M/M Novels

Piece Of Cake (A Matter of Time #8) Novel

Novel: Piece Of Cake

Author: Mary Calmes

Genres: Romance, Family

Released: 2015

Part of Book Series: A Matter of Time (Book 8)

Summary: After years of domestic partnership, Jory Harcourt and Sam Kage are finally going to make it official in their home state of Illinois. It’s been a long and rocky road, and nothing—not disasters at work, not the weather, not a possible stalker, not even getting beat up and having to attend the ceremony looking like he just got mugged—will make Jory wait one more day to make an honest man of the love of his life.

Should be a piece of cake, right?

Post’s Author Opinion:

Note: This is a personal opinion, it does not reflect YaoiOtaku’s official position towards the novel.

The first time I saw the cover of this book, I thought, “cool, a wedding”, then I spotted the gun and I was instantly hooked.

Later, I found out that this novella is the final installment of A Matter of Time Series, which I had purposely avoided for the reason I mentioned in my Volume 1 review. Once I finished reading, I regretted ignoring it in the first place.

The domesticity portrayed in this book draws me to this couple. I did not expect Sam and Jory to have such a challenging relationship in their younger days judging from how happy they are in this story (that’s what you get from reading the series backwards). But it just shows how they worked on their relationship and managed to turn it into #couplegoals.

If you read A Matter of Time Series because of the crime and suspense genre, this might be slightly disappointing to you. There is still action, but it is more of a sidepiece rather than the basis of the plot. This book focuses more on sharing the milestones of the MCs life – Jory’s successful business, Sam’s career advancement and a little touch on tying the loose end from the first volume.

Personally, I think this book concludes the series very well. The previous books served the readers with trials faced by the couple and now we have the final piece that brought us as close as it can get to a happily ever after. I’ve read it so many times and I reckon I will read it again in the future. A perfect book to pick up on a relaxing Sunday afternoon with a cup of tea!

P/S: If you wonder why Piece of Cake is tagged as book #8, that is because book #7 (Parting Shot) is considered as part of the series, but actually featured a different couple (Jory’s ex-boyfriend and Sam’s best friend). It is pretty much unrelated to Sam and Jory, so you could skip it or read it as a standalone.

What’s your opinion on Piece Of Cake novel? Please let us know in the comments below.

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About the author


A former otaku, I have retired from manga and anime and found my love in M/M novels. I have a soft spot for angst with happily ever after, but a little critical on cliches. I like uncomplicated stories, a little hint of mystery and crime as well as something that is not too heavy on the drama.

I read and write mostly in English. Unfortunately, since I started late with my English studies, I am still working on it. I'm pretty much well versed in context, but don't count too much on my grammar.