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"How about we get something to eat from the nearby cafe? You know, just to get some fresh air."


"Er---ok I guess."


Looking at his clock to see how long they will stay in there, he sighed. He was shocked that Ryuichiro was not bugging him anymore. He was indeed a hopeless case but Masafumi missed his notorious eagerness. Walking at the nearby cafeteria, you could see the attaching looks of the women out there. Two gorgeous man walking on the street like a model was probably that eye-catchy.


"That's why I hated to walk in public----bothersome." Masafumi grumbled, digging his hand inside his pocket.


Ryuichiro on the other hand was just walking silently beside him.


--thus this idiot somewhat puzzles me.


He occasionally thought out of the blue. The both of them sat and ordered for their meals.

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This is the first time that they went out for a meal.

Could be called a date perhaps.

But the feeling isn't right...



Really awkward...

That's what he is feeling right now.


Although Seijuro was sitting right across him, his eyes are wandering off to the other's injuries.

He was literally covered with it.

Cuts, wounds, bruises, hickeys... Name it, he has it all.


His insides are raging up.

At this moment he wanted to become this man's support.

Someone he could lean on when times are rough.

Someone who he could talk to when he has problems.

But seeing the other just ignoring those injuries, living life like nothing happened is tearing him apart.


"Naa Masafumi, would you come with me after work?"

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Masafumi tried to gaze at the other but Ryuichiro was somewhat looking strange.

Like he was bothered by something, that sour face of his was reeking with weariness.

Masafumi was looking sharp at Ryuichiro, not realizing that all Ryuichiro's misery was all because of him.


"Naa Masafumi, would you come with me after work?"


"I don't mind---but where are we going?"


Sipping his latte Masafumi wondered what thing does Ryuichiro wanted to pull off

Is he by any chance asking out for a certain plan in the company?

A new sale strategy?


---or perhaps he wanted to have some sex...


His thoughts were getting grotesque, flustered he pretended to clear his throat.


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"I don't mind---but where are we going?"


From behind the cup, he saw Masafumi awaiting for his answer.

Their eyes met, but he averted his right away.


Thump... thump...


What the hell is with my thumping heart?

I just want to lift his spirits.

And now here I am, as if expecting something...


Thump... thump...


His heart was beating fast.

His face was also flustered.

He was sweating alot.

And he blames his hot coffee for these.


He sipped from his cup and looked at his watch.

But the cup accidentally slipped from his hand and spilled the contents on the white table cloth.


Shit! This is embarassing...

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"oi pres, are you ok? You're really careful---,"


In a sarcastic tone he stated then approached towards Ryuichiro.

The other was somewhat surprised that Masafumi stood but he has just helping the other.

The president did not even noticed that his clothes were ruined by the spilled coffee.

Gently scrubbing the suit of the other so that it can't be ruined, Masafumi gave a sigh.


"Mattaku* for pete's sake be careful you know."


He continued wiping the stains, but Ryuichiro was sitting in there, completely not moving.

Masafumi's thoughts kept bugging him as to why the president

was so silent that moment.


Masafumi gazed at Ryuichiro while the other immediately flinched and rolled his eyes sideward.

Ryuichiro was trying hard to evade an eye-contact towards Masafumi.


--just now, did he just....







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"Thanks... I'm sorry..." were the only words that came out from his mouth as he see Masafumi helping him clean his suit.


Flabbergasted of how he made a fool of himself in front of everyone, he pulled some cash from his wallet and hand it down on the table.


"Are you done eating? Why don't we head back now?"


He rose from his chair and started walking away. Although the other still haven't spoken a word, he doesn't have a choice but to follow Ryuichiro's back.


Damn, if i really had another chance of meeting that bastard! He's gonna get a piece my rage!


Putting both of his hands on his each side pockets, he was suppressing his desire to jump on anybody out on the street and start a worthless brawl. He made a tight fist causing his arms to shake and his hands to bleed.


