Manga: Summer Night Boys
Author: Yoshi
Genres: Yaoi
Released: 2017
Status in Country of Origin: One Shot (Complete)
Scanlator: Fujoshi Bitches
Summary: Suno, who is in search of a temp job gets an unexpected job offer from his secretive college friend Akira who works part time at a beer garden. But what’s the reason for Akira’s sudden change of mind to reveal information out of his private life? It turns out that the mysterious student has a plan of his own for helping out his friend in need.
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Post’s Author Opinion:
Note: This is a personal opinion, it does not reflect YaoiOtaku’s official position towards the manga.
One has only to take a look at the manga’s cover to get an idea of what awaits you! This one-shot is a fun little story with a really mouthwatering H-scene (*≧∀≦*).
If you are in the mood for some light reading material to pass by some time or just want a good amount of eye candy to sweeten your day, i warmly recommend this manga to you. So pick up this treat to spice up your lunch break… or the waiting time in the doctors waiting room etc… hmm, on second thought, you better not read it before your health check… (severe high blood pressure guaranteed) (* ̄ii ̄)
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