you to read every single word there is writen in all the thread...

But, if you want to know something don't you least try to look around to find more info on that...

I am not telling people to go for other place to find info...

I am just telling you to read what is in this thread...

If you are the only one who answer most of question and you been answering same qusetion over and over...

And you don't have much time what can you do...

I might be asking too much but least I didn't go with out not answering the person question...

I still do give them the answer they ask for not just read everything on thread...

If I know someone will answer the question for new comer then I don't have to say anything like this...

But, so far most of answer was done by me or Yojichan and some other...

Most of people who been answer has been busy and personal reason for hard to came here...

So couldn't answer the question...

That's why I tell the new comer to try the read old post...

The other reason I said to read older post...

Person also want to know what other people thought on movie...

Some of our old members are not here...

So person can't get answer from them now...

But, still they did talk about the movie at the past post...

So that I want to give the person for some option on that...

I know I didn't give much explain on that when I write that...

But, I was really rush on that time so that's why I had to write like that...

So now I hope I am clear up on this...

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Yes you look for it, but if your with a group who probably already know the answer, or where to find it a lot faster then searching 5 threads full of posts, There is no reason to read or even skim though all that! Do you go in the Library and pull books out blindly? No, you use a catalog or ask the librarian! I do understand being busy and having only a few people answering questions, but your asking this girl to find a needle in a haystack here. If the question has been asked repeatedly, someone in here is gonna remember it from before. As far as members posts who are not around anymore, that is up to the person if they want to read it, yes its an opinion if that is what you're looking for, But for an open discussion purpose its useless.

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Welcome to the TK fanclub!


We will do our best to answer all your questions, don't worry. :leaf4: If you have time and you want, you can read the old threads too. It's up to you. :)

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Honey, don't.


Reading all the threads is ridiculous. We're all here and are more than happy to answer some of your questions! We're alive and kicking. We are all here to share some more love and recollection of this series. That is the purpose.


I absolutely love Arata-san and Shingyoji couple, my favorite! especially in Pure. Hehe.. that's one I can answer, haha.



I agree... we'd be all drunk here hahaha. But I didn't keep up a count.



Thank you, Sloan! Trying to read all the previous TKFC posts was a daunting task to say the least! Initially I was excited at the idea of delving into the threads. However, I only got as far as page 12 of the first TKFC, and while I did see a few interesting things (photos, vid clips, etc.), for the most part the posts are rather old and outdated. There seemed to be very little deep discussions about the films anyway...you know, just a lot of fangirl/boy gushing over the characters or the actors. Don't get me wrong, I'm just as guilty as anyone else when it comes to squealing like a schoolgirl over my favorite yaoi pairing (or the possibility of a yaoi actor being yaoi in real life...sigh!), but I was hoping for some genuine conversations and gentle debating over the TK films. Perhaps there are some serious posts regarding the storylines and whatnot, but goodness gracious, do I have to weed through 2 or 3 year's worth of comments to find them? I know I'm late to the rodeo, but I didn't think there would be so much homework involved! :cuteonion9:

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