Yaoi Manga

The Titan’s Bride Manga

Manga: The Titan’s Bride,  巨人族の花嫁

Author: ITKZ

Genres: Yaoi, Fantasy, Comedy, Webtoon

Released: 2019

Status in Country of Origin: On-going

Scanlator: N/A

Summary: Kouichi starts his day off leaving school with a big farewell from his other club members. When he gets home he hears a voice calling to him, next thing he knows he is surrounded by giants. One of whom declares that Kouichi is going to be his bride

Download The Titan’s bride Manga: N/A

Read The Titan’s bride Online: N/A

Post’s Author Opinion:
Note: This is a personal opinion, it does not reflect YaoiOtaku’s official position towards the manga.

So. . . I heard you want some hard loving ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
When I first read about it, I was in between head scratching and laughing. This fantasy webcomic started out so light (it’s still on-going) before diving into deeper territories. Imagine this: you got home and settling in to comfort and suddenly you heard a voice and then you found yourself in another world. Not just another world but a world where everyone’s a giant and one of those giants wants you as their wife!

Please don’t pay attention on my first sentence on this review. This manga is wholesome in terms of love and not that hard. It’s just that i cannot stop my mind from thinking something else.

As a hardcore fujoshi, I pitied the main character first but I started enjoying it hehehe. Since it’s still on going (currently on Chapter 17), I cannot say much about it. The art style is gorgeous and the character development of our main character Koichi is so satisfying. Still I cannot stop my mind from imagining something more rated r.

Anyway this is all for now! Happy Holidays my fellas!

What’s your opinion on The Titan’s bride manga? Please let us know in the comments below.

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Hey there Neptunesfancy here! I love novels specially those under the M/M category. Walking in the woods is also a hobby. Anyway, welcome to Yaoi Otaku. I hope you join us soon.