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Although he was looking at the document on his hand,

he wasn't reading a single word from it.

He was just staring at it blankly.

Still bothered by the man he saw earlier,

he searched his personal information in the system's record of all the employees.

As he looked carefully, he recalled the man crossing the street.


So he was that guy!

But there is something about this guy that makes me uneasy.


Again, although painful, he reminisced all the things that happened a few days ago,

when he got into the accident.


He was driving really fast.

When the traffic light turned green, he sped up.

A man suddenly jumped in front of him so he turned away.

But he couldn't control his own car, hence he crashed on a nearby lamp post.

Just when he was about to lose consciousness, he glanced at the direction of the man.

And saw a very sinister look in the other's eyes.

Or is it just his imagination?


He couldn't shrug the feeling that there really is something wrong with that man.

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Laying on bed while ruffling Shirou's fur was not boring for Masafumi.

He was tweaking with his laptop and listening to the news and stuff, when suddenly he recalled something.

Masafumi remembered that someone was going in and out inside his office.

It's the maintenance department, but he noticed that it always frequents in his office.

Soon he had realized that there's nothing to repair in his domain.


He tried to call to the office and check about the maintenance department.


"No sir, we have not come to your office this past two months,"


As he suspected, someone's rummaging his files and

the other important projects inside his pc's database.

Though tired, he changed his mind and went to the office.

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From the system's database, he found out that the man was in the Sales Department.

He remembered this person's name from the daily report of suspicious activities his secretary handed him while he was still in the hospital.


Name: Hasegawa Takeshi

Department: Sales

Department Head: Kurumisawa Naoki

Activities: Coming in and out of the Vice President's office in janitor's suit.


Damn! Why didn't I notice this before!


He called his secretary in and asked her to do a little investigation on Hasegawa.

"I need it today, if you could. I'm counting on you."


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How lame his appearance was, covered with a couple of band-aids on the face. To prevent the upcoming uproar he decided to take the emergency staircase up to the 10th floor which his office was located.


Gasping some air to breathe he arrived at his destination.

He was not sure how to cover himself up without his co-workers on the same floor seeing him.

Lurking behind the wall, found the workers busy, he hurried inside his office.


Though it's coated with visible glass, Masafumi can close the venetian blinds for privacy.

He then searched his entire office: crawling under the chair, tilting the head to see something between the gaps of the drawers, probing into the walls.

Unfortunately he found none, about to give up, he spot an I.D.


Hasegawa Takeshi

Sales Department


--Tch* this is getting more and more annoying...

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At the sight of his best friend's name, he flinched.


Kurumisawa Naoki.

He was one of the Board of Directors as well as the head of the sales department.

They knew each other well. Since they were childhood friends.

Since they came from wealthy families, they've already known their position in the company.

Proving to the previous higher ups their capability was a hard path.

But they've done it, they've climb their way up from below.


Just what the hell is your subordinate getting into.

Having your name appear on this list is getting me confused.

I hope you're not getting yourself in a mess.




"Here are the documents pertaining to Hasegawa Takashi, Sir."

She put it on the table and returned to her post.

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----Better stop running in circles


Neglecting his appearance, he step outside his office and went to Ryuichiro's office.

He could sense everyone looking at him, tired of minding it, he ignored.

The other was looking perfectly fine, he gave a huge sigh and called his attention.

Knocking on the glass wall.


"Looking good, pres." he grinned.


Helping himself, he sat down on the chair facing in front of the other.


"I have found a certain mouse lurking at my office, so how's this--know him???"


He shove the i.d. on the table, he was expecting some answers.

Even if it's vague at least a certain one that can enlighten his mind.


Ryuichiro was not answering him, he was just staring at the band-aids on Masafumi's face.


"Oh this, it's nothing particular--just fell from the staircase." pointing the band-aid and rolling his eyes sideways.


As if he had a staircase in his condo unit, he gave a pretentious laugh to cover it up.

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Liar. You even dare lie to me.

Just how stupid am I in your eyes?


He was worried about Masafumi and his beautiful face, being scarred.

He buried his face on his hands. His shoulders were shaking.

He couldn't suppress his laughter and let out a weird sound.

Couldn't handle it anymore, he roared in laughter.

His tears were even gushing out of his eyes.




Masafumi showed signs of is-this-the-right-time-to-laugh expression on his face.

Only bewilderment and extreme annoyance could be traced on his plaster-covered face.