He walked on ahead because he doesn't want Masafumi to see how ugly he gets whenever he's angry.


Without uttering a single word, they reached the company grounds as if they weren't together when they went out. Ryuichiro paused near the entry and calmly waited for his companion.


When Masafumi entered the premises, he approached him so close, their lips almost brushed on each other.


"I'll see you later, wait for me when you finish your work." He then gave Masafumi a peck on the cheeks and bid goodbye.

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--is he avoiding me???


Masafumi tried to look at his boss' face, and if his intuition was right he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his chest. He could see that the other seemed uninterested about talking with him nor even staring at him. Was he filthy enough? Was he looking that bad? Whatever positive thoughts he had always ended up with the negative ones. Ryuichiro left the place after he had wiped his suit, it's as if his presence was forgotten. With no qualms, he followed him. The two had not uttered a single word while they were walking. The atmosphere was a little heavy so Masafumi tried to entertain himself by looking at the news app in his cellphone.


As they enter the company the other just approached him and kissed Masafumi's cheeks out of the blue.


"Idiot!! What if someone sees us?!!" he softly whispered to the other, glaring.


Ryuichiro did not respond and left the place.


---Damn! I can't read his thoughts anymore, shit. All flustered he covered his cheeks.

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Walking briskly, he was unable to respond to his subordinates' greetings.

From the lobby, as if racing with time, he went straight to his office.

He stopped at his secretary's desk and ask her to book a place in a luxurious ryokan.


He sat down on his chair, paused for a while, as if bracing himself,

then started doing all his work piled so high on the corner of his table.


Literally burying himself alive, his place was covered with all the documents he finished.

Seeing him work this hard was not a first for the secretary.

But seeing him this disorganized was a different thing.


She went to get his boss his favorite coffee and hand it down on an area on his table were in he couldn't spill it.


His boss only looked up to her, his eyes saying "Thanks, you don't have to worry about me."


His secretary only smiled back and continue her work.

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Flipping his pen on his hands, he was perturbed by something. Thinking that Ryuichiro loathed him and his existence, he sighed and lay his upper torso on his desk. While he was dazing off above the piles of paper on his desk he noticed his phone vibrating. It was a message with Daichi as its sender.


Today, at my condo, 9 a.m


Nerve popping, he threw his cellphone aggressively to the ground causing its screen to crack. Sure his face was scarier than ever, even the workers outside his glass office flinched at that image of his.


"---fuck this shit."


He so thought, gritting his teeth and clenching his fist. He don't want any trouble anymore, he wanted to have some plain tactics to deal with Daichi. But the other kinda ruined his plan. And to top it off, he had a plan with Ryuichiro this evening, indeed he was in a mess. He's more and more out of his character.



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Done with all today's work, he scouted at his VP's office.

Perfecting his stealth skills, his VP didn't notice him lingering right outside the room.


He just stood there in silence. Carefully examining his beloved's expression.

From that distance he could tell that Masafumi was deep in thought.


How I wish I was the one you are thinking of.


Like some kind of cheap magic,

Ryuichiro witnessed how Masafumi's expression changed to a lion's raging face.

He never knew Masafumi could be this outraged.

He flinched at the sudden outburst of Masafumi,

throwing his phone away from him like a child displeased with his toy.


Although he perfectly knew that this is far greater than a simple tantrum,

he couldn't help feeling a little bit happy because in just a few more hours,

they would be spending the rest of the evening together.


With a few knocks on the door, he opened it and went inside.


"Finally done? Let's go!"


Ryuichiro saw the flinched as soon as he started talking as if shocked that somebody was there.


What was that about?

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He almost jumped from his chair upon hearing a certain knock on his door, the silly him diverted his gaze to the opening device. To his surprise it was the last person he wanted to see, of all the people why was Ryuichiro standing in there? Eyes widened enough, he then covered it with his palm. He don't want the other to see him acting strange.


Just a split of a second Masafumi pulled off his usual smile, an easy way to converse with the other's sunny attitude.


