M/M Novels

A Reason to Believe Novel

Novel: A Reason to Believe

Author: Diana Copland

Genres: Paranormal, Crime, Romance

Released: 2012

Part of Book Series: Standalone

Summary: Detective Matthew Bennett doesn’t believe in ghosts. So when the spirit of a murdered child leads him to her body, he’s shaken to the core—and taken off the case. Unable to explain his vision, or to let go of the investigation, Matthew turns to renowned medium Kiernan Fitzpatrick. Though he has doubts about Kiernan’s claims to communicate with the dead, Matt is nevertheless drawn to the handsome psychic, who awakens feelings he thought were long-buried.

Haunted by the lingering spirit of the little girl, Kiernan is compelled to aid in the search for her killer. The chance to get closer to the enigmatic Matt is an unexpected bonus. Although Kiernan’s been betrayed by people who turned out to be more interested in his fame than in himself, with Matt he’s willing to risk his heart. As the two men grow closer, Kiernan helps Matt rediscover that life offers no guarantees—but love offers a reason to believe…

Post’s Author Opinion:
Note: This is a personal opinion, it does not reflect YaoiOtaku’s official position towards the novel.

A reason to believe is another novel featuring cop-psychic pair involved in solving a murder. Normally only one of the two main characters experience the paranormal interaction, but this time, Matt, the skeptic cop happened to make contact with the spirit first before the psychic, Kiernan, came along.

Although throughout the story Matt hardly ever saw the spirit again, he did still experience the paranormal activities. There were not that many interactions, but enough to move the story along. Matt was also taken off the case, so the police action was a bit minimum to my liking.

There wasn’t that much to say other than it was a pleasant read. I liked the main characters, they do have a good chemistry. Some of the supporting characters are nice too. The ending was slightly predictable. I do feel that it has potential for a sequel where we could see how Matt and Kiernan’s relationship develops as well as hoping that Captain Branson gets kicked out of the team or something like that. Overall, it was a nice enough book.

What’s your opinion on A Reason to Believe novel? Please let us know in the comments below.

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About the author


A former otaku, I have retired from manga and anime and found my love in M/M novels. I have a soft spot for angst with happily ever after, but a little critical on cliches. I like uncomplicated stories, a little hint of mystery and crime as well as something that is not too heavy on the drama.

I read and write mostly in English. Unfortunately, since I started late with my English studies, I am still working on it. I'm pretty much well versed in context, but don't count too much on my grammar.