He just stood there feeling foolish while looking at the other laughing his ass out.


When Ryuichiro finally calmed down, he reassured the other:

"Don't worry about that. I've finished my own investigation."

He showed the paper that was handed to him by his secretary just moments ago.

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--I want to smack the hell out of you.


Nerve popping on his head, he tried to contain his anger.

Though not really angry, he was just pissed because Ryuichiro

was laughing without him knowing the reason.


And he was there to report a serious matter, so what's with the laugh?

The president was looking skeptical, or he was just happy to see the other.


"Don't worry about that. I've finished my own investigation."


Masafumi was reading the papers Ryuichiro handed.


--hmmm so he had delved deeper than I thought.


After reading he put the papers down the table.


"Guess I'll take my leave then---luck with the investigation," he bowed to the president and walked away from the office.


Masafumi bowing, was kinda off. Though he himself had not noticed, he was so tired that he just don't care what will happen next. Wobbling at the corridor, Masafumi almost stumbled.


Arriving at his car, he was about to start the engine but his vision was a bit fuzzy.

He closed his eyes and rested for a moment.

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Ah. He ran away.

I haven't even saw him for a couple of days.


He hurriedly gathered all the important documents he needed for tomorrow's weekly meeting.

Tomorrow he will expose the person who's behind all the irregularities in the company.

And the one who hurt Masafumi.


Masafumi was walking as high and mighty as he was before.

Something must have happened to him these past few days I didn't see him.


He frantically ran towards the car parking area hoping to catch Masafumi.

To his surprise he really was there.

Although this is what he wished for, he knew something is really wrong with him.

He approached the car and knocked on the window.

Seeing Masafumi respond and turned to look at him, he threw in a gentle smile.

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Caught his attention by the knock over the window. He went outside his car.


"Is there something you forgot?? " he asked.


Sure Masafumi was not with his usual sarcastic tongue.

He wanted to spare the recently wounded boss, being careful

of his chosen words---or keeping his mouth shut as much as possible.

Masafumi was not even afraid of him when they were alone,

all he did was lean at his car, wait for the other to speak.


"You know what I have been think-----------"


He was halted, feeling warmth on his lips, he had realized---Ryuichiro was kissing him.

The fuzzy feeling he felt was blown away, replaced by the tingling sensation coming from his chest.

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Ryuichiro savored that sweet lips in the clasp of his own.

They were so into it, nobody even bothered noticing that they were still in the parking lot.

Ryuichiro's taking the lead, he ruffled Masafumi's hair in one hand, while the other explored his chest.


Masafumi hold onto him to as he catches his breath,

but they still continued savoring each other,

more passionate than that one time in the hospital.


He felt the heat emanating from Masafumi's body under his touch through his clothes.

He was impatient. He loosened the other's tie and open up several buttons from the top until mid-torso,

exposing Masafumi's erect nipples.

Ryuichiro shifted his caresses on Masafumi's burning chest.

Masafumi's arched his back as Ryuichiro sucked on his nipples.


He paused for awhile, checking his surroundings and hurriedly opened Masafumi's car.

He pushed the other inside and landed on the back seat.

He docked in to see Masafumi's face beet red.


"I'm not going to force you. If you tell me to stop,

I will close this door and leave you here so you could fix yourself.

But if you chose not to, then I'll be more than willing to continue where we left off."


Although he was giving options to the other person, his eyes tells otherwise.

The bulge on his trousers is one evidence that he doesn't want to stop.

Contradicting as it may seem, he does not want to hurt the other anymore.

He treasures him so much, he could just endure and walk away

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Masafumi covered his mouth, he could not forgive himself if he let a single moan escape from his mouth.


Ryuichiro was pounding into him, the other was pressing his lips to the other.

He tried to withdraw a few centimeters when the other's tongue entered his mouth.

It was indeed erotic, the passion emanating between the two bodies.

Masafumi----was in exteme euphoria...


Though this seems too wrong, but he already sold himself to lust.

Not knowing that it's not a simple lust--it's because it's Ryuichiro.

But the poor guy had not realized that---maybe sooner.


Not feeling a sense of disgust, he was undressed by the other,

shoved inside the car and continued the motion.


"I'm not going to force you. If you tell me to stop,

I will close this door and leave you here so you could fix yourself.

But if you chose not to, then I'll be more than willing to continue where we left off."