"Finally done? Let's go!"


He heard Ryuichiro state his intentions as to why he was there. Masafumi was in a dilemma to find an inconspicuous lie. He rubbed his temple and continued smiling.


"Pres. , I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go with you? Really, I have important matters to attend to this evening, I'm sorry."


He tried to be nice as possible so he can deal with the other smoothly. He waited for Ryuichiro's response but he was obviously disappointed. Masafumi just patted his shoulder and bowed his head to the other. He went back to his desk and pile the papers that were all scattered.

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"Pres. , I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go with you? Really, I have important matters to attend to this evening, I'm sorry."


Matters to attend to?


For a second there, Daichi's face crossed his mind.He felt a sudden pain on his chest, as if stabbed by a wooden stake on his heart. He looked down like a dog drooping his ears down. Speechless due from the schock he tried to smile.


Damn its no use.


He's disappointment is clearly showed on his face.


"Is that so?"


And it is also reflected on his voice. His knees are all shaking, any minute from now, he might even just break down from all the things swirling on his head.


"I guess it can't be helped. You should attend to those matters first. I'm willing to wait for you. Call me when your done"


Literally dragging his feet, he went back to his office to clear his head off.

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Like a whining puppy, Ryuichiro left Masafumi's office.


"Please don't make that face..." in a low tone Masafumi said.


He did not have any intentions to hurt the other, he did try his best to ask him in a good way. But unfortunately it always end up with Ryuichiro always so disappointed with him. Ryuichiro might not know but Masafumi has developed a feeling of attraction towards him. He might not show it to him in an extravagant and obvious manner but he really wanted to see Ryuichiro's smile. Even though Ryuichiro knows him in an antagonistic way...


Staring at the clock he waited for the time to arrive, he went to Daichi's apartment. Entered his condo unit immediately, stomped his way there while his brows were furrowed.


"What do you want?!!!" he angrily said. Sure Masafumi was not talking to him in a friendly manner like he always did before.

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Although Ryuichiro was so worried of what Masafumi was up to,

he couldn't just force him to with him.

By the looks of him, we was not intending to repeat the same mistake he did on his birthday party.


That reaction of his a while ago, gave him away.

Just what is this Daichi planning to do?!


He was walking round and round in his room, making all his subordinates watching him from the outside dizzy.




Upon entering the apartment of Daichi, Masafumi only stood in anger on his threshold looking as if he has no intention of coming inside further. Daichi just smirked at the other and approached him playing innocent.


"Welcome home my love. How was your day?" he said, his arms wide open, but the other only backed away from him.


"Why the cold treatment? Come inside, I've prepared dinner."


Ignoring his words, the other just stood there rooted on the ground.

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"I don't have time for this Daichi! " he glared to the other like a lion marking his prey.


"I don't want to dine together with a lowly bastard like you! I trusted you and treated you preciously!! Is this how you repay me? Don't go around the bush and tell me what is wrong with you!!!"


Masafumi's unwavering and angry voice echoed at the four corners of the huge room. Daichi on the other hand was just grinning like an idiot, he did not even took Masafumi's word seriously.


"Please don't make me angrier than this!!!" Masafumi grabbed Daichi's clothes tightly and looked at him with a menace.


Sure he was likely to punch him but he can't since Daichi was also an important person that he cherishes. Giving the other a chance to apologize for what he did the other day, maybe Daichi was just not in his right mind at that moment, he so thought--but no he was not...

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"Pffft... hahahaha!"


Like an idiot, Daichi burst into laughter. Tears were even gushing out of his eyes. This only made Masafumi more agravated than before. He was glaring at him as if he was about to be eaten. He was shaking from anger. He was even gritting his teeth and accidentally bit his lower lip.


On the other hand, Daichi just watched him, his arms were crossed on his chest. He was enjoying every bit of reaction from Masafumi. He's eyes reflect how ominous his thoughts are. Seeing Masafumi this angry and ready to fight back can give him ecstasy. At every word Masafumi threw at him, he only grinned in silence.