"....." he stared at Ryuichiro, all flustered.


He don't want to answer the question, he just lay down in there like a dead tuna.


But one thing came from his mind.

He forced Ryuichiro down and glared at him, tightening his grasp to the other's shoulder.


"I'll be in-charge... "


Masafumi coldly stare, pulling down his pants, showing his huge brother under.

Ryuichiro shrieked in mayhem, he never expected Masafumi was an attacker!

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I'll be in-charge... I'll be in-charge... I'll be in-charge... I'll be in-charge... I'll be in-charge...


Was echoing on the back of his mind.

He imagined Masafumi served on a silver platter stark naked.

He was sitting on it with his legs wide apart, exposing his hard cock and twitching dirty hole.


Visions of Masafumi riding him doing all the "work" crossed his dirty mind.

Those moans of pleasure are priceless.

Those mixtures of scent from several fluids from their bodies bring him to a daze.


His erotic visions were all flushed away when Masafumi pulled him inside the car.

He even bump his head on the roof and was pushed down on the seat.

Masafumi sat on his thing and rubbed himself back and forth.

Seijuro started undressing him and caressing his muscular body.

The strained muscle under his pants was released by Masafumi and his hard and long cock was freed.


Ryuichiro only stared at the other with mixture of excitement and bewilderment plastered on his face as the other stared silently at this dick with extreme longing and desire burning in his eyes...

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Ryuichiro was in a complete daze, Masafumi

was not sure if the other was really wanting to do it or not.


But what was being"in-charge" meant anyway?

He had no single clue as to what the next step is: lick his nipples? kiss him?---again?


--no wait..something's off--- rubbing his chin he was bewildered as to what's next.


But Ryuichiro's brother down there was standing firm--its as if it was ready for some action.

It was begging for attention, though Masafumi was somewhat glaring--deep inside he was all excited.

Though cramped he was sitting at the floor of the car, slightly touching Ryuichiro's thing.

Tracing his feverish fingers into the latter's member, he slowly leaned his face to the thing.


Licking it slowly from tip to bottom, Masafumi was passionately staring at the other.

Though not an expert, he had decided to give the other a BJ.

Ryuichiro's brother was huge, he was not sure if he could swallow it whole.

Putting it inside, he flinched, it was really occupying his entire mouth.


----it's bigger than mine. tch*


"mmmmfff----" Ryuichiro continued flinching.


"shttaaaahhhyyy ssschckktillll hiiiddddyooohtt! (*stay still idiot!!!!)"


He protested on his own still pleasuring the other who was shivering.

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Seeing his beloved all passionate giving him a blow sent him speechless beyond belief.

All he could just do is feel him and savor every second that his cock is inside Seijuro's mouth.


Ooohhh...yess...Right there!


Clasping Seijuro's hair, he guided him to which part it feels best.


That's it! Do it a little bit faster! Deeper!


He couldn't control himself and started thrusting his big cock in his mouth.


Ah, the feel of the back of his mouth, his soft tongue and roughness on the inside.

All those sensations is driving me crazy.


I..I'm cc..coming!


That sexy look on Seijuro's gave the final blow on Ryuichiro's self-control.

Seeing the strained dick of Masafumi, he pulled him on the seat.

He was enamored by the the other's dripping thing.

He licked his mouth then tasted his full length.

Like a baby sucking of his mother's tits he chomped on Masafumi's hard cock.


They've changed places.

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Behold the mighty cum, or whatever it was.

It was dripping inside his mouth, tasted few he decided not to drink all of it.


---tch as he was licking the excess.


The president never wasted his time, that scene was even a miracle in the first place.

His dick was groped by the president, and immediately shoved it into his mouth.




He bit his tongue trying to stop the lewd moan coming from him.

Sure Ryuichiro was like an expert,

he's so good at sucking that Masafumi wondered how many lovers he had.

The ecstatic feel that Masafumi experienced---sure it was addicting.


"No more-----" shoving Ryuichiro's mouth away from his dick, he came.


By the sexy look and the half opened shirt, Masafumi was giving a lot of pheromones.

Stroking his messed up hair, he was about to go to the next step.

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"How about it Seijuro? Felt that good?"


That erotic look on Seijuro got him wanting for more. More. So much more!

That was not enough to satisfy his lust for the other.

Teasing Seijuro, he stroke the other's cock.

He licked the other's nipples and played with the other.

Soon he was on top of Masafumi.

He closed the distance between their mouths and whispered.


"I love you. I love you."


Their lips intertwined in a long passionate kiss.

All of Masafumi's inhibitions were long forgotten.

Soon Ryuichiro is caressing Seijuro's whole body.

Leaving kiss marks all over.


For every kiss he gave, a low sweet moan from the man below reverberates on his ears.

He arched his back like he was chasing Ryuichiro's lips.

He was erect again.


Seeing Masafumi enjoying his advances, he stopped in the middle and just stare at the other. Daringly.

"I thought you're gonna be IN CHARGE?"

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Ryuichiro showered him with love---saying I love you.

He was more aroused hearing the other's heartfelt confession.

An intoxicating moment made him desire for more, more ...until all his weariness fades away.

Licking his lips he stared at Ryuichiro, plastering his hands all over the other's body.


"I thought you're gonna be IN CHARGE?"


"Idiot don't ruin the mood,"


He pushed his body upwards, grabbing the other's hair roughly,

snatching a torrid kiss away from Ryuichiro.

He was more attached to the other's kiss at the same time learning some new stuffs.

While he was on it, his hands dropped by the butt of the other.

Poking the hole, he teased--but it seemed that Ryuichiro never wanted to be the receiver.


Masafumi crawled under the other, licking the President's hole, he's sanity was almost blown away.

He could hear his hear beat fast... his sweat trying to make every moment more climatic.


Ryuichiro moaned in pleasure, though he really don't want it.

Just the thought of Masafumi playing with his hole, made his dick more bigger---harder.


"See? this hungry bastard is begging to be released," he said nipping Ryuichiro's dick., the other shuddered in pleasure.

He was about to insert a finger to the other's hole, but Ryuichiro noticed and pinned the other down


"Waa--iiii, what're you doing!!?" he exclaimed in confusion.

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Although he's still enjoying how Masafumi pleasures him, he thought it's going in the wrong direction.

He pushed Seijuro down holding his two hands above his head.

The other resisted, but halted him with a deep kiss.

He released his hands and wrapped it on his neck.


His other hand, slide down on Masafumi's hard dick.


"You're really feeling it, no? How a bout here."


He grinned as he went further down, licking the other's twitching hole.

"Hora, you're hole is so sexy, its twitching in anticipation. And this," he flicked Seijuro's cock,

"Is dripping wet."


He played with the other's hole, even putting his tongue in and tasting the insides.

Seijuro keeps on squirming in rhythm with Ryuichiro.

He stopped to see the other's why-the-hell-did-you-stop-in-the-middle-jerk look on the other's face.


He put his finger inside the the other's hole. The other shuddered in excitement.

Grinning, Ryuichiro put the other's cock inside his mouth, moving his finger in and out.

Masafumi's pained expression is making him harder and bigger.


He never would have thought that sucking another man's cock would make him this aroused.

"Cum for me, my dear." He hissed on the excited cock as he put another finger inside.


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"You're really feeling it, no? How a bout here."


"uwaa----aaanh," a slight moan, Masafumi shivered in pleasure.


That was the first time he experienced the pleasure of fingering--or he so thought.

Ryuichiro had done this countless of times with

him when he was drunk, too bad he had not recall any of it.


Masafumi started trembling, he's mind was extremely devoured by lust.

Even him being the one who suggested to be the seme, was completely forgotten.


Never he had realized...the president together with

his sex skills were the most enchanting things that felt him good.

Masafumi could not contain his pace anymore.

From the ever dominating vice-president he was demoted from being Ryuichiro's sex slave.

He never once thought that this pleasure was so enticing yet so addicting..






"P---pres, sto--stop teasing..me--me there,"


Shuddering, he was not able to speak straight anymore.

Ryuichiro seemed so fond about this hole of his, thrusting his fingers deeply inside Masafumi's butt.

And then vigorously shoving Masafumi's dick inside his mouth.

A frontal attack and a rear attack was unfair, he jolted and resisted with pleasure.


Until he could not take it anymore.


"coming---" he closed his eyes and quivered.


Once again, Masafumi came....



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Ahh. This is what I'm dreaming about!

Always! Always!


Quite thick, ne?

Didn't you have sex after what we did before?

Or are you just waiting for me?


He wanted everything from Seijuro's cum, but he held back.

Using those in his mouth , he put it on his hand and rubbed it inside Seijuro.