"Please don't make me angrier than this!!!"

Masafumi grabbed Daichi's clothes tightly and looked at him with a menace.


He closes his face in, and lick the blood on the corner of Masafumi's lips.


"What a fiery remark you've got there, my love. What so wrong about seeing my lover? Snce you don't want to eat, how about we take this on bed?"


He lift Masafumi like he was some kind of light rice sack and put him on his shoulders. The other kept struggling with all his might. but his attempts makes no difference.


"I'm starting to lose patience my love, one more word from you and I might be unable to become gentle to you. You don't want to repeat last night's incidence right?"


His chuckle revealed how evil this guys is. His voice changed from a mocking tone to a serious one. He felt Masafumi flinched when Daichi mentioned last night's incidence.

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"Fuck !! Daichi!! PUT ME DOWN!! " struggling, he exclaimed.


Daichi threw Masafumi on the bed and immediately pinned him down. Masafumi did not struggle for so long and punched the other's gut. Daichi curled in pain and tried to grab Masafumi's hair but Masafumi blocked his hands and punched him hardly on the face. It was like a boxing match just the exception of the bed as a ring. Daichi was not really in a sound mind after all, Masafumi thought. He was acting strange and much scarier than Masafumi thought--much more than he could handle. He dashed towards the doorway, looking drained, he tried to escape.


"Sei!!! " Daichi yelled angrily.


Unguarded, he finally took a piece of Masafumi's scarf and slammed the other's body to the wall. Masafumi's legs were weakened as he slid down to the ground weakly.




He soothed his head that got the fatal blow. He never knew that Daichi was so tough to handle. Though Masafumi did not gave in, he hoisted himself upwards and gave Daichi a perfect German supplex.


"Don't think that what happened last day will happen now!!"


The other was rendered immobile by his stunning move. Masafumi then left the place. Gasping for an air to breathe, he tried to enjoy his successful escape.


"That little piece of shi--- i never thought he used such unsophisticated moves just to escape. You've changed, dear Sei."


He spitted the blood from his mouth, and grinned like nothing lethal happened. He sure got more and more interested by Masafumi's sudden outburst.



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He just sat there, looking at his lifeless phone, tapping fingers on his desk lethargically. It's getting late and there is still no sign of Masafumi calling. Ryuichiro kept on checking his cell phone over and over again, hoping it will ring any moment now. The more he stares at his phone, the more impatient he gets.


But more importantly, for some inexplicable reason he has this unsettling feeling for a while now. Ever since he saw Masafumi's reaction over a message this afternoon.


"I bet that guy is threathening him! .... Shit! Just thinking things over wouldn't solve anything Ryuichiro!"


He grabbed his coat and dashed towards his car. Soon he was on the road, driving towards his condo. The lights of the city didn't fascinate him at that moment. Usually, when he feels agitated one look at the the glittering Tokyo at night would soothe all his doubts and worries. But not this time. Not when Masafumi is involved. Not when he is in danger. Nothing but him can make him calm down.


"If you think you could get away from me Sei, think again," Daichi snickered. Recovering from what he experienced in the hands of Masafumi, he jolted up and started chasing for him. "Just so you know Sei, I really love this game of tag." he grinned and lick the corner of his mouth. Soon enough, he caught up with Masafumi at the lobby. Seeing his back, he tried to call his attention, "SEI !!!"


Without even looking back, the other just sprinted as fast as he could and Boom!! Crash!! He collided onto someone.


"Masafumi?!! What the hell are you doing here?" Ryuichiro, looking utterly shocked from what he was seeing in front of him, extended his arm to help the other stand on his feet. "I thought you have business to attend to?!"


Realizing the important matter Masafumi was talking about earlier, he looked up and saw Daichi catching his breath. Intuition tells him that they should get away from there ASAP! He grabbed Masafumi by his arm, headed to his car and drove away from that place.