"Are you ready?"

He mounted his thing on Masafumi's hole.

In a split second, his slid his dick, effortlessly.


"You're really hot, and sticky. I love it!" he said as he thrust in and out.

The person below suppressed his voice.


"Don't cover your face. Let me see how aroused you are."

He thrust harder and deeper, rocking the car up and down.

He forced the other's hand away from his mouth.


Seeing the teary eyes of Masafumi almost made him cum right then and there.



I can feel your insides twitching.. Ahh...ahhh...


He's about to reach his climax, but he suppressed himself.

He stopped and stared at Masafumi drowning in pleasure.


"How about you do it?" and teasingly flicked Masafumi's slimy dick.

"Take me to heaven!" He pulled Masafumi up in a sitting position.

"Let's see you be in charge. If you're not gonna move, then we can stop here."

He said all high and mighty.



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Quite thick, ne?

Didn't you have sex after what we did before?

Or are you just waiting for me?


--Seriously this bastard is getting cocky.


As Ryuichiro's dick was itching to enter him, he felt nervous.

He thought that Ryuichiro's dick might tear him apart, he moved away.


"Don't tell me you're going too-----aaahn"


As Ryuichiro mercilessly thrust his dick into Masafumi's, the vice president moaned harder.

Ryuichiro was moving forward and backward in a fast rate.

As he pushed and pulled his dick, Masafumi covered his all-flustered face.

He wanted to moan in pain and pleasure---but no, his pride won't allow him.


"NO---sto--stooop moving," covered in all sweat and cum, he protested.


Ryuichiro was pulling Masafumi's arms away from

his face just to see his erotic moaning, he sure was a pervert.


"f---uuh... aaaa----hhhhn "


His hole was violated entirely, thus his sexy moans were exposed--more lewd as ever.

Ryuichiro suddenly stopped...


"How about you do it?" and teasingly flicked Masafumi's slimy dick.

"Take me to heaven." He pulled Masafumi up in a sitting position.

"Let's see you be in charge. If you're not gonna move, then we can stop here."

He said all high and mighty.


Flinching, Masafumi felt no choice, he don't want to end it there,

he had not yet arrived from his desired climax.

Riding in top, he slowly moved his hips upward then downward.



"Mnnnghhhh----" he bite his lips and trembled from its intensity.

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If this was a dream, I don't want to wake up.

He wrapped his arms around Masafumi.

Feeling impatient, he thrusts him self upward in the same pace as Masafumi.

Both were drowning in their lust for one another, they even forgot their still in the parking area.

If somebody was to pass by, they would know right away what is happening inside.


I can't hold it aa..anymore.

I'm almost tt..there...

How about you...


Masafumi was going wilder than ever.

He kept on pounding Ryuichiro without hesitation.





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Staring at Ryuichiro's body, he's more and more aroused.

He was so much attracted to this man's body.

Fondling the other's chest while the both of them were moving casually.


"Hnnnngggh----" he swiftly covered his mouth, he really hated to moan like that of a girl.


They were moving in cadence, Masafumi could do it all-day, but work seemed to hinder them.

He had gotten so addicted to this sport, that he don't want the both of them to finish off.


Masafumi stole a kiss at Ryuichiro's lips, he love the guy's reddish lips.



At last...The both of them came, trembling, he felt extreme relief.


"Why did you came inside me?" looking at his sore hole, examining the slime on his hands.


Ryuichiro just smiled and gave the other a comforting kiss.

He was soothed by Ryuichiro's calming demeanor that eventually stopped him from complaining.

The sex was great..but more importantly the partner(Ryuichiro) was excellent.


What was Masafumi feeling towards Ryuichiro? Lust? Pity? Compassion? Love?

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Why did you came inside me?

Cause I know you'll love it even more.

He thought, but he doesn't want to get the other even more agitated.

It'll ruin the mood.

Trying to calm the other he gave him another kiss.


That was one hell of a sex!

Seijuro was damn hot and sexy still sitting on top of him,

all sweaty from all the action they've done.


They were kissing so passionately that not one part of the insides of their mouth was left unexplored.

Seeing the kiss marks left on Seijuro's body made him remember how compatible their bodies are.


"If this was a dream I don't even want to wake up,"

he softly whispered to Masafumi.


"I love you. Do you accept me now?"

he lovingly said, looking earnestly into his eyes, waiting for an answer from the other.

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