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If this was an action movie, Masafumi would be the right star with Daichi as the random villain. But no it's not---it's reality. He could hear Daichi shouting his name at the lobby. His adrenaline rush caused him to sprint faster just to escape Daichi's insanity.




He clashed into something and fall down to his knees. Looking high above to see who's the man standing, he saw Ryuichiro's shocked face. With no time to delay he grabbed Masafumi's arm and dashed away from Daichi. How comical can this be? It's like they were escaping the clasp of a wife who found out that his husband cheated on him. Daichi on the other hand surrendered chasing, God knows what might happen if he still wanted to pursue the both of them. On the other hand Sei slowed down a bit, he felt dizzy. Soothing his nape he noticed a wet feeling looking back at his hands he saw some blood. His nape was bleeding, seemed that it was grazed by a sharp object upon the incident.


"Pres... do slow down just for a mo---moment," he said in a low voice.



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Like two lovebirds from a movie, they kept on running away from that troublesome man. He tightened his grip on the other which made him think that what was happening was real.


"Pres... do slow down just for a mo---moment."


They both reached to halt when Masafumi uttered those words. He saw blood from Masafumi's hand and saw another on the other's nape. Tightening his grip even more, he exclaimed:


"What did he do to you?!" Seeing the other shudder, he released Masafumi's arm.


The other reassured him that it was nothing serious. Although he was worried sick, he couldn't defy those words. so instead of prying further, he carried him like a princess and put him gently in his car.


"We're gonna go to a physician who's an acquaintance of mine to treat those wounds you have. Although I have my first aid kit, its in my apartment, I wouldn't want to go back there knowing a dangerous man also lives near."


He started the car and drove as careful as he could. He doesn't want accidents occurring now that his beloved is sitting right beside him. He was so wary of Masafumi, he couldn't even concentrate on driving. Catching glances from the corner of his eyes, he saddened, seeing how beaten from the previous night, Masafumi is.


With his other hand, he grabbed Masafumi's, and entangled his on to it like how lovers held hands. They spent the rest of the drive in silence.

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At last Ryuichiro stopped sprinting, Masafumi panted for a moment and tried to look back to see if Daichi was still following them. No he was not, but Ryuichiro on the other hand look so worried about him, the other was inspecting him from head to toe.


"What did he do to you?!"


Ryuichiro tried to ask Masafumi seriously, the other guy just moved with lurch. He was suppose to give Ryuichiro a reassuring answer.


"I'm perfectly fine, you see."


Moving his neck in a horizontal manner, trying to prove to the other that he was fine. Though Masafumi had felt an instant sharp pain upon his movements. He tried not to show any of it to Ryuichiro, but the other did not believe his words and treated him in a careful manner. Carrying him with the princess cradle style, Masafumi flinched in embarrassment. He did not know how easy he was to carry, was he light enough? Even Daichi carried him easily? He did not struggled and sat beside Ryuichiro inside the car. He could see the other closely watching the road, he knew that Ryuichiro was careful--just to avoid further accidents. The both of them remained silent the whole time, it's as if the both are mute. Ryuichiro slightly touched Masafumi's hands and gently wrapped his right hand to his hand. Masafumi just stared at the other and waited for them to arrive at this physician's place Ryuichiro was talking about.



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Finally reaching his friend's house, he escorted Masafumi towards the door. Seeing how disturbed Masafumi is, Ryuichiro put his arms around the other's shoulder to reassure him that they are safe there ans surely Daichi wouldn't be able to follow them there.


He knocked on the door, and a beautiful man in his robe answered the door. "What the hell Ryuichiro, suddenly messaging me like that saying it was an emergency." At first glance one could tell right away that he just hurriedly put on his robe and rushed towards the door. The doctor turned his head to Masafumi and exclaimed:


"My goodness!! What happened to you?" Just a snapped of a finger, his personality turned a 180 degrees. He has a panicky tone rather than a professional doctor's calm voice has. "Oh how rude of me. Please do come in." Although it was already past midnight, the doctor who answered them was as cheerful.


Ryuichoiro released his arm from Masafumi and guide him inside. It was like, this wasn't the first time Ryuichiro entered the house.

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Masafumi made an eloquent move in self-defense but nonetheless failed at protecting himself. Sighing, he just noticed that Ryuichiro and Daichi lived at the same building. As if the fate's teasing them.. Ryuichiro was still trying to comfort him by squeezing his hands but he could not utter a single word to tell that he was already fine.


Upon their arrival at the doctor's place, he immediately saw an astounding man--the what you call "pretty boy." Though he looks grumpy, he could sense him as a good man. When the doctor gaze at Masafumi his personality turned into a drastic change.


As the other was tending at him, all he did was staring. He could see that Ryuichiro and the other were close friends, or much deeper than that. The both of them were chatting merrily and he was feeling a little out of place.


Masafumi flinched when the cotton was pressed in his wound, it was painful as hell. He bit his lips, he don't want to complain like a stinking brat, in the end he just endured the pain while the other was attending his wounds.

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"Oops sorry, did I pressed too hard?" although he apologized, he did not let go of Masafumi. After putting some salve on the other's wound he started tidying up his first aid kit and turned to Ryuichiro. "Why don't you help me prepare some tea and some cake to go with it?" Although he sounds so normal, his expression tell Ryuichiro otherwise. The doctor went to the kitchen while Ryuichiro followed soon after.


"Sorry, I'll be back in a minute."


Hissing at one another, the owner of the house said, "How 'bout you? Don't you owe some kind of explanation as to why this beautiful mas was injured? With that body of yours I know you could protect him. Don't tell me, you just watched while he was getting---"


At the back of Ryuichiro's mind, he was thinking how the hell did his friend know...


As if reading Ryuichiro's mind, he interrupted the other's thoughts. "Oh come on Ryuichiro, I'm not that dense you know. First, you text me so late in the evening asking for my help. Second, in just seconds, well maybe I am exaggerating, you popped out in front of my door with a handsome young man. And lastly, I'm a professional physician, don't think i didn't notice all those other bruises and marks on his face."


Ryuichiro kept silent, rather, he couldn't even think of anything to rebut. At his friends words, once again he realized how useless he was. He couldn't protect his beloved from one man.


"I don't mean to pry on your love life, well I already did, sorry.... But ..." setting down the cups and the saucers on the table, he turned to Ryuichiro. Looking at how pained Ryuichiro is, he gave him a comforting embrace, just like an older brother caring for his little brother. Ryuichiro, finally breaking down from all his anxieties shed a couple of tears on his friends shoulders.


But an unexpected thing happened when Masafumi's head popped inside the kitchen, seeing both of them in a misleading position.

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Left to Right.




In Masafumi's eyes they were really that so called 'close friends', like him and Daichi before. How he saw the both of them conversing with each other. He could see that Ryuichiro was so used to the other's house, how he knows where the kitchen and some other stuffs was. Well the both of them went to the kitchen, but he almost forgot that he don't need to be accommodated like a guest. So he went after them and tried to speak his thoughts.


"Ahm, pres-----" he was abridged by what he saw, he immediately withdraw from the door.


Masafumi saw the doctor and Ryuichiro hugging intimately inside the kitchen. His eyes were wide open and he felt a sudden sharp pain on his chest. He did knew what he was feeling, he's nauseous. Not sure if he was angry or what? probably his injury kicking in? He gulped and left the scene, completely in a daze.


--so he's not merely a close friend huh...


He went outside the building, rain was starting to pour heavily, as if it's expressing what Masafumi's feeling were. He walked in the road slowly, he could still feel that his neck was stinging. He's entirely soaked with rain but he just disregard it, he did not even know were he was going---walking aimlessly on the streets.


"It's cold....." he murmured, raising his left palm to feel the raindrops.


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